Sinopec Announces the Launch of Carbon Footprint Alliance to Drive Green Development in Energy and Chemicals
China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) has launched the Energy and Chemical Industry Chain Carbon Footprint Alliance in Beijing. This initiative, joined by eight leading Chinese energy and chemical companies, aims to establish a carbon footprint management system by 2027. The alliance's goals include:
1. Developing carbon footprint accounting standards for 20 key products
2. Creating a localized product carbon footprint factor database
3. Fostering international exchange and mutual standard recognition
Sinopec's Deputy General Manager, Wan Tao, emphasized the company's commitment to clean fossil fuels, renewable energy, and carbon reduction in manufacturing. Since 2015, Sinopec has evaluated nearly 100 products across 40 companies for carbon footprint accounting and plans to extend carbon footprint information modules to all enterprises.
La Cina Petrolifera e Chimica (Sinopec) ha lanciato ad Pechino l'alleanza per la riduzione dell'impronta di carbonio nella catena dell'industria energetica e chimica. Iniziativa che ha visto la partecipazione di otto importanti aziende cinesi del settore, ha l'obiettivo di stabilire un sistema di gestione dell'impronta di carbonio entro il 2027. Gli obiettivi dell'alleanza includono:
1. Sviluppare standard di contabilizzazione dell'impronta di carbonio per 20 prodotti chiave
2. Creare un database locale dei fattori di impronta di carbonio dei prodotti
3. Favorire lo scambio internazionale e il riconoscimento reciproco degli standard
Il Vice Direttore Generale di Sinopec, Wan Tao, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda per i , le energie rinnovabili e la riduzione di carbonio nella produzione. Dal 2015, Sinopec ha valutato quasi 100 prodotti in 40 aziende per la contabilizzazione dell'impronta di carbonio e intende estendere i moduli informativi sull'impronta di carbonio a tutte le imprese.
China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) ha lanzado en Pekín la Alianza de Huella de Carbono de la Cadena de la Industria Energética y Química. Esta iniciativa, en la que participan ocho importantes empresas chinas del sector, tiene como objetivo establecer un sistema de gestión de huellas de carbono para 2027. Los objetivos de la alianza incluyen:
1. Desarrollar estándares de contabilidad de huella de carbono para 20 productos clave
2. Crear una base de datos localizada de factores de huella de carbono de productos
3. Fomentar el intercambio internacional y el reconocimiento mutuo de estándares
Wan Tao, Subgerente General de Sinopec, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con los combustibles fósiles limpios, la energía renovable y la reducción de carbono en la fabricación. Desde 2015, Sinopec ha evaluado casi 100 productos en 40 empresas para la contabilidad de huellas de carbono y planea extender los módulos de información sobre huellas de carbono a todas las empresas.
중국 석유화학 회사인 시노펙(China Petroleum & Chemical)이 베이징에서 에너지 및 화학 산업 체인 탄소 발자국 얼라이언스를 출범했습니다. 8개의 주요 중국 에너지 및 화학 기업들이 참여하는 이 이니셔티브는 2027년까지 탄소 발자국 관리 시스템을 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 얼라이언스의 목표는 다음과 같습니다:
1. 20개 주요 제품에 대한 탄소 발자국 회계 기준 개발
2. 현지화된 제품 탄소 발자국 요인 데이터베이스 생성
3. 국제 교류 및 상호 기준 인식 촉진
시노펙의 부사장인 완타오(Wan Tao)는 회사의 청정 화석 연료, 재생 에너지, 탄소 감소에 대한 약속을 강조했습니다. 2015년 이후, 시노펙은 탄소 발자국 회계를 위해 40개 기업에서 거의 100개의 제품을 평가했으며, 모든 기업에 탄소 발자국 정보 모듈을 확장할 계획입니다.
China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) a lancé à Pékin l'Alliance pour la Réduction de l'Empreinte Carbone de la Chaîne de l'Industrie Énergétique et Chimique. Cette initiative, à laquelle participent huit grandes entreprises chinoises du secteur, vise à établir un système de gestion de l'empreinte carbone d'ici 2027. Les objectifs de l'alliance incluent :
1. Développer des normes de comptabilisation de l'empreinte carbone pour 20 produits clés
2. Créer une base de données localisée des facteurs d'empreinte carbone des produits
3. Favoriser l'échange international et la reconnaissance mutuelle des normes
Wan Tao, directeur général adjoint de Sinopec, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers les combustibles fossiles propres, les énergies renouvelables et la réduction du carbone dans la fabrication. Depuis 2015, Sinopec a évalué près de 100 produits dans 40 entreprises pour la comptabilisation de l'empreinte carbone et prévoit d'étendre les modules d'information sur l'empreinte carbone à toutes les entreprises.
Die China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) hat in Peking die Allianz zur Reduzierung des Kohlenstoff-Fußabdrucks in der Energiesektor- und Chemiebranche gegründet. Diese Initiative, an der acht führende chinesische Energie- und Chemieunternehmen teilnehmen, zielt darauf ab, bis 2027 ein Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck-Managementsystem einzurichten. Die Ziele der Allianz umfassen:
1. Entwicklung von Standards zur Berechnung des Kohlenstoff-Fußabdrucks für 20 wichtige Produkte
2. Erstellung einer lokalisierten Datenbank für Produkt-Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruckfaktoren
3. Förderung des internationalen Austauschs und gegenseitiger Standards
Der stellvertretende General Manager von Sinopec, Wan Tao, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für saubere fossile Brennstoffe, erneuerbare Energien und Kohlenstoffreduktion in der Herstellung. Seit 2015 hat Sinopec fast 100 Produkte aus 40 Unternehmen hinsichtlich der Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck-Berechnung bewertet und plant, die Module zur Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruckinformation auf alle Unternehmen auszuweiten.
- Sinopec is leading the formation of a major industry alliance to develop carbon footprint management systems
- The alliance aims to establish carbon footprint accounting standards for 20 key products by 2027
- Sinopec has already evaluated carbon footprints for nearly 100 products across 40 companies since 2015
- The company is expanding its use of renewable energy and implementing carbon reduction in manufacturing processes
- None.
The alliance issued a declaration for its missions, committing to creating a high-quality, open platform for sharing technical expertise and cooperation. The members are poised to establish a product carbon footprint management system and develop carbon footprint accounting standards for 20 key products by 2027, alongside a localized product carbon footprint factor database, fostering international exchange and mutual standard recognition to strengthen global climate governance.
A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions generated directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, product, or state over a period. Standing at the forefront of global climate actions with its world-beating new energy innovation and ambitious pledge for carbon emission control,
Highlighting Sinopec's green strategy and its contributions to global low-carbon development targets in recent years, Wan Tao, Deputy General Manager of Sinopec, noted that the company promotes the development of clean fossil fuels while expanding renewable energy use and carbon reduction in manufacturing processes. Together with alliance members, Sinopec aims to enhance collaboration, share information, and consolidate resources to establish a carbon footprint management system, steering the industry toward green and low-carbon development, he added.
Since 2015, Sinopec has led the way in product carbon footprint accounting within the industry, evaluating nearly 100 products across 40 companies. Sinopec has set up a plan to create a carbon footprint management system for its products, focusing on standards for carbon footprint accounting, database creation, and supply chain management. As of now, the company has completed the construction of carbon footprint information modules for six pilot enterprises and aims to extend the modules to all enterprises.
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What is the Energy and Chemical Industry Chain Carbon Footprint Alliance announced by Sinopec (SNPTY)?
What are the main objectives of the Carbon Footprint Alliance by 2027 for Sinopec (SNPTY)?
How has Sinopec (SNPTY) contributed to carbon footprint management since 2015?