OHA is Administrative Agent and Sole Lender for Emergent BioSolutions Debt Refinancing

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Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) has provided a $250 million term loan facility to Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS), a global company specializing in life-saving products. This refinancing is a important step in Emergent's multi-year plan to stabilize its financial profile. As part of the deal, Emergent issued OHA 2.5 million warrants and common stock worth $10 million. The company aims to reduce net debt by over $200 million this year, positioning itself for future growth and investment opportunities. This bespoke financing structure showcases OHA's strategic approach to addressing complex financial situations, providing Emergent with additional liquidity and flexibility to execute its business plan.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) ha fornito una linea di credito a termine da 250 milioni di dollari a Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS), un'azienda globale specializzata in prodotti salvavita. Questo rifinanziamento rappresenta un passo importante nel piano pluriennale di Emergent per stabilizzare il proprio profilo finanziario. Nell'ambito dell'accordo, Emergent ha emesso a OHA 2,5 milioni di warrant e azioni ordinarie del valore di 10 milioni di dollari. L'azienda mira a ridurre il debito netto di oltre 200 milioni di dollari quest'anno, posizionandosi per future opportunità di crescita e investimento. Questa struttura di finanziamento su misura dimostra l'approccio strategico di OHA nell'affrontare situazioni finanziarie complesse, fornendo a Emergent ulteriore liquidità e flessibilità per realizzare il suo piano aziendale.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) ha proporcionado una facilidad de préstamo a plazo de 250 millones de dólares a Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS), una empresa global especializada en productos que salvan vidas. Este refinanciamiento es un paso importante en el plan a varios años de Emergent para estabilizar su perfil financiero. Como parte del acuerdo, Emergent emitió a OHA 2,5 millones de warrants y acciones ordinarias por un valor de 10 millones de dólares. La compañía tiene como objetivo reducir la deuda neta en más de 200 millones de dólares este año, posicionándose para futuras oportunidades de crecimiento e inversión. Esta estructura de financiamiento personalizada muestra el enfoque estratégico de OHA para abordar situaciones financieras complejas, proporcionando a Emergent liquidez adicional y flexibilidad para ejecutar su plan de negocio.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA)는 Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS)에 2억5천만 달러의 기간 자금 대출 시설을 제공했습니다. Emergent는 생명을 구하는 제품을 전문으로 하는 글로벌 기업입니다. 이번 재정 지원은 Emergent의 재정 프로필 안정화를 위한 다년 계획의 중요한 단계입니다. 거래의 일환으로 Emergent는 OHA에 250만 개의 워런트1천만 달러에 해당하는 보통주를 발행했습니다. 이 회사는 올해 부채를 2억 달러 이상 줄이는 것을 목표로 하여 향후 성장과 투자 기회를 위해 자리잡고 있습니다. 이 맞춤형 금융 구조는 복잡한 재정 상황을 해결하기 위한 OHA의 전략적 접근 방식을 보여주며, Emergent에게 추가적인 유동성과 유연성을 제공하여 비즈니스 계획을 실행할 수 있도록 합니다.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) a fourni à Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS) une facilité de prêt à terme de 250 millions de dollars, une entreprise mondiale spécialisée dans des produits salvateurs. Ce refinancement constitue une étape importante dans le plan pluriannuel d'Emergent pour stabiliser son profil financier. Dans le cadre de l'accord, Emergent a émis à OHA 2,5 millions de bons de souscription et des actions ordinaires d'une valeur de 10 millions de dollars. L'entreprise vise à réduire sa dette nette de plus de 200 millions de dollars cette année, se positionnant ainsi pour de futures opportunités de croissance et d'investissement. Cette structure de financement sur mesure illustre l'approche stratégique d'OHA pour résoudre des situations financières complexes, offrant à Emergent une liquidité et une flexibilité supplémentaires pour exécuter son plan d'affaires.

Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) hat Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS) eine Terminkreditlinie über 250 Millionen US-Dollar zur Verfügung gestellt, ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen, das sich auf lebenserhaltende Produkte spezialisiert hat. Diese Refinanzierung ist ein wichtiger Schritt im mehrjährigen Plan von Emergent zur Stabilisierung seines Finanzprofils. Im Rahmen des Deals hat Emergent OHA 2,5 Millionen Warrants und Stammaktien im Wert von 10 Millionen US-Dollar ausgegeben. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, den Nettod Schulden um über 200 Millionen US-Dollar zu reduzieren, um sich für zukünftiges Wachstum und Investitionsmöglichkeiten zu positionieren. Diese maßgeschneiderte Finanzierungsstruktur zeigt OHA's strategischen Ansatz zur Bewältigung komplexer finanzieller Situationen und bietet Emergent zusätzliche Liquidität und Flexibilität zur Durchführung seines Geschäftsplans.

  • Secured $250 million term loan facility for debt refinancing
  • On track to reduce net debt by over $200 million in 2024
  • Gained additional liquidity and flexibility for future growth and investments
  • Successful execution of multi-year financial stabilization plan
  • Issuance of 2.5 million warrants and $10 million worth of common stock, potentially diluting existing shareholders

The $250 million term loan facility for Emergent BioSolutions marks a significant financial restructuring. This refinancing, coupled with the issuance of 2.5 million warrants and $10 million in common stock to OHA, demonstrates a complex financial arrangement aimed at stabilizing Emergent's financial profile. The company's goal to reduce net debt by over $200 million this year is substantial and could potentially improve its balance sheet strength. However, the issuance of warrants and stock suggests a dilutive impact on existing shareholders, which needs to be weighed against the benefits of the refinancing. The bespoke nature of this deal indicates Emergent's challenging financial position, requiring tailored solutions to address its debt burden.

This refinancing deal comes at a crucial juncture for Emergent BioSolutions. The company's focus on life-saving products addressing public health threats positions it in a potentially growing market, given increasing global health concerns. However, the need for such extensive financial restructuring suggests underlying operational challenges. The market's reaction to this news will likely be mixed. While the debt refinancing provides stability, it also signals ongoing financial struggles. Investors should closely monitor Emergent's ability to leverage this financial breathing room into tangible operational improvements and growth in its core business areas. The success of this refinancing in facilitating Emergent's turnaround will be a key factor in determining the company's future market position and investor confidence.

The structure of this refinancing deal presents several legal considerations. The issuance of warrants and common stock as part of the loan agreement introduces complex securities law implications. The method of calculating share numbers and warrant strike prices based on a future 30-day volume weighted average price adds a layer of financial and legal complexity. This structure may require careful scrutiny to ensure compliance with SEC regulations and NYSE listing requirements. Additionally, the role of OHA as both lender and potential equity holder through warrants creates a unique legal relationship that may impact future corporate governance decisions. Shareholders and potential investors should carefully review the Form 8-K filing to understand the full legal implications of this refinancing arrangement on their rights and the company's future capital structure.

New York, New York, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oak Hill Advisors (“OHA”) served as Administrative Agent and sole lender of a $250 million term loan facility supporting Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (“Emergent”) (NYSE: EBS), a global company providing life-saving and life-extending products that address public health threats. The new debt financing will refinance Emergent’s existing credit facility, reaching a significant step in its multi-year plan to stabilize its financial profile.

In connection with the execution of the term loan, Emergent issued OHA 2.5 million warrants in addition to common stock with an aggregate value of $10 million. Both the number of shares and the warrant strike prices will be calculated based on the volume weighted average price per share for the 30 trading days ending on, but excluding, the 10th business day following the closing date.

This bespoke term loan structure exemplifies OHA’s strategic approach to partnering with companies to address complex and unique financial situations.

“For the past 18 months, Emergent has executed on a series of actions to strengthen the balance sheet and streamline operations,” said Joe Papa, president and CEO of Emergent. “These steps, which include finalizing several asset/site divestitures, resolving legacy issues, and now, securing this significant debt refinancing, are critical to stabilizing our financial profile.”

Papa continued, “We are thrilled to secure this new credit facility with Oak Hill Advisors as we are on track to reduce net debt by more than $200 million this year, positioning Emergent to enter its next phase of our turnaround, enabling future growth and additional investment opportunities with much greater freedom and flexibility to operate through favorable terms.”

Joseph Goldschmid, Managing Director at Oak Hill Advisors, added, “We are delighted to be a capital partner to Emergent. This financing provides the company with additional liquidity and flexibility to deliver on its business plan and continue to provide critical, life-saving products. We are excited to support and partner with the management team and company in this next chapter of growth.”

To access more information related to the new credit facility agreement, visit Emergent’s recently filed Form 8-K and press release here.


About OHA: Oak Hill Advisors (OHA) is a leading global credit-focused alternative asset manager with over 30 years of investment experience. OHA works with institutions and individuals and seeks to deliver a consistent track record of attractive risk-adjusted returns. The firm manages approximately $65 billion of capital across credit strategies, including private credit, high yield bonds, leveraged loans, stressed and distressed debt and collateralized loan obligations as of June 30, 2024. OHA’s emphasis on long-term partnerships with companies, sponsors and other partners provides access to a proprietary opportunity set, allowing for customized credit solutions across market cycles.

With over 400 experienced professionals across six global offices, OHA brings a collaborative approach to offering investors a single platform to meet their diverse credit needs. OHA is the private markets platform of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (NASDAQ – GS: TROW). For more information, please visit


What is the size of the term loan facility provided by Oak Hill Advisors to Emergent BioSolutions (EBS)?

Oak Hill Advisors provided a $250 million term loan facility to Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE: EBS).

How much net debt reduction does Emergent BioSolutions (EBS) expect in 2024?

Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE: EBS) is on track to reduce net debt by more than $200 million in 2024.

What additional securities did Emergent BioSolutions (EBS) issue to Oak Hill Advisors as part of the refinancing deal?

Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE: EBS) issued 2.5 million warrants and common stock with an aggregate value of $10 million to Oak Hill Advisors.

How does the new credit facility benefit Emergent BioSolutions (EBS)?

The new credit facility provides Emergent BioSolutions (NYSE: EBS) with additional liquidity and flexibility to deliver on its business plan, enabling future growth and investment opportunities.

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