Sinopec Maps A Low-Carbon Roadmap to Promote Green Transformation through Innovation and Industry-Education Cooperation

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China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) co-hosted the 2024 Tsinghua University Forum on Carbon Neutral Economy with Tsinghua University in Beijing. The forum focused on green energy, technology innovation, and cooperation to explore low-carbon transformation paths. Sinopec's chairman, Ma Yongsheng, highlighted the company's commitment to green and low-carbon development, emphasizing their strategy to achieve carbon peaking, promote clean energy, and decarbonize production processes.

Sinopec has been named 'China's Low-Carbon Role Model' for 13 consecutive years. The company aims to lead the industry through technological innovation and ecosystem building. Tsinghua University's president, Li Luming, stressed the role of universities in implementing 'Dual-Carbon' strategies. The forum also launched the Carbon-Neutral Ecological Partnership Program, a collaboration between Sinopec and Tsinghua University, to create a multi-disciplinary platform for university-enterprise cooperation and industry-education convergence.

La China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) ha co-organizzato il Forum sull'Economia Carbon Neutral 2024 presso l'Università di Tsinghua a Pechino. Il forum si è concentrato su energia verde, innovazione tecnologica e cooperazione per esplorare percorsi di trasformazione a basse emissioni di carbonio. Il presidente di Sinopec, Ma Yongsheng, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda verso sviluppo verde e a basse emissioni di carbonio, enfatizzando la loro strategia per raggiungere il picco delle emissioni di carbonio, promuovere l'energia pulita e decarbonizzare i processi produttivi.

Sinopec è stata nominata 'Modello di Basse Emissioni di Carbonio della Cina' per 13 anni consecutivi. L'azienda punta a guidare il settore attraverso l'innovazione tecnologica e la costruzione di ecosistemi. Il presidente dell'Università di Tsinghua, Li Luming, ha messo in evidenza il ruolo delle università nell'attuare strategie 'Dual-Carbon'. Il forum ha inoltre lanciato il Programma di Partnership Ecologica Carbon-Neutrale, una collaborazione tra Sinopec e l'Università di Tsinghua, per creare una piattaforma multidisciplinare per la cooperazione tra università e imprese e la convergenza industria-educazione.

China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) coorganizó el Foro sobre Economía de Carbono Neutral 2024 en la Universidad de Tsinghua en Pekín. El foro se centró en energía verde, innovación tecnológica y cooperación para explorar caminos de transformación con bajas emisiones de carbono. El presidente de Sinopec, Ma Yongsheng, resaltó el compromiso de la empresa con el desarrollo verde y de bajas emisiones de carbono, enfatizando su estrategia para alcanzar el pico de emisiones de carbono, promover la energía limpia y descarbonizar los procesos de producción.

Sinopec ha sido nombrada 'Modelo de Bajas Emisiones de Carbono de China' durante 13 años consecutivos. La empresa tiene como objetivo liderar la industria a través de la innovación tecnológica y la construcción de ecosistemas. El presidente de la Universidad de Tsinghua, Li Luming, destacó el papel de las universidades en la implementación de estrategias 'Dual-Carbon'. El foro también lanzó el Programa de Asociación Ecológica Carbon-Neutral, una colaboración entre Sinopec y la Universidad de Tsinghua, para crear una plataforma multidisciplinaria para la cooperación universidad-empresa y la convergencia industria-educación.

중국석유화학(Sinopec)은 베이징에서 청화대학교와 함께 2024 청화대학교 탄소 중립 경제 포럼을 공동 주최했습니다. 포럼은 녹색 에너지, 기술 혁신 및 협력에 중점을 두고 저탄소 전환 경로를 탐색했습니다. Sinopec의 회장인 Ma Yongsheng는 녹색 및 저탄소 개발에 대한 회사의 의지를 강조하며 탄소 정점을 달성하고 청정 에너지를 촉진하며 생산 공정을 탈탄소화하기 위한 전략을 강조했습니다.

Sinopec은 13년 연속 '중국 저탄소 모델'로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 기술 혁신과 생태계 구축을 통해 업계를 선도하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 청화대학교의 총장인 Li Luming은 '이중 탄소' 전략을 구현하는 데 있어 대학의 역할을 강조했습니다. 포럼에서는 Sinopec와 청화대학교 간의 협력 프로그램인 탄소 중립 생태 파트너십 프로그램도 발족하여 대학-기업 협력 및 산업-교육 융합을 위한 다학제 플랫폼을 구축할 예정입니다.

China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) a co-organisé le Forum sur l'Économie Carbonneutre 2024 avec l'Université Tsinghua à Pékin. Le forum a mis l'accent sur l'énergie verte, l'innovation technologique et la coopération pour explorer les voies de transformation à faibles émissions de carbone. Le président de Sinopec, Ma Yongsheng, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise en faveur du développement vert et à faibles émissions de carbone, en mettant l'accent sur leur stratégie pour atteindre le pic des émissions de carbone, promouvoir l'énergie propre et décarboniser les processus de production.

Sinopec a été désignée 'Modèle de Basses Émissions de Carbone de la Chine' pendant 13 années consécutives. L'entreprise vise à mener l'industrie par l'innovation technologique et la construction d'écosystèmes. Le président de l'Université Tsinghua, Li Luming, a souligné le rôle des universités dans la mise en œuvre des stratégies 'Dual-Carbon'. Le forum a également lancé le Programme de Partenariat Écologique Carbone-Neutre, une collaboration entre Sinopec et l'Université Tsinghua, afin de créer une plateforme multidisciplinaire pour la coopération université-entreprise et la convergence industrie-éducation.

China Petroleum & Chemical (Sinopec) veranstaltete gemeinsam mit der Tsinghua-Universität das Forum zur Kohlenstoff-neutralen Wirtschaft 2024 in Peking. Das Forum konzentrierte sich auf grüne Energie, technologische Innovation und Zusammenarbeit, um Wege zur kohlenstoffarmen Transformation zu erkunden. Der Vorsitzende von Sinopec, Ma Yongsheng, hob das Engagement des Unternehmens für grüne und kohlenstoffarme Entwicklung hervor und betonte die Strategie, den Kohlenstoffgipfel zu erreichen, saubere Energie zu fördern und die Produktionsprozesse zu dekarbonisieren.

Sinopec wurde 13 Jahre hintereinander als 'Chinas Vorbild für niedrige Kohlenstoffemissionen' ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, die Branche durch technologische Innovation und den Aufbau von Ökosystemen zu führen. Der Präsident der Tsinghua-Universität, Li Luming, betonte die Rolle der Universitäten bei der Umsetzung von 'Dual-Carbon'-Strategien. Das Forum startete auch das Programm zur Kohlenstoffneutralen Ökologischen Partnerschaft, eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Sinopec und der Tsinghua-Universität, um eine multidisziplinäre Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Universitäten und Unternehmen sowie die Konvergenz von Industrie und Bildung zu schaffen.

  • Sinopec awarded 'China's Low-Carbon Role Model' for 13 consecutive years
  • Launch of Carbon-Neutral Ecological Partnership Program with Tsinghua University
  • Commitment to lead industry transformation through technological innovation
  • None.

BEIJING, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, "Sinopec") co-hosted the 2024 Tsinghua University Forum on Carbon Neutral Economy ("the Forum") with Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, renowned experts and scholars joined discussions centering on green energy, technology innovation, and mutually beneficial cooperation to explore the low-carbon transformation path and look into the prospects of green development.

Sinopec Maps A Low-Carbon Roadmap to Promote Green Transformation through Innovation and Industry-Education Cooperation.

Ma Yongsheng, chairman of Sinopec, presented a keynote speech at the opening of the Forum that advancing green development to build harmonious relationships between people and nature is growing to be a distinct highlight of China's path to modernization. Sinopec has been awarded the title of "China's Low-Carbon Role Model" for 13 years in a row, making it an energy and chemical company that has won the greatest number of such awards.

"Sinopec is vigorously implementing a green and low-carbon development strategy, formulating an action plan to achieve carbon peaking, while promoting fossil energy and scaling up clean energy operations, and we are also decarbonizing the entire production processes," noted Ma. "We understand deeply that the green, low-carbon industry boasts tremendous potential in the next 30 years, and we can take the lead through technological innovation and building the ecosystem with our partners. Sinopec is committed to lead as a pioneer of the industry and promote technological innovation as well as open cooperation to pave the way for industry transformation and development."

Li Luming, president of Tsinghua University, remarked that colleges and universities are a key hub that connects the primary productive forces, talent resources, and innovations, and they are to shoulder more responsibilities and play a greater role in carrying out "Dual-Carbon" strategies. Looking ahead, Tsinghua University will integrate talent training and education, scientific research, and transformation to further deepen cooperation with all sectors and make greater contributions to building a greener and more sustainable future for all.

The Carbon-Neutral Ecological Partnership Program ("the Program") co-hosted by Sinopec and Tsinghua University was inaugurated at the Forum, which aims to build a multi-disciplinary, cross-sector platform through exploring university-enterprise cooperation and the convergence of industry and education. The Program will cultivate leading experts in the field of carbon neutrality with international vision, innovative spirit, and practical capabilities to provide technical support for policymaking, promote upstream and downstream industry chain cooperation.


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What is Sinopec's strategy for green and low-carbon development?

Sinopec is implementing a green and low-carbon development strategy by formulating an action plan to achieve carbon peaking, promoting clean energy operations, and decarbonizing entire production processes.

How long has Sinopec (SNPTY) been recognized as 'China's Low-Carbon Role Model'?

Sinopec has been awarded the title of 'China's Low-Carbon Role Model' for 13 consecutive years, making it the energy and chemical company with the most such awards.

What is the Carbon-Neutral Ecological Partnership Program launched by Sinopec (SNPTY) and Tsinghua University in 2024?

The Carbon-Neutral Ecological Partnership Program is a multi-disciplinary, cross-sector platform aimed at exploring university-enterprise cooperation and industry-education convergence to cultivate leading experts in carbon neutrality and promote industry chain cooperation.

What was the focus of the 2024 Tsinghua University Forum on Carbon Neutral Economy co-hosted by Sinopec (SNPTY)?

The forum focused on green energy, technology innovation, and mutually beneficial cooperation to explore low-carbon transformation paths and prospects of green development.



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