PAR Punchh® Unveils Comprehensive Report on Restaurant Loyalty Trends

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PAR Punchh®, a leader in customer loyalty solutions, has released its first annual 'PAR Punchh Loyalty Trends Report'. The report, based on data from over 30% of top 100 restaurant brands, reveals how loyalty programs are reshaping the dining industry amid economic pressures and changing consumer behaviors. Key findings include:

1. A notable increase in morning sales as people return to offices.
2. The value of omnichannel ordering, with multi-channel users visiting more frequently and purchasing more.
3. A resurgence of in-store ordering, accounting for nearly 40% of transactions.
4. A 12% increase in loyalty sales from 2022 to 2023, outpacing overall restaurant spending growth.
5. Strong engagement from Gen Z, accounting for 25% of total loyalty sign-ups.

The report emphasizes the importance of strategic loyalty programs in creating emotional connections with customers and driving long-term profitability.

PAR Punchh®, leader nelle soluzioni di fidelizzazione dei clienti, ha pubblicato il suo primo 'Rapporto annuale sulle tendenze della fedeltà PAR Punchh'. Il rapporto, basato su dati provenienti da oltre il 30% dei top 100 brand di ristorazione, rivela come i programmi di fidelizzazione stiano rimodellando il settore della ristorazione in mezzo a pressioni economiche e comportamenti dei consumatori in evoluzione. I principali risultati includono:

1. Un notevole aumento nelle vendite mattutine con il ritorno delle persone negli uffici.
2. Il valore dell'ordinazione omnicanale, con gli utenti multicanale che visitano più frequentemente e acquistano di più.
3. Una rinascita dell'ordinazione in negozio, che rappresenta quasi il 40% delle transazioni.
4. Un aumento del 12% nelle vendite di fidelizzazione dal 2022 al 2023, superando la crescita della spesa ristorativa complessiva.
5. Un forte coinvolgimento della Gen Z, che rappresenta il 25% delle registrazioni totali alla fedeltà.

Il rapporto sottolinea l'importanza di programmi di fidelizzazione strategici nel creare connessioni emotive con i clienti e nel guidare la redditività a lungo termine.

PAR Punchh®, líder en soluciones de lealtad del cliente, ha lanzado su primer 'Informe Anual sobre las Tendencias de Lealtad PAR Punchh'. El informe, basado en datos de más del 30% de las 100 principales marcas de restaurantes, revela cómo los programas de lealtad están remodelando la industria de la restauración en medio de presiones económicas y cambios en el comportamiento del consumidor. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Un notable aumento en las ventas matutinas a medida que las personas regresan a las oficinas.
2. El valor de la ordenación omnicanal, con usuarios multicanal que visitan más frecuentemente y compran más.
3. Un resurgimiento de la ordenación en tienda, que representa casi el 40% de las transacciones.
4. Un aumento del 12% en las ventas de lealtad de 2022 a 2023, superando el crecimiento del gasto total en restaurantes.
5. Un fuerte compromiso de la Gen Z, que representa el 25% de las inscripciones totales de lealtad.

El informe enfatiza la importancia de programas de lealtad estratégicos para crear conexiones emocionales con los clientes y fomentar la rentabilidad a largo plazo.

PAR Punchh®는 고객 충성도 솔루션의 선두주자로서 첫 번째 연례 'PAR Punchh 충성도 트렌드 보고서'를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 100대 레스토랑 브랜드의 30% 이상의 데이터를 기반으로 하며, 경제적 압박과 변화하는 소비자 행동 속에서 충성도 프로그램이 외식 산업을 어떻게 재편성하고 있는지를 보여줍니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 사람들이 사무실로 돌아오면서 아침 판매가 눈에 띄게 증가했습니다.
2. 다채널 사용자가 더 자주 방문하고 더 많이 구매하는 옴니채널 주문의 가치.
3. 거래의 거의 40%를 차지하는 매장 내 주문의 부활.
4. 2022년부터 2023년까지 충성도 판매의 12% 증가로, 전체 레스토랑 소비 성장률을 초과했습니다.
5. 총 충성도 가입자의 25%를 차지하는 Gen Z의 강력한 참여.

이 보고서는 고객과의 감정적인 연결을 구축하고 장기적인 수익성을 유도하는 데 있어 전략적인 충성도 프로그램의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다.

PAR Punchh®, leader dans les solutions de fidélisation client, a publié son premier 'Rapport Annuel sur les Tendances de Fidélité PAR Punchh'. Ce rapport, basé sur des données provenant de plus de 30 % des 100 meilleures marques de restaurants, révèle comment les programmes de fidélité redéfinissent l'industrie de la restauration face aux pressions économiques et aux comportements changeants des consommateurs. Les principales conclusions comprennent :

1. Une augmentation notable des ventes matinales à mesure que les gens retournent au bureau.
2. La valeur de la commande omnicanale, avec des utilisateurs multimédias visitant plus fréquemment et achetant davantage.
3. Un retour des commandes en magasin, qui représentent presque 40 % des transactions.
4. Une augmentation de 12 % des ventes de fidélité de 2022 à 2023, dépassant la croissance des dépenses totales des restaurants.
5. Un fort engagement de la Gen Z, représentant 25 % des adhésions totales à la fidélité.

Le rapport souligne l'importance des programmes de fidélité stratégiques pour créer des connexions émotionnelles avec les clients et stimuler la rentabilité à long terme.

PAR Punchh®, ein führendes Unternehmen für Kundenbindungs­lösungen, hat seinen ersten jährlichen 'PAR Punchh Loyalty Trends Report' veröffentlicht. Der Bericht, der auf Daten von über 30% der 100 besten Restaurantmarken basiert, zeigt, wie Treueprogramme die Gastronomiebranche angesichts wirtschaftlicher Herausforderungen und sich änderndem Verbraucher­verhalten umgestalten. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

1. Ein deutlicher Anstieg der Morgenverkäufe, da die Menschen in die Büros zurückkehren.
2. Der Wert von Omnichannel-Bestellungen, wobei Multi-Channel-Nutzer häufiger besuchen und mehr kaufen.
3. Ein Wiederaufleben der Bestellungen im Geschäft, das fast 40% der Transaktionen ausmacht.
4. Ein 12%-iger Anstieg der Treueverkäufe von 2022 bis 2023, der das Wachstum der gesamten Restaurantausgaben übertrifft.
5. Starke Beteiligung von Gen Z, die 25% der gesamten Treueanmeldungen ausmacht.

Der Bericht betont die Bedeutung strategischer Treueprogramme bei der Schaffung emotionaler Verbindungen zu Kunden und der Steuerung langfristiger Rentabilität.

  • PAR Punchh powers loyalty programs for 78,000 restaurants monthly, demonstrating market leadership
  • 12% increase in loyalty sales from 2022 to 2023, outpacing the 5% overall increase in consumer spending at restaurants
  • Gen Z accounted for 25% of total loyalty sign-ups, indicating strong engagement with younger consumers
  • Increase in morning sales due to targeted messaging and incentives through loyalty programs
  • Guests using multiple ordering channels visit more frequently and purchase at higher volumes
  • Economic pressures and changing consumer behaviors challenging the restaurant industry
  • Rising prices forcing customers to seek more incentives and value from restaurants

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: How Restaurants are Winning with Loyalty Programs

NEW HARTFORD, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Imagine transforming casual diners into loyal advocates who consistently choose your restaurant over the competition. With the right strategies, this is possible. PAR Punchh®, a leader in customer loyalty and engagement solutions, proudly announces the release of its first annual "PAR Punchh Loyalty Trends Report." This essential report provides a sneak peek into how innovative loyalty programs are reshaping the dining landscape and driving unprecedented customer engagement.

As the restaurant industry contends with economic pressures and changing consumer behaviors, this report offers vital insights. Faced with rising prices and higher expectations, diners are seeking value and rewards through loyalty programs. This report, based on Punchh's extensive platform powering over 30% of top 100 restaurant brands, highlights the strategies that are turning these challenges into golden opportunities.

“PAR Punchh powers 78,000 restaurants monthly, which makes us the leader in restaurant loyalty marketing,” said Savneet Singh, CEO of PAR Technology. “With that scale and the vast amount of data on consumer behavior, it’s important for us to release our insights and findings on loyalty behavior so our restaurant partners can better understand and react to changes in the market landscape.”

The PAR Punchh Loyalty Trends Report presents important insights into the innovative ways top restaurants are using loyalty programs to meet market challenges and elevate customer engagement. Key findings include:

  • Breakfast and Menu Innovations: As more people return to their offices and adapt to new routines, there has been a notable increase in morning sales. Loyalty programs have been pivotal in this trend, offering targeted messaging and incentives. Additionally, casual dining brands have successfully sparked interest in breakfast through menu innovations, healthier items, personalized offers, and optimized ordering channels, aligning with consumer shifts observed with remote work schedules. This aligns with other findings, which emphasize the impact of changing work patterns on dining habits and the increased focus on morning sales.
  • Omnichannel and In-Store Ordering Impact: The report highlights the value of both omnichannel and in-store ordering. Guests using multiple ordering channels visit more frequently and purchase at higher volumes, emphasizing the importance of technology in enhancing customer experience. Additionally, the resurgence of in-store ordering, accounting for just under 40% of transactions last year, highlights the need for effective on-premise POS systems to cater to a significant customer group.
  • Loyalty Sales Growth and Gen Z Engagement: To offset higher prices, customers are increasingly seeking incentives from their favorite restaurants, driving a 12% increase in loyalty sales from 2022 to 2023. This growth far outpaces the 5% overall increase in consumer spending at restaurants. Successful loyalty programs have also improved their digital strategies, resonating strongly with Gen Z, who accounted for 25% of total loyalty sign-ups. This group’s digital engagement preferences highlight the importance of digital and mobile solutions in capturing younger consumers' attention.

In a competitive market, understanding and leveraging these trends can set your brand apart. Strategic loyalty programs are not just about retaining customers—they are about creating an emotional connection that fosters long-term loyalty and profitability.

Discover the Full Report

Gain access to the full range of insights to enhance your loyalty strategy. Download the PAR Punchh Loyalty Trends Report for detailed analysis, strategic recommendations, and actionable data to drive your brand's success.

For more information and to download the full report, visit

About PAR Punchh:

PAR Punchh®, part of PAR Technology Corporation (NYSE: PAR), provides advanced loyalty and customer engagement solutions for top restaurant brands. Our AI-powered platform enables personalized campaigns at scale, driving guest engagement and loyalty sales. With seamless integration capabilities and compatibility with over 45 different POS systems, we ensure data-driven insights and tailored promotions. We help restaurants boost revenue, average check size, and repeat business through personalized offers across in-store, online, SMS, email, and in-app channels. With over 200 partners and a dedicated team of experts, we develop loyalty programs that exceed business goals. To learn more, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram.

Christopher R. Byrnes (315) 743-8376,

Source: PAR Technology Corporation


What are the key findings of PAR Punchh's Loyalty Trends Report for restaurants?

The key findings include a 12% increase in loyalty sales, strong Gen Z engagement (25% of sign-ups), increased morning sales, the value of omnichannel ordering, and a resurgence of in-store ordering (nearly 40% of transactions).

How much did loyalty sales grow for PAR (PAR) restaurants from 2022 to 2023?

According to the PAR Punchh Loyalty Trends Report, loyalty sales for restaurants increased by 12% from 2022 to 2023, outpacing the overall 5% increase in consumer spending at restaurants.

What percentage of top 100 restaurant brands does PAR Punchh (PAR) power?

PAR Punchh powers over 30% of top 100 restaurant brands, according to the report.

How are restaurants using loyalty programs to address economic challenges, according to PAR (PAR)?

Restaurants are using loyalty programs to offer targeted messaging, incentives, and personalized offers. They're also focusing on menu innovations, healthier items, and optimized ordering channels to meet changing consumer behaviors and offset rising prices.

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