Taranis Outlines Alkalic Intrusive System Underlying Thor Epithermal Deposit
Taranis Resources (TNREF) has announced significant findings from its 2024 diamond drilling program at the Thor project, revealing two previously undocumented intrusive bodies. The exploration was guided by a 'linked epithermal-porphyry' geological model, marking the first discovery of intrusive rocks in Thor's 130-year history.
The company identified two distinct intrusive events: Intrusive Event #1 (I-1), a 1.2 km diameter circular-shaped igneous body located 2.0 km southeast of the epithermal deposit, and Intrusive Event #2 (I-2), a younger dyke system flanking I-1. I-1 is believed to be the source of precious and base metals in the Thor epithermal deposit, while I-2 is a later formation that has disrupted the epithermal deposit.
The discovery followed a 2022 airborne magnetotelluric/magnetic survey and includes zones of advanced argillic alteration with anomalous gold over substantial widths (+30m). The company is conducting ongoing investigations including geochemistry, age-dating, and TEM mineralogical analyses at the Colorado School of Mines.
Taranis Resources (TNREF) ha annunciato importanti scoperte dal suo programma di perforazione a diamante 2024 presso il progetto Thor, rivelando due corpi intrusivi precedentemente non documentati. L'esplorazione è stata guidata da un modello geologico 'epithermale-porfirico' collegato, segnando la prima scoperta di rocce intrusive nella storia di 130 anni di Thor.
La società ha identificato due eventi intrusivi distinti: Evento Invasivo #1 (I-1), un corpo igneo di forma circolare con un diametro di 1,2 km situato a 2,0 km a sud-est del deposito epithermale, e Evento Invasivo #2 (I-2), un sistema di dyke più giovane che fiancheggia I-1. Si ritiene che I-1 sia la fonte di metalli preziosi e di base nel deposito epithermale di Thor, mentre I-2 è una formazione successiva che ha perturbato il deposito epithermale.
La scoperta è seguita da un sondaggio aeromagnetotelurico/magnetico del 2022 e comprende zone di alterazione argillosa avanzata con anomalie d'oro su larghezze sostanziali (+30m). La società sta conducendo indagini in corso, inclusi analisi geochimiche, datazione e analisi mineralogiche TEM presso la Colorado School of Mines.
Taranis Resources (TNREF) ha anunciado hallazgos significativos de su programa de perforación de diamante 2024 en el proyecto Thor, revelando dos cuerpos intrusivos previamente no documentados. La exploración fue guiada por un modelo geológico 'epithermal-porfirico' vinculado, marcando el primer descubrimiento de rocas intrusivas en la historia de 130 años de Thor.
La compañía identificó dos eventos intrusivos distintos: Evento Intrusivo #1 (I-1), un cuerpo ígneo de forma circular con un diámetro de 1,2 km ubicado a 2,0 km al sureste del depósito epithermal, y Evento Intrusivo #2 (I-2), un sistema de dikes más joven que flanquea I-1. Se cree que I-1 es la fuente de metales preciosos y base en el depósito epithermal de Thor, mientras que I-2 es una formación posterior que ha interrumpido el depósito epithermal.
El descubrimiento siguió a un estudio aeromagnético/magnético de 2022 e incluye zonas de alteración argílica avanzada con anomalías de oro en anchos sustanciales (+30m). La empresa está llevando a cabo investigaciones en curso, incluyendo geoquímica, datación y análisis mineralógicos TEM en la Colorado School of Mines.
타라니스 자원 (TNREF)은 손프로젝트에서 2024년 다이아몬드 시추 프로그램의 중요한 발견을 발표하며, 이전에 문서화되지 않은 두 개의 침입체를 밝혔습니다. 탐사는 '연결된 에피터말-포바리' 지질 모델에 의해 안내되었으며, 이는 Thor의 130년 역사에서 침입암의 첫 발견으로 기록됩니다.
회사는 두 가지 뚜렷한 침입 사건을 식별했습니다: 침입 사건 #1 (I-1), 1.2km 지름의 원형 형태의 화성체로, 에피터말 매장지에서 2.0 km 남동쪽에 위치하고 있으며, 침입 사건 #2 (I-2), I-1의 측면에 위치한 더 젊은 폭의 시스템입니다. I-1은 Thor 에피터말 매장지에서 귀금속 및 기초 금속의 원천으로 여겨지며, I-2는 에피터말 매장지를 붕괴시킨 후속 형성입니다.
이번 발견은 2022년 공중 자기파탐사/자기 조사를 통해 이루어졌으며, 상당한 폭(+30m)으로 금이 이상으로 나타나는 고급 아르질릭 변화를 포함합니다. 회사는 콜로라도 광업학교에서 지구화학, 연대 측정, TEM 광물학적 분석을 포함한 지속적인 조사를 진행하고 있습니다.
Taranis Resources (TNREF) a annoncé des découvertes significatives résultant de son programme de forage diamant 2024 au projet Thor, révélant deux corps intrusifs auparavant non documentés. L'exploration a été guidée par un modèle géologique 'épithermal-porphyrique lié', marquant la première découverte de roches intrusives dans l'histoire de 130 ans de Thor.
L'entreprise a identifié deux événements intrusifs distincts : Événement Intrusif #1 (I-1), un corps igné de forme circulaire avec un diamètre de 1,2 km situé à 2,0 km au sud-est du gisement épithermal, et Événement Intrusif #2 (I-2), un système de dyke plus jeune flanquant I-1. On pense que I-1 est la source de métaux précieux et de base dans le gisement épithermal de Thor, tandis que I-2 est une formation postérieure qui a perturbé le gisement épithermal.
La découverte a suivi une enquête magnétotellurique/magnétique aérienne de 2022 et comprend des zones d'altération argileuse avancée avec de l'or anormal sur des largeurs substantielles (+30m). L'entreprise effectue des investigations en cours, y compris des analyses géochimiques, des datations, et des analyses minéralogiques TEM à l'école des mines du Colorado.
Taranis Resources (TNREF) hat bedeutende Funde aus seinem Diamantbohrprogramm 2024 im Thor-Projekt angekündigt, die zwei zuvor nicht dokumentierte intrusive Körper offenbaren. Die Erkundung wurde durch ein 'verbundenes epithermales-porphyrisches' geologisches Modell geleitet, was die erste Entdeckung von intrusiven Gesteinen in der 130-jährigen Geschichte von Thor markiert.
Das Unternehmen identifizierte zwei distincte intrusive Ereignisse: Intrusives Ereignis #1 (I-1), ein 1,2 km durchmessender kreisförmiger vulkanischer Körper, der 2,0 km südöstlich des epithermalen Vorkommens liegt, und Intrusives Ereignis #2 (I-2), ein jüngeres Dyke-System, das I-1 flankiert. I-1 wird als Quelle für Edel- und Grundmetalle im Thor-epithermalen Vorkommen angesehen, während I-2 eine spätere Formation ist, die das epithermale Vorkommen gestört hat.
Die Entdeckung folgte einer luftgestützten magnetotellurischen/magnetischen Untersuchung von 2022 und umfasst Zonen weitreichender argilischer Alteration mit anomalem Gold über erhebliche Breiten (+30m). Das Unternehmen führt laufende Untersuchungen durch, die Geochemie, Altersbestimmung und TEM-mineralogische Analysen an der Colorado School of Mines einschließen.
- Discovery of two significant intrusive bodies at Thor, marking first occurrence in 130-year history
- Identification of anomalous gold zones over substantial widths (+30m)
- Confirmation of potential continuation of Thor epithermal deposit down-dip
- Full evaluation of the Z-900/1300 feature delayed to 2025 due to drilling limitations in 2024
Very Exciting Development at Thor!
ESTES PARK, CO / ACCESS Newswire / February 6, 2025 / Taranis Resources Inc. ("Taranis" or the "Company") (TSX.V:TRO)(OTCQB:TNREF) is providing an initial overview of the 2024 diamond drilling program at Thor. Taranis undertook a drilling exploration program at Thor using a ‘linked epithermal-porphyry' geological model, and this approach has resulted in the identification of two intrusive bodies at Thor. The basic premise of this geological model is that epithermal deposits can be underlain by large, mineralized intrusives. This News Release will be the first of several that discuss more detailed exploration results of the 2024 exploration program.
In the +130-year history of exploration and mining at Thor, there have been no documented occurrences of intrusive rocks. The presence of deep, underlying intrusive rocks at Thor became a high-level priority in 2021 after it was recognized that there were large areas of hydrothermal alteration at Thor surrounding the epithermal deposit that had hallmarks of alteration related to something other than the epithermal deposit itself. The host rocks at Thor are Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary-metavolcaniclastic rocks, and alteration has manifested itself quite differently from deposits in British Columbia that are hosted in volcanic rocks.
In May 2022, Expert Geophysics completed an airborne magnetotelluric ("MT")/magnetic survey at Thor and identified a number of geophysical features that indicated the presence of a concealed intrusive. In 2024, the initial drill holes were completed to test some of these features, and a variety of formations were encountered that either have direct connection with an intrusive - or are related to contact alteration around an intrusive. These intrusive-related rocks bear little or no resemblance to the geology mapped at surface and are subject of ongoing investigation including geochemistry, age-dating and Transmission Electron Microscopy ("TEM") mineralogical analyses at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Taranis has also completed Rare Earth Element and Major Oxide geochemistry on drill cores from 2024 to gain further insight into the large-scale alteration patterns seen in the host rocks.
Two Types of Intrusives at Thor and Relationship to the Epithermal Deposit
The figure that accompanies this News Release shows the spatial relationship between the epithermal deposit at Thor, and some of the underlying alkalic intrusive and intrusive-related rocks. This model is based on surface mapping, diamond drilling (over 250 drill holes), and inverted magnetic and resistivity data from Expert Geophysics. Alkalic rocks are rich in sodium and potassium relative to silica, and are important when differentiating intrusive rocks in British Columbia because this particular type of intrusive is related to some of the largest intrusive-related gold and copper deposits in British Columbia.
Intrusive Event #1
The oldest, and largest igneous event is I-1 ("Igneous Event #1") and is identifiable as a resistive, 1.2 km diameter circular-shaped igneous body ~2.0 km southeast of where the epithermal deposit is located. The top of this intrusive body is located at least 400m below the surface. Immediately overlying this feature is Z-900/1300 that is an elongated resistivity feature that is a contact-related alteration zone that is heavily albitized (
Intrusive Event #2
A younger, second intrusive (I-2) ("Igneous Event #2") forms two dyke-like bodies that flank I-1. This dyke system is enveloped in wide zones of epidote, chlorite and magnetite. I-2 crosscuts the Silver Cup Anticline. The dyke itself is alkalic and mafic in composition, and has high levels of magnesium. The presence of up to
John Gardiner, President and CEO of Taranis states "Exploration companies talk about finding large, hidden mineral deposits in British Columbia, and unequivocally this approach is going to find British Columbia's next generation of mines. This requires a long-term approach not only being able to identify favorable geology, but the investment of time and capital. The jewel at Thor lies in the ability to find a mineralized intrusive, and we have made significant progress in that direction. Taranis' prescription has involved a systematic approach to targeting, transitioning from shallow to deeper exploration. Taranis has also leveraged modern technology to define and understand these targets, of which some examples include passive electromagnetic surveying, alteration geochemistry, TEM and most of all experience".
About Taranis and Thor
Taranis Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The Thor Project is in southeast British Columbia. Taranis has completed upwards of 250 drill holes, linking all previously known mines into a single, near-surface epithermal deposit that has been recently updated into an NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate (see Taranis News Release dated April 11, 2024). In the summer of 2024, Taranis initiated deep drilling aimed at finding the source of the 2 km long epithermal deposit.
Qualified Person
Exploration activities at Thor were overseen by John Gardiner (P. Geo.), who is a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101. John Gardiner is a principal of John J. Gardiner & Associates, LLC which operates in British Columbia under Firm Permit Number 1002256. Mr. Gardiner has reviewed and approved the comments contained within this News Release.
For additional information on Taranis or its
Taranis currently has 100,348,854 shares issued and outstanding (113,827,227 shares on a fully-diluted basis).
Per: John J. Gardiner (P. Geo.), President and CEO
For further information contact:
John J. Gardiner
681 Conifer Lane
Estes Park, Colorado 80517
Phone: (303) 716-5922
Cell: (720) 209-3049
This News Release may contain forward looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove to be inaccurate as a result of factors beyond its control, and actual results may differ materially from expected results.

SOURCE: Taranis Resources, Inc.
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
What are the key findings from Taranis Resources' (TNREF) 2024 Thor drilling program?
How large is the gold mineralization zone discovered at Thor by TNREF?
What is the significance of Intrusive Event #1 (I-1) at Thor for TNREF?
How does Intrusive Event #2 (I-2) impact the Thor deposit structure?