Samuel Adams Showcases Over 15 Years of Small Business Support with the Launch of Inaugural “Our American Dream Cookbook”

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Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream announces the launch of 'Our American Dream Cookbook', celebrating 40 years of craft beer revolution and over 15 years of supporting food and beverage entrepreneurs. The cookbook, to be published on October 1st, 2024, features 100+ recipes from 80 small business owners, showcasing their unique stories and culinary creations.

The cookbook offers a diverse range of recipes, from vegan dishes to regional specialties, accompanied by craft beer pairings. Jennifer Glanville Love, author and director at Boston Beer Company, emphasizes the cookbook's mission to inspire and support entrepreneurs. The book has received praise from industry figures like Elle Simone Scott and Kevin Johnson.

'Our American Dream Cookbook' will be available at major retailers and independent bookstores, with bulk sales handled by Simon & Schuster Distribution Services.

Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream annuncia il lancio di 'Il nostro ricettario del sogno americano', che celebra 40 anni di rivoluzione della birra artigianale e oltre 15 anni di supporto a imprenditori nel settore alimentare e delle bevande. Il ricettario, che sarà pubblicato il 1° ottobre 2024, presenta oltre 100 ricette di 80 piccoli imprenditori, evidenziando le loro storie uniche e creazioni culinarie.

Il ricettario offre una vasta gamma di ricette, da piatti vegani a specialità regionali, accompagnate da abbinamenti di birra artigianale. Jennifer Glanville Love, autrice e direttrice della Boston Beer Company, sottolinea la missione del ricettario di ispirare e supportare gli imprenditori. Il libro ha ricevuto elogi da figure del settore come Elle Simone Scott e Kevin Johnson.

'Il nostro ricettario del sogno americano' sarà disponibile presso i maggiori rivenditori e librerie indipendenti, con le vendite all'ingrosso gestite da Simon & Schuster Distribution Services.

Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream anuncia el lanzamiento de 'Nuestro recetario del sueño americano', que celebra 40 años de revolución de la cerveza artesanal y más de 15 años apoyando a emprendedores de alimentos y bebidas. El recetario, que se publicará el 1 de octubre de 2024, presenta más de 100 recetas de 80 pequeños empresarios, mostrando sus historias únicas y creaciones culinarias.

El recetario ofrece una diversidad de recetas, desde platillos veganos hasta especialidades regionales, acompañadas de maridajes con cerveza artesanal. Jennifer Glanville Love, autora y directora de Boston Beer Company, enfatiza la misión del recetario de inspirar y apoyar a los emprendedores. El libro ha recibido elogios de figuras de la industria como Elle Simone Scott y Kevin Johnson.

'Nuestro recetario del sueño americano' estará disponible en grandes minoristas y librerías independientes, con ventas al por mayor gestionadas por Simon & Schuster Distribution Services.

사무엘 아담스 브루잉 더 아메리칸 드림이 '우리의 아메리칸 드림 요리책'의 출간을 발표합니다. 이 요리책은 수제 맥주 혁명 40주년과 15년 이상의 음식 및 음료 기업가 지원을 기념합니다. 이 요리책은 2024년 10월 1일에 출간되며, 80명의 소기업 소유자가 제안한 100개 이상의 레시피를 포함하고 있어 그들의 독특한 이야기와 요리 창작물을 소개합니다.

이 요리책은 비건 요리부터 지역 특산물까지 다양한 레시피를 제공하며, 수제 맥주와의 조화를 함께 합니다. 보스턴 맥주 회사의 작가이자 이사인 제니퍼 글랜빌 러브는 요리책의 목표가 기업가들을 영감을 주고 지원하는 것임을 강조합니다. 이 책은 엘 시몬 스콧 및 케빈 존슨과 같은 업계 인물들로부터 찬사를 받았습니다.

'우리의 아메리칸 드림 요리책'은 주요 소매업체와 독립 서점에서 구입할 수 있으며, 대량 판매는 사이먼 앤드 슈스터 배급 서비스에서 처리합니다.

Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream annonce le lancement de 'Notre livre de recettes du rêve américain', célébrant 40 ans de révolution de la bière artisanale et plus de 15 ans de soutien aux entrepreneurs du secteur alimentaire et des boissons. Le livre de recettes, qui sera publié le 1er octobre 2024, propose plus de 100 recettes de 80 propriétaires de petites entreprises, mettant en avant leurs histoires uniques et leurs créations culinaires.

Ce livre de recettes offre une grande variété de plats, allant des plats végétaliens aux spécialités régionales, accompagnés de suggestions de bière artisanale. Jennifer Glanville Love, auteure et directrice de la Boston Beer Company, souligne la mission du livre de recettes d'inspirer et de soutenir les entrepreneurs. Le livre a reçu des éloges de figures de l'industrie comme Elle Simone Scott et Kevin Johnson.

'Notre livre de recettes du rêve américain' sera disponible chez les grands détaillants et les librairies indépendantes, les ventes en gros étant gérées par Simon & Schuster Distribution Services.

Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream kündigt die Veröffentlichung von 'Unser amerikanisches Traumkochbuch' an, das 40 Jahre Craft-Bier-Revolution und über 15 Jahre Unterstützung von Lebensmittel- und Getränkenehmern feiert. Das Kochbuch, das am 1. Oktober 2024 veröffentlicht wird, enthält über 100 Rezepte von 80 Kleinunternehmern und präsentiert ihre einzigartigen Geschichten und kulinarischen Kreationen.

Das Kochbuch bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl an Rezepten, von veganen Gerichten bis hin zu regionalen Spezialitäten, ergänzt durch passende Craft-Bier-Begleitungen. Jennifer Glanville Love, Autorin und Direktorin bei Boston Beer Company, betont die Mission des Kochbuchs, Unternehmer zu inspirieren und zu unterstützen. Das Buch hat Lob von Branchenfiguren wie Elle Simone Scott und Kevin Johnson erhalten.

'Unser amerikanisches Traumkochbuch' wird bei großen Einzelhändlern und unabhängigen Buchhandlungen erhältlich sein, während die Großverkäufe von Simon & Schuster Distribution Services abgewickelt werden.

  • Launch of 'Our American Dream Cookbook' showcasing 15+ years of small business support
  • Features 100+ recipes from 80 small business owners, potentially increasing brand visibility
  • Celebrates 40 years of Samuel Adams' craft beer revolution
  • Potential for increased brand awareness and customer engagement through cookbook sales
  • None.

80 Inspiring Food & Beverage Entrepreneurs Come Together in a First-of-its-Kind Culinary Guide to be Published by Salty Days Media Company on October 1st, 2024

BOSTON, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream, the revolutionary philanthropic program aimed at providing mentorship and funding to food and beverage entrepreneurs nationwide, is pleased to announce the launch of Our American Dream Cookbook.

Our American Dream Cookbook not only celebrates 40 years since Jim Koch ignited the craft beer revolution with Samuel Adams, but also brings to life over 15 years of work done by Brewing the American Dream to uplift passionate craftspeople across the country. With 100+ must-try dishes, the cookbook accomplishes a first-time achievement of featuring recipes developed by 80 small business owners. In these pages, culinary trailblazers share their unique stories of inspiration and resilience.

A versatile spectrum of recipes for beer lovers and foodies alike makes way for specialties such as Vegan Onion Soup with Beer from a veteran-owned brewery on the West Coast, New England Lobster Rolls from artisanal salt makers on the shores of Massachusetts, Lemon Raspberry Celebration Cake with Vanilla Buttercream from the very first participant in the program, and much more.

From cover to cover, this collection showcases the magic that sparks when the lived experiences and passions of small business owners are given the spotlight. Cooks of all skill levels are warmly invited to explore family-secret comfort food, plant-forward picks, seasonal favorites with a twist and much more–along with perfect pint pairings from the folks that know craft beer the best.

“It’s been my privilege all these years working with Brewing the American Dream to see firsthand the power, vision and determination of our country’s brightest food and beverage entrepreneurs. I’m so honored to help tell the incredible stories of just a fraction of the thousands of craftspeople we’ve welcomed into our family,” said Jennifer Glanville Love, author and director of partnerships & collaborations at Boston Beer Company. “We all have a dream we would chase if given the opportunity and we make it our mission to ensure that every entrepreneur brave enough to take that leap has all of the resources they need. Our deepest hope is that each recipe within this book leaves the reader with a full belly, an even fuller heart and the inspiration to do what they love.”

Early praise for the cookbook includes:

Elle Simone Scott, founder of SheChef, food stylist, and culinary producer: “When someone decides to make an entrepreneurial venture, it comes with a lot of excitement but also a lot of uncertainty. Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream has become a cornerstone in the food and beverage industry, helping crafters and creators find the answers to the questions. They bring ease and expertise to the process.”

Kevin Johnson, co-founder of National Black Brewers Association, brewery owner, and former NBA all-star: “As an athlete turned brewery owner, I know the dedication and courage it takes to pursue your dreams. I’ve seen firsthand the work Brewing the American Dream does to celebrate craft food and beverage businesses and this cookbook takes that to a new level. Every recipe represents a fusion of passion and collaboration, showcasing the entrepreneurial spirit of small business owners alongside the rich flavors of craft beer. A winning combination for any culinary enthusiast!”

More than an exciting new cookbook, this body of work is an invitation to fill the dining table with fresh energy, diversity, and the abundance of flavor woven into the tapestry of our country’s food and beverage landscape.

Our American Dream Cookbook will officially launch on October 1st, 2024 and is available to order now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Bookshop and independent bookstores across the nation. Our American Dream Cookbook is published by Salty Days Media and distributed to the trade by Simon & Schuster Distribution Services. For more information about bulk sales, please contact S&S Customer Service at 1-800-223-2336 or

To learn more about Brewing the American Dream and the resources it offers small business owners, visit



When will Samuel Adams (SAM) release 'Our American Dream Cookbook'?

Samuel Adams will release 'Our American Dream Cookbook' on October 1st, 2024.

How many small business owners are featured in Samuel Adams' (SAM) new cookbook?

The cookbook features recipes from 80 small business owners supported by Samuel Adams' Brewing the American Dream program.

What is the purpose of Samuel Adams' (SAM) 'Our American Dream Cookbook'?

The cookbook celebrates 40 years of Samuel Adams' craft beer revolution and showcases over 15 years of support for food and beverage entrepreneurs through their Brewing the American Dream program.

Where can I purchase Samuel Adams' (SAM) 'Our American Dream Cookbook'?

The cookbook will be available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Bookshop, and independent bookstores across the nation.

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Beverages - Brewers
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United States of America