Sinopec Releases 10 Significant Achievements of High-Quality Development

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China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) has unveiled 10 significant achievements in promoting high-quality development and supporting China's modernization. These achievements span energy security, industrial development, green and low-carbon progress, technological innovation, and improving livelihood. Key highlights include:

1. Project Deep Earth No.1 establishing four oil and gas zones of hundred million-tone scale
2. Development of complete aromatic hydrocarbon technology
3. Fuling shale gas field delivering nearly 70 billion cubic meters of gas
4. Million-ton CCUS pilot project for carbon neutrality
5. Geothermal energy pilot project in Xiong'an
6. World-class ethylene base setting industry benchmarks
7. Upgrade of fuel standards to National 6
8. Leading shale oil development in China's onshore faulted basin
9. Implementation of green actions
10. Kuqa green hydrogen pilot project, the world's largest solar-to-hydrogen project

China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) ha presentato 10 importanti risultati nel promuovere uno sviluppo di alta qualità e nel sostenere la modernizzazione della Cina. Questi risultati riguardano la sicurezza energetica, lo sviluppo industriale, i progressi verdi e a basse emissioni di carbonio, l'innovazione tecnologica e il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita. I punti salienti includono:

1. Progetto Deep Earth No.1 che stabilisce quattro zone di petrolio e gas su scala di centinaia di milioni di tonnellate
2. Sviluppo della tecnologia completa degli idrocarburi aromatici
3. Il campo di gas di scisto di Fuling fornisce quasi 70 miliardi di metri cubi di gas
4. Progetto pilota CCUS da un milione di tonnellate per la neutralità carbonica
5. Progetto pilota di energia geotermica a Xiong'an
6. Stabilimento di etilene di livello mondiale che stabilisce standard industriali
7. Aggiornamento degli standard carburanti a Nazionale 6
8. Sviluppo leader del petrolio di scisto nel bacino fratturato terrestre della Cina
9. Implementazione di azioni verdi
10. Progetto pilota dell'idrogeno verde di Kuqa, il più grande progetto solare-a-idrogeno al mondo

China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) ha presentado 10 logros significativos en la promoción de un desarrollo de alta calidad y en el apoyo a la modernización de China. Estos logros abarcan la seguridad energética, el desarrollo industrial, el progreso verde y de bajo carbono, la innovación tecnológica y la mejora de la calidad de vida. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. Proyecto Deep Earth No.1 que establece cuatro zonas de petróleo y gas de escala de cientos de millones de toneladas
2. Desarrollo de tecnología completa de hidrocarburos aromáticos
3. El campo de gas de esquisto de Fuling entrega casi 70 mil millones de metros cúbicos de gas
4. Proyecto piloto de CCUS de un millón de toneladas para la neutralidad de carbono
5. Proyecto piloto de energía geotérmica en Xiong'an
6. Base de etileno de clase mundial que establece estándares industriales
7. Actualización de los estándares de combustible a Nacional 6
8. Desarrollo líder de petróleo de esquisto en la cuenca faulted terrestre de China
9. Implementación de acciones verdes
10. Proyecto piloto de hidrógeno verde de Kuqa, el más grande del mundo en energía solar a hidrógeno

중국 석유 화학 회사(시노펙)는 고품질 개발을 촉진하고 중국의 현대화 지원을 위해 10가지 주요 성과를 발표했습니다. 이 성과는 에너지 안전, 산업 발전, 녹색 저탄소 발전, 기술 혁신 및 생활 개선을 포함합니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 1천만 톤 규모의 석유 및 가스 지대 4개를 설치하는 Deep Earth No.1 프로젝트
2. 고도 방향족 탄화수소 기술 개발
3. Fuling 셰일 가스 전장이 거의 700억 입방미터의 가스를 생산
4. 탄소 중립을 위한 100만 톤 CCUS 파일럿 프로젝트
5. Xiong'an의 지열 에너지 파일럿 프로젝트
6. 세계적 수준의 에틸렌 기지로 산업 기준 설정
7. 연료 기준을 국가 6으로 업그레이드
8. 중국 내륙 단층 분지에서의 선도적인 셰일 오일 개발
9. 녹색 행동의 이행
10. 세계 최대의 태양광 수소 프로젝트인 Kuqa 녹색 수소 파일럿 프로젝트

China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) a dévoilé 10 réalisations significatives pour promouvoir un développement de haute qualité et soutenir la modernisation de la Chine. Ces réalisations couvrent la sécurité énergétique, le développement industriel, le progrès vert et à faible émission de carbone, l'innovation technologique et l'amélioration du niveau de vie. Les points clés comprennent :

1. Projet Deep Earth No.1 établissant quatre zones de pétrole et de gaz de l'échelle de plusieurs centaines de millions de tonnes
2. Développement de technologies complètes des hydrocarbures aromatiques
3. Le champ de gaz de schiste de Fuling produisant près de 70 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz
4. Projet pilote CCUS d'un million de tonnes pour la neutralité carbone
5. Projet pilote d'énergie géothermique à Xiong'an
6. Base d'éthylène de classe mondiale établissant des normes industrielles
7. Mise à niveau des normes de carburant au niveau National 6
8. Développement leader du pétrole de schiste dans le bassin terrestre fracturé de la Chine
9. Mise en œuvre d'actions vertes
10. Projet pilote d'hydrogène vert de Kuqa, le plus grand projet mondial de production de l'hydrogène à partir de l'énergie solaire

Die China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) hat 10 bedeutende Errungenschaften zur Förderung einer hochwertigen Entwicklung und zur Unterstützung der Modernisierung Chinas vorgestellt. Diese Errungenschaften umfassen die Energiesicherheit, die industrielle Entwicklung, den Fortschritt im Bereich grüne und kohlenstoffarme Technologien, technologische Innovationen und die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Wesentliche Highlights sind:

1. Projekt Deep Earth No.1, das vier Öl- und Gaszonen im Maßstab von Hunderten Millionen Tonnen einrichtet
2. Entwicklung kompletter Technologie für aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe
3. Das Schiefergasfeld Fuling liefert nahezu 70 Milliarden Kubikmeter Gas
4. Pilotprojekt CCUS mit einer Million Tonnen für Kohlenstoffneutralität
5. Pilotprojekt für Geothermie in Xiong'an
6. Weltklasse-Ethylenbasis, die Branchenbenchmarks setzt
7. Aufwertung der Kraftstoffstandards auf National 6
8. Führende Entwicklung von Schieferöl im tektonischen Becken Chinas
9. Umsetzung von grünen Maßnahmen
10. Kuqa-Projekt für grünen Wasserstoff, das größte Solar-zu-Wasserstoff-Projekt der Welt

  • Establishment of four oil and gas zones of hundred million-tone scale, enhancing China's position in the industry
  • Development of complete aromatic hydrocarbon technology, making China the world's third country to own this technology
  • Fuling shale gas field delivered nearly 70 billion cubic meters of gas to the Yangtze River Economic Belt region
  • Implementation of a million-ton CCUS pilot project for carbon neutrality
  • Launch of the world's largest solar-to-hydrogen project in Kuqa, providing a model for green hydrogen production in China
  • Upgrade of fuel standards from National 1 to National 6, improving product quality
  • None.

BEIJING, Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, "Sinopec") has released the group's significant achievements in promoting high-quality development and supporting China's modernization process for the very first time at a special event on October 10th in Beijing, China.

The 10 significant achievements cover the scopes ranging from energy security, industrial development, green and low-carbon progress to technological innovation, improving livelihood and more, and they are vivid epitome of the high-quality development of China's top enterprises:

1.  Project Deep Earth No.1 sets a new benchmark for oil and gas industry development; it has implemented four oil and gas zones of hundred million-tone scale and accentuated China's position in the industry.

2.  The complete aromatic hydrocarbon technology solution drives future breakthroughs with innovation, making China the world's third country to own the technology and reach new height at a new starting point.

3.  The Fuling shale gas field, China's first commercially developed shale gas project, leading the shale evolution in the East, has delivered nearly 70 billion cubic meters of gas to the Yangtze River Economic Belt region.

4.  The million-ton CCUS pilot project anchors global carbon neutrality trends.

5.  Sinopec's complete geothermal energy pilot project is providing heat for the city of Xiong'an.

6.  Sinopec's world-class ethylene base has set new industry benchmarks.

7.  Sinopec has upgraded the premium petroleum products fuel standard from National 1 Standard to National 6.

8.  Sinopec is leading shale oil development in China's onshore faulted basin.

9.  Sinopec has implemented a wide range of green actions to usher green development of the industry.

10.  The Kuqa green hydrogen pilot project in northwest China unfolds a new chapter of green energy. The mega project is the largest solar-to-hydrogen project in the world and serves to carve out a new path for green hydrogen refining and provide an exemplary model for green hydrogen production in China.

"As we embark on the new journey, Sinopec will thrive forward to shoulder the core responsibilities and make unremitting efforts to secure energy, pave the path of new industrialization, and stand up in sci-tech innovation with resilience, with a people-centered approach, and gather more forces of progress," commented Ma Yongsheng, chairman of Sinopec. "Sinopec is committed to lead the industry development and to set more industry 'firsts' as part of China's course of modernization."

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What are the 10 significant achievements announced by Sinopec (SNPTY) in its high-quality development report?

Sinopec announced 10 achievements including Project Deep Earth No.1, aromatic hydrocarbon technology, Fuling shale gas field, million-ton CCUS project, geothermal energy pilot, world-class ethylene base, fuel standard upgrades, shale oil development, green actions, and the Kuqa green hydrogen project.

How much gas has Sinopec's (SNPTY) Fuling shale gas field delivered to the Yangtze River Economic Belt region?

Sinopec's Fuling shale gas field, China's first commercially developed shale gas project, has delivered nearly 70 billion cubic meters of gas to the Yangtze River Economic Belt region.

What is the significance of Sinopec's (SNPTY) Kuqa green hydrogen pilot project?

Sinopec's Kuqa green hydrogen pilot project is the largest solar-to-hydrogen project in the world. It provides an exemplary model for green hydrogen production in China and opens a new chapter in green energy development.

How has Sinopec (SNPTY) improved its fuel standards according to the press release?

Sinopec has upgraded its premium petroleum products fuel standard from National 1 Standard to National 6, representing a significant improvement in fuel quality.



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