Teleperformance achieves enterprise-wide corporate social responsibility certification from Verego for 11th consecutive year
Teleperformance (TP) has secured enterprise-wide Social Responsibility Standard (SRS) certification from Verego for the 11th consecutive year, maintaining its position among top industry leaders across all five SRS categories: leadership, ethics, people, community, and environment. The company exceeded industry benchmarks in transparency and CSR management systems.
Verego's Lead Certification Assessor highlighted TP's excellence in people practices, ethics structures, and community engagement. The certification process involved Verego's review of over 100 corporate materials detailing TP's CSR activities, approaches, policies, procedures, and processes. The SRS standard aligns with prominent global frameworks including the Global Reporting Initiative and UN Global Compact.
Teleperformance (TP) ha ottenuto la certificazione di Standard di Responsabilità Sociale (SRS) da Verego per l'undicesimo anno consecutivo, mantenendo la sua posizione tra i principali leader del settore in tutte e cinque le categorie SRS: leadership, etica, persone, comunità e ambiente. L'azienda ha superato i parametri del settore in merito a trasparenza e sistemi di gestione CSR.
L'assessore principale alla certificazione di Verego ha evidenziato l'eccellenza di TP nelle pratiche riguardanti le persone, le strutture etiche e l'impegno nella comunità. Il processo di certificazione ha comportato la revisione da parte di Verego di oltre 100 materiali aziendali che dettagliano le attività, gli approcci, le politiche, le procedure e i processi CSR di TP. Lo standard SRS si allinea con importanti quadri globali, tra cui l'Iniziativa di Reporting Globale e il Patto Globale delle Nazioni Unite.
Teleperformance (TP) ha asegurado la certificación de Estándar de Responsabilidad Social (SRS) de Verego por undécimo año consecutivo, manteniendo su posición entre los principales líderes de la industria en las cinco categorías de SRS: liderazgo, ética, personas, comunidad y medio ambiente. La empresa superó los puntos de referencia de la industria en transparencia y sistemas de gestión de CSR.
El Asesor Principal de Certificación de Verego destacó la excelencia de TP en prácticas de personas, estructuras éticas y compromiso comunitario. El proceso de certificación implicó la revisión por parte de Verego de más de 100 materiales corporativos que detallan las actividades, enfoques, políticas, procedimientos y procesos de CSR de TP. El estándar SRS se alinea con marcos globales destacados, incluyendo la Iniciativa de Reporte Global y el Pacto Global de las Naciones Unidas.
텔레퍼포먼스 (TP)는 베레고로부터 11년 연속으로 사회적 책임 표준(SRS) 인증을 받으며, 리더십, 윤리, 사람, 지역 사회 및 환경의 다섯 가지 SRS 범주에서 업계 주요 선두주자 중 하나로 자리매김했습니다. 이 회사는 투명성과 CSR 관리 시스템에서 업계 기준을 초과 달성했습니다.
베레고의 인증 평가자는 TP의 인사 관행, 윤리 구조 및 지역 사회 참여에서의 탁월성을 강조했습니다. 인증 과정은 TP의 CSR 활동, 접근 방식, 정책, 절차 및 프로세스를 자세히 설명하는 100개 이상의 기업 자료를 검사하는 것을 포함했습니다. SRS 표준은 글로벌 리포팅 이니셔티브 및 유엔 글로벌 컴팩트 등 주요 글로벌 프레임워크와 일치합니다.
Teleperformance (TP) a obtenu la certification du Standard de Responsabilité Sociale (SRS) de l'organisme Verego pour la onzième année consécutive, consolidant sa position parmi les leaders de l'industrie dans les cinq catégories SRS : leadership, éthique, personnes, communauté et environnement. L'entreprise a dépassé les normes sectorielles en matière de transparence et de systèmes de gestion CSR.
L'évaluateur principal de la certification de Verego a souligné l'excellence de TP en matière de pratiques humaines, de structures éthiques et d'engagement communautaire. Le processus de certification a impliqué l'examen par Verego de plus de 100 documents d'entreprise détaillant les activités, approches, politiques, procédures et processus de CSR de TP. Le standard SRS est en adéquation avec des cadres mondiaux importants tels que l'Initiative de Reporting Global et le Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies.
Teleperformance (TP) hat die Zertifizierung zum Social Responsibility Standard (SRS) von Verego zum elften Mal in Folge erhalten und behauptet damit seine Position unter den führenden Unternehmen der Branche in allen fünf SRS-Kategorien: Führung, Ethik, Menschen, Gemeinschaft und Umwelt. Das Unternehmen übertraf die Branchenbenchmarks in Bezug auf Transparenz und CSR-Managementsysteme.
Der leitende Zertifizierungsgutachter von Verego hob TP's Exzellenz in der Personalarbeit, den ethischen Strukturen und dem Engagement in der Gemeinschaft hervor. Der Zertifizierungsprozess umfasste die Überprüfung von über 100 Unternehmensmaterialien durch Verego, die die CSR-Aktivitäten, Ansätze, Richtlinien, Verfahren und Prozesse von TP detailliert darlegten. Der SRS-Standard steht im Einklang mit bedeutenden globalen Rahmenwerken, darunter die Global Reporting Initiative und der UN Global Compact.
- Achieved top-tier certification across all five SRS categories
- Maintained certification for 11 consecutive years
- Exceeded industry benchmarks in transparency and CSR management
- None.
"TP continues to be among the leaders in its industry across all assessed areas, achieving the highest available scores for its people practices, ethics structures and community engagement activities. Its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is particularly evident in the implementation of its Responsible Sourcing programme, monitoring of suppliers' CSR performance, and its structured approach to Human Rights Risk Management," said Fran McNulty, Lead Certification Assessor at Verego.
The enterprise-wide SRS re-certification is based upon an assessment report TP provided Verego regarding its globally diverse operations. From there, Verego reviewed more than 100 corporate materials regarding TP's CSR activities and its approaches, policies, procedures and processes. Verego developed its SRS standard in accordance with other prominent world standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative and the UN Global Compact.
Verego is a partner of Goodbody Clearstream, an ESG consultancy offering corporate sustainability and carbon management services.
Teleperformance (TEP – ISIN: FR0000051807 – Reuters: TEPRF.PA - Bloomberg: TEP FP), is a global leader in digital business services which consistently seeks to blend the best of advanced technology with human empathy to deliver enhanced customer care that is simpler, faster, and safer for the world's biggest brands and their customers. The Group's comprehensive, AI-powered service portfolio ranges from front office customer care to back-office functions, including operations consulting and high-value digital transformation services. It also offers a range of specialized services such as collections, interpreting and localization, visa and consular services, and recruitment process outsourcing services. The teams of multilingual, inspired, and passionate experts and advisors, spread in close to 100 countries, as well as the Group's local presence allows it to be a force of good in supporting communities, clients, and the environment. In 2023, Teleperformance reported consolidated revenue of
Teleperformance shares are traded on the Euronext Paris market, Compartment A, and are eligible for the deferred settlement service. They are included in the following indices: CAC 40, STOXX 600, S&P Europe 350, MSCI Global Standard and Euronext Tech Leaders. In the area of corporate social responsibility, Teleperformance shares are included in the CAC 40 ESG since September 2022, the Euronext Vigeo
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