VEYER Announces Opening of New Direct Import Facility in Savannah, Ga.

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VEYER, a leading fulfillment and distribution company, has opened a new direct import and deconsolidation center in Savannah, Ga. The 157,000-square-foot facility, part of a larger 500,000-square-foot building, will focus on handling bulky items like furniture and employ 12 dedicated staff. This marks the final step in VEYER's project to transition all warehouses to company-operated locations.

The Savannah center will support five nearby fulfillment centers and cross docks, including sites in Buford, Ga., and Orlando, Fla. It joins VEYER's network of four direct import centers across the US, with others located in Garden Grove, Calif., Grand Prairie, Texas, and Newville, Pa. In total, VEYER operates 40 fulfillment centers across North America, enhancing supply chain efficiency and cost savings for customers.

VEYER, un'azienda leader nel settore della distribuzione e del fulfillment, ha aperto un nuovo centro di importazione diretta e deconsolidazione a Savannah, in Georgia. La struttura di 14.580 metri quadrati, parte di un edificio più grande di 46.450 metri quadrati, si concentrerà sulla gestione di articoli ingombranti come i mobili e impiegherà 12 persone dedicate. Questo segna l'ultimo passo del progetto di VEYER per il passaggio di tutti i magazzini a location gestite direttamente dall'azienda.

Il centro di Savannah supporterà cinque centri di fulfillment e docking incrociato nelle vicinanze, inclusi siti a Buford, in Georgia, e Orlando, in Florida. Si aggiunge alla rete di VEYER di quattro centri di importazione diretta negli Stati Uniti, con altri situati a Garden Grove, California, Grand Prairie, Texas, e Newville, Pennsylvania. In totale, VEYER gestisce 40 centri di fulfillment in Nord America, migliorando l'efficienza della catena di approvvigionamento e offrendo risparmi sui costi per i clienti.

VEYER, una empresa líder en cumplimiento y distribución, ha inaugurado un nuevo centro de importación directa y desconsolidación en Savannah, Georgia. La instalación de 14,580 pies cuadrados, parte de un edificio más grande de 500,000 pies cuadrados, se centrará en el manejo de artículos voluminosos como muebles y contará con 12 empleados dedicados. Este es el paso final en el proyecto de VEYER para transitar todos los almacenes a ubicaciones operadas por la empresa.

El centro de Savannah apoyará cinco centros de cumplimiento y cruces cercanos, incluidos sitios en Buford, Georgia, y Orlando, Florida. Se une a la red de VEYER de cuatro centros de importación directa en los EE. UU., con otros ubicados en Garden Grove, California, Grand Prairie, Texas, y Newville, Pensilvania. En total, VEYER opera 40 centros de cumplimiento en América del Norte, mejorando la eficiencia de la cadena de suministro y el ahorro de costos para los clientes.

VEYER는 유통 및 이행 분야의 선두 기업으로서 조지아주 새버나에 새로운 직접 수입 및 분해 센터를 개소하였습니다. 14,580 제곱미터의 시설은 500,000 제곱피트 규모의 대형 건물의 일부로, 가구와 같은 부피가 큰 물품 처리를 중점으로 하며 12명의 전담 직원을 고용할 것입니다. 이는 VEYER가 모든 창고를 회사 운영 위치로 전환하기 위한 프로젝트의 마지막 단계입니다.

새버나 센터는 조지아주 부퍼드와 플로리다주 올랜도를 포함한 인근 5개의 이행 센터 및 크로스독을 지원합니다. 이 센터는 미국 내 VEYER의 4개 직접 수입 센터 네트워크에 합류하며, 추가 센터는 캘리포니아주 가든 그로브, 텍사스주 그랜드 프레리, 펜실베이니아주 뉴빌에 위치합니다. 총 VEYER은 북미 전역에 40개의 이행 센터를 운영하여 공급망 효율성과 고객을 위한 비용 절감 효과를 강화하고 있습니다.

VEYER, une entreprise leader dans le domaine de la distribution et du fulfillment, a ouvert un nouveau centre d'importation directe et de déconsolidation à Savannah, en Géorgie. Cette installation de 14 580 pieds carrés fait partie d'un bâtiment plus grand de 500 000 pieds carrés et se concentrera sur le traitement d'objets encombrants tels que des meubles, avec 12 employés dédiés. C'est la dernière étape du projet de VEYER pour faire passer tous ses entrepôts à des emplacements gérés par l'entreprise.

Le centre de Savannah soutiendra cinq centres de fulfillment et docks croisés à proximité, y compris des sites à Buford, en Géorgie, et à Orlando, en Floride. Il rejoint le réseau de VEYER qui compte quatre centres d'importation directe aux États-Unis, dont d'autres sont situés à Garden Grove, Californie, Grand Prairie, Texas, et Newville, Pennsylvanie. Au total, VEYER opère 40 centres de fulfillment en Amérique du Nord, améliorant l'efficacité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et réduisant les coûts pour ses clients.

VEYER, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Fulfillment und Distribution, hat ein neues Direktimport- und Dekonsolidierungszentrum in Savannah, Georgia eröffnet. Die 14.580 Quadratmeter große Einrichtung, die Teil eines größeren Gebäudes mit 46.450 Quadratmetern ist, wird sich auf die Handhabung von sperrigen Gegenständen wie Möbeln konzentrieren und 12 Mitarbeiter beschäftigen. Dies ist der letzte Schritt in VEYERs Projekt, alle Lagerhäuser auf von der Firma betriebene Standorte umzustellen.

Das Savannah-Zentrum wird fünf nahegelegene Fulfillment-Zentren und Cross-Docks unterstützen, darunter Standorte in Buford, Georgia, und Orlando, Florida. Es reiht sich in VEYERs Netzwerk von vier Direktimportzentren in den USA ein, die sich in Garden Grove, Kalifornien, Grand Prairie, Texas, und Newville, Pennsylvania, befinden. Insgesamt betreibt VEYER 40 Fulfillment-Zentren in Nordamerika, was die Effizienz der Lieferkette und Kosteneinsparungen für die Kunden verbessert.

  • Opening of new company-operated direct import facility in Savannah, Ga.
  • Streamlined supply chain operations for greater efficiency and cost savings
  • Expansion of VEYER's network to 40 fulfillment centers across North America
  • Strategic location supporting five nearby fulfillment centers and cross docks
  • None.

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- VEYER, a leading fulfillment and distribution company, today announced the opening of its new direct import and deconsolidation center in Savannah, Ga. The facility will play a crucial role in supply chain efficiency by breaking down freight and shipping it to nearby locations.

Previously operating nearby in a third-party location, VEYER is taking the final step in its project to transition all warehouses to VEYER-operated locations.

“The opening of our Savannah facility marks a significant milestone in our strategic growth plan,” said VEYER President, John Gannfors. “By streamlining our supply chain operations and controlling every aspect of our warehouses, we can deliver greater efficiencies and cost savings to our customers.”

Occupying 157,000 square feet of the 500,000-square-foot building, the new Savannah location will primarily house bulky items such as furniture and other large products and employ 12 dedicated individuals. The facility will support five nearby fulfillment centers and cross docks, including locations in Buford, Ga., and Orlando, Fla.

This new facility is one of four direct import centers operated by VEYER, with other locations spread throughout the United States in Garden Grove, Calif., Grand Prairie, Texas, and Newville, Pa. In total, VEYER operates 40 fulfillment centers across North America.

After nearly four decades spent perfecting a supply chain network under the Office Depot umbrella (now The ODP Corporation, NASDAQ:ODP), VEYER was formed and has become a premier provider of eCommerce fulfillment and omnichannel distribution services, renowned for its reliability, flexibility, scalability, and innovative technology. Customers rely on VEYER to boost revenue through high service levels, like >99.9% order accuracy, and enhanced customer experience, while also cultivating operational efficiencies with rapid ROI cost reductions, optimized inventory and cash-flow management.

Office Depot is a trademark of The Office Club, LLC. Veyer is a trademark of Veyer, LLC. ©2024 Veyer, LLC. All rights reserved. Any other product or company names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Danielle Walsh

Media Relations

Source: VEYER


What is the size of VEYER's new facility in Savannah, Ga?

VEYER's new facility in Savannah, Ga. occupies 157,000 square feet of a 500,000-square-foot building.

How many employees will work at VEYER's new Savannah facility?

The new Savannah facility will employ 12 dedicated individuals.

What types of products will be handled at VEYER's Savannah center?

The Savannah facility will primarily handle bulky items such as furniture and other large products.

How many direct import centers does VEYER operate in the United States?

VEYER operates four direct import centers across the United States, including the new Savannah facility.

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