ScottsMiracle-Gro’s Fort Madison Plant Celebrates 365 Day Safety Record
ScottsMiracle-Gro's Fort Madison plant in Iowa has achieved a remarkable safety milestone, recording zero incidents for 365 days. This translates to a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of zero for the year 2024, surpassing their annual goal and setting a new plant record. The achievement represents over 704,000 work hours, equivalent to 352 full-time employees working injury-free for a year.
Brett Denney, liquid operations director, attributes this success to risk reduction efforts led by front-line supervisors and line leads. David Swihart, SVP of global supply chain, emphasizes the company's commitment to safety across all facilities and praises the Fort Madison plant for setting an exemplary standard in fostering a strong safety culture.
Il plant di ScottsMiracle-Gro a Fort Madison, Iowa, ha raggiunto un notevole , registrando zero incidenti per 365 giorni. Questo si traduce in un per l'anno 2024, superando il loro obiettivo annuale e stabilendo un nuovo record per l'impianto. Questo risultato rappresenta oltre 704.000 ore di lavoro, equivalenti a 352 dipendenti a tempo pieno che lavorano senza infortuni per un anno.
Brett Denney, direttore delle operazioni liquide, attribuisce questo successo agli sforzi di riduzione del rischio guidati dai supervisori di prima linea e dai responsabili. David Swihart, SVP della catena di approvvigionamento globale, sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda per la sicurezza in tutte le strutture e loda l'impianto di Fort Madison per aver stabilito uno standard esemplare nella promozione di una forte cultura della sicurezza.
La planta de ScottsMiracle-Gro en Fort Madison, Iowa, ha alcanzado un notable hito de seguridad, registrando cero incidentes durante 365 días. Esto se traduce en un Índice de Incidentes Registrables Total (TRIR) de cero para el año 2024, superando su objetivo anual y estableciendo un nuevo récord para la planta. Este logro representa más de 704,000 horas de trabajo, equivalente a 352 empleados a tiempo completo trabajando sin lesiones durante un año.
Brett Denney, director de operaciones líquidas, atribuye este éxito a los esfuerzos de reducción de riesgos liderados por los supervisores de primera línea y los líderes de línea. David Swihart, SVP de la cadena de suministro global, enfatiza el compromiso de la empresa con la seguridad en todas las instalaciones y elogia a la planta de Fort Madison por establecer un estándar ejemplar en el fomento de una sólida cultura de seguridad.
ScottsMiracle-Gro의 포트 매디슨 공장이 아이오와에서 놀라운 안전 이정표를 달성하여 365일 동안 사고가 없었습니다. 이는 2024년 총 기록 가능 사고 비율(TRIR) 제로를 의미하며, 연간 목표를 초과하고 새로운 공장 기록을 세운 것입니다. 이 성과는 704,000 시간 이상의 작업 시간을 나타내며, 이는 1년 동안 부상 없이 근무하는 352명의 정규직 직원에 해당합니다.
액체 운영 책임자인 Brett Denney는 이 성공을 위험 감소 노력 덕분이라고 전선 감독과 라인 리더들이 주도했다고 설명했습니다. 글로벌 공급망 SVP인 David Swihart는 모든 시설에서 안전에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조하고, 강력한 안전 문화를 조성하는 데 있어 포트 매디슨 공장이 모범적인 기준을 세운 것에 대해 칭찬했습니다.
La plante ScottsMiracle-Gro à Fort Madison, Iowa, a atteint un point de référence remarquable en matière de sécurité, enregistrant zéro incident pendant 365 jours. Cela se traduit par un Taux Total d'Incidents Enregistrables (TRIR) de zéro pour l'année 2024, dépassant leur objectif annuel et établissant un nouveau record pour l'usine. Ce résultat représente plus de 704 000 heures de travail, équivalant à 352 employés à temps plein travaillant sans blessure pendant un an.
Brett Denney, directeur des opérations liquides, attribue ce succès aux efforts de réduction des risques menés par les superviseurs de première ligne et les chefs d'équipe. David Swihart, SVP de la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale, souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la sécurité dans toutes les installations et félicite l'usine de Fort Madison pour avoir établi une norme exemplaire dans la promotion d'une forte culture de sécurité.
Die Fabrik von ScottsMiracle-Gro in Fort Madison, Iowa, hat einen bemerkenswerten Sicherheitsmeilenstein erreicht, indem sie 365 Tage lang null Vorfälle verzeichnet hat. Dies entspricht einem Gesamtregisterrate für Vorfälle (TRIR) von null für das Jahr 2024, übertrifft ihr Jahresziel und setzt einen neuen Werksrekord. Diese Errungenschaft steht für über 704.000 Arbeitsstunden, was 352 Vollzeitmitarbeitern entspricht, die ein Jahr lang unfallfrei arbeiten.
Brett Denney, Direktor der Flüssigkeitsoperationen, führt diesen Erfolg auf Risikoreduzierungsmaßnahmen zurück, die von vorderliniegenden Vorgesetzten und Linienführern geleitet werden. David Swihart, SVP der globalen Lieferkette, betont das Engagement des Unternehmens für Sicherheit in allen Einrichtungen und lobt das Werk in Fort Madison dafür, dass es einen vorbildlichen Standard zur Förderung einer starken Sicherheitskultur setzt.
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FORT MADISON, Iowa, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company’s manufacturing facility in Fort Madison, Iowa, recently celebrated a Total Recordable Incident Rate of zero for 365 days, a new safety record for the plant. Also known as TRIR, this metric measures recordable injuries per 100 full-time workers throughout a one-year period.
“2024 was a non-stop production year for us,” said Brett Denney, liquid operations director in Fort Madison. “Risk reduction efforts led by our front-line supervisors and line leads helped drive our recordable incident rate to zero. This not only exceeded our 2024 goal, but it also established a new record. It was a collective effort, and I am extremely proud of our associates and their disciplined approach to safety.”
For perspective, this safety record is over 704,000 hours of work, or the equivalent of 352 full-time employees working for one year without an injury.
“Throughout the organization, we are committed to the safety and well-being of every associate, at every facility," said David Swihart, SVP of global supply chain for ScottsMiracle-Gro. “This outstanding achievement is made possible by a strong safety culture with each associate looking out for the safety and well being of all other associates. The Fort Madison Plant is setting an example for all of our facilities to follow.”
About the Fort Madison facility
ScottsMiracle-Gro has operated the Fort Madison manufacturing facility since 1999 and employs more than 200 full-time employees and 80 contingent workers across southeast Iowa. The facility manufactures 120 different product offerings under leading lawn and garden brands such as Ortho, Roundup, TomCat and Scotts.
About ScottsMiracle-Gro
With approximately
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What safety record did ScottsMiracle-Gro's (SMG) Fort Madison plant achieve in 2024?
How many work hours does the safety record at SMG's Fort Madison plant represent?
Who is credited with leading the risk reduction efforts at SMG's Fort Madison plant?