The Radoff-Torok Group Nominates Four Highly Qualified, Independent Director Candidates for Election to the TETRA Technologies Board of Directors
The Radoff-Torok Group, owning over 4.9% of TETRA Technologies (NYSE: TTI), has nominated four independent directors for election to TTI's Board, highlighting urgent need for change. The nominees are Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff, and Andrew K. Ruben.
The group criticizes TTI's decade-long 43% stock price decline while the Russell 2000 gained 66%. They point to issues including:
- Bloated corporate overhead and high debt levels
- Poor succession planning with over-age CEO and CFO
- Entrenched board members serving 11-13 years
- Lack of clear strategy for value creation
The Radoff-Torok Group recommends forming a Strategy Committee to review the portfolio, capital structure, and corporate overhead. They suggest divesting underperforming Water business segments and evaluating funding options for the Arkansas processing facility through partnerships and joint ventures.
Il Gruppo Radoff-Torok, che possiede oltre il 4,9% di TETRA Technologies (NYSE: TTI), ha nominato quattro amministratori indipendenti per l'elezione al Consiglio di TTI, evidenziando l'urgenza di un cambiamento. I candidati sono Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff e Andrew K. Ruben.
Il gruppo critica il declino del prezzo delle azioni di TTI del 43% negli ultimi dieci anni, mentre il Russell 2000 ha guadagnato il 66%. Sottolineano problemi tra cui:
- Spese generali aziendali gonfiate e alti livelli di debito
- Poor succession planning con un CEO e un CFO troppo anziani
- Membriche del consiglio radicate in cariche da 11 a 13 anni
- Mancanza di una strategia chiara per la creazione di valore
Il Gruppo Radoff-Torok raccomanda di formare un Comitato Strategico per esaminare il portafoglio, la struttura del capitale e le spese generali aziendali. Suggeriscono di disinvestire dai segmenti aziendali dell'acqua che non performano e di valutare opzioni di finanziamento per l'impianto di lavorazione dell'Arkansas attraverso partnership e joint venture.
El Grupo Radoff-Torok, que posee más del 4.9% de TETRA Technologies (NYSE: TTI), ha nominado a cuatro directores independientes para elecciones en la Junta de TTI, subrayando la urgente necesidad de un cambio. Los nominados son Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff y Andrew K. Ruben.
El grupo critica la caída del 43% en el precio de las acciones de TTI durante la última década, mientras que el Russell 2000 ha ganado un 66%. Señalan problemas que incluyen:
- Gastos generales corporativos inflados y altos niveles de deuda
- Poor succession planning con un CEO y CFO de edad avanzada
- Miembros del consejo arraigados en sus puestos durante 11-13 años
- Falta de una estrategia clara para la creación de valor
El Grupo Radoff-Torok recomienda formar un Comité de Estrategia para revisar el portafolio, la estructura de capital y los gastos generales corporativos. Sugerieren desinvertir en segmentos de negocios de agua que no están funcionando y evaluar opciones de financiamiento para la instalación de procesamiento de Arkansas a través de asociaciones y empresas conjuntas.
라도프-토록 그룹은 TETRA Technologies (NYSE: TTI)의 4.9% 이상을 소유하고 있으며, TTI 이사회의 선출을 위해 네 명의 독립 이사를 지명했습니다. 이는 변화의 긴급성을 강조합니다. 지명된 후보자는 사이먼 베이츠, 에반 베렌스, 브래들리 L. 라도프, 앤드류 K. 루벤입니다.
이 그룹은 TTI의 지난 10년간 주가가 43% 하락한 반면 러셀 2000은 66% 상승한 점을 비판합니다. 그들은 다음과 같은 문제를 지적합니다:
- 부풀려진 기업 간접비와 높은 부채 수준
- 나이가 많은 CEO와 CFO에 대한 불완전한 승계 계획
- 11-13년 동안 재직 중인 고착된 이사회 구성원
- 가치 창출을 위한 명확한 전략 부족
라도프-토록 그룹은 포트폴리오, 자본 구조 및 기업 간접비를 검토하기 위해 전략 위원회를 구성할 것을 권장합니다. 그들은 성과가 저조한 수자원 사업 부문을 매각하고 아칸소 가공 시설에 대한 자금 조달 옵션을 파트너십 및 합작 투자를 통해 평가할 것을 제안합니다.
Le Groupe Radoff-Torok, détenant plus de 4,9 % de TETRA Technologies (NYSE: TTI), a nommé quatre administrateurs indépendants pour l'élection au conseil d'administration de TTI, soulignant le besoin urgent de changement. Les candidats sont Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff et Andrew K. Ruben.
Le groupe critique la baisse de 43 % du prix de l'action de TTI au cours de la dernière décennie, tandis que le Russell 2000 a gagné 66 %. Ils soulignent des problèmes tels que :
- Des frais généraux d'entreprise gonflés et des niveaux d'endettement élevés
- Une planification de succession défaillante avec un PDG et un CFO vieillissants
- Des membres du conseil bien ancrés en fonction depuis 11 à 13 ans
- Absence de stratégie claire pour la création de valeur
Le Groupe Radoff-Torok recommande de former un Comité Stratégique pour examiner le portefeuille, la structure du capital et les frais généraux de l'entreprise. Ils suggèrent de céder des segments d'activité de l'eau sous-performants et d'évaluer les options de financement pour l'installation de traitement de l'Arkansas par le biais de partenariats et de coentreprises.
Die Radoff-Torok-Gruppe, die über 4,9 % von TETRA Technologies (NYSE: TTI) besitzt, hat vier unabhängige Direktoren für die Wahl in den Vorstand von TTI nominiert und damit den dringenden Bedarf an Veränderungen hervorgehoben. Die Nominierten sind Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff und Andrew K. Ruben.
Die Gruppe kritisiert den Rückgang des Aktienkurses von TTI um 43 % über ein Jahrzehnt, während der Russell 2000 um 66 % zulegte. Sie weisen auf Probleme hin, darunter:
- Aufgeblähte Unternehmensoverheadkosten und hohe Schuldenstände
- Schlechte Nachfolgeplanung mit einem überalterten CEO und CFO
- Verfestigte Vorstandsmitglieder, die seit 11-13 Jahren im Amt sind
- Mangel an einer klaren Strategie zur Wertschöpfung
Die Radoff-Torok-Gruppe empfiehlt die Bildung eines Strategieausschusses zur Überprüfung des Portfolios, der Kapitalstruktur und des Unternehmensoverheads. Sie schlagen vor, unterperformende Wassergeschäftssegmente abzustoßen und Finanzierungsoptionen für die Verarbeitungsanlage in Arkansas durch Partnerschaften und Joint Ventures zu evaluieren.
- Potential for portfolio optimization through strategic divestitures
- Opportunity to reduce corporate overhead and debt
- Possibility of partnerships and JVs for Arkansas processing facility
- Proposed board nominees bring relevant industry and financial expertise
- 43% stock price decline over past decade
- High corporate overhead and debt levels
- Poor succession planning with over-age executives
- Entrenched board members with 11-13 years tenure
- Lack of clear strategy for value creation
Sends Letter to TTI Board Highlighting Decades-Long Underperformance, Lack of Strategy, Poor Corporate Governance, Failed Succession Planning and Board Entrenchment
Believes TTI Board is More Concerned with Preserving the Seats of Chairman John F. Glick and Directors Mark E. Baldwin and Thomas R. Bates, Jr., Than Addressing the Company's Corporate Strategy, Capital Allocation and Governance Failures
Believes TTI Board Change is Urgently Needed to Create Long-Term Value for Stockholders
The Radoff-Torok Group today also issued an open letter to the Board regarding the urgent need for Board change to restore good governance and create long-term value for all TTI stockholders.
The full text of the letter is as follows:
TETRA Technologies, Inc.
24955 Interstate 45 North
Attn: Board of Directors
Members of the Board,
As longtime, constructive investors who collectively own more than
Over the past five months, we have sought to work constructively with the Board to reach a mutually agreeable path forward for the Company. We have highlighted fundamental issues with director tenure, succession planning and capital allocation, which we believe are all necessary to address to ensure successful governance and management of the business. As you know, we recently offered to withdraw our privately nominated slate of director nominees in exchange for the Company's over-tenured, deeply entrenched directors – Chairman John F. Glick, Mark E. Baldwin and Thomas R. Bates, Jr. – stepping down from the Board. We also earlier offered to support a Board refresh that contemplated the retirement of two long-standing directors and the immediate appointment of a mutually agreed director who possesses industry and transactional expertise. Finally, as a last ditch effort to avoid a proxy contest after President and Chief Executive Officer Brady M.
The Board's rejection of all of our proposals – coupled with its belief that it can begin to create value despite a lengthy track record that clearly indicates otherwise – is incomprehensible and underscores the Board's troublesome desire to maintain the status quo. Notably, the Board is seemingly unconcerned that two of its directors were simultaneously unseated from another company's board by stockholders for a similar disregard for stockholders' interests, and that a third director sits on another company's board currently being accused of significant governance failures and entrenchment. The Board appears to be more concerned with preserving the seats of Messrs. Glick, Baldwin and Bates, Jr., who have served for more than 11, 11 and 13 years, respectively, than working to address the Company's obvious failures.
Accordingly, and with all stockholders' best interests in mind, we have nominated four highly qualified, independent director candidates – Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff and Andrew K. Ruben – for election to the Board at the Company's 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. We believe that with the addition of their fresh perspectives, relevant skillsets, public company board experience and stockholder-first mindset, the Board will be better positioned to help oversee the successful transition of the Company into a focused, appropriately capitalized and highly profitable business capable of delivering long-term value for stockholders.
TTI'S stock price has cratered under the current Board and leadership.
The numbers speak for themselves. Over the last decade, TTI's stock price has declined nearly
It is clear to us that TTI's Board and management team are out of touch with the challenges facing the business and refuse to be held accountable for their underperformance. Leadership has simply refused to address TTI's myriad performance issues—including a bloated corporate overhead and unnecessarily high debt—which have been a constant drag on earnings and free cash flow. The Board should know that public market investors attribute low valuation multiples to commodity oil-field service companies, which TTI is perceived to be, and it is apparent that the Company's leadership does not have a strategy in place to address this challenge. In fact, when convenient, management will compare its poor performance to an oil-field service index, knowing all too well that the Company possesses many valuable specialty chemical assets.
TTI Board's must take action to unlock value for stockholders.
As we have recommended repeatedly, we believe the Board should immediately form a Strategy Committee of independent directors to review its portfolio of businesses, capital structure and corporate overhead. We believe a review, supported by qualified financial advisors, will reveal options to unlock value and strengthen the Company. The most obvious examples include divesting underperforming parts of the Company's Water business and evaluating funding options for the
Additionally, articulating a succession plan on an accelerated timetable and addressing major flaws with its capital allocation strategy are critical to restoring the Company's credibility with the market. Frankly, it is poor governance that a Board led by an over-tenured Chairman has allowed the Company to be run by a CEO and CFO who are each past the standard retirement age, particularly given their inability to create value for stockholders. Worse still, the Board has authorized the pursuit of large, capital-intensive projects (like the
TTI's Board only acts following stockholder pressure.
As you know, in 2021 some of us entered into an agreement with the Company, which resulted in Paul D. Coombs not running for re-election that year, William D. Sullivan retiring from the Board both in his capacities as Chairman and director in 2022, and Shawn D. Williams being appointed to the Board in 2021. If not for our pressure, the Board would be even more deeply entrenched and intransigent than it is today. It is a sad commentary on this Board that you have only begrudgingly reacted to our suggestions and pressure rather than taking proactive measures to improve the Company, but are seemingly so entrenched that you are unwilling to have any of our candidates (or even a mutually agreed director) in the boardroom. This "country club" mentality, combined with an awful track record, is unacceptable.
Our four highly qualified director candidates collectively have the relevant industry, public company board and financial expertise the Board requires, are deeply committed to overseeing the Company with stockholders' best interests in mind and would bring much-needed stockholder representation to the Board.
The direction of TTI is untenable. We believe that the Company's continued poor share price performance demonstrates that stockholders have lost confidence in the Board's ability to provide the oversight required to drive meaningful and sustainable stockholder value.
Our nominees – Simon Bates, Evan Behrens, Bradley L. Radoff and Andrew K. Ruben – collectively have proven track records of driving sustained stockholder value as executives, investors and board members at leading specialty chemical, materials and building products companies.
Under a stronger Board committed to providing proper management oversight, assessing the business portfolio, optimizing the Company's capital structure and meaningfully reducing corporate overhead, we believe TTI will be well-positioned to deliver sustainable growth and value creation to all stockholders.
Bradley L. Radoff and Michael Torok
Director Nominee Biographies
Simon Bates
We believe Mr. Bates' more than 30 years of leadership experience in the chemical, construction and industrial segments, coupled with his public company board experience at manufacturing and performance materials companies, will make him a valuable addition to the Board.
- Mr. Bates currently serves on the Board of Directors of DMC Global Inc., a holding company which operates a portfolio of asset-light manufacturing businesses, primarily providing engineered products and services to the energy, industrial, and building products markets.
- Previously, Mr. Bates served as CEO of Argos North America Corp. ("Argos"), President and CEO and a member of the Board of Directors of GCP Applied Technologies Inc., and President of the Infrastructure Products Group, a division of CRH plc, as well as on the Board of Directors of
U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. - He has also held numerous leadership positions at public companies, including Westlake Corporation ("Westlake"), Axiall Corporation, and Royal Building Products Inc.
Evan Behrens
We believe Mr. Behrens' extensive public and private board service experience in the oil and gas industry, coupled with his significant management, financial and business development skills and acumen, will make him a valuable addition to the Board.
- Mr. Behrens is currently a Managing Member of Behrens Investment Group LLC, an investment firm.
- He has served on the boards of directors of Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., Harte Hanks, Inc., SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc., Sidewinder Drilling LLC, Penford Corporation, Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc., Stemline Therapeutics, Inc., Continental Insurance Group, Ltd., Global Marine Systems Ltd. as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trailer Bridge, Inc., and Board Chairman and Managing Member of Illinois Corn Processing, LLC.
- Previously, he served as Senior Vice President of Business Development at SEACOR Holdings Inc., Portfolio Manager and Partner at Level Global Investors, L.P., Co-Founder, CEO and Portfolio Manager of B Capital Advisors, LP (formerly Behrens Rubinoff Capital Partners LP), and Senior Portfolio Manager at SAC Capital Advisors LP.
Bradley L. Radoff
We believe Mr. Radoff's financial and investment expertise together with his perspective as a significant stockholder of the Company and public company board experience will make him a valuable addition to the Board.
- Mr. Radoff is a successful private investor after previously serving as a Portfolio Manager at Third Point LLC and a Managing Director of Lonestar Capital Management LLC.
- Mr. Radoff currently serves on the board of directors of Harte Hanks, Inc., Farmer Bros. Co. and Enzo Biochem, Inc.
- Previously, he served on the board of directors of VAALCO Energy, Inc., a
Texas -based independent energy company, Pogo Producing Company, an oil and gas exploration, development and production company, and, Inc.
Andrew K. Ruben
We believe Mr. Ruben's extensive executive leadership experience, including at one of the world's largest public companies, and expertise in corporate sustainability will make him a valuable addition to the Board.
- Mr. Ruben is the Founder and currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of Trove Recommerce, Inc. He was previously Executive Chair from May 2022 to December 2023, and CEO and a director from 2012 to April 2022. He is also currently on the Board of Directors of Zevia PBC, where he also serves as Lead Independent Director.
- Between 2002 to 2012, he served in several executive roles of increasing responsibility at Walmart Inc. ("Walmart"), a multinational retail corporation, including as Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Sustainability Officer, Vice President of Private Brand Strategy and Operations, and Vice President of Omni-Channel. During his time at Walmart, Mr. Ruben led various transformational efforts, including overseeing global corporate strategy, launching Walmart's sustainability efforts and leading omnichannel and e-commerce efforts.
- Additionally, he is currently a Senior Advisor to Boston Consulting Group, a global consulting firm, and has served as a member of the Competitive Council at Cerberus Capital Management, a private investment firm.
- He has been recognized professionally as the Sam M. Walton Entrepreneur of the Year, a Retailing Rising Star by Chain Store Age and a 40 Under 40 Business Leader.
1 Source: Bloomberg. Calculated as of market close on March 21, 2025, the last trading day prior to this letter. |
Bradley L. Radoff and Michael Torok, together with the other participants named herein (collectively, the "Radoff-Torok Group"), intends to file a preliminary proxy statement and accompanying BLUE universal proxy card with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") to be used to solicit votes for the election of its slate of highly qualified director nominees at the 2025 annual meeting of stockholders of TETRA Technologies, Inc., a
The participants in the anticipated proxy solicitation are expected to be The Radoff Family Foundation ("Radoff Foundation"), Bradley L. Radoff, JEC II Associates, LLC ("JEC II"), The MOS Trust ("MOS Trust"), MOS PTC, LLC ("MOS PTC"), Michael Torok, Simon Bates, Evan Behrens and Andrew K. Ruben.
As of the date hereof, Radoff Foundation directly beneficially owns 550,000 shares of Common Stock,
Nathaniel Garnick/Amanda Shpiner/Sam Cohen
Gasthalter & Co.
(212) 257-4170
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