PG&E Applies Enhanced Outage Prediction Models to Ready Crews and Resources Ahead of this Week's Storm
PG&E is preparing for a significant winter storm forecast to hit its service area on March 12, 2025, with enhanced outage prediction capabilities. The company has deployed 1,600 weather stations, with 1,400 equipped with AI and machine learning technology to improve forecast accuracy.
The storm is expected to bring heavy rain, mountain snow, and strong southerly wind gusts exceeding 40-45 mph in higher terrains. Areas forecast to experience the strongest impact include the South Bay Area, Central Coast, Kern County, and North Coast regions.
The company is strategically positioning crews, technicians, and equipment based on AI-driven data to ensure swift power restoration. Chief Meteorologist Scott Strenfel emphasizes that the new technologies are improving forecast accuracy, leading to more cost-effective resource allocation and enhanced customer safety and reliability.
PG&E si sta preparando per una significativa tempesta invernale prevista per colpire la sua area di servizio il 12 marzo 2025, con capacità avanzate di previsione delle interruzioni. L'azienda ha dispiegato 1.600 stazioni meteorologiche, di cui 1.400 dotate di tecnologia AI e machine learning per migliorare l'accuratezza delle previsioni.
La tempesta dovrebbe portare forti piogge, neve montana e raffiche di vento meridionali che superano i 40-45 mph nelle zone più elevate. Le aree previste per subire il maggiore impatto includono le regioni della South Bay Area, Central Coast, Kern County e North Coast.
L'azienda sta posizionando strategicamente squadre, tecnici e attrezzature in base ai dati guidati dall'AI per garantire un rapido ripristino dell'energia. Il Chief Meteorologist Scott Strenfel sottolinea che le nuove tecnologie stanno migliorando l'accuratezza delle previsioni, portando a una allocazione delle risorse più economica e a una maggiore sicurezza e affidabilità per i clienti.
PG&E se está preparando para una significativa tormenta invernal que se prevé que afecte su área de servicio el 12 de marzo de 2025, con capacidades mejoradas de predicción de cortes de energía. La compañía ha desplegado 1,600 estaciones meteorológicas, de las cuales 1,400 están equipadas con tecnología de IA y aprendizaje automático para mejorar la precisión de las predicciones.
Se espera que la tormenta traiga fuertes lluvias, nieve en las montañas y ráfagas de viento del sur que superen las 40-45 mph en terrenos más altos. Las áreas que se prevé que experimenten el mayor impacto incluyen las regiones de South Bay Area, Central Coast, Kern County y North Coast.
La empresa está posicionando estratégicamente equipos, técnicos y maquinaria basándose en datos impulsados por IA para asegurar una rápida restauración del servicio eléctrico. El Meteorólogo Jefe Scott Strenfel enfatiza que las nuevas tecnologías están mejorando la precisión de las predicciones, lo que lleva a una asignación de recursos más rentable y a una mayor seguridad y confiabilidad para los clientes.
PG&E는 2025년 3월 12일에 서비스 지역을 강타할 것으로 예상되는 큰 겨울 폭풍에 대비하고 있으며, 정전 예측 능력을 강화하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 1,600개의 기상 관측소를 배치했으며, 그 중 1,400개는 예측 정확성을 향상시키기 위해 AI와 머신 러닝 기술이 장착되어 있습니다.
폭풍은 강한 비와 산간 눈, 40-45mph를 초과하는 강한 남풍을 동반할 것으로 예상됩니다. 가장 큰 영향을 받을 것으로 예상되는 지역은 South Bay Area, Central Coast, Kern County 및 North Coast 지역입니다.
회사는 AI 기반 데이터를 바탕으로 신속한 전력 복구를 위해 팀, 기술자 및 장비를 전략적으로 배치하고 있습니다. 수석 기상학자 스콧 스트렌펠은 새로운 기술이 예측 정확성을 개선하고 있어 자원 할당을 보다 비용 효율적으로 만들며 고객의 안전과 신뢰성을 높이고 있다고 강조합니다.
PG&E se prépare à un important orage hivernal prévu pour frapper sa zone de service le 12 mars 2025, avec des capacités améliorées de prévision des pannes. L'entreprise a déployé 1 600 stations météorologiques, dont 1 400 équipées de technologies d'IA et d'apprentissage automatique pour améliorer la précision des prévisions.
On s'attend à ce que la tempête apporte de fortes pluies, de la neige en montagne et des rafales de vent du sud dépassant 40-45 mph dans les terrains élevés. Les zones prévues pour subir le plus fort impact incluent les régions de South Bay Area, Central Coast, Kern County et North Coast.
L'entreprise positionne stratégiquement des équipes, des techniciens et des équipements en fonction de données pilotées par l'IA pour garantir une restauration rapide de l'électricité. Le météorologue en chef Scott Strenfel souligne que les nouvelles technologies améliorent la précision des prévisions, ce qui permet une allocation des ressources plus rentable et une sécurité et une fiabilité accrues pour les clients.
PG&E bereitet sich auf einen bedeutenden Wintersturm vor, der am 12. März 2025 in seinem Versorgungsgebiet erwartet wird, mit verbesserten Möglichkeiten zur Vorhersage von Stromausfällen. Das Unternehmen hat 1.600 Wetterstationen eingerichtet, von denen 1.400 mit KI- und maschinellen Lerntechnologien ausgestattet sind, um die Vorhersagegenauigkeit zu verbessern.
Der Sturm wird voraussichtlich starke Regenfälle, Bergschnee und kräftige südliche Windböen von über 40-45 mph in höheren Lagen mit sich bringen. Die Gebiete, die voraussichtlich am stärksten betroffen sein werden, umfassen die South Bay Area, Central Coast, Kern County und North Coast Regionen.
Das Unternehmen positioniert strategisch Teams, Techniker und Geräte basierend auf KI-gesteuerten Daten, um eine schnelle Stromwiederherstellung zu gewährleisten. Der Chefwetterexperte Scott Strenfel betont, dass die neuen Technologien die Vorhersagegenauigkeit verbessern, was zu einer kosteneffizienteren Ressourcenzuteilung und einer höheren Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit für die Kunden führt.
- Implementation of 1,600 weather stations with 1,400 featuring AI capabilities improves operational efficiency
- Advanced prediction models enable cost-effective resource allocation
- Strategic pre-positioning of resources supports faster power restoration
- Potential widespread power outages expected across multiple regions
- Risk of infrastructure damage from high winds and heavy precipitation
PG&E Meteorology Storm Forecast and Preparations
PG&E has operationalized 1600 weather stations across its service area, 1400 of which are equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) or advanced machine learning capabilities. PG&E's in-house meteorologists combine this technology with traditional forecasting tools to develop enhanced outage prediction models.
PG&E's current forecast models show a weather system delivering heavy rain and mountain snow will enter the northern part of PG&E's service area during the morning hours of Wednesday, March 12. In the afternoon, the storm will extend into the central and southern portions of PG&E's service area and deliver strong southerly wind gusts reaching over 40-45 miles per hour in the higher terrains. In addition to heavy rain, snow is expected in the mountain regions. The storm will continue to deliver precipitation through Thursday and will be accompanied by colder air behind the front, which could bring Thunderstorms along the coastal regions, interior valleys and Central Valley.
The data provided through AI and machine learning help inform the pre-positioning of PG&E crews, troublemen, distribution line technicians, poles, powerlines, transformers and other equipment ahead of weather events that can cause damage to electric infrastructure. The strategic placement of resources helps support the safe and timely response, repair, and restoration of power for customers impacted by the storm.
For this storm, data currently shows that the portions of PG&E's service area currently forecast to experience the strongest impact from the storm include South Bay Area, Central Coast,
"We are increasing the accuracy of our forecasting with new technologies and that transfers to more cost-effective and strategic allocation of resources along with enhanced safety and reliability for our customers," said PG&E Chief Meteorologist Scott Strenfel.
Keeping Customers Informed
If an outage does occur, PG&E customers can find real-time updates via the online outage center, including status updates the assessments, repair and estimated time of restoration. Renters and others without a PG&E account may also use this portal to sign up for outage notifications by text, email, or phone.
Storm Safety Tips
As PG&E follows its plan to prepare for the storm, customers are urged to prepare their families as well.
- Never touch downed wires: If you see a downed power line, assume it is energized and extremely dangerous. Do not touch or try to move it—and keep children and animals away. Report downed power lines immediately by calling 9-1-1 and then PG&E at 1-800-743-5002.
- Use generators safely: Customers with standby electric generators should ensure they are properly installed by a licensed electrician in a well-ventilated area. Improperly installed generators pose a significant danger to customers, as well as crews working on powerlines. If using portable generators, be sure they are in a well-ventilated area.
- Use flashlights, not candles: During a power outage, use battery-operated flashlights and not candles, due to the risk of fire. And keep extra batteries on hand. If you must use candles, please keep them away from drapes, lampshades, animals and small children. Do not leave candles unattended.
- Have a backup phone: If you have a telephone system that requires electricity to work, such as a cordless phone or answering machine, plan to have a standard telephone or cellular phone ready as a backup. Having a portable charging device helps to keep your cell phone running.
- Have fresh drinking water and ice: Freeze plastic containers filled with water to make blocks of ice that can be placed in your refrigerator/freezer to prevent food spoilage.
- Secure your outside furniture: Strong winds can blow lawn chairs and other outdoor items into powerlines.
- Turn off appliances: If you experience an outage, unplug or turn off all electrical appliances to avoid overloading circuits and to prevent fire hazards when power is restored. Simply leave a single lamp on to alert you when power returns.
- Safely clean up: After the storm has passed, be sure to safely clean up. Never touch downed wires and always call 8-1-1 or visit at least two full business days before digging to have all underground utilities safely marked.
Other tips can be found at: Safety and Preparedness, Storm Safety, and Safety Action Center.
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
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