Director/PDMR Shareholding

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Shell plc has reported that several Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (PDMRs) acquired dividend shares following the payment of the interim dividend on September 23, 2024. These shares were acquired in respect of shares previously delivered under annual bonuses or vested employee share plans held in Share Plan Accounts. The acquisitions took place on September 26, 2024, with shares purchased on both the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AMS).

Key acquisitions include:
- Sinead Gorman (CFO): 1,109.67 SHEL shares at GBP 24.34 each
- Huibert Vigeveno (Downstream, Renewables & Energy Solutions Director): 1,187.00 SHELL shares at EUR 29.41 each
- Zoe Yujnovich (Integrated Gas and Upstream Director): 1,172.43 SHELL shares at EUR 29.41 each

Other PDMRs who acquired shares include Philippa Bounds, Robertus Mooldijk, and Rachel Solway. The transactions were made in compliance with EU and UK market abuse regulations.

Shell plc ha riferito che diverse Persone che Svolgono Funzioni di Gestione (PDMR) hanno acquisito azioni dividendo a seguito del pagamento del dividendo intermedio il 23 settembre 2024. Queste azioni sono state acquisite in riferimento a azioni precedentemente consegnate sotto bonus annuali o piani di compartecipazione per dipendenti detenuti nei Conti del Piano Azionario. Le acquisizioni hanno avuto luogo il 26 settembre 2024, con azioni acquistate sia alla Borsa di Londra (LSE) che alla Borsa di Amsterdam (AMS).

Le acquisizioni chiave includono:
- Sinead Gorman (CFO): 1.109,67 azioni SHEL a GBP 24,34 ciascuna
- Huibert Vigeveno (Direttore Downstream, Rinnovabili & Soluzioni Energetiche): 1.187,00 azioni SHELL a EUR 29,41 ciascuna
- Zoe Yujnovich (Direttore Gas Integrato e Upstream): 1.172,43 azioni SHELL a EUR 29,41 ciascuna

Altri PDMR che hanno acquisito azioni includono Philippa Bounds, Robertus Mooldijk e Rachel Solway. Le transazioni sono state effettuate in conformità con le normative UE e UK contro gli abusi di mercato.

Shell plc ha informado que varias Personas que Desempeñan Funciones de Gestión (PDMR) adquirieron acciones de dividendo tras el pago del dividendo interino el 23 de septiembre de 2024. Estas acciones se adquirieron en relación con acciones entregadas previamente bajo bonificaciones anuales o planes de acciones para empleados que se mantienen en Cuentas del Plan de Acciones. Las adquisiciones tuvieron lugar el 26 de septiembre de 2024, con acciones compradas tanto en la Bolsa de Valores de Londres (LSE) como en la Bolsa de Valores de Ámsterdam (AMS).

Las adquisiciones clave incluyen:
- Sinead Gorman (CFO): 1,109.67 acciones SHEL a GBP 24.34 cada una
- Huibert Vigeveno (Director de Downstream, Energías Renovables y Soluciones Energéticas): 1,187.00 acciones SHELL a EUR 29.41 cada una
- Zoe Yujnovich (Directora de Gas Integrado y Upstream): 1,172.43 acciones SHELL a EUR 29.41 cada una

Otros PDMR que adquirieron acciones incluyen a Philippa Bounds, Robertus Mooldijk y Rachel Solway. Las transacciones se realizaron cumpliendo con las regulaciones de abuso de mercado de la UE y el Reino Unido.

Shell plc는 여러 경영 책임자를 포함한 관계자(PDMR)가 2024년 9월 23일 중간 배당금 지급 이후 배당주를 인수했다고 발표했습니다. 이 주식은 연간 보너스 또는 종업원 주식 계획에 따라 이전에 제공된 주식을 기반으로 인수되었습니다. 인수는 2024년 9월 26일에 이루어졌으며 런던 증권 거래소(LSE)와 암스테르담 증권 거래소(AMS)에서 주식이 구매되었습니다.

주요 인수는 다음과 같습니다:
- Sinead Gorman (CFO): 1,109.67 SHEL 주식, 각 주당 GBP 24.34
- Huibert Vigeveno (다운스트림, 재생 가능 에너지 및 에너지 솔루션 이사): 1,187.00 SHELL 주식, 각 주당 EUR 29.41
- Zoe Yujnovich (통합 가스 및 업스트림 이사): 1,172.43 SHELL 주식, 각 주당 EUR 29.41

기타 PDMR로는 Philippa Bounds, Robertus Mooldijk 및 Rachel Solway가 있으며, 이 거래는 EU 및 영국 시장 남용 규정에 따라 이루어졌습니다.

Shell plc a rapporté que plusieurs personnes exerçant des fonctions de direction (PDMR) ont acquis des actions de dividende suite au paiement du dividende intermédiaire le 23 septembre 2024. Ces actions ont été acquises en relation avec des actions précédemment remises dans le cadre de primes annuelles ou de plans d'actions pour les employés conservés dans des comptes de plan d'actions. Les acquisitions ont eu lieu le 26 septembre 2024, avec des actions achetées à la fois à la Bourse de Londres (LSE) et à la Bourse d'Amsterdam (AMS).

Les acquisitions clés comprennent :
- Sinead Gorman (CFO): 1.109,67 actions SHEL à GBP 24,34 chacune
- Huibert Vigeveno (Directeur des activités en aval, des énergies renouvelables et des solutions énergétiques): 1.187,00 actions SHELL à EUR 29,41 chacune
- Zoe Yujnovich (Directrice gaz intégré et en amont): 1.172,43 actions SHELL à EUR 29,41 chacune

D'autres PDMR ayant acquis des actions comprennent Philippa Bounds, Robertus Mooldijk et Rachel Solway. Les transactions ont été réalisées conformément aux réglementations sur l'abus de marché de l'UE et du Royaume-Uni.

Shell plc hat berichtet, dass mehrere Personen, die Führungsaufgaben übernehmen (PDMR), nach der Zahlung der Zwischen-Dividende am 23. September 2024 Dividendenaktien erworben haben. Diese Aktien wurden im Hinblick auf zuvor unter jährlichen Boni oder erworbenen Mitarbeiterbeteiligungsprogrammen gehaltene Aktien in Aktiendepots erworben. Die Akquisitionen fanden am 26. September 2024 statt, wobei Aktien sowohl an der Londoner Börse (LSE) als auch an der Amsterdamer Börse (AMS) gekauft wurden.

Zu den wichtigen Akquisitionen gehören:
- Sinead Gorman (CFO): 1.109,67 SHEL-Aktien zu GBP 24,34 jeweils
- Huibert Vigeveno (Direktor für Downstream, Erneuerbare Energien & Energiesysteme): 1.187,00 SHELL-Aktien zu EUR 29,41 jeweils
- Zoe Yujnovich (Direktorin für integriertes Gas und Upstream): 1.172,43 SHELL-Aktien zu EUR 29,41 jeweils

Weitere PDMR, die Aktien erworben haben, sind Philippa Bounds, Robertus Mooldijk und Rachel Solway. Die Transaktionen wurden in Übereinstimmung mit den EU- und UK-Vorschriften gegen Marktmissbrauch durchgeführt.

  • PDMRs reinvesting dividends into company shares, potentially indicating confidence in the company
  • Compliance with EU and UK market abuse regulations, demonstrating good corporate governance
  • None.
September 30, 2024    
Shell plc (the "Company") has been notified that following the payment of the interim dividend on September 23, 2024 in respect of the second quarter of 2024, the following Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ("PDMRs") acquired dividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered to them under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account. Further information can be found in the Shell plc Annual Report and Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 (
PDMRDate AcquiredShare TypeNumber of dividend shares acquiredPurchase price per Share
Sinead Gorman26 September 2024SHEL (LSE) 1,109.67 GBP 24.34
Philippa Bounds26 September 2024SHELL (AMS) 0.01 EUR 29.41
Philippa Bounds26 September 2024SHEL (LSE) 47.30 GBP 24.34
Robertus Mooldijk26 September 2024SHELL (AMS) 721.54 EUR 29.41
Rachel Solway26 September 2024SHEL (LSE) 6.01 GBP 24.34
Huibert Vigeveno26 September 2024SHELL (AMS) 1,187.00 EUR 29.41
Zoe Yujnovich26 September 2024SHELL (AMS) 1,172.43 EUR 29.41
The Notification of Dealing Form for each PDMR can be found below. 
Julie Keefe    
Deputy Company Secretary    
Shell Media Relations    
International, UK, European Press: +44 20 7934 5550  
LEI number of Shell plc: 21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70  
Classification: Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State.

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Sinead
Last Name(s)Gorman
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusChief Financial Officer
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 1,109.67
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionLondon

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Philippa
Last Name(s)Bounds
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusLegal Director
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 0.01
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionAmsterdam

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Philippa
Last Name(s)Bounds
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusLegal Director
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 47.30
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionLondon

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Robertus
Last Name(s)Mooldijk
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusProjects & Technology Director
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 721.54
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionAmsterdam

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Rachel
Last Name(s)Solway
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusChief Human Resources & Corporate Officer
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 6.01
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionLondon

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Huibert
Last Name(s)Vigeveno
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusDownstream, Renewables & Energy Solutions Director
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 1,187.00
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionAmsterdam

1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated
First Name(s)Zoe
Last Name(s)Yujnovich
2. Reason for the notification
Position/statusIntegrated Gas and Upstream Director
Initial notification/ amendmentInitial notification
3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
Full name of the entityShell plc
Legal Entity Identifier code21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
4. Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; (iv) each place where transactions have been conducted
Description of the financial instrumentOrdinary shares of €0.07 each
Identification CodeGB00BP6MXD84
Nature of the transactionDividend shares in respect of shares previously delivered under the annual bonus and/or shares previously vested under employee share plans and held in a Share Plan Account.
Aggregated information 
Volume 1,172.43
Date of transaction 26/09/2024
Place of transactionAmsterdam


When did Shell plc (SHEL) pay its interim dividend for Q2 2024?

Shell plc paid its interim dividend for the second quarter of 2024 on September 23, 2024.

How many SHEL shares did CFO Sinead Gorman acquire on September 26, 2024?

Sinead Gorman acquired 1,109.67 SHEL shares on the London Stock Exchange at a price of GBP 24.34 per share on September 26, 2024.

What was the purchase price for SHELL shares on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange on September 26, 2024?

The purchase price for SHELL shares on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange was EUR 29.41 per share on September 26, 2024.

Who acquired the most SHELL shares among the PDMRs mentioned in the press release?

Huibert Vigeveno, the Downstream, Renewables & Energy Solutions Director, acquired the most SHELL shares with 1,187.00 shares at EUR 29.41 each.

Shell plc American Depositary Shares (Each represents two Ordinary shares)


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