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The October Harvard CAPS / Harris poll reveals a tight presidential race, with Harris leading Trump 49-48 nationally, but Trump ahead in battleground states. Key findings include:

- 81% of registered voters plan to vote
- Mail-in voting behavior is nearly even across party lines
- Trump leads on immigration, crime, and foreign policy
- Harris leads on presidential characteristics like temperament and honesty
- Economy and inflation remain top voter concerns
- 63% support Israel's response to recent Iranian missile attack

The poll also shows Biden's approval rating at 42%, while 51% approve of Trump's presidential performance and 49% approve of Harris as Vice-President. Voters are split on which administration would better their economic situation.

Il sondaggio di ottobre Harvard CAPS / Harris rivela una competizione serrata per la presidenza, con Harris che supera Trump 49-48 a livello nazionale, ma Trump in vantaggio negli stati chiave. I principali risultati includono:

- L'81% degli elettori registrati prevede di votare
- Il comportamento di voto per corrispondenza è quasi uniforme tra le linee di partito
- Trump è in testa su immigrazione, crimine e politica estera
- Harris è in vantaggio su caratteristiche presidenziali come temperamento e onestà
- Economia e inflazione rimangono le principali preoccupazioni degli elettori
- Il 63% sostiene la risposta di Israele al recente attacco missilistico iraniano

Il sondaggio mostra anche il tasso di approvazione di Biden al 42%, mentre il 51% approva la performance presidenziale di Trump e il 49% approva Harris come Vicepresidente. Gli elettori sono divisi su quale amministrazione migliorerebbe la loro situazione economica.

La encuesta de octubre de Harvard CAPS / Harris revela una contienda presidencial reñida, con Harris liderando a Trump 49-48 a nivel nacional, pero Trump al frente en los estados clave. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 81% de los votantes registrados planea votar
- El comportamiento de votación por correo es casi igual entre las líneas de partido
- Trump lidera en inmigración, crimen y política exterior
- Harris lidera en características presidenciales como el temperamento y la honestidad
- La economía y la inflación siguen siendo las principales preocupaciones de los votantes
- El 63% apoya la respuesta de Israel al reciente ataque con misiles iraníes

La encuesta también muestra que la tasa de aprobación de Biden es del 42%, mientras que el 51% aprueba el desempeño presidencial de Trump y el 49% aprueba a Harris como Vicepresidenta. Los votantes están divididos sobre qué administración mejoraría su situación económica.

10월 하버드 CAPS / 해리스 여론조사는 Harris가 전국적으로 Trump를 49-48로 이끌고 있는 미국 대선 경합을 보여주고, Trump가 경합주에서 앞서고 있다고 합니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 등록된 유권자 중 81%가 투표할 계획
- 우편 투표 행태는 당파 간 거의 균등
- Trump는 이민, 범죄, 외교 정책에서 리드
- Harris는 기질과 정직성과 같은 대통령적 특성에서 리드
- 경제와 인플레이션이 여전히 유권자의 주요 관심사
- 63%가 최근 이란 미사일 공격에 대한 이스라엘의 대응을 지지한다

이 여론조사는 또한 Biden의 승인율이 42%인 반면, 51%는 Trump의 대통령 직무 수행을 승인하고 49%는 Harris를 부통령으로 승인하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 유권자들은 어떤 행정부가 더 나은 경제 상황을 제공할지에 대해 분열되어 있습니다.

Le sondage d'octobre de Harvard CAPS / Harris révèle une course présidentielle serrée, avec Harris en tête de Trump 49-48 au niveau national, mais Trump en tête dans les états pivots. Les principales constatations incluent :

- 81% des électeurs inscrits prévoient de voter
- Le comportement de vote par correspondance est presque équitable entre les partis
- Trump est en tête sur l'immigration, la criminalité et la politique étrangère
- Harris est en tête sur les caractéristiques présidentielles telles que le tempérament et l'honnêteté
- L'économie et l'inflation demeurent les principales préoccupations des électeurs
- 63% soutiennent la réponse d'Israël à la récente attaque missile iranienne

Le sondage montre également que le taux d'approbation de Biden est de 42%, tandis que 51% approuvent la performance présidentielle de Trump et 49% approuvent Harris en tant que vice-présidente. Les électeurs sont divisés sur quelle administration améliorerait leur situation économique.

Die Oktober-Umfrage von Harvard CAPS / Harris zeigt ein enges Rennen um das Präsidentenamt, mit Harris, der Trump national 49-48 führt, aber Trump in den umkämpften Bundesstaaten vorne liegt. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

- 81% der registrierten Wähler planen, zu wählen
- Das Verhalten beim Briefwahl ist parteiübergreifend nahezu ausgewogen
- Trump führt bei Einwanderung, Verbrechen und Außenpolitik
- Harris führt bei präsidialen Eigenschaften wie Temperament und Ehrlichkeit
- Wirtschaft und Inflation bleiben die Hauptanliegen der Wähler
- 63% unterstützen Israels Reaktion auf den kürzlichen iranischen Raketenangriff

Die Umfrage zeigt auch, dass Bidens Zustimmungsrate bei 42% liegt, während 51% Trumps Präsidentschaftsleistung und 49% Harris als Vizepräsidentin zustimmen. Die Wähler sind gespalten darüber, welche Regierung ihre wirtschaftliche Situation verbessern würde.

  • Harris leads Trump by 1 point nationally (49-48)
  • Harris holds a 1.7-point lead among likely voters
  • Harris leads Trump on 10 out of 15 presidential characteristics
  • 51% of voters believe Harris is better equipped to be commander-in-chief over Trump
  • Harris' approval rating as Vice-President increased by 2 points to 49%
  • Trump leads in battleground states among registered, likely, and early voters
  • Trump is perceived as stronger on specific foreign policy issues like Ukraine/Russia war, standing up to China, and Israel/Hamas war
  • 51% of voters believe they will be better off economically under a new Trump administration compared to 49% for Harris
  • 61% of voters say the U.S. economy is on the wrong track
  • 47% of voters say their personal financial situation is getting worse


This poll reveals a highly competitive presidential race, with Harris narrowly leading nationally but Trump ahead in important battleground states. Key takeaways include:

  • The 1.7-point national lead for Harris among likely voters is within the margin of error, indicating a virtual tie.
  • Trump's 2-point lead in battleground states among both likely and registered voters could be decisive in the Electoral College.
  • The 10% gender gap favoring Harris and the widening Latino voter gap (now 17%) are significant demographic trends.
  • Mail-in voting behavior has equalized across party lines, potentially impacting traditional voting patterns.
  • Voters perceive Trump as stronger on immigration, crime and foreign policy, while Harris leads on personality and some economic measures.

This close race suggests high volatility and the potential for external events or campaign strategies to significantly influence the outcome. Investors should monitor how these trends might impact sectors sensitive to policy changes, such as healthcare, energy and defense.

The poll's findings have several implications for businesses and investors:

  • Economic concerns remain paramount, with 46% of voters citing inflation as their top issue. This suggests continued pressure on the Federal Reserve and potential market volatility.
  • The 61% of voters viewing the economy negatively indicates persistent consumer caution, which could affect retail and discretionary spending sectors.
  • Foreign policy perceptions, particularly regarding China and the Middle East, may influence trade policies and global market sentiment.
  • The even split on which administration would be better for personal finances (51% Trump vs. 49% Harris) indicates uncertainty about future economic policies.
  • Generational differences in views on international issues, particularly among younger voters, could signal long-term shifts in foreign policy and global business environments.

Investors should consider these factors when assessing potential policy impacts on various sectors and preparing for possible market reactions to election outcomes.



NEW YORK and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW) today released the results of the October Harvard CAPS / Harris poll, a monthly collaboration between the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard (CAPS) and the Harris Poll and HarrisX.

The presidential horserace remains close at 49-48, with Harris leading and up 1 point from September. Trump, however, leads in battleground states among registered, likely, and early voters. The poll also covers public opinion on policy issues and foreign affairs. Download key results here.

"There is no definitive answer – it's about as close a race as you can possibly get, well within the confidence interval of any poll," said Mark Penn, Co-Director of the Harvard CAPS / Harris poll and Stagwell Chairman and CEO. "Harris has lost some momentum from when she was first nominated but is still driving strong messages around her personality and some of her economic measures, while Trump leads on immigration, crime, and foreign policy but has been less effective on economic messaging."


  • 81% of registered voters say they will definitely vote in the election (Democrat: 85%; Republican: 84%; Independent: 72%).
  • Harris holds a 1.7-point lead among likely voters, but in battleground states, Trump has a 2-point lead among both likely and registered voters.
  • There is a 10-point gender gap with female voters favoring Harris. The gap for Latino voters has widened from 7 points in September to 17 points (Harris: 54%; Trump: 37%; Don't Know/Unsure: 9%).
  • 50% of voters say they will vote on Election Day, 45% say they will vote early, and 5% do not plan to vote. Mail-in voting behavior is nearly even across party ID (Democrat: 49%; Republican: 42%; Independent: 44%), markedly different from that in November 2020 (Democrat: 54%; Republican: 35%; Independent: 45%).
  • Among those voting early, 51% voted for Harris and 43% voted for Trump (in battleground states, Trump: 48%; Harris: 47%).
  • 14% of voters say they are still weighing their choices, including 25% of Independents.
  • Democrats and Republicans remain neck-in-neck in the congressional election (Democrat: 51%; Republican: 49%).


  • Trump's perceived policy stances align more with those of the general public on issues like tougher law enforcement and opposition to open borders, the switch to electric vehicles, free healthcare for illegal immigrants, and men who have transitioned to women competing in women's sports.
  • 63% of voters are against a national ban on abortion. Most believe Harris is against such a ban (73%, +1 from September) and Trump is for it (54%, -1).
  • Though many voters say Harris is to the left (53%) and Trump is to the right (50%) of them politically, 59% say they would rather vote for someone to the right of them.
  • Voters believe Trump would do a better job on specific foreign policy issues like the Ukraine/Russia war (+9), standing up to China (+13), and the Israel/Hamas war (+10) over Harris, and 70% believe he has experience in foreign affairs. But 51% of voters believe Harris is better equipped to be commander-in-chief over Trump. 


  • 85% of voters say CBS should release the full transcript of Harris' 60 Minutes interview. More broadly, 51% of voters say recent Harris interviews have helped her, and 49% say they have hurt her (an 8-point gap among Independents, with more thinking they hurt her).
  • Harris holds leads over Trump on 10 out of 15 presidential characteristics including right temperament (+15), relates to the working class (+12), and honest (+10), while Trump is seen as more experienced (+10) and a fighter (+6).
  • 58% of voters say they were satisfied with FEMA's response to recent hurricanes, and 67% of voters believe FEMA money should not have gone to housing illegal immigrants.
  • 38% of voters say JD Vance won the vice-presidential debate, while 35% of voters say Tim Walz won.
  • 67% of voters believe billionaires mostly support Trump, while 33% of voters believe they support Harris.


  • Biden's approval rating sits at 42%, unchanged from the last three months, while 51% of voters approve of the job Trump did as President (-1 from September) and 49% approve of the job Harris is doing as Vice-President (+2).
  • 51% of voters believe they will be better off economically under a new Trump administration, while 49% hold this belief for a Harris administration.
  • Inflation and immigration remain the top two national issues for voters, with 46% of voters saying inflation is most important personally (Democrat: 39%, Republican: 52%; Independent: 47%).
  • 61% of voters say the U.S. economy is on the wrong track, staying relatively consistent since the summer of 2022. 47% of voters say their personal financial situation is getting worse (rural: 57%; suburban: 48%; urban: 40%).


  • 52% of voters say Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, with 54% of 18-24 y.o. and 46% of 25-34 y.o. voters saying they are unsure.
  • 73% of voters say Iran is a regional sponsor of terror in the Middle East and blame Iran over Israel for escalating conflict, but 53% of 18-24 y.o. and 46% of 25-34 y.o. voters say Iran is not a regional sponsor of terror.
  • 63% of voters believe Israel is justified in responding to the recent Iranian missile attack (18-24: 45%; 25-34: 50%; 65+: 77%).
  • 63% of voters say campus protests in the U.S. are mostly about saving lives in Gaza rather than supporting Hamas and Hezbollah.
  • 65% of voters say authors who support Hamas and Hezbollah should not be given airtime on national TV.

The October Harvard CAPS / Harris poll survey was conducted online within the United States on October 11-13, 2024, among 3,145 registered voters by The Harris Poll and HarrisX. As part of the sample, 2,596 likely voters and 898 battleground state voters were also interviewed. Follow the Harvard CAPS / Harris poll podcast at or on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast platforms. 

About The Harris Poll & HarrisX

The Harris Poll is a global consulting and market research firm that strives to reveal the authentic values of modern society to inspire leaders to create a better tomorrow. It works with clients in three primary areas: building twenty-first-century corporate reputation, crafting brand strategy and performance tracking, and earning organic media through public relations research. One of the longest-running surveys in the U.S., The Harris Poll has tracked public opinion, motivations, and social sentiment since 1963, and is now part of Stagwell, the challenger holding company built to transform marketing.

HarrisX is a technology-driven market research and data analytics company that conducts multi-method research in the U.S. and over 40 countries around the world on behalf of Fortune 100 companies, public policy institutions, global leaders, NGOs and philanthropic organizations. HarrisX was the most accurate pollster of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

About the Harvard Center for American Political Studies
The Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) is committed to and fosters the interdisciplinary study of U.S. politics. Governed by a group of political scientists, sociologists, historians, and economists within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University, CAPS drives discussion, research, public outreach, and pedagogy about all aspects of U.S. politics. CAPS encourages cutting-edge research using a variety of methodologies, including historical analysis, social surveys, and formal mathematical modeling, and it often cooperates with other Harvard centers to support research training and encourage cross-national research about the United States in comparative and global contexts. More information at

Kara Gelber

The Harvard-CAPS Harris Poll is a monthly research collaboration between the Harvard Center for American Political Studies and the Harris Poll (PRNewsfoto/Stagwell Inc.)


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What is the current polling result for Harris vs Trump in the October Harvard CAPS / Harris poll?

According to the October Harvard CAPS / Harris poll, Harris is leading Trump by a narrow margin of 49-48 nationally. However, Trump is ahead in battleground states among registered, likely, and early voters.

How does mail-in voting behavior differ across party lines in the October 2024 poll compared to November 2020?

The October 2024 poll shows mail-in voting behavior is nearly even across party ID (Democrat: 49%; Republican: 42%; Independent: 44%), which is markedly different from November 2020 when there was a larger gap (Democrat: 54%; Republican: 35%; Independent: 45%).

What are the top national issues for voters according to the October Harvard CAPS / Harris poll?

The poll indicates that inflation and immigration remain the top two national issues for voters, with 46% of voters saying inflation is the most important issue personally (Democrat: 39%, Republican: 52%; Independent: 47%).

How do voters perceive Harris and Trump on foreign policy issues in the October 2024 poll?

Voters believe Trump would do a better job on specific foreign policy issues like the Ukraine/Russia war (+9), standing up to China (+13), and the Israel/Hamas war (+10) over Harris. However, 51% of voters believe Harris is better equipped to be commander-in-chief over Trump.

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