Village Farms International Reports Q4 and Full Year 2024 Results and Comments on Profitable Growth Initiatives in 2025

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Village Farms International (VFF) reported its Q4 and full year 2024 results, with full-year consolidated sales growing 18% to $336.2 million. The company's Canadian Cannabis segment saw 31% year-over-year growth, maintaining leadership positions as #1 in dried flower and #2 in pre-rolls.

Q4 consolidated sales increased 11% to $82.6 million, with international sales surging 113% year-over-year. However, Q4 results were impacted by a $10.5 million non-cash impairment charge related to non-flower inventory. Excluding this impact, Q4 Adjusted EBITDA would have been $7.0 million.

Key developments include:

  • Full year consolidated cash flow from operations of $10.3 million
  • Groundbreaking on Netherlands Phase II expansion, expected to quintuple production capacity by Q4 2025
  • Expansion into New Zealand market through Medleaf Therapeutics partnership
  • International sales expected to triple in 2025
  • Implementation of operational improvements across Pure Sunfarms and Rose subsidiaries

Village Farms International (VFF) ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024, con vendite consolidate annuali in crescita del 18% a 336,2 milioni di dollari. Il segmento canadese della cannabis dell'azienda ha registrato una crescita del 31% rispetto all'anno precedente, mantenendo posizioni di leadership come #1 nei fiori secchi e #2 nei pre-roll.

Le vendite consolidate del quarto trimestre sono aumentate dell'11% a 82,6 milioni di dollari, con vendite internazionali in crescita del 113% rispetto all'anno precedente. Tuttavia, i risultati del quarto trimestre sono stati influenzati da un addebito di impairment non monetario di 10,5 milioni di dollari relativo all'inventario non floreale. Escludendo questo impatto, l'EBITDA rettificato del quarto trimestre sarebbe stato di 7,0 milioni di dollari.

Sviluppi chiave includono:

  • Flusso di cassa consolidato da operazioni per l'intero anno di 10,3 milioni di dollari
  • Inizio dei lavori per l'espansione della Fase II nei Paesi Bassi, prevista per quintuplicare la capacità produttiva entro il quarto trimestre del 2025
  • Espansione nel mercato neozelandese attraverso la partnership con Medleaf Therapeutics
  • Vendite internazionali previste per triplicare nel 2025
  • Implementazione di miglioramenti operativi nelle sussidiarie Pure Sunfarms e Rose

Village Farms International (VFF) informó sus resultados del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024, con ventas consolidadas anuales que crecieron un 18% a 336,2 millones de dólares. El segmento canadiense de cannabis de la compañía vio un crecimiento del 31% interanual, manteniendo posiciones de liderazgo como #1 en flores secas y #2 en pre-rolls.

Las ventas consolidadas del cuarto trimestre aumentaron un 11% a 82,6 millones de dólares, con ventas internacionales que se dispararon un 113% interanual. Sin embargo, los resultados del cuarto trimestre se vieron afectados por un cargo por deterioro no monetario de 10,5 millones de dólares relacionado con inventario no floral. Excluyendo este impacto, el EBITDA ajustado del cuarto trimestre habría sido de 7,0 millones de dólares.

Los desarrollos clave incluyen:

  • Flujo de caja consolidado de operaciones para el año completo de 10,3 millones de dólares
  • Inicio de la expansión de la Fase II en los Países Bajos, que se espera quintuplicar la capacidad de producción para el cuarto trimestre de 2025
  • Expansión al mercado de Nueva Zelanda a través de la asociación con Medleaf Therapeutics
  • Se espera que las ventas internacionales se tripliquen en 2025
  • Implementación de mejoras operativas en las subsidiarias Pure Sunfarms y Rose

Village Farms International (VFF)는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 실적을 보고하며, 연간 통합 매출이 18% 증가한 3억 3천 6백 20만 달러에 이르렀습니다. 회사의 캐나다 대마초 부문은 전년 대비 31% 성장하여 건조 꽃 부문에서 1위, 프리롤 부문에서 2위를 유지하고 있습니다.

4분기 통합 매출은 11% 증가한 8천 2백 60만 달러이며, 국제 매출은 전년 대비 113% 급증했습니다. 그러나 4분기 실적은 비꽃 재고와 관련된 1천 50만 달러의 비현금 손상 차감으로 영향을 받았습니다. 이 영향을 제외하면, 4분기 조정 EBITDA는 700만 달러가 되었을 것입니다.

주요 개발 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 연간 운영으로부터의 통합 현금 흐름 1천 30만 달러
  • 네덜란드 Phase II 확장 공사 시작, 2025년 4분기까지 생산 능력을 5배 증가시킬 것으로 예상
  • Medleaf Therapeutics와의 파트너십을 통한 뉴질랜드 시장 진출
  • 2025년에는 국제 매출이 3배 증가할 것으로 예상
  • Pure Sunfarms 및 Rose 자회사의 운영 개선 시행

Village Farms International (VFF) a annoncé ses résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'année entière 2024, avec des ventes consolidées annuelles en hausse de 18 % à 336,2 millions de dollars. Le segment canadien du cannabis de l'entreprise a connu une croissance de 31 % d'une année sur l'autre, maintenant des positions de leader en tant que n°1 dans les fleurs sèches et n°2 dans les pré-rolls.

Les ventes consolidées du quatrième trimestre ont augmenté de 11 % pour atteindre 82,6 millions de dollars, avec des ventes internationales en forte hausse de 113 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Cependant, les résultats du quatrième trimestre ont été affectés par une charge de dépréciation non monétaire de 10,5 millions de dollars liée à des stocks non floraux. En excluant cet impact, l'EBITDA ajusté du quatrième trimestre aurait été de 7,0 millions de dollars.

Les développements clés comprennent:

  • Flux de trésorerie consolidé provenant des opérations pour l'année entière de 10,3 millions de dollars
  • Début des travaux d'expansion de la phase II aux Pays-Bas, prévue pour quintupler la capacité de production d'ici le quatrième trimestre 2025
  • Expansion sur le marché néo-zélandais grâce à un partenariat avec Medleaf Therapeutics
  • Les ventes internationales devraient tripler en 2025
  • Mise en œuvre d'améliorations opérationnelles dans les filiales Pure Sunfarms et Rose

Village Farms International (VFF) hat seine Ergebnisse für das 4. Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht, wobei die konsolidierten Jahresumsätze um 18 % auf 336,2 Millionen US-Dollar gestiegen sind. Der kanadische Cannabis-Sektor des Unternehmens verzeichnete ein Wachstum von 31 % im Jahresvergleich und behauptete die Führungspositionen als Nr. 1 im Bereich getrocknete Blüten und Nr. 2 bei Pre-Rolls.

Die konsolidierten Umsätze im 4. Quartal stiegen um 11 % auf 82,6 Millionen US-Dollar, während die internationalen Umsätze im Jahresvergleich um 113 % anstiegen. Die Ergebnisse des 4. Quartals wurden jedoch durch eine nicht zahlungswirksame Wertminderung von 10,5 Millionen US-Dollar im Zusammenhang mit nicht-blumigen Beständen beeinträchtigt. Ohne diesen Einfluss hätte das bereinigte EBITDA für das 4. Quartal 7,0 Millionen US-Dollar betragen.

Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:

  • Konsolidierter Cashflow aus dem operativen Geschäft für das gesamte Jahr in Höhe von 10,3 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Baubeginn für die Phase II-Ausweitung in den Niederlanden, die bis zum 4. Quartal 2025 die Produktionskapazität verzehnfachen soll
  • Ausweitung auf den neuseeländischen Markt durch Partnerschaft mit Medleaf Therapeutics
  • Internationale Umsätze sollen sich bis 2025 verdreifachen
  • Umsetzung von operativen Verbesserungen in den Tochtergesellschaften Pure Sunfarms und Rose

  • 18% growth in consolidated sales to $336.2 million
  • 31% growth in Canadian Cannabis sales
  • 113% increase in Q4 international sales
  • Maintained #1 market share in dried flower
  • $10.3 million positive operating cash flow
  • Netherlands expansion to quintuple production capacity
  • $10.5 million non-cash inventory impairment charge in Q4
  • Q4 consolidated net loss of $8.6 million
  • Q4 Canadian Cannabis gross margin declined to 2% from 23% year-over-year
  • U.S. Cannabis sales decreased to $4.6 million from $5.1 million


Village Farms' Q4 and FY 2024 results present mixed financial performance with strong revenue growth offset by significant inventory challenges. The company delivered 18% YoY consolidated sales growth to $336.2 million for FY 2024, with Canadian Cannabis growing an impressive 31%. Q4 saw 11% YoY consolidated sales growth to $82.6 million.

The headline negative is a $10.5 million non-cash impairment charge for substandard non-flower inventory that severely impacted Q4 profitability. Without this impairment, Q4 Adjusted EBITDA would have been $7.0 million versus the reported -$3.5 million. This suggests quality control issues in their manufactured product supply chain, particularly with third-party sourced items.

Despite challenges, FY cash flow from operations reached $10.3 million, demonstrating underlying operational strength. Canadian Cannabis maintained market leadership positions (#1 in dried flower, #2 in pre-rolls), while international sales grew 113% YoY in Q4.

The Netherlands expansion initiative to quintuple production capacity represents a strategic bet on European market growth. Management's projection to triple international sales in 2025 signals their focus on higher-margin medicinal cannabis exports as a key growth driver.

The contrast between strong revenue growth and operational execution issues (inventory management) suggests Village Farms has established solid market positions but needs to strengthen internal quality controls and supply chain management to deliver consistent profitability.

Village Farms' results reveal a company successfully establishing market dominance in the challenging Canadian cannabis sector while positioning for international expansion. Their 31% YoY growth in Canadian cannabis sales significantly outpaces the broader market, demonstrating effective brand strategy and consumer resonance.

The $10.5 million inventory impairment warrants scrutiny - it specifically targets non-flower, manufactured products sourced from third parties rather than their core cultivation outputs. This indicates Village Farms is maintaining strict quality standards but should reconsider their approach to value-added product sourcing.

Their international strategy shows promising traction. The 113% YoY growth in Q4 international sales includes penetration in key markets like Germany, where they claim the #1 and #4 cultivars. The expansion to New Zealand marks their fifth international market, with Australia and the UK also showing volume growth.

The Netherlands facility expansion is particularly significant for European market positioning. As one of the first legal adult-use markets in Europe beyond coffeeshops, success here could establish Village Farms as an early continental leader with operational expertise transferable to other European markets as they liberalize.

The optimization initiatives between Pure Sunfarms and Rose subsidiaries suggest management recognizes the need to consolidate Canadian operations for efficiency. These measures, combined with their market-leading positions in key categories, position Village Farms well despite the short-term inventory setback.

Full Year 2024 and Recent Business Highlights

  • Full Year Consolidated Sales Grew 18% Year-over-Year to $336.2 Million
  • 2024 Canadian Cannabis Sales Grew 31% Year-over-Year; Retail Branded Sales Grew 23%
  • #1 Market Share in Dried Flower, #2 in Pre-Rolls, and #3 Market Share Overall in 2024
  • Full Year Consolidated Cash Flow from Operations of $10.3 Million
  • Q4 Consolidated Sales Grew 11% Year-over-Year to $82.6 Million
  • Q4 International Sales Increased 113% Year-over-Year; Expect International Sales to Triple in 2025
  • Q4 Adjusted EBITDA Impacted by Non-Cash, Non-Flower Inventory Impairment of $10.5 Million
  • Company Breaks Ground on Phase II Expansion in the Netherlands to Quintuple Annual Production Capacity; Expected Completion in Q4 2025

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Village Farms International, Inc. (“Village Farms” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: VFF) today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024 and commented on its ongoing initiatives to drive profitable growth in fiscal year 2025. All figures are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.

Fourth quarter and full year 2024 consolidated financial results were impacted by a $10.5 million (C$15.0 million) non-cash impairment charge related to non-flower inventory in Canadian Cannabis that management determined did not meet the Company’s quality standards. Excluding this impact, fourth quarter and full year consolidated Adjusted EBITDA would have been $7.0 million and $12.2 million, respectively.

Management Commentary

President and Chief Executive Officer Michael DeGiglio commented, “Over the past three years we have organically grown our Canadian Cannabis business into a perennial market share leader and one of the only operators with a track record of positive cash flow from operations. Today’s results reflect a continuation of these trends and demonstrate our ongoing efforts to align our resources and inventory toward more profitable growth opportunities both at home and internationally.”

“Fourth quarter saw continued strong performance from Canadian Cannabis, however, results were impacted by a non-cash impairment of inventory related to non-flower, manufactured product purchased primarily from third parties. Excluding this impact, Canadian Cannabis gross margin and Adjusted EBITDA margin in Q4 were 33% and 12%, respectively. US Cannabis and Fresh Produce also closed the year on a strong note, contributing to full year cash flow from operations of $10.3 million. This performance, combined with an improved balance sheet and healthy inventory position make us confident we’re starting 2025 with good momentum to execute our profitable growth strategy.”

“We remain pleased with our pace of international sales growth, which has been driven largely by continued strength of demand in Germany, as well as increased volumes in Australia and the UK. We have now shipped to five international markets with the recent addition of New Zealand, and believe we have a strong pipeline of potential new customers and market opportunities which give us confidence in our ability to triple international medicinal export sales in 2025.”

“We are in the process of optimizing our Canadian Cannabis resources to improve operational efficiencies between our Pure Sunfarms and Rose subsidiaries in 2025, and we are also excited to announce that we have broken ground on a Phase II expansion at our Leli Holland subsidiary in the Netherlands. Our Phase II project in Groningen is a brand new, state-of-the-art indoor facility which we expect will be complete in Q4 of this year and quintuple our annual production capacity.”

“We are focused on establishing a global leadership position in regulated cannabis, and we’re pleased to begin 2025 with several meaningful developments that position us for a transformational year in our pursuit of this objective. We believe we are well positioned to execute and deliver a successful year of profitable growth in 2025 and beyond.”

Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights

(All comparable periods are for the fourth quarter of 2023 unless otherwise stated)

Consolidated Results
Note: Fourth quarter 2024 Consolidated Results were impacted by a $10.5 million non-cash impairment charge related to non-flower inventory in Canadian Cannabis that did not meet the Company’s quality standards.

  • Consolidated sales increased 11% to $82.6 million from $74.2 million;
  • Consolidated cash flow from operations improved $1.9 million to $0.4 million compared with ($1.5 million).
  • Consolidated adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure) was ($3.5 million) compared with ($0.7 million).
  • Excluding the inventory write down in Canadian Cannabis, adjusted EBITDA would have been $7.0 million;
  • Consolidated net loss improved 66% to ($8.6 million), or ($0.08) per share from ($25.5 million), or ($0.23) per share.

Canadian Cannabis
Note: Fourth quarter 2024 Canadian Cannabis Results were impacted by a $10.5 million (C$15.0 million) non-cash impairment charge related to non-flower inventory that did not meet the Company’s quality standards.

  • Net sales increased 10% to C$48.0 million from C$43.6 million;
  • Retail branded sales decreased 1%, international medicinal sales increased 127%, non-branded (wholesale) sales increased 20% (in Canadian dollars);
  • Gross margin was 2% compared with 23%; (in Canadian dollars). Fourth quarter 2024 gross margin was impacted by a C$15.0 million non-cash impairment of non-flower inventory that did not meet the Company’s quality standards. Excluding the inventory impairment, gross margin was 33% (in Canadian dollars);
  • Net loss was (C$9.4 million) compared with (C$1.3 million);
  • Adjusted EBITDA was (C$9.1 million) compared with (C$2.1 million). Excluding the inventory impairment, adjusted EBITDA was C$5.9 million;
  • Cash flow from operations was (C$3.3 million) compared with (C$1.6 million). Cash flow from operations in the fourth quarter was negatively impacted by the timing of Q3 2024 excise tax payments of C$24.1 million and Q4 2024 excise tax payments of C$20.7 million, both of which occurred during the fourth quarter.

U.S. Cannabis (Balanced Health Botanicals)

  • Net sales were $4.6 million compared with $5.1 million;
  • Gross margin was 70% compared with 66%;
  • Net loss was ($0.2 million) compared with ($13.7 million);
  • Adjusted EBITDA was $0.3 million compared with $0.4 million.

Village Farms Fresh (Produce)

  • Sales increased 17% to $43.3 million from $37.1 million;
  • Net income was $1.9 million compared with a net loss of ($7.0 million). Net income was favorably impacted by $3.5 million in Other Income attributable to vendor settlements relating to the partial recovery of previous operational losses from the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (“ToBRFV”);
  • Adjusted EBITDA was $4.1 million compared with ($0.6) million.

Other Business & Operational Highlights
Canadian Cannabis

  • Remained a top three producer in Canada and was second fastest growing producer organically year-over-year1
  • Further expanded number one national market share position in dried flower1
  • Held number two national market share position in the pre-roll category for 20242;
  • Held number two market share in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec for 20242;
  • Launched Super Toast All-In-One Vape in Q4, combining “grab n’ go” functionality with classic fountain-inspired flavours and a built-in USB-C rechargeable battery and auto-draw functionality;
  • Launched The Canna Czar presented by Soar in Q4, a 2.1g specialty twax blunt with unique construction, premium ingredients, and handcrafted process align with Soar’s tastemaker method, which emphasizes innovation and quality;
  • Recently began implementing operational improvement initiatives across Pure Sunfarms and Rose subsidiaries, optimizing resources toward more profitable growth opportunities.

1. For the fourth quarter of 2024. Based on estimated retail sales from HiFyre, other third parties and provincial boards.
2. Based on estimated retail sales from HiFyre, other third parties and provincial boards.

International Cannabis (Reported Within Canadian Cannabis)

  • International sales increased 113% year-over-year in the fourth quarter with continued growth in shipment volumes to Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom;
  • Currently hold the #1 and #4 cultivars in the German market through third-party distributors1;
  • Subsequent to year end 2024, expanded international medical cannabis distribution to New Zealand through a supply agreement with Medleaf Therapeutics, an established New Zealand-based medical cannabis company with a comprehensive distribution network.

1. Based on estimates from Flowzz.

U.S. Cannabis

  • The ongoing Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearings regarding the proposed rescheduling of marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Substances Act are currently stayed pending an interlocutory appeal granted by the ALJ to resolve the Company's alleged improper ex parte communications by DEA. The Company is continuing to work to ensure a fair and transparent process and remains a strong proponent of Schedule III;
  • Subsequent to year end 2024, Balanced Health Botanicals' CBDistilleryTM announced that its full range of hemp-derived gummies are now manufactured in-house at its GMP-certified facility south of Denver, Colorado. Internalization of manufacturing is expected to enable greater innovation, operational flexibility, and inventory control in the future;
  • The Company's application for a Texas medicinal marijuana license remains pending review by the Department of Public Services. If awarded, the Company plans to work with its listing authority to structure an acceptable ownership structure.

Leli Holland

  • Completed its first harvest from its indoor cannabis production facility in Drachten, Netherlands in December 2024 and began deliveries of cannabis to Dutch coffeeshops in February 2025, consistent with the Company’s previously-disclosed timeline to commencement of sales;
  • Subsequent to year end 2024, the Company broke ground on a Phase II indoor cultivation facility in the town of Groningen. The Phase II facility is expected to be complete in Q4 2025 and quintuple annual production capacity.

VF Fresh (Produce)

  • Continued improvement in our Texas greenhouse operations resulting in a year-over-year decrease in cost per pound due to ongoing labor efficiencies and increased yields;
  • Implementing new cultivation technologies, including artificial intelligence, to drive further operational improvements.

Village Farms Clean Energy

  • In April 2024, the Delta, British Columbia Renewable Natural Gas Project began operations, which immediately began contributing incremental profit to the Company;
  • During the fourth quarter and full year 2024 periods, Village Farms Clean Energy produced net income of $0.4 million and $0.8 million, respectively, through royalty payments received from its clean energy partner.

Canadian Cannabis Performance Summary

Note: Performance for the three months and year ended December 31, 2024 includes the impact of a $10.5 million (C$15.0 million) non-cash impairment charge related to non-flower inventory that did not meet the Company’s quality standards.

(millions except % metrics)Three Months Ended December 31,   
 2024  2023    
 CAD $  USD $  CAD $  USD $  Change of C $
Total Net Sales$48.0   $34.2   $43.6   $32.0   10%
Total Cost of Sales$47.0   $33.3   $33.7   $25.2   39%
Gross Profit$1.0   $0.9   $9.9   $6.8   -90%
Gross Margin %2%  3%  23%  21%  -91%
SG&A$13.4   $9.6   $10.2   $7.0   31%
Net loss$(9.4)   $(6.6)   $(1.3)   $(1.0)   623%
Adjusted EBITDA(1)$(9.1)   $(6.4)   $2.1   $1.5   -533%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin(1)-19%  -18%  5%  5%  -494%
Cash flow from Operations$(3.3)   $(2.6)   $1.6   $1.1   -306%
(millions except % metrics)Year Ended December 31,   
 2024  2023    
 CAD $  USD $  CAD $  USD $  Change of C $
Total Net Sales$204.0   $148.9   $154.0   $114.0   32%
Total Cost of Sales$162.4   $118.2   $104.8   $78.1   55%
Gross Profit$41.6   $30.7   $49.2   $35.9   -15%
Gross Margin %20%  21%  32%  31%  -36%
SG&A$46.7   $34.0   $40.2   $29.3   16%
Net (loss) income$(4.8)   $(3.2)   $4.0   $2.9   -220%
Adjusted EBITDA(1)$9.4   $7.3   $20.0   $14.8   -53%
Adjusted EBITDA Margin(1)5%  5%  13%  13%  -65%
Cash flow from Operations$16.1   $11.7   $18.3   $13.5   -12%

1 Adjusted EBITDA is not a recognized earnings measure and does not have a standard meaning prescribed by GAAP.

Canadian Cannabis’ Composition of Sales by Channel
(millions except % metrics)Three Months Ended December 31,   
 2024 2023   
 CAD $  USD $  CAD $  USD $  Change of C $
Retail Branded Sales$55.8  $39.9  $56.1  $41.2  -1%
Non-Branded Sales$9.5  $6.8  $7.9  $5.7  20%
International Sales$2.5  $1.7  $1.1  $0.8  127%
Other$0.9  $0.6  $0.7  $0.6  29%
Less: Excise Taxes$(20.7) $(14.8) $(22.2) $(16.3) -7%
Net Sales$48.0  $34.2  $43.6  $32.0  10%
(millions except % metrics)Year Ended December 31,   
 2024 2023   
 CAD $  USD $  CAD $  USD $  Change of C $
Retail Branded Sales$251.7  $183.9  $202.4  $149.9  24%
Non-Branded Sales$39.6  $28.9  $21.0  $15.5  89%
International Sales$8.4  $6.1  $6.2  $4.6  35%
Other$2.7  $1.9  $2.7  $2.0  0%
Less: Excise Taxes$(98.4) $(72.0) $(78.3) $(58.0) 26%
Net Sales$204.0  $148.9  $154.0  $114.0  32%

Presentation of Financial Results
The Company’s financial statements for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024, as well as the comparative periods for 2023, have been prepared and presented under United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (“GAAP”).


(In thousands of U.S. dollars, except per share amounts, and unless otherwise noted)

Consolidated Financial Performance
 Three Months Ended
December 31,
  Year Ended December 31, 
 2024  2023  2024  2023 
Sales$82,554  $74,225  $336,181  $285,603 
Cost of sales (75,623)  (63,219)  (288,781)  (236,177)
Gross margin 6,931   11,006   47,400   49,426 
Selling, general and administrative expenses (18,455)  (15,521)  (71,048)  (65,501)
Interest expense (759)  (977)  (3,365)  (4,509)
Interest income 157   277   914   1,018 
Foreign exchange (loss) gain (1,914)  904   (2,843)  602 
Other income (expense) 3,487   3   4,015   5,616 
Goodwill and intangible asset impairments    (14,020)  (11,939)  (14,020)
Other impairments (439)     (439)   
Loss before taxes (10,992)  (18,328)  (37,305)  (27,368)
Recovery of (Provision for) income taxes 2,336   (7,182)  1,662   (7,451)
Loss including non-controlling interests (8,656)  (25,510)  (35,643)  (34,819)
Less: net loss (income) attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax 27   27   (207)  21 
Net loss attributable to Village Farms International, Inc. shareholders$(8,629) $(25,483) $(35,850) $(34,798)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)$(3,546) $(658) $1,788  $7,585 
Basic loss per share$(0.08) $(0.23) $(0.32) $(0.32)
Diluted loss per share$(0.08) $(0.23) $(0.32) $(0.32)

(1)    Adjusted EBITDA is not a recognized earnings measure and does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP. Therefore, Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Management believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful supplemental measure in evaluating the performance of the Company because it excludes items that do not reflect our business performance. Adjusted EBITDA includes the Company’s 70% interest in Rose LifeScience through March 31, 2024, 80% interest in Rose LifeScience beginning on April 1, 2024, 85% interest in Leli through September 22, 2024, and our 100% interest in Leli beginning on September 23, 2024.

We caution that our results of operations for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024, and 2023 may not be indicative of our future performance.


(In thousands of U.S. dollars, except per share amounts, and unless otherwise noted)
 For the Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 
 VF Fresh (Produce)   Cannabis Canada   Cannabis U.S.   Clean Energy   Leli   Corporate  Total 
Sales$43,300    $34,202    $4,613    $439    $    $  $82,554 
Cost of sales (40,869)    (33,330)    (1,402)    (22)            (75,623)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (3,253)    (9,592)    (2,932)         (466)    (2,212)  (18,455)
Other expense, net 2,826     (320)                   (1,535)  971 
Other impairments           (439)                 (439)
Operating income (loss) 2,004     (9,040)    (160)    417     (466)    (3,747)  (10,992)
(Provision for) recovery of income taxes (77)   2,433            150    (170)  2,336 
Income (loss) from consolidated entities 1,927    (6,607)   (160)   417    (316)   (3,917)  (8,656)
Less: net loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax     27                   27 
Net income (loss)$1,927   $(6,580)  $(160)  $417   $(316)  $(3,917) $(8,629)
Adjusted EBITDA (1) 4,148    (6,361)   342    416    (142)   (1,949) $(3,546)
Basic income (loss) per share$0.02   $(0.06)  $(0.00)  $0.00   $(0.00)  $(0.04) $(0.08)
Diluted income (loss) per share$0.02   $(0.06)  $(0.00)  $0.00   $(0.00)  $(0.04) $(0.08)

 For the Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 
 VF Fresh (Produce)  Cannabis Canada  Cannabis U.S.  Clean Energy  Leli  Corporate  Total 
Sales$37,118  $32,043  $5,064  $  $  $  $74,225 
Cost of sales (36,285)  (25,217)  (1,717)           (63,219)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (2,789)  (7,002)  (3,020)  (2)  (313)  (2,395)  (15,521)
Other expense, net (498)  (298)  (10)  (56)     1,069   207 
Goodwill and intangible impairments       (14,020)           (14,020)
Operating (loss) income (2,454)  (474)  (13,703)  (58)  (313)  (1,326)  (18,328)
(Provision for) recovery of income taxes (4,513)  (509)        48   (2,208)  (7,182)
Loss from consolidated entities (6,967)  (983)  (13,703)  (58)  (265)  (3,534)  (25,510)
Less: net (income) loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax    (13)        40      27 
Net loss$(6,967) $(996) $(13,703) $(58) $(225) $(3,534) $(25,483)
Adjusted EBITDA (1) (604)  1,491   437   (58)  (38)  (1,886) $(658)
Basic loss per share$(0.07) $(0.01) $(0.12) $(0.00) $(0.00) $(0.03) $(0.23)
Diluted loss per share$(0.07) $(0.01) $(0.12) $(0.00) $(0.00) $(0.03) $(0.23)

 For the Year Ended December 31, 2024 
 VF Fresh (Produce)  Cannabis Canada  Cannabis U.S.  Clean Energy  Leli  Corporate  Total 
Sales$169,183  $148,856  $17,390  $752  $  $  $336,181 
Cost of sales (164,125)  (118,172)  (6,355)  (129)        (288,781)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (12,249)  (34,028)  (11,990)  (38)  (1,555)  (11,188)  (71,048)
Other expense, net 1,408   (1,007)     170      (1,850)  (1,279)
Goodwill and intangible impairments       (11,939)           (11,939)
Other impairments       (439)           (439)
Operating (loss) income (5,783)  (4,351)  (13,333)  755   (1,555)  (13,038)  (37,305)
(Provision for) recovery of income taxes (100)  1,537         391   (166)  1,662 
(Loss) income from consolidated entities (5,883)  (2,814)  (13,333)  755   (1,164)  (13,204)  (35,643)
Less: net (income) loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax    (367)        160      (207)
Net (loss) income$(5,883) $(3,181) $(13,333) $755  $(1,004) $(13,204) $(35,850)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)$2,157  $7,282  $(672) $770  $(259) $(7,490) $1,788 
Basic (loss) income per share$(0.05) $(0.03) $(0.12) $0.01  $(0.01) $(0.12) $(0.32)
Diluted (loss) income per share$(0.05) $(0.03) $(0.12) $0.01  $(0.01) $(0.12) $(0.32)

 For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 
 VF Fresh (Produce)  Cannabis Canada  Cannabis U.S.  Clean Energy  Leli  Corporate  Total 
Sales$151,243  $114,030  $20,330  $  $  $  $285,603 
Cost of sales (151,064)  (78,090)  (7,002)  (21)        (236,177)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (10,625)  (29,275)  (13,118)  (32)  (1,265)  (11,186)  (65,501)
Other expense, net 3,495   (2,136)  (18)  (133)     1,519   2,727 
Goodwill and intangible impairments       (14,020)           (14,020)
Operating (loss) income (6,951)  4,529   (13,828)  (186)  (1,265)  (9,667)  (27,368)
('Provision for) recovery of income taxes (4,284)  (1,431)        48   (1,784)  (7,451)
(Loss) income from consolidated entities (11,235)  3,098   (13,828)  (186)  (1,217)  (11,451)  (34,819)
Less: net (income) loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax    (162)        183      21 
Net (loss) income$(11,235) $2,936  $(13,828) $(186) $(1,034) $(11,451) $(34,798)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)$506  $14,764  $861  $(186) $(157) $(8,203) $7,585 
Basic (loss) income per share$(0.10) $0.03  $(0.13) $(0.00) $(0.01) $(0.11) $(0.33)
Diluted (loss) income per share$(0.10) $0.03  $(0.13) $(0.00) $(0.01) $(0.11) $(0.33)

(1)   Adjusted EBITDA is not a recognized earnings measure and does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP. Therefore, Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Management believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful supplemental measure in evaluating the performance of the Company because it excludes items that do not reflect our business performance. Adjusted EBITDA includes the Company’s 70% interest in Rose LifeScience through March 31, 2024, 80% interest in Rose LifeScience beginning on April 1, 2024, 85% interest in Leli through September 22, 2024, and our 100% interest in Leli beginning on September 23, 2024.

A detailed discussion of our consolidated and segment results can be found in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 (the “Annual Report”), which will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and will be available at, and will also be filed in Canada on SEDAR ( In addition, the Annual Report can be found on the Village Farms website under Financial Reports ( within the Investors section.

Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA

The following tables reflects a reconciliation of net income to Adjusted EBITDA, as presented by the Company:
 For the Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 
(in thousands of U.S. dollars)VF Fresh
  Leli  Corporate  Total 
Net income (loss)$1,927  $(6,580) $(160) $417  $(316) $(3,917) $(8,629)
Amortization and depreciation 1,344   2,567   50      325   44   4,330 
Foreign currency exchange loss 259   48            1,561   1,868 
Interest expense (income), net 523   105            (26)  602 
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes 77   (2,434)        (149)  170   (2,336)
Share-based compensation    38   13         218   269 
Other impairments       439            439 
Loss on disposal of assets 17                  17 
Adjustments attributable to non-controlling interest    (105)              (105)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)$4,147  $(6,361) $342  $417  $(140) $(1,950) $(3,545)

 For the Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 
(in thousands of U.S. dollars)VF Fresh (Produce)   Cannabis Canada   Cannabis U.S.   Clean Energy   Leli   Corporate  Total 
Net loss$(6,967)   $(996)   $(13,703)   $(58)   $(225)   $(3,534) $(25,483)
Amortization and depreciation 1,296    2,516    56        269    62   4,199 
Foreign currency exchange loss (42)   (63)               (838)  (943)
Interest expense (income), net 596    337                (233)  700 
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes 4,513    508            (48)   2,209   7,182 
Share-based compensation     (525)   54            448   (23)
Deferred financing fees     34                   34 
Goodwill and intangible impairments         14,020               14,020 
Other expense     (48)   10               (38)
Adjustments attributable to non-controlling interest     (272)           (34)      (306)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)$(604)  $1,491   $437   $(58)  $(38)  $(1,886) $(658)

 For the Year Ended December 31, 2024 
(in thousands of U.S. dollars)VF Fresh
  Leli  Corporate  Total 
Net (loss) income$(5,883) $(3,181) $(13,333) $755  $(1,004) $(13,204) $(35,850)
Amortization and depreciation 5,373   11,790   204      1,275   196   18,838 
Foreign currency exchange loss 317   42            2,276   2,635 
Interest expense (income), net 2,232   629      16      (426)  2,451 
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes 100   (1,537)        (391)  166   (1,662)
Share-based compensation    166   79         3,502   3,747 
Deferred financing fees    10               10 
Goodwill and intangible impairments       11,939            11,939 
Other impairments       439            439 
Loss on disposal of assets 17                  17 
Adjustments attributable to non-controlling interest    (637)        (139)     (776)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)$2,157  $7,282  $(672) $770  $(259) $(7,490)  1,788 

 For the Year Ended December 31, 2023 
(in thousands of U.S. dollars)VF Fresh
  Leli  Corporate  Total 
Net (loss) income$(11,235) $2,936  $(13,828) $(186) $(1,034) $(11,451) $(34,798)
Amortization and depreciation 5,136   9,123   335      1,081   251   15,926 
Foreign currency exchange (gain) loss (2)  (64)  19         (693)  (740)
Interest expense (income), net 2,323   2,021   (24)        (828)  3,492 
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes 4,284   1,430         (48)  1,785   7,451 
Share-based compensation    61   317         2,733   3,111 
Deferred financing fees    136               136 
Goodwill and intangible impairments       14,020            14,020 
Other expense    (89)  22            (67)
Adjustments attributable to non-controlling interest    (790)        (156)     (946)
Adjusted EBITDA (1) 506   14,764   861   (186)  (157)  (8,203)  7,585 

      (1)   Adjusted EBITDA is not a recognized earnings measure and does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP. Therefore, Adjusted EBITDA presented for these segments may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Management believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful supplemental measure in evaluating the performance of the Company because it excludes items that do not reflect the underlying business performance of the Company.

This press release is intended to be read in conjunction with the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 (the “Annual Report”), which will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and will be available at, and will also be filed in Canada on SEDAR ( In addition, the Annual Report can be found on the Village Farms website under Financial Reports ( within the Investors section.

Conference Call

Village Farms’ management team will host a conference call to discuss its fourth quarter and year ended 2024 financial results today, Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. ET. Participants can access the conference call via a webcast at Village Farms Fourth Quarter 2024 Conference Call Webcast or on the Company website at Village Farms - Events. Participants wanting to access the conference call by telephone must register in advance at Village Farms Fourth Quarter 2024 Conference Call Registration to receive telephone dial-in information.

The live question and answer session will be limited to analysts; however, others are invited to submit questions ahead of the conference call via email at Management will address questions received via email during the question-and-answer session as time permits.

Conference Call Archive Access Information

For those unable to participate in the conference call at the scheduled time, it will be archived for replay beginning approximately one hour following completion of the call on Village Farms’ web site at

About Village Farms International

Village Farms leverages decades of experience as a large-scale, Controlled Environment Agriculture-based, vertically integrated supplier for high-value, high-growth plant-based Consumer Packaged Goods. The Company has a strong foundation as the leading and longest-tenured leading fresh produce supplier to grocery and large-format retailers throughout the US and Canada and is capitalizing on new high-growth opportunities in the cannabis and CBD categories in North America, the Netherlands and selected markets internationally.

In Canada, the Company's wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary, Pure Sunfarms, is one of the single largest cannabis operations in the world, the lowest-cost greenhouse producer and one of Canada’s best-selling brands. The Company also owns 80% of Québec-based, Rose LifeScience, a leading third-party cannabis products commercialization expert in the Province of Québec.

Internationally, Village Farms is targeting selected, nascent, legal cannabis and CBD opportunities with significant medium- and long-term potential. The Company exports medical cannabis from its EU GMP certified facility in Canada to a growing list of international markets including Germany, the United Kingdom, Israel, and Australia. The Company is expanding its international presence with additional export contracts to new countries and customers in the Asia-Pacific and European regions, as well as select strategic investments in operating assets. In Europe, wholly-owned Leli Holland has one of 10 licences to grow and distribute recreational cannabis products in the Dutch Closed Coffee Shop Chain Experiment.

In the US, wholly-owned Balanced Health Botanicals is one of the leading CBD and hemp-derived brands and e-commerce platforms in the country. Subject to compliance with all applicable US federal and state laws and stock exchange rules, Village Farms plans to enter the US high-THC cannabis market via multiple strategies, leveraging one of the largest greenhouse operations in the country (more than 5.5 million square feet in West Texas), as well as the operational and product expertise gained through Pure Sunfarms' cannabis success in Canada.

Village Farms Clean Energy (VFCE), through a partnership with Atlanta-based Terreva Renewables, creates clean energy from landfill gas at its Delta RNG facility. VFCE receives royalties on all revenue generated. This partnership reduces Vancouver’s greenhouse gas emissions by 475,000 metric tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to removing more than 100,000 vehicles off the road or the energy use equivalent of powering 51,300 homes for one year.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

As used in this Press Release, the terms “Village Farms”, “Village Farms International”, the “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our” and similar references refer to Village Farms International, Inc. and our consolidated subsidiaries, and the term “Common Shares” refers to our common shares, no par value. Our financial information is presented in U.S. dollars and all references in this Press Release to “$” means U.S. dollars and all references to “C$” means Canadian dollars.

This Press Release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (the "Securities Act") and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), and is subject to the safe harbor created by those sections. This Press Release also contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. We refer to such forward-looking statements and forward-looking information collectively as "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements may relate to the Company's future outlook or financial position and anticipated events or results and may include statements regarding the financial position, business strategy, budgets, expansion plans, litigation, projected production, projected costs, capital expenditures, financial results, tariffs, taxes, plans and objectives of or involving the Company. Particularly, statements regarding future results, performance, achievements, prospects or opportunities for the Company, the greenhouse vegetable or produce industry, the cannabis industry and market and our energy segment are forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by such terms as "can", "outlook", "may", "might", "will", "could", "should", "would", "occur", "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "try", "estimate", "predict", "potential", "continue", "likely", "schedule", "objectives", or the negative or grammatical variation thereof or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. The forward-looking statements in this Press Release are subject to risks that may include, but are not limited to: our limited operating history in the cannabis and cannabinoids industry in Leli Holland (“Leli”); the limited operational history of the Delta RNG Project in our energy segment; the legal status of the cannabis business of Pure Sunfarms and Rose, Leli, and the hemp business of Balanced Health and uncertainty regarding the legality and regulatory status of cannabis in the United States; risks relating to the integration of Rose into our consolidated business; risks relating to obtaining additional financing on acceptable terms, including our dependence upon credit facilities and dilutive transactions; potential difficulties in achieving and/or maintaining profitability; variability of product pricing; risks inherent in the cannabis, hemp, CBD, cannabinoids, and agricultural businesses; our market position and competitive position; our ability to leverage current business relationships for future business involving hemp and cannabinoids; the ability of Pure Sunfarms, Rose and Leli to cultivate and distribute cannabis in their respective regulatory jurisdictions; existing and new governmental regulations, including risks related to regulatory compliance and regarding obtaining and maintaining licenses required under the Cannabis Act (Canada), the Criminal Code and other Acts, S.C. 2018, C. 16 (Canada) for its Canadian operational facilities, the Dutch Closed Coffee Shop Chain Experiment, and changes in our regulatory requirements; risks related to rules and regulations at the U.S. Federal (Food and Drug Administration and United States Department of Agriculture), state and municipal levels with respect to produce and hemp, cannabidiol-based products commercialization; retail consolidation, technological advances and other forms of competition; transportation disruptions; product liability and other potential litigation; retention of key executives; labor issues; uninsured and underinsured losses; vulnerability to rising energy costs; inflationary effects on costs of cultivation and transportation; recessionary effects on demand of our products; environmental, health and safety risks, foreign exchange exposure, risks associated with cross-border trade, including tariffs; difficulties in managing our growth; restrictive covenants under our credit facilities; natural catastrophes; elevated interest rates; and tax risks.

The Company has based these forward-looking statements on factors and assumptions about future events and financial trends that it believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this Press Release are based upon assumptions that management believes are reasonable based on information currently available to management, there can be no assurance that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, which may cause the Company's or the industry's actual results, performance, achievements, prospects and opportunities in future periods to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the factors contained in the Company's filings with securities regulators, including the Company’s most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and the Company’s most recently filed annual report on Form 10-K.

When relying on forward-looking statements to make decisions, the Company cautions readers not to place undue reliance on these statements, as forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties and should not be read as guarantees of future results, performance, achievements, prospects and opportunities. The forward-looking statements made in this Press Release relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made in this Press Release. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Contact Information

Sam Gibbons
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Phone: (407) 936-1190 ext. 328

Lawrence Chamberlain
LodeRock Advisors
Phone: (416) 519-4196

Village Farms International, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
(In thousands of United States dollars, except share data)
  December 31, 2024  December 31, 2023 
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents $24,631  $30,291 
Restricted cash     5,000 
Trade receivables, net  33,665   30,561 
Inventories, net  53,137   78,472 
Other receivables  327   294 
Prepaid expenses and deposits  4,259   7,150 
Total current assets  116,019   151,768 
Non-current assets      
Property, plant and equipment, net  190,263   205,613 
Investments  2,656   2,656 
Goodwill  42,315   55,918 
Intangibles, net  25,105   32,275 
Deferred tax asset  1,005   1,201 
Right-of-use assets  9,765   12,596 
Other assets  2,178   1,962 
Total assets $389,306  $463,989 
Current liabilities      
Line of credit $4,000  $4,000 
Trade payables  24,499   21,753 
Current maturities of long-term debt  8,142   9,133 
Accrued sales taxes  8,740   15,941 
Accrued loyalty program  1,029   1,773 
Accrued liabilities  12,208   15,076 
Lease liabilities - current  2,497   2,112 
Income tax payable  51   28 
Other current liabilities  1,053   2,340 
Total current liabilities  62,219   72,156 
Non-current liabilities      
Long-term debt  32,420   38,925 
Deferred tax liability  19,940   23,730 
Lease liabilities - non-current  8,573   11,335 
Other liabilities  2,196   1,902 
Total liabilities  125,348   148,048 
Commitments and contingencies (note 11)      
Redeemable non-controlling interests  9,953   15,667 
Common stock, no par value per share - unlimited shares authorized; 112,337,049 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2024 and 110,248,929 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2023.  387,349   386,719 
Additional paid in capital  30,604   25,611 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss  (18,932)  (3,540)
Retained earnings  (145,016)  (109,165)
Total Village Farms International, Inc. shareholders' equity  254,005   299,625 
Non-controlling interest     649 
Total shareholders' equity  254,005   300,274 
Total liabilities, mezzanine equity and shareholders’ equity $389,306  $463,989 

Village Farms International, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss)
(In thousands of United States dollars, except per share data)

 Three Months Ended December 31, Year Ended December 31,
  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Sales$82,554  $74,225  $336,181  $285,603 
Cost of sales (75,623)  (63,219)  (288,781)  (236,177)
Gross margin 6,931   11,006   47,400   49,426 
Selling, general and administrative expenses (18,455)  (15,521)  (71,048)  (65,501)
Interest expense (759)  (977)  (3,365)  (4,509)
Interest income 157   277   914   1,018 
Foreign exchange (loss) gain (1,914)  904   (2,843)  602 
Other income (expense) 3,487   3   4,015   5,616 
Goodwill and intangible asset impairments    (14,020)  (11,939)  (14,020)
Other impairments (439)     (439)   
Loss before taxes (10,992)  (18,328)  (37,305)  (27,368)
Provision for income taxes 2,336   (7,182)  1,662   (7,451)
Loss including non-controlling interests (8,656)  (25,510)  (35,643)  (34,819)
Less: net (income) loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax 27   27   (207)  21 
Net loss attributable to Village Farms International, Inc. shareholders$(8,629) $(25,483) $(35,850) $   (34,798)
Adjusted EBITDA$(3,546) $(658) $1,788  $7,585 
Basic loss per share$(0.08) $(0.23) $(0.32) $(0.32)
Diluted loss per share$(0.08) $(0.23) $(0.32) $(0.32)

Village Farms International, Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(In thousands of United States dollars)
  2024  2023 
Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities:      
Loss including non-controlling interests $(35,643) $(34,819)
Adjustments to reconcile loss including non-controlling interests to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:      
Depreciation and amortization  18,838   15,926 
Amortization of deferred charges  10   136 
Share of loss from joint venture      
Interest expense  3,365   4,509 
Interest paid on long-term debt  (4,203)  (4,700)
Unrealized foreign exchange loss  233   64 
Goodwill and intangible asset impairments  11,939   14,020 
Inventory and other impairments  10,961    
Write-off of joint venture loan      
Non-cash lease expense  2,402   2,103 
Share-based compensation  3,747   3,111 
Deferred income taxes  (1,739)  7,046 
Changes in non-cash working capital items  438   (2,081)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities  10,348   5,315 
Cash flows (used in) provided by investing activities:      
Purchases of property, plant and equipment  (10,083)  (6,518)
Purchases of intangibles  (158)   
Acquisitions, net      
Equity investment     (548)
Issuance of note receivable      
Repayment of note receivable     835 
Net cash used in investing activities  (10,241)  (6,231)
Cash flows (used in) provided by financing activities:      
Proceeds from borrowings      
Repayments on borrowings  (5,709)  (9,281)
Purchase of Non-controlling interest  (3,817)   
Proceeds from issuance of common stock and warrants     24,772 
Issuance costs     (1,437)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options     83 
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities  (9,526)  14,137 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents  (1,241)  394 
Net (decrease) increase in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash  (10,660)  13,615 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period  35,291   21,676 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of period $24,631  $35,291 
Supplemental disclosure of non-cash activities:      
Non-Cash - investing and financing activities      
Operating lease right-of-use assets $117  $5,578 
Operating lease liabilities $117  $5,578 
Supplemental cash flow information:      
Income taxes paid $  $ 


What was Village Farms' (VFF) revenue growth in 2024?

Village Farms reported 18% year-over-year growth in consolidated sales to $336.2 million in 2024, with Canadian Cannabis sales growing 31%.

How did VFF's international cannabis sales perform in Q4 2024?

International sales increased 113% year-over-year in Q4 2024, with growth in Australia, Germany, and UK markets.

What caused the Q4 2024 earnings impact for VFF?

A $10.5 million non-cash impairment charge related to non-flower inventory that didn't meet quality standards impacted Q4 earnings.

What is VFF's Netherlands expansion plan for 2025?

VFF broke ground on Phase II expansion in Groningen, Netherlands, expected to quintuple annual production capacity when completed in Q4 2025.

How much operating cash flow did VFF generate in 2024?

Village Farms generated $10.3 million in consolidated cash flow from operations for the full year 2024.
Village Farms Intl Inc


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