Talkspace Partners With Amazon Health Services to Help Millions Discover Mental Health Benefits

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Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) has partnered with Amazon Health Services to increase awareness and accessibility of its mental health care services on As the first virtual behavioral health provider in this program, Talkspace aims to help over 150 million eligible members discover and enroll in their mental health benefits.

Key points:

  • Talkspace has 5,000+ therapists across 50 states
  • Average copay for virtual therapy is $15
  • Nearly half of American adults face mental health challenges
  • Partnership addresses barriers like affordability and provider availability
  • Amazon customers can check eligibility when searching for mental health topics
  • Eligible individuals can enroll and get paired with a therapist within days

This collaboration aims to simplify access to mental health care and aligns with Talkspace's mission of making high-quality virtual mental healthcare accessible to most Americans through insurance.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) ha stretto una collaborazione con Amazon Health Services per aumentare la consapevolezza e l'accessibilità dei suoi servizi di assistenza mentale su Come primo fornitore virtuale di salute comportamentale in questo programma, Talkspace mira ad aiutare oltre 150 milioni di membri idonei a scoprire e iscriversi ai loro benefici per la salute mentale.

Punti chiave:

  • Talkspace ha più di 5.000 terapisti in 50 stati
  • Il copayment medio per la terapia virtuale è di $15
  • Quasi la metà degli adulti americani affronta sfide legate alla salute mentale
  • La partnership affronta barriere come l'affordabilità e la disponibilità di fornitori
  • I clienti di Amazon possono controllare l'idoneità quando cercano argomenti relativi alla salute mentale
  • Le persone idonee possono iscriversi e essere abbinate a un terapista entro pochi giorni

Questa collaborazione mira a semplificare l'accesso alle cure per la salute mentale e si allinea con la missione di Talkspace di rendere l'assistenza sanitaria mentale virtuale di alta qualità accessibile alla maggior parte degli americani attraverso l'assicurazione.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) se ha asociado con Amazon Health Services para aumentar la conciencia y la accesibilidad de sus servicios de atención de salud mental en Como el primer proveedor de salud conductual virtual en este programa, Talkspace tiene como objetivo ayudar a más de 150 millones de miembros elegibles a descubrir e inscribirse en sus beneficios de salud mental.

Puntos clave:

  • Talkspace cuenta con más de 5,000 terapeutas en 50 estados
  • El copago promedio para la terapia virtual es de $15
  • Casi la mitad de los adultos estadounidenses enfrenta desafíos de salud mental
  • La asociación aborda barreras como la asequibilidad y la disponibilidad de proveedores
  • Los clientes de Amazon pueden verificar la elegibilidad al buscar temas de salud mental
  • Las personas elegibles pueden inscribirse y ser emparejadas con un terapeuta en cuestión de días

Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo simplificar el acceso a la atención de salud mental y se alinea con la misión de Talkspace de hacer que la atención de salud mental virtual de alta calidad sea accesible para la mayoría de los estadounidenses a través de seguros.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK)는 Amazon Health Services와 협력하여 Amazon.com에서 정신 건강 관리 서비스에 대한 인식과 접근성을 높이고 있습니다. 이 프로그램의 첫 번째 가상 행동 건강 제공업체인 Talkspace는 1억 5천만 명 이상의 자격을 갖춘 회원이 정신 건강 혜택을 발견하고 등록하도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

주요 사항:

  • Talkspace는 50개 주에 걸쳐 5,000명 이상의 치료사가 있습니다.
  • 가상 치료에 대한 평균 공동 부담금은 $15입니다.
  • 거의 미국 성인의 절반이 정신 건강 문제에 직면하고 있습니다.
  • 파트너십은 경제성과 제공자 가용성과 같은 장벽을 해결합니다.
  • Amazon 고객은 정신 건강 관련 주제를 검색할 때 자격을 확인할 수 있습니다.
  • 자격이 있는 개인은 며칠 내에 치료사와 연결될 수 있습니다.

이 협업은 정신 건강 치료 접근성을 단순화하는 것을 목표로 하며, Talkspace의 목표인 고품질 가상 정신 건강 치료를 대부분의 미국인에게 보험으로 제공할 수 있도록 하는 것과 일치합니다.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) s'est associé à Amazon Health Services pour accroître la sensibilisation et l'accessibilité de ses services de soins de santé mentale sur En tant que premier fournisseur virtuel de santé comportementale dans ce programme, Talkspace vise à aider plus de 150 millions de membres éligibles à découvrir et à s'inscrire à leurs prestations de santé mentale.

Points clés:

  • Talkspace compte plus de 5 000 thérapeutes dans 50 États
  • Le copaiement moyen pour une thérapie virtuelle est de 15 $
  • Près de la moitié des adultes américains font face à des défis en matière de santé mentale
  • Le partenariat traite des barrières telles que l'accessibilité financière et la disponibilité des prestataires
  • Les clients d'Amazon peuvent vérifier leur éligibilité lorsqu'ils recherchent des sujets liés à la santé mentale
  • Les personnes éligibles peuvent s'inscrire et être associées à un thérapeute en quelques jours

Cette collaboration vise à simplifier l'accès aux soins de santé mentale et s'inscrit dans la mission de Talkspace de rendre des soins de santé mentale virtuels de haute qualité accessibles à la plupart des Américains grâce à l'assurance.

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) hat sich mit Amazon Health Services zusammengetan, um das Bewusstsein und die Zugänglichkeit seiner psychischen Gesundheitsdienste auf zu erhöhen. Als erster virtueller Anbieter für Verhaltensgesundheit in diesem Programm möchte Talkspace über 150 Millionen berechtigte Mitglieder dabei unterstützen, ihre psychischen Gesundheitsleistungen zu entdecken und sich anzumelden.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Talkspace hat über 5.000 Therapeuten in 50 Bundesstaaten
  • Der durchschnittliche Eigenanteil für virtuelle Therapie beträgt 15 $
  • Fast die Hälfte der amerikanischen Erwachsenen hat mit psychischen Gesundheitsproblemen zu kämpfen
  • Die Partnerschaft geht auf Barrieren wie Bezahlbarkeit und Verfügbarkeit von Anbietern ein
  • Amazon-Kunden können ihre Berechtigung prüfen, wenn sie nach Themen zur psychischen Gesundheit suchen
  • Berechtigte Personen können sich anmelden und innerhalb von Tagen mit einem Therapeuten gekoppelt werden

Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu psychischer Gesundheitsversorgung zu vereinfachen und steht im Einklang mit der Mission von Talkspace, hochwertige virtuelle psychische Gesundheitsversorgung für die meisten Amerikaner durch Versicherungen zugänglich zu machen.

  • None.
  • None.

New collaboration aims to improve awareness of, and expand access to, online therapy and psychiatry services to the 150+ million people who have Talkspace as a covered benefit

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK), a leading online behavioral health care company, today announced a partnership with Amazon Health Services to increase awareness and discoverability of its mental health care services on Talkspace is the first virtual behavioral health provider to join Amazon Health Services’ program to help individuals discover and enroll in their health insurance benefits at no extra cost or for a small copay. With more than 5,000 therapists and providers across 50 states, Talkspace improves access to high-quality mental health care services for more than 150 million eligible members. The average copay for a virtual therapy visit is $15, however, out-of-pocket may vary based on the member’s specific deductible.

Mental health challenges are widespread, with millions of people across the U.S. regularly experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, and relational issues. In fact, nearly half of all American adults will face emotional or mental health struggles at some point in their lives. Despite the increasing demand for support, affordability and difficulty finding providers are the top two barriers that prevent individuals from seeking care.

Through this uniquely designed partnership, Amazon is helping customers discover, determine their eligibility for, and enroll in their Talkspace mental health benefits if they choose to do so. Many people may not know they have access to these services through their employer or health plan. In fact, studies have shown that nearly a quarter of U.S. adults are unaware of all the benefits available to them through their plans.

“This partnership with Amazon marks a pivotal moment in our mission to provide high-quality mental health care to the majority of Americans,” said Jon Cohen, MD, Chief Executive Officer at Talkspace. “By making it easier for millions of people across the U.S. to discover their behavioral health benefits while shopping Amazon, we can ensure more people gain access to more than 5,000 licensed therapists they may not have known about, helping them begin their therapy journey with Talkspace.”

When Amazon customers search Amazon for topics like “stress relief,” “family therapy,” or “sleep help,” they can now discover an easy way to, if they so choose, check their eligibility for therapy and psychiatry services. Customers can also visit the Amazon Health webpage to see if their insurance covers Talkspace and explore Talkspace’s various offerings. Eligible individuals will be guided to Talkspace’s website to complete the enrollment process, get paired with a licensed therapist in their state within days, and can right away schedule live online sessions (audio, video, or live chat) or message asynchronously with their therapist.

“Amazon aims to simplify the journey to better health by making it easier for customers to discover and access the products, services, and professionals they need,” said Aaron Martin, Vice President of Healthcare, Amazon. “Our collaboration with Talkspace will not only help customers discover their mental health benefits but also, if they choose, gain access to their own dedicated, licensed therapist in a fraction of the time it might take to see someone in-person.”

This partnership aligns with Talkspace’s mission of making high-quality virtual mental healthcare accessible to the majority of Americans through insurance.

About Talkspace

Talkspace (NASDAQ: TALK) is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare provider committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through access to high-quality mental healthcare. At Talkspace, we believe that mental healthcare is core to overall health and should be available to everyone.

Talkspace pioneered the ability to text with a licensed therapist from anywhere and now offers a comprehensive suite of mental health services, including therapy for individuals, teens, and couples, as well as psychiatric treatment and medication management (18+). With Talkspace’s core therapy offerings, members are matched with one of thousands of licensed therapists within days and can engage in live video, audio, or chat sessions, and/or unlimited asynchronous text messaging sessions.

All care offered at Talkspace is delivered through an easy-to-use, fully-encrypted web and mobile platform that meets HIPAA, federal, and state regulatory requirements. More than 151 million Americans have access to Talkspace through their health insurance plans, employee assistance programs, our partnerships with leading healthcare companies, or as a free benefit through their employer, school, or government agency.

For more information, visit

John Kim |

Source: Talkspace


What is the new partnership between Talkspace and Amazon Health Services?

Talkspace (TALK) has partnered with Amazon Health Services to increase awareness and accessibility of its mental health care services on This collaboration aims to help over 150 million eligible members discover and enroll in their mental health benefits when searching for related topics on Amazon.

How many therapists does Talkspace have available through this partnership?

Talkspace has more than 5,000 therapists and providers available across all 50 states in the United States through this partnership with Amazon Health Services.

What is the average copay for a virtual therapy visit with Talkspace?

The average copay for a virtual therapy visit with Talkspace is $15. However, out-of-pocket costs may vary based on the member's specific insurance deductible.

How can Amazon customers check their eligibility for Talkspace services?

Amazon customers can check their eligibility for Talkspace services by searching for mental health-related topics like 'stress relief' or 'family therapy' on They can also visit the Amazon Health webpage to see if their insurance covers Talkspace and explore its offerings.

How quickly can eligible individuals get paired with a Talkspace therapist?

Eligible individuals can be paired with a licensed Talkspace therapist in their state within days of completing the enrollment process on Talkspace's website.

Talkspace, Inc.


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Health Information Services
Services-health Services
United States of America