SYGMA Kansas City Warehouse Colleagues Ratify Agreement Reached With the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955, Return to Work After Just 24 Hours

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SYGMA Kansas City announced that warehouse colleagues represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955 have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement, ending a strike that lasted only 24 hours. The company emphasized its commitment to resolving issues through negotiations to avoid disruptions.

Jon Ratnasamy, president of SYGMA, stated that they had initially offered substantial wage increases and additional benefits requested by colleagues. The company expressed appreciation for their workers' efforts and reaffirmed its dedication to providing competitive wages and benefits.

With the agreement ratified, employees have returned to work and will immediately benefit from the market-leading wages offered by SYGMA. The company views this resolution as a balance between business needs and employee interests.

SYGMA Kansas City ha annunciato che i colleghi del magazzino rappresentati dalla International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955 hanno ratificato un nuovo contratto collettivo di lavoro, ponendo fine a uno sciopero durato solo 24 ore. L'azienda ha sottolineato il proprio impegno a risolvere le questioni attraverso la negoziazione per evitare interruzioni.

Jon Ratnasamy, presidente di SYGMA, ha dichiarato che inizialmente avevano offerto significativi aumenti salariali e ulteriori benefici richiesti dai colleghi. L'azienda ha espresso apprezzamento per gli sforzi dei propri lavoratori e ha ribadito la sua dedizione a offrire salari e benefici competitivi.

Con l'accordo ratificato, i dipendenti sono tornati al lavoro e beneficeranno immediatamente dei salari leader di mercato offerti da SYGMA. L'azienda considera questa risoluzione come un equilibrio tra le esigenze aziendali e gli interessi dei dipendenti.

SYGMA Kansas City anunció que los colegas de almacén representados por la International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955 han ratificado un nuevo acuerdo colectivo de trabajo, poniendo fin a una huelga que duró solo 24 horas. La empresa enfatizó su compromiso de resolver los problemas a través de negociaciones para evitar interrupciones.

Jon Ratnasamy, presidente de SYGMA, declaró que al principio habían ofrecido aumentos salariales sustanciales y beneficios adicionales solicitados por los colegas. La empresa expresó su agradecimiento por los esfuerzos de sus trabajadores y reafirmó su dedicación a proporcionar salarios y beneficios competitivos.

Con el acuerdo ratificado, los empleados han regresado al trabajo y se beneficiarán inmediatamente de los salarios líderes del mercado ofrecidos por SYGMA. La empresa ve esta resolución como un equilibrio entre las necesidades empresariales y los intereses de los empleados.

SYGMA Kansas City는 International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955의 창고 직원들이 새로운 단체협약을 승인했다고 발표했으며, 이는 단 24시간 지속된 파업을 끝내는 결과가 되었습니다. 회사는 중단을 피하기 위해 협상을 통해 문제를 해결하겠다는 의지를 강조했습니다.

SYGMA의 회장인 Jon Ratnasamy는 처음에 동료들이 요청한 상당한 임금 인상과 추가 혜택을 제공했다고 밝혔습니다. 회사는 직원들의 노고에 감사의 뜻을 표하고 경쟁력 있는 임금과 혜택을 제공하겠다는 의지를 재확인했습니다.

합의가 승인되면서 직원들은 업무에 복귀했으며 SYGMA가 제공하는 시장 선도적인 임금의 즉각적인 혜택을 누리게 됩니다. 회사는 이 해결책을 사업 필요성과 직원의 이익 간의 균형으로 보고 있습니다.

SYGMA Kansas City a annoncé que les collègues de l'entrepôt représentés par l'International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955 ont ratifié un nouvel accord de négociation collective, mettant fin à une grève qui n'a duré que 24 heures. L'entreprise a souligné son engagement à résoudre les problèmes par la négociation afin d'éviter les interruptions.

Jon Ratnasamy, président de SYGMA, a déclaré qu'ils avaient initialement proposé des augmentations de salaire substantielles et des avantages supplémentaires demandés par les collègues. L'entreprise a exprimé sa reconnaissance pour les efforts de ses travailleurs et a réaffirmé son engagement à fournir des salaires et des avantages compétitifs.

Avec l'accord ratifié, les employés sont retournés au travail et bénéficieront immédiatement des salaires leaders du marché offerts par SYGMA. L'entreprise considère cette résolution comme un équilibre entre les besoins commerciaux et les intérêts des employés.

SYGMA Kansas City gab bekannt, dass die Lagerkollegen, die von der International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955 vertreten werden, ein neues Tarifvertragsabkommen ratifiziert haben, das einen nur 24 Stunden dauernden Streik beendet. Das Unternehmen betonte sein Engagement, Fragen durch Verhandlungen zu lösen, um Störungen zu vermeiden.

Jon Ratnasamy, Präsident von SYGMA, erklärte, dass sie zunächst erhebliche Gehaltserhöhungen und zusätzliche Leistungen angeboten hätten, die von den Kollegen gefordert wurden. Das Unternehmen äußerte Wertschätzung für die Bemühungen seiner Mitarbeiter und bekräftigte sein Engagement, wettbewerbsfähige Löhne und Leistungen anzubieten.

Mit der ratifizierten Vereinbarung sind die Mitarbeiter an ihre Arbeitsplätze zurückgekehrt und profitieren sofort von den marktführenden Löhnen, die SYGMA bietet. Das Unternehmen betrachtet diese Lösung als ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Geschäftsbedürfnissen und Mitarbeiterinteressen.

  • Quick resolution of the strike, lasting only 24 hours
  • Ratification of a new collective bargaining agreement
  • Offering of substantial wage increases and additional benefits
  • Immediate implementation of market-leading wages for returning workers
  • Occurrence of a strike, albeit brief, indicating labor relations challenges
  • Potential short-term disruption to operations and customer service

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SYGMA Kansas City is pleased that our warehouse colleagues—represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955—have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement, ending the strike that began just 24 hours ago.

We urge the Teamsters to always resolve issues at the negotiating table so we can avoid situations like this which are disruptive to our colleagues, their families, our communities, and our customers.

“From the beginning, we had offered substantial and generous wage increases, including additional benefits our colleagues had requested,” said Jon Ratnasamy, president of SYGMA. “Our commitment to good-faith negotiations and our appreciation for our colleagues helped us reach a resolution that balances the needs of our business and our colleagues.”

We greatly value our colleagues’ hard work and loyalty and remain committed to providing them with competitive wages and benefits. Now that they have returned to work, they will immediately begin to enjoy the market-leading wages we are providing.

For more information contact:

Matt Stewart
Media Contact
T 281-584-1390


What was the outcome of the SYGMA Kansas City warehouse workers' strike?

The SYGMA Kansas City warehouse workers, represented by Teamsters Local 955, ratified a new collective bargaining agreement after a 24-hour strike, ending the labor dispute and returning to work.

How long did the SYGMA Kansas City warehouse strike last?

The strike at SYGMA Kansas City warehouse lasted only 24 hours before a new agreement was reached and ratified.

What did SYGMA offer its warehouse workers in the new agreement?

SYGMA offered substantial and generous wage increases, additional benefits requested by colleagues, and market-leading wages to its warehouse workers in the new agreement.

Who represented the SYGMA Kansas City warehouse workers in the negotiations?

The SYGMA Kansas City warehouse workers were represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 955 in the negotiations.

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