SEI Increases Stock Share Repurchase Program by $400 Million

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SEI Investments Company (SEIC) has announced a significant expansion of its stock repurchase program. The Board of Directors has approved an increase of $400 million to the existing program, bringing the total available authorization to approximately $429 million. This new authorization includes the $29 million remaining from the company's previous share repurchase allowance.

The decision, made on October 22, 2024, demonstrates SEI's commitment to enhancing shareholder value and confidence in the company's financial position. Stock buybacks typically aim to reduce the number of outstanding shares, potentially increasing earnings per share and the stock's value for remaining shareholders.

SEI Investments Company (SEIC) ha annunciato un'importante espansione del proprio programma di riacquisto di azioni. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione ha approvato un aumento di 400 milioni di dollari per il programma esistente, portando il totale dell'autorizzazione disponibile a circa 429 milioni di dollari. Questa nuova autorizzazione include i 29 milioni di dollari rimanenti dall'assegnazione precedente per il riacquisto di azioni della società.

La decisione, presa il 22 ottobre 2024, dimostra l'impegno di SEI nel migliorare il valore per gli azionisti e la fiducia nella posizione finanziaria dell'azienda. I riacquisti di azioni mirano tipicamente a ridurre il numero di azioni in circolazione, aumentando potenzialmente gli utili per azione e il valore delle azioni per gli azionisti rimanenti.

SEI Investments Company (SEIC) ha anunciado una expansión significativa de su programa de recompra de acciones. La Junta Directiva ha aprobado un aumento de 400 millones de dólares al programa existente, llevando la autorización total disponible a aproximadamente 429 millones de dólares. Esta nueva autorización incluye los 29 millones de dólares restantes de la asignación previa de recompra de acciones de la compañía.

La decisión, tomada el 22 de octubre de 2024, demuestra el compromiso de SEI por mejorar el valor para los accionistas y la confianza en la posición financiera de la empresa. Las recompras de acciones suelen tener como objetivo reducir el número de acciones en circulación, lo que potencialmente aumenta las ganancias por acción y el valor de las acciones para los accionistas restantes.

SEI Investments Company (SEIC)는 자사 주식 재매입 프로그램의 중요한 확장을 발표했습니다. 이사회는 프로그램에 4억 달러를 증액하는 것승인하여 전체 승인 금액을 약 4억 2900만 달러로 늘렸습니다. 이 새로운 승인은 회사의 이전 주식 재매입 허용량에서 남은 2900만 달러를 포함합니다.

2024년 10월 22일에 내려진 이 결정은 SEI가 주주 가치를 높이고 회사의 재무 상태에 대한 신뢰를 강화하려는 의지를 보여줍니다. 주식 재매입은 일반적으로 발행 주식 수를 줄이는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 주당 수익과 남아 있는 주주들을 위한 주식 가치를 잠재적으로 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

La SEI Investments Company (SEIC) a annoncé une expansion significative de son programme de rachat d'actions. Le Conseil d'administration a approuvé une augmentation de 400 millions de dollars au programme existant, portant l'autorisation totale disponible à environ 429 millions de dollars. Cette nouvelle autorisation comprend les 29 millions de dollars restants de la précédente allocation de rachat d'actions de la société.

Cette décision, prise le 22 octobre 2024, démontre l'engagement de SEI à améliorer la valeur pour les actionnaires et la confiance dans la position financière de l'entreprise. Les rachats d'actions visent généralement à réduire le nombre d'actions en circulation, ce qui peut potentiellement augmenter les bénéfices par action et la valeur des actions pour les actionnaires restants.

Die SEI Investments Company (SEIC) hat eine bedeutende Erweiterung ihres Aktienrückkaufprogramms angekündigt. Der Vorstand hat eine Erhöhung um 400 Millionen Dollar für das bestehende Programm genehmigt, wodurch die insgesamt verfügbare Autorisierung auf etwa 429 Millionen Dollar steigt. Diese neue Genehmigung umfasst die 29 Millionen Dollar, die von der vorherigen Rückkaufgenehmigung des Unternehmens verbleiben.

Die am 22. Oktober 2024 getroffene Entscheidung zeigt SEIs Engagement zur Stärkung des Wertes für die Aktionäre und des Vertrauens in die finanzielle Position des Unternehmens. Aktienrückkäufe zielen typischerweise darauf ab, die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Aktien zu reduzieren, wodurch möglicherweise das Ergebnis pro Aktie und der Aktienwert für verbleibende Aktionäre steigen.

  • Increase of $400 million in stock repurchase program
  • Total available authorization now at $429 million
  • Potential increase in earnings per share
  • Demonstrates confidence in company's financial position
  • Reduction in cash reserves for other potential investments or operations


This $400 million increase in SEI's stock repurchase program is a significant move, signaling management's confidence in the company's financial health and future prospects. With a total authorization now at $429 million, SEI is demonstrating a strong commitment to returning value to shareholders.

Stock buybacks can have several positive implications:

  • They reduce the number of outstanding shares, potentially increasing earnings per share (EPS) and stock price.
  • They can be seen as a signal that management believes the stock is undervalued.
  • They provide a tax-efficient way to return capital to shareholders compared to dividends.

However, investors should consider that this capital could alternatively be used for growth initiatives or acquisitions. The effectiveness of this buyback will depend on the execution timing and the stock's valuation at the time of repurchases.

Given SEI's $9.26 billion market cap, this buyback represents about 4.6% of the company's market value, which is a substantial portion and could provide meaningful support for the stock price.

OAKS, Pa., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors of SEI Investments Company approved an increase in its stock repurchase program by an additional $400 million, increasing the available authorization under the program to approximately $429 million, which includes $29 million remaining under the company existing share repurchase authorization.

About SEI®
SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) delivers technology and investment solutions that connect the financial services industry. With capabilities across investment processing, operations, and asset management, SEI works with corporations, financial institutions and professionals, and ultra-high-net-worth families to solve problems, manage change, and help protect assets—for growth today and in the future. As of June 30, 2024, SEI manages, advises, or administers approximately $1.5 trillion in assets. For more information, please visit

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SOURCE SEI Investments Company


What is the new total authorization for SEI Investments Company's (SEIC) stock repurchase program?

The new total authorization for SEI Investments Company's (SEIC) stock repurchase program is approximately $429 million, which includes the newly approved $400 million increase and the $29 million remaining from the previous authorization.

When did SEI Investments Company (SEIC) announce the increase in its stock repurchase program?

SEI Investments Company (SEIC) announced the increase in its stock repurchase program on October 22, 2024.

How much did SEI Investments Company (SEIC) increase its stock repurchase program by?

SEI Investments Company (SEIC) increased its stock repurchase program by $400 million.

What was the remaining amount in SEI Investments Company's (SEIC) previous share repurchase authorization?

The remaining amount in SEI Investments Company's (SEIC) previous share repurchase authorization was $29 million.

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