Haleon Selects PubMatic as Supply Optimisation Partner to Enable More Effective, Sustainable Media Buying

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PubMatic (NASDAQ:PUBM) has been chosen by global healthcare company Haleon as a preferred supply partner for supply path optimisation (SPO). This collaboration aims to increase efficiency and streamline access to video, display, and connected TV (CTV) inventory globally, while making media investments more sustainable.

The partnership provides Haleon with direct access to inventory sources, maximizing commercial efficiency, transparency, data-driven insights, and optimization capabilities. It also helps reduce carbon emissions related to Haleon's media investments by directing them towards responsible media and decarbonizing the media supply chain.

Haleon benefits from PubMatic's transparent bidding technology and support for brands like Advil, Centrum, and Tums through programmatic media buys. This approach enables Haleon to make more informed decisions about programmatic ad spend and deliver better outcomes for its brands.

PubMatic (NASDAQ:PUBM) è stata scelta dalla compagnia globale nel settore sanitario Haleon come partner di fornitura preferito per l'ottimizzazione dei percorsi di fornitura (SPO). Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di aumentare l'efficienza e semplificare l'accesso all'inventario video, display e TV connessa (CTV) a livello globale, rendendo al contempo gli investimenti media più sostenibili.

La partnership offre a Haleon un accesso diretto alle fonti di inventario, massimizzando l'efficienza commerciale, la trasparenza, gli approfondimenti basati sui dati e le capacità di ottimizzazione. Aiuta anche a ridurre le emissioni di carbonio legate agli investimenti media di Haleon, indirizzandoli verso media responsabili e decarbonizzando la catena di fornitura media.

Haleon beneficia della tecnologia di offerta trasparente di PubMatic e del supporto per marchi come Advil, Centrum e Tums attraverso acquisti pubblicitari programmatici. Questo approccio consente a Haleon di prendere decisioni più informate riguardo alla spesa pubblicitaria programmatica e di ottenere risultati migliori per i suoi marchi.

PubMatic (NASDAQ:PUBM) ha sido seleccionada por la compañía global de atención médica Haleon como partner preferido de suministro para la optimización del camino de suministro (SPO). Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo incrementar la eficiencia y simplificar el acceso a inventarios de video, display y TV conectada (CTV) a nivel global, mientras hace que las inversiones en medios sean más sostenibles.

La asociación proporciona a Haleon acceso directo a fuentes de inventario, maximizando la eficiencia comercial, la transparencia, la información basada en datos y las capacidades de optimización. También ayuda a reducir las emisiones de carbono relacionadas con las inversiones en medios de Haleon, dirigiéndolas hacia medios responsables y descarbonizando la cadena de suministro de medios.

Haleon se beneficia de la tecnología de pujas transparente de PubMatic y del apoyo a marcas como Advil, Centrum y Tums a través de compras programáticas de medios. Este enfoque permite a Haleon tomar decisiones más informadas sobre el gasto publicitario programático y obtener mejores resultados para sus marcas.

PubMatic(NASDAQ:PUBM)는 글로벌 헬스케어 회사인 Haleon이 공급 경로 최적화(SPO)를 위한 선호 공급 파트너로 선택되었습니다. 이번 협력의 목표는 효율성을 높이고 접근성을 간소화하여 글로벌 차원에서 비디오, 디스플레이 및 연결된 TV(CTV) 재고에 접근하는 동시에 미디어 투자를 보다 지속 가능하게 만드는 것입니다.

이 파트너십은 Haleon에게 재고 소스에 대한 직접적인 접근을 제공하여 상업적 효율성, 투명성, 데이터 기반 통찰력 및 최적화 기능을 극대화합니다. 또한 Haleon의 미디어 투자와 관련된 탄소 배출량을 줄이는 데 도움을 주어, 책임 있는 미디어로 전환하고 미디어 공급망을 탈탄소화합니다.

Haleon은 PubMatic의 투명한 입찰 기술과 Advil, Centrum, Tums와 같은 브랜드에 대한 지원을 통해 프로그램 광고 구매를 통해 혜택을 봅니다. 이러한 접근 방식은 Haleon이 더 많은 정보에 기반한 결정을 내릴 수 있게 해주며, 브랜드에 대한 더 나은 결과를 제공합니다.

PubMatic (NASDAQ:PUBM) a été choisi par la société mondiale de santé Haleon comme partenaire de fourniture privilégié pour l'optimisation du chemin d'approvisionnement (SPO). Cette collaboration vise à augmenter l'efficacité et fluidifier l'accès aux inventaires vidéo, display et TV connectée (CTV) à l'échelle mondiale, tout en rendant les investissements médias plus durables.

Le partenariat offre à Haleon un accès direct aux sources d'inventaire, maximisant ainsi l'efficacité commerciale, la transparence, les informations basées sur les données et les capacités d'optimisation. Il contribue également à réduire les émissions de carbone liées aux investissements médiatiques de Haleon en les orientant vers des médias responsables et en décarbonisant la chaîne d'approvisionnement médiatique.

Haleon bénéficie de la technologie de mise aux enchères transparente de PubMatic et du soutien pour des marques telles qu'Advil, Centrum et Tums via des achats de médias programmatique. Cette approche permet à Haleon de prendre des décisions plus éclairées concernant les dépenses publicitaires programmatiques et d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats pour ses marques.

PubMatic (NASDAQ:PUBM) wurde von dem globalen Gesundheitsunternehmen Haleon als bevorzugter Lieferpartner für die Optimierung der Lieferwege (SPO) ausgewählt. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Effizienz zu steigern und den Zugang zu Video-, Display- und Connected TV (CTV)-Inventar weltweit zu vereinfachen und dabei die Medieninvestitionen nachhaltiger zu gestalten.

Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht es Haleon, direkten Zugang zu Inventarquellen zu erhalten, was die kommerzielle Effizienz, Transparenz, datengestützte Einblicke und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten maximiert. Sie trägt auch dazu bei, die Kohlenstoffemissionen im Zusammenhang mit Haleons Medieninvestitionen zu reduzieren, indem sie auf verantwortungsbewusste Medien ausgerichtet werden und die Medienversorgungskette dekohlenisiert wird.

Haleon profitiert von der transparenten Bietertechnologie von PubMatic und der Unterstützung für Marken wie Advil, Centrum und Tums durch programmatische Medienkäufe. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht es Haleon, informiertere Entscheidungen über die programmatische Werbeausgaben zu treffen und bessere Ergebnisse für seine Marken zu erzielen.

  • PubMatic selected as preferred supply partner by global healthcare company Haleon
  • Partnership aims to increase efficiency and streamline access to video, display, and CTV inventory globally
  • Collaboration focuses on making media investments more sustainable and reducing carbon emissions
  • Haleon gains direct access to inventory sources, maximizing commercial efficiency and transparency
  • PubMatic's technology supports major Haleon brands through programmatic media buys
  • None.

This partnership between Haleon and PubMatic represents a significant shift in digital advertising strategy, particularly in the healthcare sector. By optimizing their supply path, Haleon is not only improving efficiency but also addressing sustainability concerns in media buying. This move could potentially reduce costs and increase ROI for Haleon's advertising efforts, which is important in the competitive healthcare market.

The focus on transparency and direct access to inventory aligns with industry trends towards a more accountable digital advertising ecosystem. This could set a precedent for other major brands to follow, potentially reshaping the ad tech landscape. The emphasis on reducing carbon emissions in media investments also positions Haleon as a leader in sustainable advertising practices, which could enhance brand perception among environmentally conscious consumers.

PubMatic's selection as Haleon's supply optimization partner highlights the growing importance of advanced ad tech solutions in the healthcare industry. The partnership leverages PubMatic's programmatic capabilities across various formats, including video, display and CTV, indicating a comprehensive approach to digital advertising.

The focus on creating a direct supply path and reducing 'hops' in the ad supply chain is technically significant. This approach not only improves efficiency but also enhances data security and reduces latency, which are critical factors in healthcare advertising. The creation of a global marketplace for Haleon's regional teams suggests a move towards centralized control and standardization of ad inventory quality, which could lead to more consistent and effective campaigns across different markets.

The global healthcare brand gains increased transparency and control by getting closer to the sell-side of the ecosystem

LONDON, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PubMatic (NASDAQ:PUBM), an independent technology company delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future, today announced the launch of a new collaborative approach to supply path optimisation (SPO) for global healthcare company, Haleon.

PubMatic has been selected by Haleon as a preferred supply partner to increase efficiency and streamline access to video, display, and connected TV (CTV) inventory globally, while also making media investments more sustainable. PubMatic provides transparent bidding technology and actively supports Haleon brands including Advil, Centrum, and Tums through programmatic media buys, thus maximising efficiency and performance. 

Since the launch of the original ISBA PwC study in 2020, Haleon has taken a proactive approach to improving supply path transparency. With this new partnership, Haleon benefits from direct access to inventory sources, maximising commercial efficiency, transparency, data-driven insights, and optimisation capabilities. By creating the most direct supply path, this SPO partnership enables the reduction of any carbon emissions related to Haleon’s media investments by directing it towards responsible media while decarbonizing the media supply chain.

“PubMatic is committed to promoting transparency, efficiency and responsible media across the digital advertising landscape, and SPO is a crucial component of achieving that objective,” said Emma Newman, CRO, EMEA at PubMatic. “We’re thrilled to bring our SPO capabilities to Haleon, enabling them to make more informed, data-driven decisions about their programmatic ad spend and deliver better outcomes for Haleon’s brands.” 

“We are on a journey to optimize the quality of our media investments while reducing the carbon footprint of our media buying operations and driving effectiveness. Following initial tests, we identified opportunities to improve by working more closely with the sell-side. We selected PubMatic to remove undesirable inventory that is more than one hop away from the supply source. By creating a global marketplace that enables Haleon’s regional teams to work only with publishers that meet our inventory quality targets, we have been able to significantly increase our media impressions while improving the environmental footprint and effectiveness of our campaigns. This is only made possible because we are directly controlling our media supply chain through PubMatic,” said Brook Minto, Global Investment Director, Marketing Edge at Haleon Health.

About PubMatic:
PubMatic (Nasdaq: PUBM) is an independent technology company maximising customer value by delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future. PubMatic’s sell-side platform empowers the world’s leading digital content creators across the open internet to control access to their inventory and increase monetization by enabling marketers to drive return on investment and reach addressable audiences across ad formats and devices. Since 2006, our infrastructure-driven approach has allowed for the efficient processing and utilisation of data in real-time. By delivering scalable and flexible programmatic innovation, we improve outcomes for our customers while championing a vibrant and transparent digital advertising supply chain.

About Haleon:
Haleon (LSE / NYSE: HLN) is a global leader in consumer health, with a purpose to deliver better everyday health with humanity. Haleon's product portfolio spans five major categories - Oral Health, Pain Relief, Respiratory Health, Digestive Health and Other, and Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements (VMS). Its long-standing brands - such as Advil, Sensodyne, Panadol, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, Polident, parodontax and Centrum - are built on trusted science, innovation and deep human understanding.

Press Contact:
Maria Shcheglakova 


What is the purpose of PubMatic's partnership with Haleon for PUBM stock?

The partnership aims to increase efficiency and streamline access to video, display, and CTV inventory globally for Haleon, while making media investments more sustainable. This could potentially boost PubMatic's revenue and market position in the digital advertising sector.

How does the Haleon partnership affect PubMatic's (PUBM) sustainability efforts?

The partnership helps reduce carbon emissions related to Haleon's media investments by directing them towards responsible media and decarbonizing the media supply chain. This aligns with PubMatic's commitment to promoting responsible media across the digital advertising landscape.

What benefits does Haleon receive from the supply path optimisation partnership with PubMatic (PUBM)?

Haleon gains direct access to inventory sources, maximizing commercial efficiency, transparency, data-driven insights, and optimization capabilities. This enables Haleon to make more informed decisions about programmatic ad spend and deliver better outcomes for its brands.

Which Haleon brands will PubMatic (PUBM) support through this partnership?

PubMatic will actively support Haleon brands including Advil, Centrum, and Tums through programmatic media buys, maximizing efficiency and performance for these well-known healthcare products.

PubMatic, Inc.


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