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Verizon donates $20,000 to the American Red Cross for disaster relief efforts in Oklahoma. The donation aims to support communities affected by severe storms and tornadoes in Southern and Central Oklahoma. Verizon's commitment to aiding in relief efforts showcases its dedication to keeping communities connected during emergencies.
Verizon dona 20.000 dollari alla Croce Rossa Americana per gli sforzi di soccorso in caso di disastri in Oklahoma. La donazione mira a sostenere le comunità colpite da tempeste severe e tornado nel Sud e Centro dell'Oklahoma. L'impegno di Verizon nel contribuire agli sforzi di soccorso dimostra la sua dedizione a mantenere le comunità connesse durante le emergenze.
Verizon dona $20,000 a la Cruz Roja Americana para los esfuerzos de ayuda en desastres en Oklahoma. La donación tiene como objetivo apoyar a las comunidades afectadas por fuertes tormentas y tornados en el sur y centro de Oklahoma. El compromiso de Verizon con la ayuda en casos de emergencia demuestra su dedicación para mantener conectadas a las comunidades durante las emergencias.
버라이즌이 오클라호마에서의 재난 구호 노력을 위해 미국 적십자사에 2만 달러를 기부했습니다. 이 기부는 남부 및 중부 오클라호마에서 심각한 폭풍과 토네이도로 피해를 입은 지역 사회를 지원하기 위한 것입니다. 버라이즌의 이러한 구호 노력에 대한 헌신은 비상 상황에서 지역 사회를 연결 상태로 유지하려는 그들의 결심을 보여줍니다.
Verizon fait un don de 20 000 dollars à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour soutenir les efforts de secours en cas de catastrophe en Oklahoma. Ce don vise à aider les communautés affectées par des tempêtes sévères et des tornades dans le sud et le centre de l'Oklahoma. L'engagement de Verizon dans ces efforts de secours illustre son dévouement à maintenir les communautés connectées pendant les urgences.
Verizon spendet 20.000 Dollar an das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz, um die Katastrophenhilfe in Oklahoma zu unterstützen. Die Spende zielt darauf ab, Gemeinden zu unterstützen, die von schweren Stürmen und Tornados in Süd- und Zentral-Oklahoma betroffen sind. Verizons Engagement für die Hilfeleistung zeigt seine Hingabe an die Aufrechterhaltung der Verbundenheit der Gemeinschaften in Notfällen.
The donation will support communities hardest hit by this weekend’s storms
OKLAHOMA CITY, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In response to the severe storms and deadly tornadoes that covered Oklahoma this past weekend, Verizon is donating $20,000 to the American Red Cross to aid in relief efforts in Oklahoma.
“Our hearts go out to the families impacted by the severe storms and tornadoes this weekend in Southern and Central Oklahoma,” said Michelle R. Miller, SVP and Market President, Verizon. “Our Verizon Credo states we run to a crisis. By providing this contribution to the American Red Cross, we hope to support the community’s critical needs as they prepare to rebuild.”
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and security.
VERIZON’S ONLINE MEDIA CENTER: News releases, stories, media contacts and other resources are available at News releases are also available through an RSS feed. To subscribe, visit
Media contact: Jeannine Brew Braggs
How much did Verizon donate to the American Red Cross for disaster relief efforts in Oklahoma?
Verizon donated $20,000 to the American Red Cross for disaster relief efforts in Oklahoma.
What is Verizon's stock symbol?
Verizon's stock symbol is VZ.
Where is Verizon headquartered?
Verizon is headquartered in New York City.
What are some of the services Verizon provides?
Verizon offers data, video, and voice services and solutions on its networks and platforms.
What was Verizon's revenue in 2023?
Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023.
Who is Michelle R. Miller?
Michelle R. Miller is the SVP and Market President at Verizon.
What is Verizon's commitment during emergencies?
Verizon remains committed to keeping communities connected, especially during emergencies and disaster relief efforts.