QVC, Inc. Closes Private Exchange Offers for Outstanding 2027 and 2028 Notes

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QVC, Inc. has successfully completed its previously announced exchange offers for its outstanding 2027 and 2028 notes. Approximately 89% of the principal amount of these notes was tendered and cancelled. Specifically, 92.4% of the 4.750% Senior Secured Notes due 2027 and 85.5% of the 4.375% Senior Secured Notes due 2028 were exchanged.

The exchange offers resulted in QVC issuing approximately $605 million in new 6.875% Senior Secured Notes due April 2029, along with about $352 million in cash. This transaction improves QVC's credit profile by reducing its debt balance and extending its maturity profile, which could support a potential future extension of QVC and its affiliates' existing senior secured credit facility.

Liberty Interactive , a subsidiary of Qurate Retail, Inc., contributed approximately $277 million in cash to fund part of the cash consideration for the offers.

QVC, Inc. ha completato con successo le offerte di scambio precedentemente annunciate per i suoi titoli 2027 e 2028 in circolazione. Circa l'89% dell'importo principale di questi titoli è stato offerto e annullato. Nello specifico, il 92,4% dei Titoli Senior Secured con una cedola del 4,750% in scadenza nel 2027 e l'85,5% dei Titoli Senior Secured con una cedola del 4,375% in scadenza nel 2028 sono stati scambiati.

Le offerte di scambio hanno portato QVC a emettere circa $605 milioni in nuovi Titoli Senior Secured con una cedola del 6,875% in scadenza ad aprile 2029, insieme a circa $352 milioni in contanti. Questa transazione migliora il profilo creditizio di QVC riducendo il saldo del debito e prolungando il profilo di scadenza, il che potrebbe supportare una possibile futura estensione della linea di credito senior secured esistente di QVC e delle sue affiliate.

Liberty Interactive, una sussidiaria di Qurate Retail, Inc., ha contribuito con circa $277 milioni in contanti per finanziare in parte il corrispettivo in contanti per le offerte.

QVC, Inc. ha completado con éxito sus ofertas de intercambio previamente anunciadas para sus notas emitidas de 2027 y 2028. Aproximadamente el 89% del monto principal de estas notas fue ofrecido y cancelado. Específicamente, el 92.4% de las Notas Senior Garantizadas al 4.750% con vencimiento en 2027 y el 85.5% de las Notas Senior Garantizadas al 4.375% con vencimiento en 2028 fueron intercambiadas.

Las ofertas de intercambio resultaron en que QVC emitiera aproximadamente $605 millones en nuevas Notas Senior Garantizadas al 6.875% con vencimiento en abril de 2029, junto con aproximadamente $352 millones en efectivo. Esta transacción mejora el perfil crediticio de QVC al reducir su saldo de deuda y extender su perfil de vencimiento, lo que podría apoyar una posible futura extensión de la línea de crédito senior garantizada existente de QVC y sus afiliadas.

Liberty Interactive, una subsidiaria de Qurate Retail, Inc., contribuyó con aproximadamente $277 millones en efectivo para financiar parte de la consideración en efectivo de las ofertas.

QVC, Inc.는 예정된 2027년 및 2028년 채권의 교환 제안을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 채권의 약 89%의 원금이 제출되어 취소되었습니다. 구체적으로, 2027년 만기 4.750% 담보 수석 채권의 92.4%와 2028년 만기 4.375% 담보 수석 채권의 85.5%가 교환되었습니다.

교환 제안의 결과 QVC는 약 6억 5천 5백만 달러의 새로운 6.875% 담보 수석 채권을 2029년 4월 만기로 발행하였고, 약 3억 5천 2백만 달러의 현금을 확보했습니다. 이 거래는 QVC의 부채 잔액을 줄이고 만기 프로파일을 확장하여 QVC와 그 계열사의 기존 담보 신용 시설의 향후 확장을 지원할 수 있습니다.

Qurate Retail, Inc.의 자회사인 Liberty Interactive는 약 2억 7천 7백만 달러의 현금을 제공하여 제안의 현금 보상 일부를 자금을 조달했습니다.

QVC, Inc. a réussi à compléter avec succès ses offres d'échange précédemment annoncées pour ses titres de 2027 et 2028 encore en circulation. Environ 89 % du montant principal de ces titres a été proposé et annulé. Plus précisément, 92,4 % des Obligations Senior Sécurisées à 4,750 % arrivant à échéance en 2027 et 85,5 % des Obligations Senior Sécurisées à 4,375 % arrivant à échéance en 2028 ont été échangées.

Les offres d'échange ont abouti à l'émission par QVC d'environ 605 millions de dollars en nouvelles Obligations Senior Sécurisées à 6,875 % arrivant à échéance en avril 2029, ainsi que d'environ 352 millions de dollars en espèces. Cette transaction améliore le profil de crédit de QVC en réduisant son solde d'endettement et en prolongeant son profil d'échéance, ce qui pourrait soutenir une éventuelle extension future de la ligne de crédit senior sécurisée existante de QVC et de ses filiales.

Liberty Interactive, une filiale de Qurate Retail, Inc., a contribué avec environ 277 millions de dollars en espèces pour financer une partie de la contrepartie en espèces pour les offres.

QVC, Inc. hat erfolgreich die zuvor angekündigten Tauschangebote für ihre ausstehenden Anleihen von 2027 und 2028 abgeschlossen. Ungefähr 89 % des Nennbetrags dieser Anleihen wurden angeboten und annulliert. Konkret wurden 92,4 % der 4,750% besicherten Senior-Anleihen mit Fälligkeit 2027 und 85,5 % der 4,375% besicherten Senior-Anleihen mit Fälligkeit 2028 getauscht.

Die Tauschangebote führten dazu, dass QVC etwa 605 Millionen Dollar in neuen 6,875% besicherten Senior-Anleihen fällig im April 2029 ausgegeben hat, sowie rund 352 Millionen Dollar in bar. Diese Transaktion verbessert das Kreditprofil von QVC, indem sie die Schuldenlast verringert und das Fälligkeitsprofil verlängert, was eine mögliche zukünftige Erweiterung der bestehenden besicherten Senior-Kreditlinie von QVC und seinen Tochtergesellschaften unterstützen könnte.

Liberty Interactive, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Qurate Retail, Inc., hat etwa 277 Millionen Dollar in bar beigesteuert, um einen Teil des Barangebots für die Angebote zu finanzieren.

  • Successful exchange of approximately 89% of outstanding 2027 and 2028 notes
  • Issuance of $605 million in new 6.875% Senior Secured Notes due April 2029
  • Improved credit profile with reduced debt balance and extended maturity profile
  • Potential support for future extension of existing senior secured credit facility
  • Cash outlay of approximately $352 million for note exchanges
  • Increase in interest rate from 4.750% and 4.375% to 6.875% for new notes


The successful completion of QVC's exchange offers for its 2027 and 2028 notes is a positive development for the company's financial structure. With approximately 89% of the principal amount of old notes tendered, QVC has effectively reduced its debt balance and extended its maturity profile.

Key points to consider:

  • QVC issued $605 million in new 6.875% Senior Secured Notes due April 2029
  • The company paid out $352 million in cash as part of the exchange
  • Liberty Interactive contributed $277 million to fund part of the cash consideration

This refinancing move improves QVC's credit profile and supports a potential extension of its existing senior secured credit facility. For investors, this indicates improved financial flexibility and reduced near-term debt pressures, which could positively impact the company's risk profile and potentially its borrowing costs in the future.

Approximately 89% principal amount of 2027 and 2028 notes successfully tendered and cancelled

WEST CHESTER, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- QVC, Inc. (“QVC”) announced today the consummation of its previously announced exchange offers (each, an “Exchange Offer,” and collectively, the “Exchange Offers”) for any and all of the outstanding notes listed in the table below (collectively, the “Old Notes”) for its newly-issued 6.875% Senior Secured Notes due April 2029 (the “New Notes”) and, as applicable, cash.

The table below provides the aggregate principal amount of each series of Old Notes that were validly tendered and not validly withdrawn at or prior to the expiration date of the Exchange Offers (the “Expiration Date”). The completion of the Exchange Offers improves QVC’s credit profile with a reduced debt balance and extended maturity profile, supporting a potential future extension of QVC and its affiliates’ existing senior secured credit facility.

Title of Series of Old Notes Tendered


Principal Amount Tendered(1)

Percentage Tendered and Cancelled(1)

4.750% Senior Secured Notes due 2027 (the “2027 Notes”)

747262 AY9

$531 million


4.375% Senior Secured Notes due 2028 (the “2028 Notes”)

747262 AZ6

$428 million


* No representation is made as to the correctness or accuracy of the CUSIP number either as printed on the Old Notes or as contained in this press release, and reliance may be placed only on the other identification printed on the Old Notes. The CUSIP number is included herein solely for the convenience of the registered owners of the Old Notes.

(1) The principal amounts and percentage tendered as reflected in the table above include Old Notes that were validly tendered to QVC at or prior to the Expiration Date in its offers to purchase Old Notes from holders who were not eligible to participate in the Exchange Offers. Additional Old Notes may be tendered in QVC’s offers to holders who were not eligible participate in the Exchange Offers as such offers expire at a later date.

On September 25, 2024 (the “Settlement Date”), QVC issued an aggregate principal amount of approximately $605 million in New Notes in exchange for the Old Notes and approximately $352 million in cash in exchange for the Old Notes validly tendered and accepted by QVC in the Exchange Offers and its offers to purchase Old Notes from holders who were not eligible to participate in the Exchange Offers, plus accrued and unpaid interest from the last interest payment date to, but excluding, the Settlement Date, without giving effect to any Old Notes that may still be tendered in QVC’s offers to holders who were not Eligible Holders after the Expiration Date. Liberty Interactive LLC (“LI LLC”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Qurate Retail, Inc., which is the indirect parent of QVC, through its subsidiaries, contributed approximately $277 million in cash to fund a portion of the cash consideration to be paid in all the offers.

This press release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a notice of redemption under the optional redemption provisions of the indenture governing the Old Notes, nor does it constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any security, nor does it constitute a solicitation for an offer to purchase any security, including the Old Notes or the New Notes.

The New Notes have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws and, unless so registered, may not be re-offered or re-sold except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including without limitation, statements about the offers to purchase and their expected completion. These forward-looking statements involve many risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including, without limitation, the ability to satisfy the conditions to the Exchange Offers. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and QVC expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in its expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. Please refer to the publicly filed documents of QVC, including the most recent Forms 10-K and 10-Q, for additional information about QVC and about the risks and uncertainties related to the business of QVC which may affect the statements made in this press release.

Shane Kleinstein


QVC Media Relations


Source: Qurate Retail, Inc.


What percentage of QVC's 2027 and 2028 notes were exchanged in the recent offer?

Approximately 89% of the principal amount of QVC's 2027 and 2028 notes were successfully tendered and cancelled in the recent exchange offer.

What is the interest rate on QVC's newly issued notes due April 2029?

The newly issued QVC notes due April 2029 have an interest rate of 6.875%.

How much cash did QVC (QRTEA) pay out in the exchange offer for its 2027 and 2028 notes?

QVC paid out approximately $352 million in cash as part of the exchange offer for its 2027 and 2028 notes.

How does the exchange offer affect QVC's credit profile?

The exchange offer improves QVC's credit profile by reducing its debt balance and extending its maturity profile, potentially supporting a future extension of its existing senior secured credit facility.

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