Georgia Power determines locations for 500 MW of new battery energy storage systems approved in 2023 IRP Update

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Georgia Power has identified locations for 500 MW of new battery energy storage systems (BESS) approved in the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Update. The portfolio includes four projects: Robins BESS (128 MW), Moody BESS (49.5 MW), Hammond BESS (57.5 MW), and McGrau Ford Site Phase II BESS (265 MW). These 4-hour duration BESS will serve as dispatchable capacity resources, providing reliable and economical electricity for winter 2026/2027.

The BESS projects leverage existing infrastructure, reducing deployment time and costs. They qualify for Inflation Reduction Act tax incentives and offer energy arbitrage benefits. Georgia Power is also nearing completion of the 65 MW Mossy Branch Battery Facility and developing the 265 MW McGrau Ford Phase I BESS project.

Georgia Power ha individuato luoghi per 500 MW di nuovi sistemi di accumulo di energia a batteria (BESS) approvati nell'aggiornamento del Piano Integrato delle Risorse 2023. Il portafoglio include quattro progetti: Robins BESS (128 MW), Moody BESS (49,5 MW), Hammond BESS (57,5 MW) e McGrau Ford Site Fase II BESS (265 MW). Questi BESS con una durata di 4 ore serviranno come risorse di capacità programmabili, fornendo elettricità affidabile ed economica per l'inverno 2026/2027.

I progetti BESS sfruttano le infrastrutture esistenti, riducendo i tempi e i costi di implementazione. Sono idonei per incentivi fiscali previsti dal Inflation Reduction Act e offrono vantaggi di arbitraggio energetico. Georgia Power sta anche per completare l'impianto di batterie Mossy Branch da 65 MW e sta sviluppando il progetto BESS Fase I McGrau Ford da 265 MW.

Georgia Power ha identificado ubicaciones para 500 MW de nuevos sistemas de almacenamiento de energía en batería (BESS) aprobados en la actualización del Plan Integrado de Recursos 2023. El portafolio incluye cuatro proyectos: Robins BESS (128 MW), Moody BESS (49.5 MW), Hammond BESS (57.5 MW) y McGrau Ford Site Fase II BESS (265 MW). Estos BESS de 4 horas de duración servirán como recursos de capacidad despachable, proporcionando electricidad confiable y económica para el invierno 2026/2027.

Los proyectos BESS aprovechan la infraestructura existente, reduciendo el tiempo y costos de implementación. Califican para incentivos fiscales de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación y ofrecen beneficios de arbitraje energético. Georgia Power también está cerca de completar la instalación de batería Mossy Branch de 65 MW y desarrollando el proyecto BESS Fase I McGrau Ford de 265 MW.

조지아 파워는 2023년 통합 자원 계획 업데이트에 승인된 500 MW의 새로운 배터리 에너지 저장 시스템(BESS) 위치를 확인했습니다. 이 포트폴리오는 네 개의 프로젝트를 포함합니다: 로빈스 BESS (128 MW), 무디 BESS (49.5 MW), 해먼드 BESS (57.5 MW), 그리고 맥그라우 포드 사이트 2단계 BESS (265 MW). 이 4시간 지속 시간의 BESS는 디스패치 가능한 용량 자원으로서 2026/2027 겨울에 신뢰할 수 있고 경제적인 전기를 제공합니다.

BESS 프로젝트는 기존 인프라를 활용하여 배치 시간과 비용을 감소시킵니다. 이들은 인플레이션 감축법세 인센티브의 자격이 있으며, 에너지 차익거래 이점을 제공합니다. 조지아 파워는 또한 65 MW 모시 브랜치 배터리 시설의 완공에 가까워지고 있으며, 265 MW 맥그라우 포드 1단계 BESS 프로젝트를 개발하고 있습니다.

Georgia Power a identifié des emplacements pour 500 MW de nouveaux systèmes de stockage d'énergie par battery (BESS) approuvés dans la mise à jour du Plan Intégré des Ressources 2023. Le portefeuille comprend quatre projets : Robins BESS (128 MW), Moody BESS (49,5 MW), Hammond BESS (57,5 MW) et McGrau Ford Site Phase II BESS (265 MW). Ces BESS d'une durée de 4 heures serviront de ressources de capacité dispatchables, fournissant une électricité fiable et économique pour l'hiver 2026/2027.

Les projets BESS exploitent les infrastructures existantes, ce qui réduit les temps et les coûts de déploiement. Ils sont éligibles pour des incitations fiscales du Inflation Reduction Act et offrent des avantages d'arbitrage énergétique. Georgia Power achève également la construction de la installation de batterie de 65 MW de Mossy Branch et développe le projet BESS Phase I McGrau Ford de 265 MW.

Georgia Power hat Standorte für 500 MW neuer Batteriespeichersysteme (BESS) identifiziert, die im Update zum Integrierten Ressourcenplan 2023 genehmigt wurden. Das Portfolio umfasst vier Projekte: Robins BESS (128 MW), Moody BESS (49,5 MW), Hammond BESS (57,5 MW) und McGrau Ford Standort Phase II BESS (265 MW). Diese BESS mit einer Laufzeit von 4 Stunden werden als abrufbare Kapazitätsressourcen dienen und zuverlässige sowie wirtschaftliche Elektrizität für den Winter 2026/2027 bereitstellen.

Die BESS-Projekte nutzen bestehende Infrastrukturen, um die Implementierungszeiten und -kosten zu senken. Sie qualifizieren sich für Steueranreize nach dem Inflation Reduction Act und bieten Vorteile beim Energie-Arbitrage. Georgia Power steht zudem kurz vor der Fertigstellung der 65 MW Mossy Branch Battery Facility und entwickelt das 265 MW McGrau Ford Phase I BESS-Projekt.

  • 500 MW of new battery energy storage systems (BESS) identified and planned
  • BESS projects leverage existing infrastructure, reducing deployment time and costs
  • Projects qualify for Inflation Reduction Act tax incentives, potentially lowering customer costs
  • Energy arbitrage benefits expected to optimize energy savings and reduce customer costs
  • Additional 65 MW Mossy Branch Battery Facility nearing completion
  • None.

Georgia Power's strategic deployment of 500 MW of battery energy storage systems (BESS) marks a significant shift in the state's energy landscape. The four new BESS facilities will enhance grid reliability and optimize renewable energy utilization. Key benefits include:

  • Leveraging existing infrastructure, reducing deployment time and costs
  • Qualifying for Inflation Reduction Act tax incentives, lowering customer expenses
  • Providing energy arbitrage benefits, potentially decreasing energy costs

The co-location strategy with existing solar facilities and repurposed sites demonstrates efficient resource management. This move positions Georgia Power to meet growing energy demands while supporting the integration of intermittent renewables, important for a more resilient and flexible grid.

This expansion of battery storage capacity represents a strategic investment for Georgia Power and its parent company, Southern Company (NYSE: SO). The focus on cost-effective implementation through existing infrastructure utilization and tax incentive qualification is likely to positively impact the company's financial outlook. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for improved operational efficiency and reduced capital expenditure
  • Enhanced ability to manage peak demand, potentially leading to more stable revenue streams
  • Increased competitiveness in the evolving energy market, supporting long-term growth

Investors should note that while initial costs may be significant, the long-term benefits of grid optimization and increased renewable integration could lead to improved financial performance and stakeholder value.

Georgia Power's BESS expansion aligns with broader trends in energy policy and environmental sustainability. This initiative supports the transition to a cleaner energy mix while maintaining grid reliability. Key environmental and policy implications include:

  • Enhanced integration of renewable energy sources, potentially reducing reliance on fossil fuels
  • Improved grid resilience, critical for adapting to climate change impacts
  • Alignment with federal clean energy initiatives, as evidenced by Inflation Reduction Act incentives

The strategic placement of BESS near Air Force bases also suggests a focus on energy security. This multi-faceted approach demonstrates Georgia Power's commitment to balancing environmental goals with reliable service provision, setting a precedent for other utilities nationwide.

New resources will help company meet the energy needs of a growing Georgia

ATLANTA, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power has identified locations for 500 MW of new battery energy storage systems (BESS) authorized by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) earlier this year as part of the company's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Update. According to the company's recent filing with the Georgia PSC, the portfolio of BESS resources proposed by Georgia Power helps address the resource needs identified in the 2023 IRP Update in a cost-effective and strategic manner.

Each of the proposed resources will consist of 4-hour duration BESS. Once developed, these projects will serve as dispatchable capacity resources that will provide customers with a reliable and economical source of electricity for the winter of 2026/2027. These resources will add to Georgia Power's diverse generation portfolio, helping to ensure the company has the mix of technologies necessary to provide clean, safe, reliable and affordable electric service for all customers during all hours.

BESS support the reliability and resilience of the electric system, while also enhancing the value of intermittent renewable generation like solar. BESS can improve the efficiency of renewable energy by storing excess energy produced during periods when the demand for electricity is lower, for use when the demand is higher, such as on cold winter mornings. Because battery storage can provide stored energy to the grid over several hours, BESS resources can also rapidly respond to other system events to increase the reliability of the electric system.

The new BESS facilities planned and under development are:

  • Robins BESS (Bibb County, 128 MW). This strategic site is co-located with the existing solar facility adjacent to the Robins Air Force Base and allows Georgia Power to leverage existing infrastructure, thereby eliminating the need to construct new transmission generator step-up (GSU) project-level substations and eliminating potential expenses and long lead time projects associated with transmission interconnection and network upgrades.

  • Moody BESS (Lowndes County, 49.5 MW). Similar to the Robins BESS project, this strategic choice is co-located with the existing solar facility adjacent to the Moody Air Force Base and allows Georgia Power to leverage existing infrastructure, thereby eliminating the need for constructing new transmission GSU project-level substations and eliminating potential expenses and long lead time projects associated with interconnection and network upgrades. It also offers expedited deployment capabilities and ensures known transmission deliverability.

  • Hammond BESS (Floyd County, 57.5 MW). The Hammond BESS project is a standalone BESS that leverages existing infrastructure from the retired coal-fired Plant Hammond facility. With the repurposing of an existing generation site and the utilization of already identified transmission capacity, the Hammond BESS project provides significant benefit to customers while aiding the company in meeting its capacity needs.

  • McGrau Ford Site Phase II BESS (Cherokee County, 265 MW). Given the existing site work, land acquisition, and contracting for McGrau Ford Phase I BESS, Georgia Power will realize efficiencies in contracting and construction by using the same construction company and company-owned land. In addition, the preliminary design for McGrau Ford Phase I BESS provides an opportunity for Georgia Power to cost effectively expand the project level substation and generation tie line rather than construct a new project level substation.

Each BESS project is expected to produce significant benefits for customers. For example, leveraging existing sites and transmission infrastructure will reduce deployment time and avoid additional capital investment otherwise required. In addition, each BESS project qualifies for customer cost reducing tax incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act. The proposed BESS resources will also provide "energy arbitrage" benefits, which optimize energy savings by shifting the energy output from hours with a relatively low system marginal cost to hours with a relatively high system marginal cost – ultimately saving customers money.    

In addition to the 500 MW BESS projects from the 2023 IRP Update, Georgia Power is nearing completion on the 65 MW Mossy Branch Battery Facility located in Talbot County, Georgia. Mossy Branch was approved in the 2019 IRP and will be Georgia Power's first BESS resource. The company is also developing the 265 MW McGrau Ford Phase I BESS project, approved in the 2022 IRP, and expects it to enter service by the end of 2026.

To learn more about how Georgia Power is meeting the needs of customers through a diverse, balanced energy portfolio, visit

About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook ( []), X ( []) and Instagram ( []).

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SOURCE Georgia Power


What is the total capacity of new battery energy storage systems (BESS) planned by Georgia Power (SO)?

Georgia Power (SO) has planned 500 MW of new battery energy storage systems (BESS) as approved in the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Update.

When are the new Georgia Power (SO) battery energy storage systems expected to be operational?

The new battery energy storage systems are expected to be operational for the winter of 2026/2027, providing dispatchable capacity resources for Georgia Power (SO) customers.

What are the locations and capacities of the new BESS projects announced by Georgia Power (SO)?

Georgia Power (SO) announced four BESS projects: Robins BESS (128 MW) in Bibb County, Moody BESS (49.5 MW) in Lowndes County, Hammond BESS (57.5 MW) in Floyd County, and McGrau Ford Site Phase II BESS (265 MW) in Cherokee County.

How will the new BESS projects benefit Georgia Power (SO) customers?

The BESS projects will benefit Georgia Power (SO) customers by leveraging existing infrastructure to reduce costs, qualifying for Inflation Reduction Act tax incentives, and providing energy arbitrage benefits to optimize energy savings.

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