Versus Systems Enters Agreements with ASPIS Cyber Technologies for Nasdaq Compliance Plan and to Strengthen Compliance and Technology Offerings

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Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS) has entered into two significant agreements with ASPIS Cyber Technologies, a cloud-based mobile endpoint cybersecurity technology firm. The first agreement, a Business Funding Agreement, involves ASPIS investing $2.5 million in Versus Systems through an unsecured convertible promissory note. The second agreement, a Technology Licensing and Software Development Agreement, allows ASPIS to license Versus Systems' gamification, engagement, and QR code technology for integration into its cybersecurity offerings.

These agreements form the foundation of Versus Systems' compliance plan submitted to Nasdaq to address the requirement of maintaining a minimum of $2.5 million in shareholders' equity for continued listing. The company aims to exceed this requirement until at least September 30, 2025. The partnership is expected to strengthen Versus Systems' financial position and enhance its technological capabilities in cybersecurity solutions.

Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS) ha stipulato due accordi significativi con ASPIS Cyber Technologies, un'azienda di tecnologia di cybersicurezza per dispositivi mobili basata su cloud. Il primo accordo, un Accordo di Finanziamento Aziendale, prevede che ASPIS investa 2,5 milioni di dollari in Versus Systems attraverso una cambiale convertibile non garantita. Il secondo accordo, un Accordo di Licenza Tecnologica e Sviluppo Software, consente ad ASPIS di licenziare la tecnologia di gamification, engagement e codice QR di Versus Systems per l'integrazione nelle sue offerte di cybersicurezza.

Questi accordi costituiscono la base del piano di conformità di Versus Systems presentato a Nasdaq per soddisfare il requisito di mantenere un minimo di 2,5 milioni di dollari in equity degli azionisti per la continuazione della quotazione. L'azienda mira a superare questo requisito fino almeno al 30 settembre 2025. La partnership dovrebbe rafforzare la posizione finanziaria di Versus Systems e migliorare le sue capacità tecnologiche nelle soluzioni di cybersicurezza.

Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS) ha celebrado dos acuerdos significativos con ASPIS Cyber Technologies, una empresa de tecnología de ciberseguridad para dispositivos móviles basada en la nube. El primer acuerdo, un Acuerdo de Financiación Empresarial, implica que ASPIS invierta 2.5 millones de dólares en Versus Systems a través de un pagaré convertible no garantizado. El segundo acuerdo, un Acuerdo de Licencia Tecnológica y Desarrollo de Software, permite a ASPIS licenciar la tecnología de gamificación, engagement y código QR de Versus Systems para su integración en sus ofertas de ciberseguridad.

Estos acuerdos forman la base del plan de cumplimiento de Versus Systems presentado a Nasdaq para abordar el requisito de mantener un mínimo de 2.5 millones de dólares en capital de los accionistas para continuar la cotización. La empresa tiene como objetivo superar este requisito hasta al menos el 30 de septiembre de 2025. Se espera que la asociación fortalezca la posición financiera de Versus Systems y mejore sus capacidades tecnológicas en soluciones de ciberseguridad.

Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS)가 클라우드 기반의 모바일 엔드포인트 사이버 보안 기술 회사인 ASPIS Cyber Technologies와 두 가지 중요한 계약을 체결했습니다. 첫 번째 계약인 비즈니스 자금 조달 계약은 ASPIS가 Versus Systems에 250만 달러를 무담보 전환 사채를 통해 투자하는 내용을 포함하고 있습니다. 두 번째 계약인 기술 라이센스 및 소프트웨어 개발 계약은 ASPIS가 사이버 보안 서비스 통합을 위해 Versus Systems의 게임화, 참여, QR 코드 기술을 라이센스할 수 있는 권한을 부여합니다.

이 계약들은 Versus Systems가 Nasdaq에 제출한 규정 준수 계획의 토대를 형성하며, 해당 계획은 지속적인 상장을 위해 최소 250만 달러의 주주 지분을 유지해야 한다는 요구 사항을 충족합니다. 회사는 최소 2025년 9월 30일까지 이 요구 사항을 초과할 계획입니다. 이 파트너십은 Versus Systems의 재정적 위치를 강화하고 사이버 보안 솔루션에서의 기술 역량을 향상시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.

Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS) a conclu deux accords significatifs avec ASPIS Cyber Technologies, une entreprise spécialisée dans la cybersécurité des points d'extrémité mobiles basée sur le cloud. Le premier accord, un Accord de Financement d'Entreprise, implique un investissement de 2,5 millions de dollars d'ASPIS dans Versus Systems via une note de promesse de paiement convertible non sécurisée. Le deuxième accord, un Accord de Licence Technologique et de Développement Logiciel, permet à ASPIS de licencier la technologie de gamification, d'engagement et de codes QR de Versus Systems pour l'intégration dans ses offres de cybersécurité.

Ces accords constituent la base du plan de conformité de Versus Systems présenté à Nasdaq pour répondre à l'exigence de maintien d'un minimum de 2,5 millions de dollars en capitaux propres des actionnaires pour une cotation continue. L'entreprise vise à dépasser cette exigence jusqu'au moins le 30 septembre 2025. Ce partenariat devrait renforcer la position financière de Versus Systems et améliorer ses capacités technologiques dans le domaine des solutions de cybersécurité.

Versus Systems (NASDAQ: VS) hat zwei bedeutende Vereinbarungen mit ASPIS Cyber Technologies, einem Cloud-basierten Anbieter von Cybersicherheitstechnologie für mobile Endgeräte, unterzeichnet. Die erste Vereinbarung, ein Business Funding Agreement, beinhaltet eine Investition von ASPIS in Höhe von 2,5 Millionen Dollar in Versus Systems durch eine unbesicherte wandelbare Schuldverschreibung. Die zweite Vereinbarung, ein Technologie-Lizenzierungs- und Softwareentwicklungsvertrag, erlaubt es ASPIS, die Gamification-, Engagement- und QR-Code-Technologie von Versus Systems für die Integration in ihre Cybersicherheitsangebote zu lizenzieren.

Diese Vereinbarungen bilden die Grundlage für den Compliance-Plan von Versus Systems, der bei Nasdaq eingereicht wurde, um das Erfordernis von mindestens 2,5 Millionen Dollar an Eigenkapital der Aktionäre für eine fortwährende Listung zu erfüllen. Das Unternehmen strebt an, dieses Erfordernis bis mindestens zum 30. September 2025 zu übertreffen. Die Partnerschaft soll die finanzielle Position von Versus Systems stärken und deren technologische Fähigkeiten im Bereich der Cybersicherheitslösungen verbessern.

  • ASPIS to invest $2.5 million in Versus Systems, strengthening the company's financial position
  • Technology Licensing Agreement with ASPIS, potentially generating monthly revenue of $165,000 starting January 2025
  • Agreements form the foundation of Versus Systems' compliance plan to maintain Nasdaq listing requirements
  • Potential to exceed the minimum $2.5 million shareholders' equity requirement until at least September 30, 2025
  • Significant dilution potential for existing shareholders if ASPIS converts the note and exercises warrants
  • ASPIS could potentially hold approximately 45.8% of the outstanding common stock upon conversion of the Note
  • Risk of delisting from Nasdaq if the compliance plan is not accepted or if compliance is not achieved by February 18, 2025


This agreement with ASPIS Cyber Technologies is a significant development for Versus Systems, addressing both financial and strategic concerns. The $2.5 million investment through a convertible note provides important capital, potentially boosting shareholders' equity above the $2.5 million Nasdaq requirement. This could help VS maintain its listing, a critical factor for investor confidence.

The licensing agreement, generating $165,000 in monthly revenue starting January 2025, offers a steady income stream and validates VS's technology. However, investors should note the potential dilution if ASPIS converts the note, potentially owning up to 45.8% of VS's common stock. This large ownership stake could significantly influence company direction.

While these agreements provide short-term financial stability and compliance, long-term profitability and growth remain uncertain. The company's ability to leverage this partnership for sustainable growth will be important for future valuation.

The agreements between Versus Systems and ASPIS Cyber Technologies raise several legal and governance considerations. First, the related-party nature of the transaction, with ASPIS affiliated with a major shareholder and sharing a director with VS, necessitates careful scrutiny for potential conflicts of interest.

The convertible note structure, requiring shareholder approval for conversion and company redomiciliation to Delaware, adds complexity. This could potentially delay the full realization of the investment and its impact on Nasdaq compliance. The senior status of the note and its 10% interest rate are significant terms that could affect the company's financial obligations.

The licensing agreement's terms, particularly the broad rights granted to ASPIS for technology modifications, may have long-term implications for VS's intellectual property strategy. Shareholders should closely examine these agreements at the upcoming meeting to ensure they align with the company's best interests.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Versus Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: VS) (the “Company”) announced today the execution of two significant agreements with Aspis Cyber Technologies, Inc. (“ASPIS”), a cloud-based mobile endpoint cybersecurity technology firm.

ASPIS is affiliated with Cronus Equity Capital Group, LLC, which holds approximately 39.5% of the Company’s outstanding common stock. A significant shareholder of Cronus is also a shareholder of ASPIS, reinforcing the strategic alignment between the entities. In addition, a director of the Company is also a director of ASPIS and owns an equity interest in ASPIS.

The first agreement, a Business Funding Agreement (the “Funding Agreement”), provides for ASPIS to invest $2.5 million in Versus Systems. Under the Funding Agreement, ASPIS has initially invested $500,000, and on or before November 15, 2024, ASPIS will invest the balance of $2,000,000. In exchange for the investment, the Company has issued ASPIS an unsecured convertible promissory note with a principal balance of $2,500,000 (or such lesser amount if less is funded) (the “Note”).The Note is convertible into units with each unit comprised of one common share and one warrant to purchase one half of one common share at an exercise price of $4.00 per share. The Note may also be paid in cash at the option of ASPIS. The Note will not be convertible by the holder unless and until the Company obtains approval from its shareholders of the issuance of the equity under the Note and of the Company’s redomiciling to Delaware. The conversion price for the Note will be at least $1.16 but will be determined by the greater of (1) the 5-day volume-weighted average price, including the date prior to the initial funding, and (2) $1.16. The Company anticipates that it will hold its annual meeting to seek shareholder approval in December 2024. The Note is a senior note and will bear simple interest on the amounts funded at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum.

The second agreement, a Technology Licensing and Software Development Agreement (the “License Agreement”), enables ASPIS to license Versus Systems’ gamification, engagement, and QR code technology for integration into its cybersecurity offerings, particularly in sectors such as government, finance, gaming, and social media in exchange for a monthly license fee paid to the Company. ASPIS will also compensate the Company for any updates or innovations related to this technology.

These agreements form the foundation of the Company’s compliance plan, submitted to Nasdaq on October 7, 2024, to address the Company’s requirement to maintain a minimum of $2.5 million in shareholders’ equity for continued listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market, as outlined in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1). Through these agreements, Versus Systems aims to exceed the required minimum shareholders’ equity, ensuring compliance until at least September 30, 2025. The Company cannot provide any guarantee or assurances, however, that it will exceed or continue to meet the minimum shareholders’ equity requirement.

“Partnering with ASPIS Cyber Technologies marks a pivotal moment for Versus Systems,” said Curtis Wolfe, Interim CEO of Versus Systems. “This collaboration not only strengthens our financial position but also enhances our technological capabilities, allowing us to provide cutting-edge solutions in cybersecurity.”

Under the terms of the agreements, assuming the Company receives shareholder approval of the issuance of equity under the Note and the Company’s redomiciling to Delaware, ASPIS could receive upon conversion of the Note and exercise of the warrants (assuming the final price is $1.16), 2,155,172 shares of common stock and warrants to purchase an additional 1,077,586 shares. Upon conversion of the Note, ASPIS would hold approximately 45.8% of the outstanding common stock of the Company. This percentage does not account for shares issuable upon exercise of the warrants or ASPIS’s option under the Note to convert any accrued and unpaid cash interest on the Note into units, which would result in additional shares issuable to ASPIS.

The License Agreement stipulates a monthly fee of $165,000 to be paid by ASPIS starting in January 2025, while also granting ASPIS a license to use any modifications made to the licensed technology for cybersecurity purposes.

Nasdaq will review the Company’s plan, and should the plan not be accepted, or if compliance is not achieved by February 18, 2025, Nasdaq may initiate delisting proceedings. In such cases, Versus Systems reserves the right to request a hearing for an additional extension.

About Versus Systems

Versus Systems, Inc. has developed a proprietary in-game prizing and promotions engine that allows game developers and publishers to offer real-world rewards inside their games. Players can choose from a variety of rewards that match their interests, including merchandise, events, and digital goods. Versus Systems is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

For more information, please visit

About Aspis Cyber Technologies, Inc.

ASPIS is a Cloud Based Mobile Endpoint Cyber Security Technology Company for Anti Tapping, Antihacking within the Government, Finance, Gaming and Social Media sectors that provides cybersecurity technology for clients that include governments, municipalities, commercial entities, and consumers.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Cody Slach, Gateway Group, Inc.
949-574-3860 or

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains “forward-looking statements”. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, outlook, expectations or intentions regarding the future, including statements regarding the Company’s plans to regain compliance. It is important to note that actual outcomes and the Company’s actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others: uncertainty whether the Company’s plan to regain compliance with Nasdaq’s minimum shareholders’ equity rule submitted to Nasdaq will be accepted or, if accepted, whether the Company will regain compliance with the minimum shareholders’ equity rule within the timelines required by Nasdaq, failing which, the Company’s securities will be delisted by Nasdaq; uncertainty whether the Company would appeal any delisting notice or whether any such appeal would be successful, failing which, the Company’s securities will be delisted by Nasdaq; the risk that delisting of the Company’s securities may have a material adverse effect on the Company’s share liquidity and trading price and on the Company’s ability to obtain financing and continue its business; whether the Company will realize long-term benefits and synergies from the partnership with ASPIS; and the risk of changes in business strategy or plans. Readers should also refer to the risk disclosures outlined in the Company’s quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, the Company’s annual reports on Form 10-K, and the Company’s other disclosure documents filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission at and the Company’s interim and annual filings and other disclosure documents filed in Canada from time-to-time under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at


What agreements did Versus Systems (VS) sign with ASPIS Cyber Technologies on October 16, 2024?

Versus Systems signed two agreements with ASPIS Cyber Technologies: a Business Funding Agreement for a $2.5 million investment, and a Technology Licensing and Software Development Agreement for licensing Versus Systems' technology.

How much is ASPIS investing in Versus Systems (VS) and what are the terms?

ASPIS is investing $2.5 million in Versus Systems. They have initially invested $500,000 and will invest the remaining $2 million by November 15, 2024. In exchange, Versus Systems issued an unsecured convertible promissory note.

What is the purpose of Versus Systems' (VS) agreements with ASPIS in relation to Nasdaq compliance?

The agreements form the foundation of Versus Systems' compliance plan submitted to Nasdaq to maintain the minimum $2.5 million in shareholders' equity required for continued listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market.

When will ASPIS start paying license fees to Versus Systems (VS) under the Technology Licensing Agreement?

ASPIS will start paying a monthly license fee of $165,000 to Versus Systems beginning in January 2025 for the use of Versus Systems' technology in ASPIS's cybersecurity offerings.

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