Real Estate Agent Commissions Hold Steady Since New Industry Rules Were Implemented, Redfin Reports

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Redfin reports that real estate buyer's agent commissions have remained stable since new industry rules were implemented in August 2023. The average buyer's agent commission was 2.34% in October, slightly down from 2.35% in August, and lower than 2.45% a year ago. For homes under $500,000, commissions increased from 2.41% to 2.43%, while homes above $1 million saw a decrease from 2.24% to 2.11%. Sellers are still typically covering buyer's agent commissions, though more are waiting to see what buyers request in their offers before setting commission rates.

Redfin riporta che le commissioni degli agenti immobiliari per gli acquirenti sono rimaste stabili da quando sono state implementate le nuove regole del settore ad agosto 2023. La commissione media per gli agenti degli acquirenti è stata del 2.34% in ottobre, leggermente in calo rispetto al 2.35% di agosto, e inferiore rispetto al 2.45% di un anno fa. Per le case sotto i $500.000, le commissioni sono aumentate dal 2.41% al 2.43%, mentre le case sopra i $1 milione hanno visto una diminuzione dal 2.24% al 2.11%. I venditori continuano a coprire tipicamente le commissioni degli agenti per gli acquirenti, anche se sempre più di loro stanno aspettando di vedere cosa chiedono gli acquirenti nelle loro offerte prima di fissare le aliquote di commissione.

Redfin informa que las comisiones de los agentes de compradores en bienes raíces se han mantenido estables desde que se implementaron nuevas reglas del sector en agosto de 2023. La comisión promedio de los agentes de compradores fue del 2.34% en octubre, ligeramente abajo del 2.35% en agosto, y menor al 2.45% del año pasado. Para las casas por debajo de $500,000, las comisiones aumentaron del 2.41% al 2.43%, mientras que las casas por encima de $1 millón vieron una disminución del 2.24% al 2.11%. Los vendedores aún suelen cubrir las comisiones de los agentes de compradores, aunque cada vez más están esperando ver qué piden los compradores en sus ofertas antes de establecer las tasas de comisión.

Redfin은 2023년 8월에 새로운 산업 규칙이 시행된 이후 부동산 구매자 대리인의 수수료가 안정세를 유지하고 있다고 보고했습니다. 10월의 평균 구매자 대리인 수수료는 2.34%로, 8월의 2.35%에서 소폭 하락했으며, 작년의 2.45%보다 낮습니다. 50만 달러 이하의 주택에 대한 수수료는 2.41%에서 2.43%로 증가한 반면, 100만 달러 이상의 주택은 2.24%에서 2.11%로 감소했습니다. 판매자는 여전히 대개 구매자 대리인 수수료를 부담하고 있지만, 점점 더 많은 판매자들이 수수료 비율을 설정하기 전에 구매자가 제안하는 내용을 확인하기를 기다리고 있습니다.

Redfin rapporte que les commissions des agents immobiliers pour les acheteurs sont restées stables depuis que de nouvelles règles de l'industrie ont été mises en place en août 2023. La commission moyenne des agents d'acheteurs était de 2.34% en octobre, légèrement en baisse par rapport à 2.35% en août, et inférieure à 2.45% il y a un an. Pour les maisons de moins de 500 000 $, les commissions ont augmenté de 2.41 % à 2.43 %, tandis que celles des maisons de plus d'un million de dollars ont diminué de 2.24 % à 2.11 %. Les vendeurs continuent généralement à couvrir les commissions des agents d'acheteurs, mais de plus en plus attendent de voir ce que les acheteurs demandent dans leurs offres avant de fixer les taux de commission.

Redfin berichtet, dass die Provisionen von Immobilienkäuferagenten stabil geblieben sind, seit im August 2023 neue Branchenregeln eingeführt wurden. Die durchschnittliche Käuferagentenprovision betrug im Oktober 2.34%, was leicht unter 2.35% im August lag und niedriger ist als 2.45% vor einem Jahr. Bei Häusern unter 500.000 US-Dollar stiegen die Provisionen von 2.41% auf 2.43%, während bei Häusern über 1 Million US-Dollar ein Rückgang von 2.24% auf 2.11% zu verzeichnen war. Verkäufer decken in der Regel weiterhin die Provisionen der Käuferagenten, wobei immer mehr warten, um zu sehen, was Käufer in ihren Angeboten anfordern, bevor sie die Provisionssätze festlegen.

  • Gradual decline in commission rates indicates potential cost savings for future transactions
  • Increased transparency and upfront communication about fees following new rules
  • impact of new industry rules on reducing commission rates (only 0.01% decrease)
  • Higher commissions for lower-priced homes (under $500,000) since August


The stability in real estate commissions post-NAR settlement reveals interesting market dynamics. The minimal change from 2.35% to 2.34% in buyer's agent commissions suggests market participants are still adapting to new rules rather than making dramatic shifts. The divergence in commission trends between price segments is particularly noteworthy - properties under $500,000 seeing slight increases to 2.43% while luxury properties over $1 million experiencing a more substantial decline to 2.11%.

The market's response indicates a period of price discovery as participants adjust to new negotiation dynamics. The stability in mid-market segments, coupled with pressure on high-end commissions, suggests a potential bifurcation in commission structures based on property values. This could significantly impact brokerages like Redfin, whose competitive fee structure may become increasingly attractive in a more negotiation-driven environment.

The minimal commission changes reflect a market in transition rather than disruption. The year-over-year decline from 2.45% to 2.34% continues a gradual downward trend that predates the NAR settlement. However, the geographical variations and price-tier differences suggest emerging market inefficiencies that could lead to more significant changes as practices evolve.

The observation that sellers in competitive markets are becoming more strategic about commission offerings, sometimes waiting for buyer requests rather than proactively offering them, indicates a shift toward a more negotiation-based model. This could accelerate commission compression in 2024, particularly in high-demand markets where sellers have more leverage to push back on traditional commission structures.

  • Buyer’s agent commissions for closed home sales in October were 2.34% compared to 2.35% in August, when industry-wide changes were implemented following the NAR settlement.
  • It’s too soon to say if the trend since August is a departure from the long-term trend of falling commissions.
  • Commissions for homes listed under $500,000 have risen slightly since August, while commissions for homes listed above $500,000 have fallen slightly.

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) Commissions paid to real estate agents representing buyers have remained essentially unchanged since new rules on commissions went into effect on August 17, according to a new analysis from Redfin, the technology-powered real estate brokerage.

The average buyer’s agent commission for homes sold in October was 2.34%, ticking down just one basis point from 2.35% for homes sold in August, when the new changes took effect. That’s down from an average of 2.45% a year ago.

Redfin’s analysis is based on internal data on buyer’s agent commissions for October home sales that have already closed or are scheduled to close by the end of the month. The commissions data was sourced from sales of Redfin agents’ listings, deals closed by Redfin partner agents, or where a buyer utilized Redfin-owned Bay Equity Home Loans. It excludes deals where Redfin agents represented the buyers, because Redfin sets a competitive fee for its buyer services, which is as low as 1.75% in some markets. Data would be skewed to reflect Redfin’s fees, while the goal of this analysis is to track change across the industry.

Buyer’s agent commissions have fallen 17 basis points since January 2023, when they averaged 2.51%. Commissions trended slightly lower following the National Association of Realtors (NAR) settlement, dropping from an average of 2.42% in March to 2.35% in August, when the new changes went into effect. Commissions remained at an average of 2.35% in September, before dropping by a single basis point to 2.34% in October. It’s too soon to say whether the trend since August is a continuation of, or departure from, the long term trend of declining commissions.

“Redfin agents say the biggest difference since August 17 is the need to educate customers about rule changes and have conversations about agent fees with buyers at the start,” said Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather. “Our agents see that as a positive, as it encourages more communication upfront and increases transparency around fees.”

Traditionally, sellers paid the buyer’s agent commission as well as their own agent’s commission. Fairweather said Redfin agents report that sellers are covering the buyer’s agent commission in most transactions, though more sellers are deciding not to proactively offer a commission and instead waiting to see what buyers request in their offer.

In relatively competitive housing markets, agents are seeing more negotiation over who pays the buyer’s agent, and how much they are paid.

“Sellers are more and more wanting to pay 2% to a buyer’s agent,” said Jonathan Chvala, a Redfin Premier agent in Chicago. “Now we’re negotiating commission more frequently.”

So far, increased negotiations haven’t resulted in a significant decline in commissions in Redfin’s data, but it’s worth noting that many homes that closed in September went under contract before the changes took effect. Agents and consumers, many of whom started working together before August, are still adjusting to the new rules.

“Commissions may face more downward pressure next year if we see a resurgence of bidding wars. Sellers are becoming increasingly aware that commissions are negotiable and that if they have a desirable home, they may be able to get the buyer to cover some, or even all, of the buyer’s agent commission,” Fairweather said. “Of course, as in all real estate deals, any negotiation is dependent on how much demand there is for a property. Sellers who are struggling to find a buyer may even offer more to help attract more interest.”

Andrew Vallejo, a Redfin Premier agent in Austin, TX, said he hasn’t seen a difference in commission rates since the August 17 rule changes came into effect, as sales in the Austin market have been sluggish.

“If you’re a seller, reducing the commission isn’t something you can save on right now,” Vallejo said. “That’s because the buyer may not be able to afford your house if they have to pay their agent out of pocket as well.”

Commissions have been declining gradually over the past decade

The downward trend over the past two years is a continuation of a yearslong gradual decline in the percentage paid for buyer's agent commissions. The actual dollar amount paid for commissions has risen significantly, as the value of real estate went up. Redfin previously reported on trends in buyer agent commissions using data from multiple listing services (MLSs).

In March, NAR agreed to settle a series of class-action lawsuits in part by changing its rules on the way commissions offered to buyers’ agents are communicated.

Under the new rules—which went into effect on August 17— listing agents may no longer include a unilateral offer for the buyer’s agent commission in NAR-affiliated MLSs, and agents must inform—and get agreement from—potential buyers about what they charge before they start touring homes.

Commissions have risen slightly for homes listed under $500,000

While the average buyer’s agent commission has stayed the same since August, there have been slight changes within different price brackets.

Buyer’s agent commissions for homes listed under $500,000—the most common type of transaction in our data—rose slightly from an average of 2.41% in August to 2.43% in October.

Buyer’s agent commissions for homes listed between $500,000 and $1 million ticked down by one basis point, from an average of 2.25% to 2.24%.

Buyer’s agent commissions for homes listed above $1 million fell from an average of 2.24% in August to 2.11% in October. This aligns with anecdotes from Redfin agents, who are reporting downward pressure on commissions for high-end listings. It’s important to note, however, that our data for the $1 million-plus price bucket is limited.

Redfin has always been about lower fees

Redfin has always advocated for lower fees, transparency and more choices for homebuyers and sellers. Redfin charges customers a listing fee as low as 1%, and we don’t dictate whether or how much compensation our sellers offer to a buyer’s agent. Redfin’s fees for buyer services are competitive, which can make the difference for a buyer in a bidding war against an offer asking for a higher buyer agent fee.

Redfin has taken a consumer-friendly approach to the NAR rules for buyer agreements because we don’t think buyers should be forced to sign an exclusive contract before they’ve had an opportunity to get to know their agent. That’s why we ask house hunters to sign a simple fee agreement–which can be signed online with one click–before their first home tour. The agreement doesn’t obligate the customer to use Redfin; its purpose is to tell prospective clients what we would charge if Redfin were to represent them. Once a prospective client has met a Redfin agent, they can decide whether to continue working with them.

For the complete report, including charts and detailed methodology, visit:

About Redfin

Redfin ( is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, title insurance, and renovations services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Customers selling a home can have our renovations crew fix it up to sell for top dollar. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve more than 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.

Redfin’s subsidiaries and affiliated brands include: Bay Equity Home Loans®, Rent.™, Apartment Guide®, Title Forward® and WalkScore®.

For more information or to contact a local Redfin real estate agent, visit To learn about housing market trends and download data, visit the Redfin Data Center. To be added to Redfin's press release distribution list, email To view Redfin's press center, click here.

Redfin Journalist Services:

Alina Ptaszynski

Source: Redfin


What is the current buyer's agent commission rate for RDFN transactions in October 2023?

The average buyer's agent commission rate for Redfin transactions in October 2023 was 2.34%.

How have RDFN buyer's agent commissions changed since the NAR settlement implementation in August 2023?

Buyer's agent commissions have decreased only slightly, from 2.35% in August 2023 to 2.34% in October 2023.

What are the commission rates for different home price ranges in RDFN's October 2023 report?

Homes under $500,000 averaged 2.43%, homes between $500,000-$1 million averaged 2.24%, and homes above $1 million averaged 2.11%.

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