Sysco Metro New York Donates 2,500 Turkeys to Feed Those in Need This Thanksgiving
Sysco (NYSE:SYY), the world's largest food distributor, has donated 2,500 turkeys and $10,000 to City Harvest, New York's first and largest food rescue organization. The donation is part of Sysco's Nourishing Neighbors® program, which allocates a portion of proceeds from Sysco branded case sales to local charitable organizations. Sysco Metro New York employees are volunteering at the Child Development Support in Brooklyn to distribute turkeys. The initiative comes as food assistance needs in New York City have increased 82% compared to pre-pandemic levels, with about 50% of working-age households struggling financially.
Sysco (NYSE:SYY), il più grande distributore alimentare al mondo, ha donato 2.500 tacchini e 10.000 dollari a City Harvest, la prima e più grande organizzazione di recupero alimentare di New York. La donazione fa parte del programma Nourishing Neighbors® di Sysco, che destina una parte dei proventi delle vendite di prodotti a marchio Sysco a organizzazioni benefiche locali. I dipendenti di Sysco Metro New York stanno facendo volontariato al Child Development Support a Brooklyn per distribuire tacchini. L'iniziativa arriva mentre le esigenze di assistenza alimentare a New York City sono aumentate dell'82% rispetto ai livelli pre-pandemia, con circa il 50% delle famiglie in età lavorativa che stanno affrontando difficoltà finanziarie.
Sysco (NYSE:SYY), el mayor distribuidor de alimentos del mundo, ha donado 2.500 pavos y 10.000 dólares a City Harvest, la primera y más grande organización de rescate de alimentos de Nueva York. La donación es parte del programa Nourishing Neighbors® de Sysco, que destina una parte de los ingresos de las ventas de productos de la marca Sysco a organizaciones benéficas locales. Los empleados de Sysco Metro New York están como voluntarios en el Child Development Support en Brooklyn para distribuir pavos. La iniciativa surge en un momento en que las necesidades de asistencia alimentaria en la ciudad de Nueva York han aumentado en un 82% en comparación con los niveles previos a la pandemia, con aproximadamente el 50% de los hogares en edad laboral enfrentando dificultades financieras.
Sysco (NYSE:SYY)는 세계 최대의 식품 유통업체로, 2,500마리의 칠면조와 10,000달러를 뉴욕의 최초이자 최대의 식품 구호 조직인 City Harvest에 기부했습니다. 이번 기부는 Sysco의 Nourishing Neighbors® 프로그램의 일환으로, Sysco 브랜드 상품 판매의 수익 일부를 지역 자선 단체에 할당합니다. Sysco Metro New York 직원들은 브루클린의 아동 발달 지원 센터에서 칠면조를 배포하기 위해 자원봉사를 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 팬데믹 이전 수준에 비해 뉴욕시의 식품 지원 요구가 82% 증가했으며, 근로 연령 가구의 약 50%가 재정적으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 가운데 이루어졌습니다.
Sysco (NYSE:SYY), le plus grand distributeur alimentaire au monde, a fait don de 2 500 dindes et de 10 000 dollars à City Harvest, la première et plus grande organisation de récupération alimentaire de New York. Ce don fait partie du programme Nourishing Neighbors® de Sysco, qui alloue une partie des recettes des ventes de produits sous la marque Sysco à des organisations caritatives locales. Les employés de Sysco Metro New York participent en tant que bénévoles au Child Development Support à Brooklyn pour distribuer les dindes. Cette initiative arrive alors que les besoins en aide alimentaire à New York ont augmenté de 82 % par rapport aux niveaux d'avant la pandémie, avec environ 50 % des ménages en âge de travailler éprouvant des difficultés financières.
Sysco (NYSE:SYY), der weltweit größte Lebensmittelhändler, hat 2.500 Puten und 10.000 Dollar an City Harvest gespendet, die erste und größte Lebensmittelrettungsorganisation in New York. Die Spende ist Teil des Programms Nourishing Neighbors® von Sysco, das einen Teil der Einnahmen aus dem Verkauf von Sysco-Markenprodukten an lokale Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen verteilt. Die Mitarbeiter von Sysco Metro New York engagieren sich freiwillig im Child Development Support in Brooklyn, um Puten zu verteilen. Diese Initiative kommt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem der Bedarf an Lebensmittelhilfe in New York City im Vergleich zu den Zahlen vor der Pandemie um 82% gestiegen ist, wobei etwa 50% der erwerbsfähigen Haushalte finanziell kämpfen.
- Demonstrates strong community engagement and corporate social responsibility, enhancing brand value
- None.
The company also donated
NEW YORK, Nov. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY), the world’s largest food distributor, presented a check for
This is an important time of year for food banks and pantries as they gear up to feed those in need this holiday season. Sysco Metro New York also delivered 2,500 turkeys to City Harvest to be distributed through local distribution events across the city this month. As part of Sysco’s annual Purpose Month, a month dedicated to volunteerism, Sysco colleagues are volunteering at the Child Development Support Corporation in Brooklyn to distribute some of the turkeys through the food bank and feed the community this Thanksgiving.
“We have a responsibility and unique opportunity to give back to the communities that have supported us through our Nourishing Neighbors program. We are honored to make this donation to City Harvest and help serve our community this holiday season. This is Sysco’s purpose – connecting the world to share food and care for one another,” says Anthony Ventresca, Sysco Metro New York Region President.
“Thanks to this generous donation from Sysco, thousands of families across New York City will be able to gather for a Thanksgiving meal this year,” says Carlos Rodriguez, City Harvest’s Chief Policy and Operations Officer. “This support comes at a critical time, with visits to New York City soup kitchens and food pantries at a record high.”
The need for food assistance in New York City is up
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About Sysco
Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. With more than 76,000 colleagues, the company operates 340 distribution facilities worldwide and serves approximately 730,000 customer locations. For fiscal year 2024 that ended June 29, 2024, the company generated sales of more than
For more information, visit or connect with Sysco on Facebook at For important news and information regarding Sysco, visit the Investor Relations section of the company’s Internet home page at, which Sysco plans to use as a primary channel for publishing key information to its investors, some of which may contain material and previously non-public information. In addition, investors should continue to review our news releases and filings with the SEC. It is possible that the information we disclose through any of these channels of distribution could be deemed to be material information.
For more information contact:
Cassandra Mauel
Media Contact
T 281-584-4059
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

How many turkeys did Sysco (SYY) donate to City Harvest in 2024?
How much money did Sysco (SYY) donate to City Harvest in November 2024?