UBS Hires Private Wealth Advisor Lin Reynolds in New York City
UBS has announced the appointment of Lin Reynolds as a Private Wealth Advisor in their Manhattan Market. Reynolds will be based at the firm's 1285 Avenue of the Americas Private Wealth Management office, reporting to Market Director Tom Conigatti under Market Executive Kellie Brady.
Reynolds joins UBS from J.P. Morgan Private Bank where she served as an Executive Director and Private Banker. With over nine years of experience in wealth management, she specializes in working with global family offices and wealthy individuals. At UBS, she will focus on advising ultra-high-net-worth and next gen clients on asset allocation, investment portfolio construction, customized lending, and wealth transfer strategies.
Her background includes completing JPM Chase's Leadership Development Program and holding positions in Macro Economic Research, Corporate Risk Management & Strategy, and Mortgage Banking Credit Risk. Reynolds holds a BA in Sociology and Economics from Lake Forest College and a Master's in Economics from American University. Originally from Chengdu, China, she is fluent in Mandarin.
UBS ha annunciato la nomina di Lin Reynolds come Private Wealth Advisor nel mercato di Manhattan. Reynolds sarà basata presso l'ufficio di Private Wealth Management dell'azienda al 1285 di Avenue of the Americas, riportando al Direttore di Mercato Tom Conigatti sotto l'Executive di Mercato Kellie Brady.
Reynolds arriva in UBS da J.P. Morgan Private Bank, dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Executive Director e Private Banker. Con oltre nove anni di esperienza nella gestione patrimoniale, si specializza nel lavoro con family office globali e individui facoltosi. Presso UBS, si concentrerà sulla consulenza a clienti ultra-ricchi e della prossima generazione riguardo all'allocazione degli attivi, costruzione di portafogli d'investimento, prestiti personalizzati e strategie di trasferimento della ricchezza.
Il suo background include il completamento del Programma di Sviluppo della Leadership di JPM Chase e il ricoprire ruoli nella Ricerca Economica Macro, nella Gestione dei Rischi Aziendali e Strategia, e nel Rischio di Credito del Settore Mutui. Reynolds ha conseguito una laurea in Sociologia ed Economia al Lake Forest College e un Master in Economia all'American University. Originaria di Chengdu, Cina, è fluente in mandarino.
UBS ha anunciado el nombramiento de Lin Reynolds como Asesora de Patrimonio Privado en su mercado de Manhattan. Reynolds estará basada en la oficina de Gestión de Patrimonio Privado de la firma en el 1285 de Avenue of the Americas, reportando al Director de Mercado Tom Conigatti bajo la dirección de la Ejecutiva de Mercado Kellie Brady.
Reynolds se une a UBS desde J.P. Morgan Private Bank, donde se desempeñó como Directora Ejecutiva y Banquera Privada. Con más de nueve años de experiencia en gestión de patrimonios, se especializa en trabajar con oficinas familiares globales e individuos adinerados. En UBS, se enfocará en asesorar a clientes de ultra alto patrimonio y de la próxima generación sobre asignación de activos, construcción de carteras de inversión, préstamos personalizados y estrategias de transferencia de riqueza.
Su trayectoria incluye la finalización del Programa de Desarrollo de Liderazgo de JPM Chase y el desempeño de roles en Investigación Económica Macro, Gestión de Riesgos Corporativos y Estrategia, y Riesgo de Crédito en Banca Hipotecaria. Reynolds tiene una licenciatura en Sociología y Economía del Lake Forest College y una Maestría en Economía de la American University. Originaria de Chengdu, China, es fluida en mandarín.
UBS는 Lin Reynolds를 맨해튼 시장의 개인 자산 고문으로 임명했다고 발표했습니다. Reynolds는 1285 Avenue of the Americas의 개인 자산 관리 사무소에 근무하며, 시장 책임자 Tom Conigatti에게 보고하고 시장 임원 Kellie Brady의 지휘를 받습니다.
Reynolds는 J.P. Morgan Private Bank에서 임원 이사 및 개인 은행가로 근무한 경력이 있습니다. 9년 이상의 자산 관리 경험을 바탕으로 글로벌 패밀리 오피스와 부유한 개인과의 협력에 전문성을 갖추고 있습니다. UBS에서는 초고액 자산 고객과 차세대 고객에게 자산 배분, 투자 포트폴리오 구성, 맞춤형 대출 및 자산 이전 전략에 대한 조언에 집중할 것입니다.
그녀의 배경에는 JPM 체이스의 리더십 개발 프로그램을 이수한 것과 거시 경제 연구, 기업 위험 관리 및 전략, 주택 담보 대출 신용 위험 분야에서의 경력이 포함됩니다. Reynolds는 Lake Forest College에서 사회학 및 경제학 학사 학위를, American University에서 경제학 석사 학위를 취득했습니다. 중국 청두 출신으로, 만다린어에 능통합니다.
UBS a annoncé la nomination de Lin Reynolds en tant que conseillère en gestion de patrimoine privé sur le marché de Manhattan. Reynolds sera basée au bureau de gestion de patrimoine privé de l'entreprise situé au 1285 Avenue of the Americas, et reportera au directeur de marché Tom Conigatti sous la direction de l'exécutif de marché Kellie Brady.
Reynolds rejoint UBS en provenance de J.P. Morgan Private Bank, où elle a occupé le poste de directrice exécutive et de banquière privée. Forte de plus de neuf ans d'expérience en gestion de patrimoine, elle se spécialise dans le travail avec des bureaux familiaux mondiaux et des individus fortunés. Chez UBS, elle se concentrera sur le conseil auprès de clients ultra-riches et de la prochaine génération concernant l'allocation d'actifs, la construction de portefeuilles d'investissement, les prêts sur mesure et les stratégies de transfert de richesse.
Son parcours comprend l'achèvement du programme de développement du leadership de JPM Chase et des postes dans la recherche économique macro, la gestion des risques d'entreprise et la stratégie, ainsi que le risque de crédit dans le secteur hypothécaire. Reynolds est titulaire d'une licence en sociologie et en économie du Lake Forest College et d'un master en économie de l'American University. Originaire de Chengdu, en Chine, elle parle couramment le mandarin.
UBS hat die Ernennung von Lin Reynolds zur Private Wealth Advisor im Manhattan-Markt bekannt gegeben. Reynolds wird im Büro für Private Wealth Management der Firma in der 1285 Avenue of the Americas arbeiten und an den Marktleiter Tom Conigatti unter der Markt-Executive Kellie Brady berichten.
Reynolds kommt von der J.P. Morgan Private Bank, wo sie als Executive Director und Private Banker tätig war. Mit über neun Jahren Erfahrung im Wealth Management hat sie sich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit globalen Family Offices und wohlhabenden Einzelpersonen spezialisiert. Bei UBS wird sie sich darauf konzentrieren, ultra-high-net-worth und Next-Gen-Kunden in Bezug auf Vermögensallokation, Investmentportfoliokonstruktion, maßgeschneiderte Kredite und Strategien zur Vermögensübertragung zu beraten.
Ihr Hintergrund umfasst die Absolvierung des Leadership Development Program von JPM Chase sowie Positionen in der makroökonomischen Forschung, im Corporate Risk Management & Strategy und im Kreditrisiko im Hypothekenbankwesen. Reynolds hat einen BA in Soziologie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften vom Lake Forest College und einen Master in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der American University. Ursprünglich aus Chengdu, China, spricht sie fließend Mandarin.
- Strategic hire strengthens UBS's ultra-high-net-worth client services
- Addition of experienced advisor with international expertise and Mandarin language skills
- Expansion of wealth management capabilities in key Manhattan market
- None.
“We are thrilled that Lin will be joining UBS,” said Kellie Brady, Manhattan Market Executive at UBS. “Her dedication and international perspective will be a great addition to our team. I am confident that she will be able to leverage the full suite of UBS’s global resources and capabilities to provide clients with customized strategies and help them achieve the goals that matter most to them.”
“Lin’s extensive experience, deep understanding of clients’ sophisticated financial needs, and commitment to best-in-class service make her stand out as a professional,” said Tom Conigatti, UBS Market Director. “We will be excited to welcome her to UBS and look forward to working alongside her to provide comprehensive, tailored solutions to our ultra-high-net-worth clients.”
Lin will join UBS in
Lin has over nine years of experience working with global families and wealthy individuals. She began her career in wealth management covering founders and family offices predominantly based in
Prior to her career in wealth management, Lin completed JPM Chase’s Leadership Development Program, where she rotated through different lines of businesses within the bank, including Macro Economic Research, Corporate Risk Management & Strategy, and Mortgage Banking Credit Risk.
Lin received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Economics from Lake Forest College and obtained a Master’s in Economics from American University. Born and raised in
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Source: UBS