New Impinj Research Reveals Top Headaches for Supply Chain Managers for 2025

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Impinj (NASDAQ: PI) released its Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 report based on a survey of 1,000 US supply chain managers. The report reveals a significant data accuracy gap in supply chains. Although 91% of managers believe they are equipped for accurate visibility, only 33% achieve real-time inventory accuracy.

This gap affects their ability to tackle key challenges such as counterfeit goods (65% report issues), shrink and theft (60% in retail, 82% in food sectors), and misloads and delivery errors (74% in logistics). Additionally, over half (52%) struggle with rapid demand peaks driven by social media trends, and nearly half (47%) face issues due to changes in customer demand.

Data inaccuracy also hinders effective AI implementation in supply chains, with 43% citing it as a top challenge. Sustainability is another concern, with 27% struggling to reduce environmental impact and 25% facing difficulties meeting ESG regulations.

Impinj highlights the need for advanced technologies to improve data accuracy, security, and sustainability in supply chains.

Impinj (NASDAQ: PI) ha pubblicato il suo rapporto Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025, basato su un sondaggio tra 1.000 manager della supply chain negli Stati Uniti. Il rapporto rivela un significativo divario di accuratezza dei dati nelle catene di approvvigionamento. Sebbene il 91% dei manager ritenga di essere attrezzato per una visibilità accurata, solo il 33% raggiunge un'accuratezza dell'inventario in tempo reale.

Questo divario influisce sulla loro capacità di affrontare sfide chiave come i beni contraffatti (65% segnalano problemi), riduzioni e furti (60% nel commercio al dettaglio, 82% nei settori alimentari) e errori di carico e consegna (74% nella logistica). Inoltre, oltre la metà (52%) fatica a gestire picchi di domanda rapidi causati dalle tendenze sui social media, e quasi la metà (47%) affronta problemi dovuti ai cambiamenti nella domanda dei consumatori.

L'inesattezza dei dati ostacola anche l'implementazione efficace dell'IA nelle catene di approvvigionamento, con il 43% che la cita come una delle principali sfide. La sostenibilità è un'altra preoccupazione, con il 27% che fatica a ridurre l'impatto ambientale e il 25% che affronta difficoltà nel rispettare le normative ESG.

Impinj sottolinea la necessità di tecnologie avanzate per migliorare l'accuratezza dei dati, la sicurezza e la sostenibilità nelle catene di approvvigionamento.

Impinj (NASDAQ: PI) publicó su informe Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 basado en una encuesta a 1.000 gerentes de la cadena de suministro en Estados Unidos. El informe revela una brecha de precisión de datos significativa en las cadenas de suministro. Aunque el 91% de los gerentes creen que están equipados para tener visibilidad precisa, solo el 33% logra una precisión del inventario en tiempo real.

Esta brecha afecta su capacidad para enfrentar desafíos clave como productos falsificados (65% reportan problemas), pérdidas y robos (60% en el comercio minorista, 82% en sectores de alimentos) y errores de carga y entrega (74% en logística). Además, más de la mitad (52%) lucha con picos de demanda rápida impulsados por tendencias en redes sociales, y casi la mitad (47%) enfrenta problemas debido a cambios en la demanda de los clientes.

La inexactitud de los datos también obstaculiza la implementación efectiva de IA en las cadenas de suministro, con un 43% citándolo como un desafío principal. La sostenibilidad es otra preocupación, con un 27% luchando por reducir el impacto ambiental y un 25% enfrentando dificultades para cumplir con las regulaciones ESG.

Impinj destaca la necesidad de tecnologías avanzadas para mejorar la precisión de los datos, la seguridad y la sostenibilidad en las cadenas de suministro.

Impinj (NASDAQ: PI)는 1,000명의 미국 공급망 관리자들을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 기반으로 한 Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 공급망에서의 데이터 정확도 격차를 밝혔습니다. 91%의 관리자들이 정확한 가시성을 갖추었다고 믿는 반면, 실제로 실시간 재고 정확도를 달성하는 비율은 33%에 불과합니다.

이 격차는 가짜 상품 (65%가 문제를 보고), 손실 및 도난 (소매업에서 60%, 식품 분야에서 82%), 잘못된 적재 및 배달 오류 (물류에서 74%)와 같은 주요 과제를 해결하는 능력에 영향을 미칩니다. 또한, 절반 이상의 관리자(52%)는 소셜 미디어 트렌드에 의해 촉발된 급격한 수요 급증에 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 거의 절반(47%)은 고객 수요 변화로 인한 문제를 겪고 있습니다.

데이터 부정확성은 공급망에서의 효과적인 AI 구현에도 장애가 되며, 43%가 이것을 주요 도전 과제로 언급하고 있습니다. 지속 가능성 또한 우려되는 문제로, 27%는 환경 영향을 줄이기 위해 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 25%는 ESG 규정을 준수하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.

Impinj는 공급망에서 데이터 정확성, 보안 및 지속 가능성을 향상시키기 위해 고급 기술의 필요성을 강조합니다.

Impinj (NASDAQ: PI) a publié son rapport Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 basé sur une enquête menée auprès de 1 000 directeurs de la chaîne d'approvisionnement aux États-Unis. Le rapport révèle un écart de précision des données significatif dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement. Bien que 91 % des directeurs estiment être équipés pour une visibilité précise, seuls 33 % atteignent une précision de l'inventaire en temps réel.

Cette lacune affecte leur capacité à relever des défis clés tels que les produits contrefaits (65 % signalent des problèmes), les pertes et le vol (60 % dans le commerce de détail, 82 % dans le secteur alimentaire) et les erreurs de chargement et de livraison (74 % dans la logistique). De plus, plus de la moitié (52 %) ont du mal à gérer des pics de demande rapides dus à des tendances sur les réseaux sociaux, et près de la moitié (47 %) rencontrent des problèmes dus aux changements de la demande des clients.

Les inexactitudes des données entravent également la mise en œuvre efficace de l'IA dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement, 43 % des répondants citant cela comme l'un des principaux défis. La durabilité est une autre préoccupation, 27 % ayant du mal à réduire leur impact environnemental et 25 % rencontrant des difficultés à respecter les réglementations ESG.

Impinj souligne la nécessité de technologies avancées pour améliorer la précision des données, la sécurité et la durabilité dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement.

Impinj (NASDAQ: PI) hat seinen Bericht Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 veröffentlicht, der auf einer Umfrage unter 1.000 US-Management der Lieferkette basiert. Der Bericht offenbart eine signifikante Ungenauigkeit der Daten in Lieferketten. Obwohl 91 % der Manager glauben, dass sie für eine präzise Sichtweise ausgestattet sind, erreichen nur 33 % eine Echtzeitgenauigkeit des Inventars.

Diese Lücke beeinflusst ihre Fähigkeit, zentrale Herausforderungen wie gefälschte Waren (65 % melden Probleme), Schwund und Diebstahl (60 % im Einzelhandel, 82 % in der Lebensmittelbranche) und falsche Beladung und Lieferfehler (74 % in der Logistik) zu bewältigen. Darüber hinaus haben über die Hälfte (52 %) Schwierigkeiten mit schnellen Nachfragspitzen, die durch Trends in sozialen Medien ausgelöst werden, und fast die Hälfte (47 %) sieht sich aufgrund von Änderungen in der Kundennachfrage mit Problemen konfrontiert.

Datenungenauigkeit behindert auch die effektive Implementierung von KI in Supply Chains, wobei 43 % dies als eine der größten Herausforderungen anführen. Nachhaltigkeit ist ein weiteres Anliegen, da 27 % Schwierigkeiten haben, ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu reduzieren, und 25 % Probleme haben, die ESG-Vorgaben einzuhalten.

Impinj betont die Notwendigkeit fortschrittlicher Technologien zur Verbesserung der Datengenauigkeit, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit in Lieferketten.

  • 91% of managers believe they are equipped for accurate supply chain visibility.
  • 98% of retail supply managers are taking measures to combat counterfeiting.
  • 99% of retail managers are investing in measures to reduce shrink and theft.
  • Only 33% of managers achieve real-time inventory accuracy.
  • 65% of managers report issues with counterfeit goods.
  • 60% of retail managers find reducing shrink and theft challenging.
  • 82% of food sector managers face challenges reducing shrink.
  • 74% of logistics managers are concerned about misloads and delivery errors.
  • 43% cite data accuracy as a top challenge for AI implementation.
  • 27% struggle to reduce the environmental impact of their supply chains.
  • 25% face difficulties meeting ESG regulations.


The research reveals significant operational challenges in supply chain management that could impact Impinj's market position favorably. With 91% of managers believing they're equipped for visibility but only 33% actually achieving accurate real-time data, there's a substantial market opportunity for RAIN RFID solutions. The emphasis on combating counterfeit goods, with 98% of retail managers taking action and addressing shrinkage issues where 82% of food sector managers report challenges, indicates strong potential demand for Impinj's tracking solutions.

The data accuracy gap identified as a primary barrier to AI implementation (43%) positions Impinj's RFID technology as a critical enabler for digital transformation. The focus on sustainability compliance and ESG regulations further strengthens the business case for RFID adoption, as 52% of managers prioritize improved sustainability measurement.

The research highlights a critical technology gap in supply chain operations that presents significant opportunities for RFID solutions. The disconnect between perceived and actual data accuracy capabilities points to fundamental issues with current tracking systems. The emphasis on implementing new technologies for authentication (44%) and tracking (41%) in retail, combined with the need for real-time data to power AI initiatives, suggests growing demand for advanced RFID solutions.

The integration challenges with AI implementation, particularly around data accuracy and real-time availability, position RAIN RFID as a key enabling technology. The focus on technological solutions for sustainability tracking and compliance also indicates an expanding use case for RFID beyond traditional inventory management.

Findings highlight the need for data accuracy to bolster supply chain integrity and the use of AI in the year ahead

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Impinj, Inc. (NASDAQ: PI), a leading RAIN RFID provider and Internet of Things pioneer, today announced findings from its new Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 research report. Based on a survey of 1,000 US supply chain managers, the report reveals a data accuracy gap that leaves many struggling to find the level of insights, visibility, and accuracy required to drive confidence in their supply chain and respond quickly to market changes. While the majority (91%) of supply chain managers believe they are equipped to drive accurate supply chain visibility, the reality is that only a third (33%) consistently obtain accurate, real-time inventory data. The report’s findings show how the supply chain data accuracy gap hinders supply chain managers’ ability to address key challenges, including counterfeit goods, shrink and theft, misload and delivery errors, meeting sustainability requirements, and effectively implementing AI within their organization’s supply chain.

The report also reveals over half (52%) of supply chain managers face challenges responding to rapid peaks in customer demand driven by social media- and influencer-driven trends. Nearly half (47%) of supply chain managers also report that changes in customer demand due to growth in social media storefronts (49%) and the rise of the thrift movement (47%) are among the top challenges for their organization’s supply chain.

Supply chain managers prioritize tackling counterfeits, preventing shrink and loss, and reducing misloads and delivery errors

The report highlights the most significant supply chain integrity challenges and priorities for supply chain leaders within various sectors, including:

  • Counterfeit goods in retail: 65% of supply chain managers agree it’s a challenge for their organization to reduce the amount of counterfeit goods entering the supply chain. Almost all (98%) retail supply managers are taking measures to combat counterfeiting. Implementing new technologies for authentication of goods in transit (44%), for general goods verification (42%), and introducing more authentication checkpoints throughout the supply chain (40%) are the key actions retailers are taking to combat counterfeiting.
  • Shrink and theft in retail: 60% of retail supply chain managers surveyed also agree that reducing rates of shrink and theft is a challenge for their organization, with an overwhelming majority (99%) investing in measures to mitigate these concerns. Increasing security checkpoints during transit and delivery (48%) and implementing new technologies for tracking goods (41%) are the top measures retailers are taking to minimize the impact of shrink and theft.
  • Shrink in the food, grocery, and restaurant sector: The issue of shrink becomes even more pronounced within the food, grocery, and restaurant sector where 82% of supply chain managers report challenges reducing shrink. Shoplifting (45%), food spoilage (37%), and food waste (35%) are the top causes of shrink reported by supply chain managers in the food industry. Implementing new technologies for shopfloor surveillance (45%), tracking goods (44%), and reducing food waste (44%) are key measures organizations in food, grocery, and restaurants are taking to decrease shrink.
  • Reducing misloads and delivery errors in transportation and logistics: Almost three quarters (74%) of surveyed supply chain managers within transportation and logistics firms are concerned about growing volumes of Load Planning Problems (LPPs), misloads, and delivery errors impacting their organization. Survey respondents revealed that the largest volume of errors is most likely to occur as a result of delivery and last-mile misloads (24%) and label inaccuracies (22%). Almost half (48%) of transportation and logistics firms plan to invest in improving shipment accuracy and reducing delivery errors as a critical part of their sustainability efforts.

Data inaccuracy fuels challenges implementing AI effectively in the supply chain

The barriers supply chain leaders face in achieving real-time inventory insights, visibility, and accuracy are also impacting their ability to effectively implement AI within the supply chain. Effective AI strategies are built on accurate data, yet the report reveals that data accuracy is the top challenge supply chain managers face (43%) in effectively implementing AI to improve their organization’s supply chain, alongside data availability (39%) and access to real-time data (36%). Overcoming these challenges will be essential for unlocking the full potential of AI across supply chain networks.

“Supply chain managers continue to face data blind spots that prevent them from ensuring secure, reliable, and adaptable supply chains,” said Impinj Chief Revenue Officer Jeff Dossett. “It’s essential that organizations address the data accuracy gap by putting technology in place to surface accurate data that fuels the real-time, actionable insights and visibility needed to ensure supply chain resilience.”

Implementing effective strategies to improve supply chain sustainability is both a focus and a challenge

The pressure to reduce the environmental impact of their operations continues to be one of the biggest challenges faced by supply chain managers. Over a quarter (27%) report continued issues reducing the environmental impact of their organization’s supply chain, and 25% cite challenges in meeting more stringent ESG regulations, such as the European Union’s Digital Product Passport (DPP) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Across sectors, supply chain managers report the top ways their organizations are implementing strategies to improve sustainability include improving the measurement of their sustainability efforts (52%), improving last-mile delivery efficiency (44%), reducing waste (41%), and implementing recycling initiatives (40%).

About the survey

1,000 US supply chain professionals (director level and above) across retail; food, grocery and restaurant; transportation and logistics; and other sectors were surveyed in August 2024 with questions designed to assess the state of supply chain integrity in 2025.

Supply chain integrity refers to the reliability, security, and accuracy of all elements within the supply chain, ensuring that products and services are delivered as intended without disruption, tampering, or counterfeiting.

Download the full Supply Chain Integrity Outlook 2025 report here.

About Impinj

Impinj (NASDAQ: PI) helps businesses and people analyze, optimize, and innovate by wirelessly connecting billions of everyday things — such as apparel, automobile parts, luggage, and shipments — to the Internet. The Impinj platform uses RAIN RFID to deliver timely data about these everyday things to business and consumer applications, enabling a boundless Internet of Things.

Impinj is a registered trademark of Impinj, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their owners.

Media Relations

Jill West

Vice President, Strategic Communications

+1 206-834-1110

Source: Impinj, Inc.


What does the Impinj report reveal about data accuracy in supply chains?

The Impinj report reveals a significant data accuracy gap, with only 33% of supply chain managers consistently obtaining accurate real-time inventory data.

How are supply chain managers addressing counterfeit goods according to the Impinj report?

According to the Impinj report, 98% of retail supply managers are taking measures to combat counterfeiting, including implementing new technologies for authentication and increasing checkpoints.

What challenges do supply chain managers face with shrink and theft?

The Impinj report indicates that 60% of retail managers and 82% of food sector managers face challenges reducing shrink and theft, with measures being taken to mitigate these issues.

How does data inaccuracy affect AI implementation in supply chains?

Data inaccuracy significantly impacts AI implementation, with 43% of supply chain managers citing it as a top challenge, according to the Impinj report.

What are the sustainability challenges mentioned in the Impinj report?

The Impinj report highlights that 27% of supply chain managers struggle to reduce environmental impact, and 25% face challenges meeting stringent ESG regulations.

What are the main causes of shrink in the food sector according to the Impinj report?

The main causes of shrink in the food sector include shoplifting (45%), food spoilage (37%), and food waste (35%), as reported by Impinj.

What measures are being taken to reduce delivery errors in logistics?

Almost half (48%) of logistics firms plan to invest in improving shipment accuracy and reducing delivery errors, focusing on last-mile misloads and label inaccuracies, according to the Impinj report.

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