Only One Third of Organizations Run Round-the-Clock Cybersecurity

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Trend Micro's research reveals significant cybersecurity gaps in global organizations. Only 36% of companies have sufficient staffing for 24/7 cybersecurity coverage, while just 35% use attack surface management techniques to measure risk. The study, which polled 2,600 IT leaders, highlights a lack of leadership and accountability in cybersecurity efforts. 48% of respondents claimed their leadership doesn't consider cybersecurity their responsibility, and 54% reported inconsistent attitudes towards cyber risk within their organizations.

The research also found that 96% of surveyed companies have concerns about their attack surface, with 36% worried about assessing and mitigating high-risk areas. Bharat Mistry, Technical Director at Trend, emphasizes the need for clear leadership and communication in terms of business risk to enhance cyber-resilience.

La ricerca di Trend Micro rivela significative lacune nella cybersecurity delle organizzazioni globali. Solo il 36% delle aziende dispone di personale sufficiente per garantire una copertura di cybersecurity 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, mentre solo il 35% utilizza tecniche di gestione della superficie di attacco per misurare il rischio. Lo studio, che ha sondato 2.600 leader IT, evidenzia una mancanza di leadership e responsabilità negli sforzi di cybersecurity. Il 48% degli intervistati ha affermato che la propria leadership non considera la cybersecurity una propria responsabilità, e il 54% ha riportato atteggiamenti incoerenti nei confronti del rischio informatico all'interno delle proprie organizzazioni.

La ricerca ha anche rilevato che il 96% delle aziende intervistate ha preoccupazioni riguardo alla propria superficie di attacco, con il 36% preoccupato di valutare e mitigare le aree ad alto rischio. Bharat Mistry, Direttore Tecnico di Trend, sottolinea la necessità di una leadership chiara e di una comunicazione in termini di rischio aziendale per migliorare la resilienza informatica.

La investigación de Trend Micro revela importantes lagunas en la ciberseguridad de las organizaciones globales. Solo el 36% de las empresas cuenta con el personal suficiente para una cobertura de ciberseguridad 24/7, mientras que solo el 35% utiliza técnicas de gestión de la superficie de ataque para medir el riesgo. El estudio, que encuestó a 2,600 líderes de TI, destaca una falta de liderazgo y rendición de cuentas en los esfuerzos de ciberseguridad. El 48% de los encuestados afirmó que su liderazgo no considera la ciberseguridad como una responsabilidad propia, y el 54% reportó actitudes inconsistentes hacia el riesgo cibernético dentro de sus organizaciones.

La investigación también encontró que el 96% de las empresas encuestadas tiene preocupaciones sobre su superficie de ataque, con un 36% preocupado por evaluar y mitigar áreas de alto riesgo. Bharat Mistry, Director Técnico de Trend, enfatiza la necesidad de un liderazgo claro y comunicación en términos de riesgo empresarial para mejorar la ciberresiliencia.

트렌드 마이크로의 연구에 따르면 전 세계 조직의 사이버 보안에 중대한 격차가 있음을 나타냅니다. 오직 36%의 기업만이 24시간, 주 7일 사이버 보안 지원을 위한 충분한 인력을 보유하고 있습니다, 반면 겨우 35%만이 위험을 측정하기 위해 공격 표면 관리 기술을 사용하고 있습니다. 2,600명의 IT 리더를 대상으로 진행된 이번 연구는 사이버 보안 노력이 리더십과 책임 부족을 드러내고 있습니다. 응답자의 48%는 그들의 리더십이 사이버 보안을 자신의 책임으로 여기지 않는다고 주장했습니다, 54%는 조직 내에서 사이버 위험에 대한 불일치한 태도를 보고했습니다.

연구 결과는 또한 조사된 기업의 96%가 공격 표면에 대해 우려하고 있다고 밝혔으며, 36%는 고위험 지역을 평가하고 완화하는 것을 걱정하고 있습니다. 트렌드의 기술 이사인 Bharat Mistry는 사이버 회복력을 향상시키기 위해 비즈니스 위험 측면에서 명확한 리더십과 소통의 필요성을 강조합니다.

La recherche de Trend Micro révèle d'importantes lacunes en matière de cybersécurité dans les organisations mondiales. Seulement 36 % des entreprises disposent de personnel suffisant pour une couverture de cybersécurité 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, tandis que seulement 35 % utilisent des techniques de gestion de la surface d'attaque pour mesurer le risque. L'étude, qui a interrogé 2 600 responsables informatiques, met en évidence un manque de leadership et de responsabilité dans les efforts de cybersécurité. 48 % des répondants ont déclaré que leur direction ne considérait pas la cybersécurité comme une responsabilité, et 54 % ont signalé des attitudes incohérentes envers le risque cybernétique au sein de leurs organisations.

La recherche a également révélé que 96 % des entreprises interrogées ont des inquiétudes concernant leur surface d'attaque, 36 % s'inquiétant d'évaluer et d'atténuer les zones à haut risque. Bharat Mistry, directeur technique chez Trend, souligne la nécessité d'une communication et d'un leadership clairs en matière de risques commerciaux pour améliorer la résilience face aux cybermenaces.

Die Forschung von Trend Micro zeigt erhebliche Lücken in der Cybersicherheit globaler Organisationen auf. Nur 36 % der Unternehmen verfügen über ausreichend Personal für eine ganzjährige Cybersicherheitsabdeckung, während nur 35 % Techniken des Angriffsoberflächenmanagements zur Risikomessung nutzen. Die Studie, die 2.600 IT-Leiter befragte, hebt ein Fehlen von Führung und Verantwortung in den Cybersicherheitsbemühungen hervor. 48 % der Befragten gaben an, dass ihre Führungsebene die Cybersicherheit nicht als ihre Verantwortung ansieht, und 54 % berichteten von inkonsistenten Einstellungen gegenüber Cyberrisiken in ihren Organisationen.

Die Forschung stellte auch fest, dass 96 % der befragten Unternehmen Bedenken hinsichtlich ihrer Angriffsoberfläche haben, wobei 36 % besorgt sind, hochriskante Bereiche zu bewerten und zu mindern. Bharat Mistry, Technischer Direktor bei Trend, betont die Notwendigkeit klarer Führung und Kommunikation in Bezug auf Geschäftsrisiken, um die Cyber-Resilienz zu verbessern.

  • Trend Micro conducted comprehensive research on cybersecurity practices, providing valuable insights for the industry
  • The study involved a large sample size of 2,600 global IT leaders, enhancing the credibility of the findings
  • Only 36% of companies have sufficient staffing for 24/7 cybersecurity coverage
  • Just 35% of organizations use attack surface management techniques to measure risk
  • 48% of respondents claimed their leadership doesn't consider cybersecurity their responsibility
  • 54% of global respondents reported inconsistent attitudes towards cyber risk within their organizations
  • 96% of surveyed companies have concerns about their attack surface
  • 36% of companies are worried about assessing and mitigating high-risk areas in their attack surface

Trend Micro research reveals major security gaps and lack of board accountability in many companies

DALLAS, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cybersecurity leader, today published research revealing that global organizations lack sufficient resources and leadership buy-in to measure and mitigate risk across their digital attack surface.

This lack of direction may be why >50% of respondents said their organization's attitude towards risk is inconsistent.

To read the full report, please visit: 

Bharat Mistry, Technical Director at Trend: "A lack of clear leadership on cybersecurity can have a paralyzing effect on an organization—leading to reactive, piecemeal and erratic decision making. Companies need CISOs to clearly communicate in terms of business risk to engage their boards. Ideally, they should have a single source of truth across the attack surface from which to share updates with the board, continually monitor risk, and automatically remediate issues for enhanced cyber-resilience."

Trend polled 2,600 global IT leaders responsible for cybersecurity in small, medium and large organizations to better understand their attitudes toward attack surface risk management (ASRM).

The top three gaps in cyber-resilience revealed by respondents were:

  • Sufficient staffing for 24x7x365 cybersecurity coverage – which just 36% have
  • Attack surface management techniques to measure the risk of the attack surface (used by 35%)
  • Using proven regulatory and other frameworks like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (only 34%)

The failure of a majority of global companies to achieve these cybersecurity basics could be traced back to a lack of leadership and accountability at the top of the organization. Half (48%) of respondents claimed that their leadership doesn't consider cybersecurity to be their responsibility. Just 17% disagreed strongly with that statement.

When asked who does or should hold responsibility for mitigating business risk, respondents returned a variety of answers, indicating a lack of clarity on reporting lines. Nearly a third (31%) said the buck stops with organizational IT teams.

This lack of clear direction on cybersecurity strategy may be why over half (54%) of global respondents complained that their organization's attitude to cyber risk is inconsistent and varies from month to month.

The leadership required to remediate these issues is not present in many organizations. Nearly all (96%) of those surveyed have concerns about their attack surface. Over one third (36%) are worried about having a way of discovering, assessing and mitigating high-risk areas, and a fifth (19%) aren't able to work from a single source of truth.

About Trend Micro 
Trend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Fueled by decades of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro's AI-powered cybersecurity platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. As a leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, Trend's platform delivers a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, and central visibility for better, faster detection and response. With 7,000 employees across 70 countries, Trend Micro enables organizations to simplify and secure their connected world.

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SOURCE Trend Micro Incorporated


What percentage of organizations have 24/7 cybersecurity coverage according to Trend Micro's research?

According to Trend Micro's research, only 36% of organizations have sufficient staffing for 24/7/365 cybersecurity coverage.

How many IT leaders were surveyed in Trend Micro's (TMICY) cybersecurity research?

Trend Micro surveyed 2,600 global IT leaders responsible for cybersecurity in small, medium, and large organizations for this research.

What percentage of companies have concerns about their attack surface, according to the Trend Micro study?

The study found that 96% of surveyed companies have concerns about their attack surface.

What percentage of respondents in the Trend Micro study said their organization's attitude towards cyber risk is inconsistent?

54% of global respondents in the Trend Micro study complained that their organization's attitude to cyber risk is inconsistent and varies from month to month.



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