Thoughtworks and ConnectingYouNow Launch AI-Powered Managed Services to Address Complexity, Cost Challenges

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Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS) has partnered with ConnectingYouNow (CYN) to launch AI-powered managed services aimed at addressing complexity and cost challenges in enterprise IT. The joint offering, part of Thoughtworks' DAMO™ Managed Services, integrates CYN's Enterprise AI Hub to provide intelligent automation and predictive analytics. The solution focuses on two key areas:

1. Customer service: Reducing support ticket resolution times to increase satisfaction
2. Technology: Unifying and optimizing customer contact and incident data platforms

CYN, founded through a Scottish Government CivTech challenge, emphasizes responsible AI and inclusive technology. The partnership aims to help enterprises like the Scottish Government streamline IT operations and drive efficiencies while maintaining data safety and accessibility standards.

Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS) ha collaborato con ConnectingYouNow (CYN) per lanciare servizi gestiti potenziati dall'IA destinati ad affrontare le sfide di complessità e costo nell'IT aziendale. L'offerta congiunta, parte dei servizi gestiti DAMO™ di Thoughtworks, integra l'Enterprise AI Hub di CYN per fornire automazione intelligente e analisi predittive. La soluzione si concentra su due aree chiave:

1. Servizio clienti: Riduzione dei tempi di risoluzione dei ticket di supporto per aumentare la soddisfazione
2. Tecnologia: Unificazione e ottimizzazione delle piattaforme di contatto con i clienti e dei dati sugli incidenti

CYN, fondata attraverso una sfida CivTech del governo scozzese, enfatizza l'IA responsabile e la tecnologia inclusiva. La partnership mira ad aiutare le imprese come il governo scozzese a semplificare le operazioni IT e a migliorare l'efficienza, mantenendo allo stesso tempo standard di sicurezza e accessibilità dei dati.

Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS) se ha asociado con ConnectingYouNow (CYN) para lanzar servicios gestionados impulsados por IA destinados a abordar la complejidad y los desafíos de costo en la TI empresarial. La oferta conjunta, parte de los Servicios Gestionados DAMO™ de Thoughtworks, integra el Enterprise AI Hub de CYN para proporcionar automatización inteligente y análisis predictivos. La solución se centra en dos áreas clave:

1. Servicio al cliente: Reducción de los tiempos de resolución de tickets de soporte para aumentar la satisfacción
2. Tecnología: Unificación y optimización de las plataformas de contacto con el cliente y de datos de incidentes

CYN, fundada a través de un desafío del gobierno escocés CivTech, enfatiza la IA responsable y la tecnología inclusiva. La asociación tiene como objetivo ayudar a empresas como el gobierno escocés a optimizar sus operaciones de TI y mejorar la eficiencia, manteniendo al mismo tiempo estándares de seguridad y accesibilidad de datos.

Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS)는 ConnectingYouNow (CYN)와 협력하여 AI 기반 관리 서비스를 출시하였습니다. 이 서비스는 기업 IT의 복잡성과 비용 문제를 해결하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. Thoughtworks의 DAMO™ 관리 서비스의 일환인 이 공동 제공은 CYN의 엔터프라이즈 AI 허브를 통합하여 지능형 자동화 및 예측 분석을 제공합니다. 이 솔루션은 두 가지 핵심 분야에 중점을 둡니다:

1. 고객 서비스: 지원 티켓 해결 시간을 줄여 고객 만족도를 높이기
2. 기술: 고객 연락 및 사고 데이터 플랫폼 통합 및 최적화

CYN은 스코틀랜드 정부의 CivTech 도전 과제를 통해 설립되었으며, 책임 있는 AI와 포괄적인 기술을 강조합니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 스코틀랜드 정부와 같은 기업들이 IT 운영을 간소화하고 효율성을 강화할 수 있도록 지원하며, 데이터의 안전성 및 접근성 기준을 유지하는 것입니다.

Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS) s'est associé à ConnectingYouNow (CYN) pour lancer des services gérés alimentés par l'IA visant à relever les défis de complexité et de coût en matière de TI d'entreprise. L'offre conjointe, faisant partie des services gérés DAMO™ de Thoughtworks, intègre le Hub AI Entreprise de CYN pour fournir automatisation intelligente et analyses prédictives. La solution se concentre sur deux domaines clés :

1. Service client : Réduction des temps de résolution des tickets de support pour accroître la satisfaction
2. Technologie : Unification et optimisation des plateformes de contact client et des données sur les incidents

CYN, fondée par le biais d'un défi CivTech du gouvernement écossais, met l'accent sur une IA responsable et une technologie inclusive. Le partenariat vise à aider les entreprises comme le gouvernement écossais à rationaliser leurs opérations informatiques et à améliorer leur efficacité tout en maintenant des normes de sécurité et d'accessibilité des données.

Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS) hat sich mit ConnectingYouNow (CYN) zusammengeschlossen, um KI-gestützte Managed Services zu lancieren, die darauf abzielen, Komplexitäts- und Kostenherausforderungen in der Unternehmens-IT zu bewältigen. Das gemeinsame Angebot, das Teil von Thoughtworks' DAMO™ Managed Services ist, integriert CYNs Enterprise AI Hub, um intelligente Automatisierung und prädiktive Analysen bereitzustellen. Die Lösung konzentriert sich auf zwei Schlüsselaspekte:

1. Kundendienst: Verkürzung der Bearbeitungszeiten für Support-Tickets zur Steigerung der Zufriedenheit
2. Technologie: Vereinheitlichung und Optimierung der Kundenkontakt- und Vorfalldatenplattformen

CYN, gegründet im Rahmen einer CivTech-Herausforderung der schottischen Regierung, legt Wert auf verantwortungsvolle KI und inklusive Technologie. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Unternehmen wie die schottische Regierung bei der Optimierung ihrer IT-Operationen und der Effizienzsteigerung zu unterstützen, während gleichzeitig Sicherheits- und Zugänglichkeitsstandards für Daten eingehalten werden.

  • Partnership with ConnectingYouNow to offer AI-powered managed services
  • Focus on reducing support ticket resolution times and increasing customer satisfaction
  • Integration of CYN's Enterprise AI Hub for intelligent automation and predictive analytics
  • Potential for improved ROI on digital assets for clients
  • Fixed-cost offering as part of Thoughtworks DAMO managed services
  • None.

This partnership between Thoughtworks and ConnectingYouNow (CYN) appears to be a strategic move to enhance Thoughtworks' AI-powered managed services offering. While the news doesn't provide specific financial figures, it could potentially impact Thoughtworks' future revenue streams. The integration of CYN's Enterprise AI Hub into Thoughtworks' DAMO™ Managed Services might give Thoughtworks a competitive edge in the rapidly growing AI services market.

However, investors should note that the immediate financial impact is likely to be The partnership's success will depend on market adoption and the ability to deliver promised efficiencies. Long-term, if successful, this could strengthen Thoughtworks' position in the AI-powered managed services sector, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth. Investors should monitor future earnings reports for signs of increased revenue or client acquisition related to this new offering.

The collaboration between Thoughtworks and CYN is noteworthy in the AI landscape. Their joint offering addresses two critical areas: customer service optimization and technology portfolio management. The integration of CYN's Enterprise AI Hub with Thoughtworks' DAMO™ Managed Services creates a powerful solution for real-time insights and predictive analytics.

A key technical advantage is the unified approach to data management across multiple platforms. This could significantly reduce the complexity of managing diverse IT ecosystems, a common pain point for large enterprises. The focus on responsible AI and adherence to accessibility guidelines (WCAG) is also commendable, potentially future-proofing the solution against evolving regulations.

However, the success of this offering will heavily depend on its ability to deliver tangible ROI for clients. The tech industry is saturated with AI solutions and Thoughtworks will need to clearly demonstrate the unique value proposition of this partnership to stand out in the market.

This partnership positions Thoughtworks to capitalize on the growing demand for AI-powered managed services. The market for such services is expanding rapidly as enterprises seek to optimize their IT operations and reduce costs. By offering a fixed-cost model for these services, Thoughtworks could attract budget-conscious clients looking for predictable IT expenses.

The collaboration with CYN, particularly its work with the Scottish Government, adds credibility to Thoughtworks' offering. This could be especially appealing to public sector clients or organizations dealing with sensitive data. The focus on accessibility and inclusive design also aligns with growing market trends towards more equitable technology solutions.

However, the success of this venture will depend on Thoughtworks' ability to effectively market and differentiate this offering in a crowded AI services landscape. The company will need to clearly articulate the unique benefits of their solution, particularly in terms of ROI and operational efficiency, to attract and retain clients in this competitive market.

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Thoughtworks (NASDAQ: TWKS), a global technology consultancy that integrates strategy, design and engineering, today announced partnering with ConnectingYouNow (CYN), a U.K.-based digital technology company, to help enterprises drive greater operational efficiency with automation and optimization to increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs across the technology portfolio. The joint offering is part of Thoughtworks’ AI-powered DAMO™ Managed Services and is unique because it provides intuitive tools for intelligent automation and predictive analytics by integrating CYN’s highly secure Enterprise AI Hub.

The Thoughtworks and CYN AI-powered solution offering provides the real-time insights IT leaders are demanding to better inform the iterative improvements necessary to enhance applications over time. With a continuum of knowledge, discovery and enhancement, the service offering helps enterprises maximize investment in two areas now and for the future:

  • Customer service: Reduce support ticket resolution times to increase customer satisfaction
  • Technology: Easily unify and optimize multiple customer contact and incident data platforms with predictive analytics

Founded as a result of winning one of the Scottish Government’s CivTech challenges, CYN is a strong proponent of responsible and accurate AI and technology for good. Further, CYN’s service offerings are designed to be inclusive with adherence to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and follow rigorous government protocols for data safety.

“While the digital transformation era has brought about significant complexities for IT departments, fortunately AI has emerged as a power tool to empower leaders such as the Scottish Government as it achieves its strategic objective to provide more inclusive access to public services,” said Jora Gill, CEO and Co-founder, ConnectingYouNow. “By partnering with Thoughtworks, we’re extending and scaling CYN’s unified data management, intelligent automation and predictive analytics capabilities to our clients who are seeking to harness the power of AI as they streamline their IT operations and drive efficiencies.”

CYN is already working with the Scottish Government to help people with disabilities find information with greater speed and precision on A Local Information System for Scotland (ALISS) through a two-way conversational AI system optimized for people with sight and hearing loss.

“Our joint efforts with ConnectYouNow around Thoughtworks DAMO managed services help enterprises manage their existing applications at a predictable cost, so that they can focus their resources on accelerating innovation and delivering new business value,” said Matthew Lee, Global Head of DAMO Managed Services. “More and more of our clients are looking for an end-to-end service that combines bespoke services with high-level support and post-delivery, which makes CYN an ideal partner to help provide organizations such as the Scottish Government with better ROI on their digital assets.”

Thoughtworks will offer CYN services for a fixed-cost as part of its DAMO managed services. With advanced AI, CYN aggregates and cleanses data from multiple sources in real time which is integral to the Thoughtworks portfolio optimization assessment that provides clients with recommendations on how to best maintain and evolve their tech estate.

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About Thoughtworks

Thoughtworks is a global technology consultancy that integrates strategy, design and engineering to drive digital innovation. We are over 10,500 Thoughtworkers strong across 48 offices in 19 countries. For 30+ years, we’ve delivered extraordinary impact together with our clients by helping them solve complex business problems with technology as the differentiator.


Linda Horiuchi, global head of public relations


Phone: +1 (646) 581-2568

Source: Thoughtworks


What is the purpose of Thoughtworks' partnership with ConnectingYouNow?

Thoughtworks partnered with ConnectingYouNow to launch AI-powered managed services that help enterprises drive operational efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce costs across their technology portfolio.

How does the Thoughtworks and CYN AI-powered solution benefit customers?

The solution provides real-time insights for IT leaders, reduces support ticket resolution times, and helps unify and optimize multiple customer contact and incident data platforms with predictive analytics.

What is ConnectingYouNow's background and focus?

ConnectingYouNow was founded after winning a Scottish Government CivTech challenge. It focuses on responsible AI, inclusive technology, and adheres to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and government protocols for data safety.

How is Thoughtworks (TWKS) offering CYN services?

Thoughtworks is offering CYN services for a fixed cost as part of its DAMO managed services, which includes portfolio optimization assessment and recommendations for maintaining and evolving clients' tech estates.

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