Oil-Dri Announces Record Sales and Gross Profit for the Fourth Quarter and Achieves Highest Annual Net Income in Company History

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Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) reported record sales and gross profit for Q4 and the highest annual net income in company history for fiscal year 2024. Highlights include:

- Consolidated net sales reached $437.6 million, up 6% year-over-year
- Record annual net income of $39.4 million, a 33% increase
- Q4 net sales hit $113.7 million, up 6% from the previous year
- Acquisition of Ultra Pet Company contributed to growth
- Strong performance in cat litter and fluids purification businesses
- Gross margins expanded to 29% in FY2024 from 25% in FY2023
- Operating income increased 26% to $51.6 million for the full year

The company saw growth across its Business to Business and Retail & Wholesale segments, driven by higher pricing, increased demand for fluid purification products, and the Ultra Pet acquisition.

Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) ha riportato vendite record e profitto lordo per il quarto trimestre e il più alto reddito netto annuale nella storia dell'azienda per l'esercizio fiscale 2024. I punti salienti includono:

- Le vendite nette consolidate hanno raggiunto $437,6 milioni, con un incremento del 6% rispetto all'anno precedente
- Reddito netto annuale record di $39,4 milioni, un aumento del 33%
- Le vendite nette del Q4 hanno toccato $113,7 milioni, in aumento del 6% rispetto all'anno precedente
- L'acquisizione di Ultra Pet Company ha contribuito alla crescita
- Buone performance nei settori della lettiera per gatti e purificazione dei fluidi
- I margini lordi sono aumentati al 29% nell'anno fiscale 2024 rispetto al 25% nell'anno fiscale 2023
- L'utile operativo è aumentato del 26% a $51,6 milioni per l'intero anno

L'azienda ha visto una crescita nei suoi segmenti Business to Business e Retail & Wholesale, sostenuta da prezzi più elevati, maggiore domanda di prodotti per la purificazione dei fluidi e dall'acquisizione di Ultra Pet.

Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) reportó ventas récord y ganancias brutas en el cuarto trimestre y el mayor ingreso neto anual en la historia de la empresa para el año fiscal 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- Las ventas netas consolidadas alcanzaron $437.6 millones, un aumento del 6% en comparación con el año anterior
- Ingreso neto anual récord de $39.4 millones, un incremento del 33%
- Las ventas netas del Q4 alcanzaron $113.7 millones, un aumento del 6% con respecto al año anterior
- La adquisición de Ultra Pet Company contribuyó al crecimiento
- Fuerte desempeño en los negocios de arena para gatos y purificación de fluidos
- Los márgenes brutos se expandieron al 29% en el año fiscal 2024 desde el 25% en el año fiscal 2023
- El ingreso operativo aumentó un 26% a $51.6 millones para el año completo

La empresa vio crecimiento en sus segmentos de Business to Business y Retail & Wholesale, impulsado por precios más altos, mayor demanda de productos de purificación de fluidos y la adquisición de Ultra Pet.

오일드라이 아메리카(Oil-Dri of America; NYSE: ODC)는 2024 회계연도에 대한 기록적인 판매와 총 이익을 보고했습니다. 회사 역사상 최고 연간 순이익을 기록했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 총 매출은 $437.6 백만으로, 전년 대비 6% 증가
- 연간 순이익은 $39.4 백만으로 33% 증가
- 4분기 매출은 $113.7 백만으로, 전년 대비 6% 증가
- Ultra Pet Company의 인수로 성장에 기여
- 고양이 모래와 유체 정화 사업에서 강력한 성과
- 총 이익률이 2023 회계연도 25%에서 2024 회계연도 29%로 확대
- 연간 운영 이익은 26% 증가하여 $51.6 백만 도달

회사는 비즈니스 대 비즈니스 및 소매 및 도매 부문 모두에서 성장세를 보였으며, 이는 가격 인상, 유체 정화 제품에 대한 수요 증가 및 Ultra Pet 인수로 인해 촉발되었습니다.

Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) a annoncé des ventes record et un bénéfice brut pour le quatrième trimestre, ainsi que le plus haut revenu net annuel de son histoire pour l'exercice fiscal 2024. Les points saillants comprennent :

- Les ventes nettes consolidées ont atteint 437,6 millions $, en hausse de 6 % par rapport à l'année précédente
- Un revenu net annuel record de 39,4 millions $, soit une augmentation de 33 %
- Les ventes nettes du quatrième trimestre ont atteint 113,7 millions $, une hausse de 6 % par rapport à l'année précédente
- L'acquisition d'Ultra Pet Company a contribué à la croissance
- Excellente performance dans les affaires de litière pour chats et de purification des fluides
- Les marges brutes sont passées de 25 % en 2023 à 29 % en 2024
- Le résultat d'exploitation a augmenté de 26 % pour atteindre 51,6 millions de dollars pour l'année entière

L'entreprise a connu une croissance à travers ses segments B2B et Retail & Wholesale, soutenue par des prix plus élevés, une demande accrue pour les produits de purification des fluides et l'acquisition d'Ultra Pet.

Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) berichtete über Rekordverkäufe und Bruttoerträge im vierten Quartal sowie über den höchsten Jahresnettogewinn in der Unternehmensgeschichte für das Geschäftsjahr 2024. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören:

- Die konsolidierten Nettoumsätze erreichten $437,6 Millionen, ein Anstieg von 6% im Jahresvergleich
- Rekordjahresnettogewinn von $39,4 Millionen, einer Steigerung um 33%
- Die Nettoumsätze im Q4 betrugen $113,7 Millionen, was einem Anstieg von 6% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht
- Die Übernahme der Ultra Pet Company trug zum Wachstum bei
- Starke Leistung im Bereich Katzenstreu und Flüssigkeitsreinigung
- Die Bruttomargen erhöhten sich im Geschäftsjahr 2024 auf 29% von 25% im Geschäftsjahr 2023
- Der operative Gewinn stieg um 26% auf 51,6 Millionen Dollar für das Gesamtjahr

Das Unternehmen verzeichnete ein Wachstum in seinen Geschäftsbereichen B2B und Einzelhandel & Großhandel, unterstützt durch höhere Preise, steigende Nachfrage nach Produkten zur Flüssigkeitsreinigung und die Übernahme von Ultra Pet.

  • Record consolidated net sales of $437.6 million, up 6% year-over-year
  • Highest annual net income in company history at $39.4 million, a 33% increase
  • Q4 net sales reached all-time high of $113.7 million, up 6% from previous year
  • Gross margins expanded to 29% in FY2024 from 25% in FY2023
  • Operating income increased 26% to $51.6 million for the full year
  • Successful integration of Ultra Pet acquisition, contributing to growth
  • Strong performance in cat litter and fluids purification businesses
  • Record revenues achieved in both Retail & Wholesale and Business to Business segments
  • SG&A expenses increased 18% to $73.4 million for fiscal 2024
  • Income tax expense increased to $10.2 million from $5.2 million last year
  • Cash and cash equivalents decreased to $23.5 million from $31.8 million in fiscal 2023
  • Q4 consolidated net income attributable to Oil-Dri decreased to $8.5 million from $11.9 million in the prior year
  • Agricultural product revenues decreased 40% in Q4 due to market downturn


Oil-Dri of America (ODC) has reported impressive financial results for Q4 and FY 2024, marking significant milestones:

  • Record consolidated net sales of $437.6 million for FY 2024, up 6% year-over-year
  • Highest annual net income in company history at $39.4 million, a 33% increase
  • Record Q4 net sales of $113.7 million, up 6% year-over-year
  • Gross profit margin expansion to 29% in FY 2024 from 25% in FY 2023

The acquisition of Ultra Pet Company has been accretive to earnings and is expected to drive further growth. However, increased SG&A expenses and higher taxes partially offset gains. The company's strategic focus on cat litter and fluids purification businesses has yielded positive results, with domestic cat litter sales up 8% and fluids purification products up 19%. The balance sheet remains strong, despite cash used for the Ultra Pet acquisition and capital investments.

Investors should note the potential for continued growth in key segments, but also be aware of integration costs and market challenges in certain areas like agriculture. Overall, ODC's performance demonstrates resilience and strategic execution in a competitive market.

Oil-Dri's acquisition of Ultra Pet Company is a strategic move that positions the company for growth in the premium cat litter segment. The crystal cat litter market is expanding and this acquisition allows ODC to diversify its product portfolio and reach new customers. The 5% contribution to Q4 sales growth from Ultra Pet demonstrates immediate value.

Key market trends to watch:

  • Growing demand for renewable diesel driving fluids purification product sales
  • Expansion in the animal health sector, particularly in Latin America
  • Shift towards lightweight and specialized cat litters
  • Increasing e-commerce penetration for pet products

The company's ability to gain new distribution channels for crystal litter products and expand its EPA-approved antibacterial litter into e-commerce shows adaptability to changing consumer preferences. However, challenges in the agricultural sector and co-packaging business highlight the importance of diversification.

Investors should monitor the integration of Ultra Pet and the company's ability to leverage cross-selling opportunities across its expanded product line. The focus on innovation and market expansion could drive long-term growth, but competition in the pet care industry remains intense.

CHICAGO, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC), producer and marketer of sorbent mineral products, today announced results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year 2024.

 Fourth QuarterYear to Date
(in thousands, except per share amounts)Ended July 31, Ended July 31,
  2024 2023Change 2024 2023Change
Consolidated Results      
Net Sales$113,702$107,3886 %$437,587$413,0216 %
Operating Income (Including Unallocated Corporate Expenses)$12,892$12,7091 %$51,645$41,04026 %
Net Income Attributable to Oil-Dri$8,525$11,919(28)%$39,426$29,55133 %
Net Income Attributable to Oil-Dri, Excluding Nonrecurring Events $8,525$11,762(28)%$39,888$36,15510 %
Diluted EPS - Common$1.17$1.67(30)%$5.43$4.1331 %
Diluted EPS - Common, Excluding Nonrecurring Events $1.17$1.65(29)%$5.49$5.068 %
Business to Business      
Net Sales$38,880$38,1422 %$150,471$142,3956 %
Segment Operating Income$12,876$12,3195 %$45,589$37,67821 %
Retail and Wholesale      
Net Sales$74,822$69,2468 %$287,116$270,6266 %
Segment Operating Income$9,724$8,20818 %$43,804$33,79130 %

Certain amounts in the prior period financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of the current period financial statements.
† Please refer to Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures below for a reconciliation of Non-GAAP items to the comparable GAAP measures.

Daniel S. Jaffee, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, “I am very pleased with our fourth quarter and fiscal year 2024 results which include our newly acquired silica gel-based crystal cat litter business, Ultra Pet Company, Inc. We set new records in consolidated net sales and gross profit for both periods, and we achieved the highest annual net income in our company’s history. Our strategic growth initiatives proved successful as demonstrated by the topline expansion of our cat litter and fluids purification businesses. The integration of the Ultra Pet business is proceeding as planned, and we are making great strides towards gaining new distribution of our crystal litter products. Customers are very excited about the combination of Cat’s Pride and Ultra Pet products on their shelves. I also am happy to report that the acquisition was accretive to earnings during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024. I am very proud of our teammates who have worked diligently to make this year such a success. As we begin fiscal year 2025, we will continue to build upon this strong performance and plan to enhance market penetration across all of our different businesses.”

Full Year Results
Consolidated net sales for fiscal year 2024 reached an all-time high of $437.6 million, reflecting a 6% increase over the prior year. Record revenues were achieved in both the Retail & Whole (“R&W”) and Business to Business (“B2B”) Product Groups. This topline growth was due to higher prices across both operating segments, increased volume of fluid purification products, as well as incremental business from the acquisition of Ultra Pet Company, Inc. (“Ultra Pet”) which was completed on May 1, 2024. Revenues from domestic cat litter, excluding co-packaged items, and fluids purification products increased by 8% and 19%, respectively, compared to the prior year. Oil-Dri’s industrial and sports business also contributed to overall gains, with sales growth of 2% over the previous year. While annual revenues from animal health products remained flat, the Company’s commitment to this growth opportunity continues to be very strong. Due to decreased demand, sales from the agricultural and co-packaging coarse cat litter businesses declined by 17% and 4%, respectively, in fiscal year 2024 compared to the prior year.

Annual consolidated gross profit was a record $125.1 million, an increase of 21% over the prior year, with margin expansion to 29% in fiscal year 2024 from 25% in fiscal year 2023. Domestic cost of goods sold per ton increased by 6% compared to last year driven by higher labor, depreciation, and freight costs, partially offset by lower natural gas and packaging costs. Higher prices and improved product mix offset these cost increases.

Selling, general and administrative (“SG&A”) expenses were $73.4 million for fiscal 2024 compared to $62.2 million last year. This 18% increase consists of both ongoing and one-time expenses. Significant expenditures reflect elevated compensation costs, including a higher bonus accrual, and increased advertising costs to promote Cat’s Pride lightweight litter. Expenses related to the Ultra Pet acquisition, including transaction and integration costs, as well as amortization of intangible assets, were also incurred.

Fiscal year 2024’s consolidated operating income reached a record high of $51.6 million, reflecting a $10.6 million, or 26% increase, over the prior year.

Total other expense, net was $2.0 million for fiscal year 2024 compared to total other expense, net of $6.4 million in the prior year. This $4.4 million decrease was driven by non-recurring expenses in fiscal 2023 related to the termination of Oil-Dri’s pension plan and the capacity modification project at its sole landfill in Georgia.

Income tax expense was approximately $10.2 million in fiscal year 2024 compared to $5.2 million last year. This increase was driven by a higher annual effective tax rate and elevated taxable income.

Annual net income attributable to Oil-Dri hit a historic high of $39.4 million in fiscal 2024, or a 33% increase over the prior year, reflecting the Company’s strong performance in improving its bottom line.

Cash and cash equivalents as of July 31, 2024, totaled $23.5 million compared to $31.8 million in fiscal 2023. This decrease can be attributed to the allocation of cash to partially fund the Ultra Pet acquisition. Other significant uses of cash during the year included capital investments to replace aging infrastructure and expand manufacturing facilities to support increased demand of the Company’s products.

Fourth Quarter Results

Consolidated Results
Consolidated net sales for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 reached a historic high of $113.7 million, or a 6% increase over the prior year. This marks the 13th consecutive quarter of year-over-year sales growth. This was achieved through the acquisition of Ultra Pet’s crystal cat litter business, higher pricing within both operating segments, and increased demand of fluid purification and animal health products. Elevated revenues from domestic cat litter, fluids purification, animal health, and industrial & sports products were partially offset by decreased sales from the Company’s agricultural and co-packaging coarse cat litter businesses. The acquisition of Ultra Pet contributed net sales of $4.8 million, or 5% of the total consolidated net sales increase over the prior year, and the remaining 1% can be attributed to organic growth from Oil-Dri’s other products.

Consolidated gross profit of $33.0 million, an all-time quarterly high, was achieved during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, representing a 9% increase over the prior year. Gross margins expanded to 29% in fiscal year 2024 from 28% in fiscal year 2023. The company's efforts to improve profitability have been successful as demonstrated by year-over-year gross margin expansion for the past eight consecutive quarters. During the three months ended July 31, 2024, domestic cost of goods per ton increased by 10% compared to the prior year. This was driven by higher per ton freight costs, a significant non-cash inventory step-up purchase accounting adjustment related to the Ultra Pet acquisition, and higher per ton packaging costs. These elevated costs were partially offset by lower per ton non-fuel manufacturing costs as well as decreased per ton natural gas costs.

Selling, general and administrative expenses were $20.1 million during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 compared to $17.7 million for the same period last year. This $2.4 million, or 14%, increase reflects higher compensation expenses, sales commissions, as well as acquisition related amortization of intangible assets and integration costs. Advertising expenses during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 decreased compared to the same period last year when the majority of advertising spending occurred. Oil-Dri expects advertising costs for the upcoming fiscal year 2025 to be lower than fiscal year 2024. Additional expenses related to the integration of Ultra Pet are expected to be incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2025.

In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, consolidated operating income increased to $12.9 million, or by 1%, compared to the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023. Higher sales slightly offset elevated cost of goods sold and SG&A costs.

Total other expense, net was $891,000 for the three months ended July 31, 2024, compared to total other income, net of $512,000 in the same period last year. Interest expense on the debt assumed for the Ultra Pet acquisition, along with foreign exchange losses and miscellaneous other expenses drove this increase and resulted in lower consolidated net income before taxes.

Income tax expense rose to $3.5 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 compared to $1.3 million in the same period last year. Higher taxes resulted from an increase in the estimated annual effective tax rate in the fourth quarter.

Consolidated net income attributable to Oil-Dri decreased to $8.5 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 from $11.9 million in the prior year.

Product Group Review
The Business to Business Products Group’s fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 revenues were $38.9 million, or 2% greater than the prior year. This was driven by higher prices and improved product mix, partially offset by lower volumes. Increased revenues from elevated demand for fluids purification and animal health products offset sales declines from the Company’s agricultural business. During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, revenues from fluid purification products remained very strong and reached a record $25.0 million, or an 11% increase over the prior year. This was primarily due to higher demand of Oil-Dri’s Metal X and Metal Z products sold to customers in North America. This growth in demand continues to be fueled by the recent establishment of renewable diesel plants within the United States.   Sales of fluid purification products in Europe and Asia also increased during the three-month period ended July 31, 2024, compared to last year. Amlan International, the Company’s animal health business, boosted its sales to a record $8.0 million during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024, representing a 39% improvement over the same period in fiscal year 2023. This increase was concentrated in Latin America where triple digit sales gains were achieved as a result of higher demand and timing of orders. Elevated volumes within Mexico also contributed to Amlan’s topline growth. In the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, agricultural product revenues were $5.9 million, or a 40% decrease from the prior year. The continued downturn in the agricultural market led to an inventory surplus at a few key customers, thus reducing demand for the Company’s products.

During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, SG&A costs within the B2B Products Group increased by $577,000 or 19%, compared to the same period last year. This was mainly driven by higher technical service support costs and sales commissions.

Operating income for the B2B Products Group was $12.9 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 compared to $12.3 million in the same period of fiscal year 2023, reflecting a 5% increase. This growth can be attributed to higher sales, partially offset by increased per ton cost of goods sold and SG&A expenses.

The Retail and Wholesale (“R&W”) Products Group’s fourth quarter revenues reached an all-time high of $74.8 million, an 8% increase over the prior year. The acquisition of Ultra Pet Company, Inc. (“Ultra Pet”) contributed 7% of the total R&W sales growth, and the remaining 1% can be attributed to organic topline growth from higher prices of clay-based cat litter and industrial & sports products. With the Ultra Pet acquisition, the Company is now able to offer a broader product portfolio, including crystal litter, to both new and existing customers. During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, new distribution of Ultra Pet’s crystal litter products was achieved, and the Company will continue to pursue greater market penetration of both Ultra Pet and newly launched Cat’s Pride branded crystal litter items. Total domestic clay-based cat litter sales, excluding the Company’s co-packaged coarse cat litter business, rose to $51.6 million, or 2% over the prior year. Increased sales of coarse and branded lightweight litter were partially offset by revenue declines from private label lightweight litter products. In addition, Oil-Dri expanded distribution of its EPA approved Cat’s Pride Antibacterial Clumping Litter into the growing e-commerce channel, allowing it to reach a wider customer base. During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, revenues from co-packaged litter items decreased compared to the same period in fiscal year 2023. The Company’s key co-packaging customer was negatively impacted by a cyberattack in August 2023 and is in the process of rebuilding velocities and market share. Domestic industrial and sports product revenues were $10.6 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, or 5% higher than the same period in the prior year. This increase was driven by pricing actions implemented earlier in the fiscal year. The Company’s Canadian subsidiary also contributed to the R&W Product Group’s sales growth as a result of higher revenues from both cat litter and industrial floor absorbents products.

During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024, SG&A expenses within the R&W Products Group decreased by $119,000, or 2% from the prior year. This was primarily driven by lower advertising costs, partially offset by higher compensation costs and the amortization of intangible assets related to the Ultra Pet acquisition.

Operating income for the R&W Products Group reached $9.7 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 compared to $8.2 million in the prior year, reflecting an 18% increase. This growth can be attributed to higher prices, the incremental business from the Ultra Pet acquisition, and lower SG&A costs, partially offset by higher per ton cost of goods sold.

The Company will host its fourth quarter and fiscal year 2024 earnings discussion via a live webcast on Friday, October 11, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Central Time. Participation details are available on the Company’s website’s Events page.

“Oil-Dri”, “Cat’s Pride”, “Metal X”, “Metal Z”, and “Amlan” are registered trademarks of Oil-Dri Corporation of America.  

About Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Oil-Dri Corporation of America is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialty sorbent products for the pet care, animal health and nutrition, fluids purification, agricultural ingredients, sports field, industrial and automotive markets. Oil-Dri is vertically integrated which enables the Company to efficiently oversee every step of the process from research and development to supply chain to marketing and sales. With over 80 years of experience, the Company continues to fulfill its mission to Create Value from Sorbent Minerals.

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release may contain forward-looking statements, within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, that are based on our current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about our future performance, our business, our beliefs and our management’s assumptions. In addition, we, or others on our behalf, may make forward-looking statements in other press releases or written statements, or in our communications and discussions with investors and analysts in the normal course of business through meetings, webcasts, phone calls and conference calls. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “expect,” “outlook,” “forecast,” “would,” “could,” “should,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “continue,” “believe,” “seek,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “may,” “assume,” “potential,” “strive,” and similar references to future periods.

Such statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, those described in Item 1A, “Risk Factors” of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and from time to time in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Should one or more of these or other risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those anticipated, intended, expected, believed, estimated, projected, planned or otherwise expressed in any forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Except to the extent required by law, we do not have any intention or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements after the distribution of this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, or otherwise.

Leslie A. Garber
Director of Investor Relations
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
(312) 321-1515

(in thousands, except per share amounts)
 Fourth Quarter Ended July 31,
  2024  % of Sales  2023  % of Sales
Net Sales
$113,702  100.0 % $107,388  100.0 %
Cost of Goods Sold
 (80,678) (71.0)%  (76,954) (71.7)%
Gross Profit
 33,024  29.0 %  30,434  28.3 %
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
 (20,132) (17.7)%  (17,725) (16.5)%
Operating Income
 12,892  11.3 %  12,709  11.8 %
Gain on Pension Termination
    %  206  0.2 %
Other (Expense) Income, Net
 (891) (0.8)%  306  0.3 %
Total Other (Expense) Income, Net
 (891) (0.8)%  512  0.5 %
Income Before Income Taxes
 12,001  10.6 %  13,221  12.3 %
Income Taxes Expense
 (3,476) (3.1)%  (1,302) (1.2)%
Net Income
 8,525  7.5 %  11,919  11.1 %
Net Loss Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest
    %     %
Net Income attributable to Oil-Dri
$8,525  7.5 % $11,919  11.1 %

Net Income Per Share:Basic Common$1.26    $1.80   
 Basic Class B$0.95    $1.35   
 Diluted Common$1.17    $1.67   
 Diluted Class B$0.95    $1.35   
Avg Shares Outstanding:Basic Common 4,918     4,831   
 Basic Class B 1,980     1,964   
 Diluted Common 6,898     6,795   
 Diluted Class B 1,980     1,964   


(in thousands, except per share amounts) 
 Twelve Months Ended July 31,
  2024  % of Sales  2023  % of Sales
Net Sales$437,587  100.0 % $413,021  100.0 %
Cost of Goods Sold (312,493) (71.4)%  (309,794) (75.0)%
Gross Profit 125,094  28.6 %  103,227  25.0 %
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (73,449) (16.8)%  (62,187) (15.1)%
Operating Income 51,645  11.8 %  41,040  9.9 %
Loss on Pension Termination    %  (4,652) (1.1)%
Other (Expense) Income, Net (1,994) (0.5)%  (1,710) (0.4)%
Total Other Expense, Net (1,994) (0.5)%  (6,362) (1.5)%
Income Before Income Taxes 49,651  11.3 %  34,678  8.4 %
Income Taxes Expense (10,225) (2.3)%  (5,195) (1.3)%
Net Income 39,426  9.0 %  29,483  7.1 %
Net Loss Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest    %  (68)  %
Net Income Attributable to Oil-Dri$39,426  9.0 % $29,551  7.2 %

Net Income Per Share:Basic Common$5.85    $4.45   
 Basic Class B$4.40    $3.35   
 Diluted Common$5.43    $4.13   
 Diluted Class B$4.40    $3.35   
Avg Shares Outstanding:Basic Common 4,885     4,825   
 Basic Class B 1,976     1,959   
 Diluted Common 6,861     6,784   
 Diluted Class B 1,976     1,959   

(in thousands, except per share amounts)    
  As of July 31,
   2024  2023
Current Assets    
Cash and Cash Equivalents $23,481 $31,754
Accounts Receivable, Net  62,171  59,287
Inventories, Net  54,236  42,612
Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets  7,270  2,854
Total Current Assets  147,158  136,507
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net  137,796  120,872
Other Assets  69,651  28,856
Total Assets $354,605 $286,235
Current Liabilities    
Current Maturities of Notes Payable $1,000 $1,000
Accounts Payable  15,009  17,101
Dividends Payable  2,096  1,927
Other Current Liabilities  48,572  38,740
Total Current Liabilities  66,677  58,768
Noncurrent Liabilities    
Notes Payable  49,774  30,827
Other Noncurrent Liabilities  27,566  19,564
Total Noncurrent Liabilities  77,340  50,391
Stockholders' Equity  210,588  177,076
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $354,605 $286,235
Book Value Per Share Outstanding $30.69 $26.10
Acquisitions of:    
Property, Plant and Equipment    
Fourth Quarter $8,283 $6,924
Year To Date $32,000 $24,368
Depreciation and Amortization Charges    
Fourth Quarter $5,662 $4,180
Year To Date $19,281 $15,528

Certain amounts in the prior period financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of the current period financial statements.

(in thousands)   
 For the Twelve Months Ended
 July 31,
  2024   2023 
Net Income$39,426  $29,483 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash   
provided by operating activities:   
Depreciation and Amortization 19,281   15,528 
Loss on Pension Termination    4,652 
Decrease (Increase) in Accounts Receivable 1,453   (7,899)
Increase in Inventories (4,682)  (2,204)
(Increase) Decrease in Prepaid Expenses (2,431)  1,082 
(Decrease) Increase in Accounts Payable (2,794)  3,241 
Increase in Accrued Expenses 2,449   6,455 
Other 7,611   (574)
Total Adjustments 20,887   20,281 
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 60,313   49,764 
Capital Expenditures (32,000)  (24,368)
Acquisition of Business (45,298)   
Other 182   (199)
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (77,116)  (24,567)
Proceeds from long-term debt 20,000    
Payment of Debt Issuance costs (90)  (7)
Principal Payments on Notes Payable (1,000)  (1,000)
Dividends Paid (7,806)  (7,433)
Purchases of Treasury Stock (2,778)  (1,078)
Net Cash Provided by (Used In) Financing Activities 8,326   (9,518)
Effect of exchange rate changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents 204   (223)
Net (Decrease) Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (8,273)  15,456 
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period 31,754   16,298 
Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period$23,481  $31,754 

Certain amounts in the prior period financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of the current period financial statements.

(in thousands)       
 Fourth Quarter Year to Date
 Ended July 31, Ended July 31,
  2024  2023   2024  2023
GAAP: Net Income Attributable to Oil-Dri$8,525 $11,919  $39,426 $29,551
Plus: Nonrecurring Events, Net of Tax       
Landfill Modification Loss, Net of Tax$ $  $462 $1,977
Pension Termination, Net of Tax$ $(157) $ $4,627
Total Nonrecurring Events, Net of Tax$ $(157) $462 $6,604
Non-GAAP: Net Income Attributable to Oil-Dri excluding Nonrecurring Events$8,525 $11,762  $39,888 $36,155
GAAP: Diluted EPS - Common$1.17 $1.67  $5.43 $4.13
Plus: Nonrecurring Events, Net of Tax$ $(0.02) $0.06 $0.93
Non-GAAP: Diluted EPS - Common, excluding Nonrecurring Events$1.17 $1.65  $5.49 $5.06


What was Oil-Dri's (ODC) consolidated net sales for fiscal year 2024?

Oil-Dri's consolidated net sales for fiscal year 2024 reached a record high of $437.6 million, reflecting a 6% increase over the prior year.

How much did Oil-Dri's (ODC) net income increase in fiscal year 2024?

Oil-Dri's annual net income reached a historic high of $39.4 million in fiscal 2024, representing a 33% increase over the prior year.

What was Oil-Dri's (ODC) gross profit margin in fiscal year 2024?

Oil-Dri's gross profit margin expanded to 29% in fiscal year 2024, up from 25% in fiscal year 2023.

How did the acquisition of Ultra Pet Company affect Oil-Dri's (ODC) Q4 2024 results?

The acquisition of Ultra Pet contributed net sales of $4.8 million, or 5% of the total consolidated net sales increase over the prior year in Q4 2024.

What was Oil-Dri's (ODC) operating income for fiscal year 2024?

Oil-Dri's consolidated operating income reached a record high of $51.6 million in fiscal year 2024, reflecting a 26% increase over the prior year.

Oil-Dri Corporation of America


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