Enviri releases annual ESG Report showcasing significant progress toward sustainability goals

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Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), a global leader in environmental solutions for industrial and specialty waste streams, has released its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. The report, Enviri's fifth annual publication, highlights significant progress towards sustainability goals across four key focus areas.

Key achievements include:

  • Company divisions recycled or reused 19 million tons of waste
  • Harsco Environmental recycled or reused 93% of processed steel slag (8.7 million tons)
  • Clean Earth recycled or reused 91% of processed waste materials (3.9 million tons)

CEO Nick Grasberger emphasized Enviri's commitment to transforming challenging waste into reusable resources, contributing to a better future for people and the planet. The report outlines the company's ambitions, goals, and impact metrics in its journey to create a greener world.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), un leader globale nelle soluzioni ambientali per i rifiuti industriali e specializzati, ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto Ambientale, Sociale e di Governance (ESG) 2023. Il rapporto, quinta pubblicazione annuale di Enviri, sottolinea i progressi significativi verso gli obiettivi di sostenibilità in quattro aree chiave.

Tra i risultati principali ci sono:

  • Le divisioni aziendali hanno riciclato o riutilizzato 19 milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti
  • Harsco Environmental ha riciclato o riutilizzato il 93% delle scorie d'acciaio lavorate (8,7 milioni di tonnellate)
  • Clean Earth ha riciclato o riutilizzato il 91% dei materiali di rifiuto lavorati (3,9 milioni di tonnellate)

Il CEO Nick Grasberger ha sottolineato l'impegno di Enviri nel trasformare rifiuti difficili in risorse riutilizzabili, contribuendo a un futuro migliore per le persone e il pianeta. Il rapporto delinea le ambizioni, gli obiettivi e le metriche d'impatto dell'azienda nel suo cammino verso la creazione di un mondo più verde.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), un líder global en soluciones ambientales para flujos de desechos industriales y especializados, ha publicado su Informe Ambiental, Social y de Gobernanza (ESG) 2023. El informe, la quinta publicación anual de Enviri, destaca los avances significativos hacia los objetivos de sostenibilidad en cuatro áreas clave.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Las divisiones de la empresa reciclaron o reutilizaron 19 millones de toneladas de desechos
  • Harsco Environmental recicló o reutilizó el 93% de las escorias de acero procesadas (8,7 millones de toneladas)
  • Clean Earth recicló o reutilizó el 91% de los materiales de desecho procesados (3,9 millones de toneladas)

El CEO Nick Grasberger enfatizó el compromiso de Enviri con la transformación de desechos difíciles en recursos reutilizables, contribuyendo a un futuro mejor para las personas y el planeta. El informe detalla las ambiciones, objetivos y métricas de impacto de la empresa en su camino hacia la creación de un mundo más verde.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI)는 산업 및 전문 폐기물 흐름을 위한 환경 솔루션의 글로벌 리더로서 2023 환경, 사회 및 지배구조(ESG) 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 Enviri의 다섯 번째 연례 발행물로, 네 가지 주요 초점 영역에서 지속 가능성 목표를 향한 중요한 진전을 강조합니다.

주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 회사의 부서가 1900만 톤의 폐기물을 재활용하거나 재사용했습니다.
  • Harsco Environmental은 가공된 철강 슬래그의 93%를 재활용하거나 재사용했습니다 (870만 톤).
  • Clean Earth는 가공된 폐기물의 91%를 재활용하거나 재사용했습니다 (390만 톤).

CEO Nick Grasberger는 Enviri가 도전적인 폐기물을 재사용 가능한 자원으로 전환하기 위한 의지를 강조하며, 사람과 지구를 위한 더 나은 미래에 기여하고 있음을 밝혔습니다. 보고서는 이 회사의 포부, 목표 및 영향 지표를 통해 더 푸른 세상을 만들기 위한 여정을 설명합니다.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), un leader mondial dans les solutions environnementales pour les flux de déchets industriels et spéciaux, a publié son Rapport sur l'Environnement, le Social et la Gouvernance (ESG) 2023. Ce rapport, cinquième publication annuelle d'Enviri, met en évidence des progrès significatifs vers des objectifs de durabilité dans quatre domaines clés.

Les réalisations clés incluent :

  • Les divisions de l'entreprise ont recyclé ou réutilisé 19 millions de tonnes de déchets
  • Harsco Environmental a recyclé ou réutilisé 93% des scories d'acier traitées (8,7 millions de tonnes)
  • Clean Earth a recyclé ou réutilisé 91% des matériaux de déchets traités (3,9 millions de tonnes)

Le PDG Nick Grasberger a souligné l'engagement d'Enviri à transformer les déchets difficiles en ressources réutilisables, contribuant ainsi à un avenir meilleur pour les personnes et la planète. Le rapport décrit les ambitions, les objectifs et les indicateurs d'impact de l'entreprise dans son parcours pour créer un monde plus vert.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), ein globaler Marktführer für Umweltlösungen für industrielle und spezialisierte Abfallströme, hat seinen Bericht über Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG) 2023 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht, die fünfte jährliche Veröffentlichung von Enviri, hebt bedeutende Fortschritte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeitsziele in vier Schlüsselbereichen hervor.

Wichtige Erfolge sind:

  • Die Unternehmensabteilungen haben 19 Millionen Tonnen Abfall recycelt oder wiederverwendet
  • Harsco Environmental hat 93% des verarbeiteten Stahl-Schlacke (8,7 Millionen Tonnen) recycelt oder wiederverwendet
  • Clean Earth hat 91% der verarbeiteten Abfallmaterialien (3,9 Millionen Tonnen) recycelt oder wiederverwendet

CEO Nick Grasberger betonte das Engagement von Enviri, herausfordernde Abfälle in wiederverwendbare Ressourcen umzuwandeln, um eine bessere Zukunft für die Menschen und den Planeten zu schaffen. Der Bericht skizziert die Ambitionen, Ziele und Einflusskennzahlen des Unternehmens auf dem Weg zu einer grüneren Welt.

  • None.
  • None.

PHILADELPHIA, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enviri Corporation (NYSE: NVRI), a global market-leading provider of environmental solutions for industrial and specialty waste streams, today announced the publication of its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. Enviri’s fifth annual ESG Report outlines the Company’s ambitions, goals, and impact metrics across its four focus areas, sharing Enviri’s journey in transforming the world to green.

“I’m pleased to share our 2023 ESG Report, showcasing the goals and progress of our comprehensive sustainability strategy to develop and deliver environmental solutions,” said Nick Grasberger, Chairman & CEO of Enviri Corporation. “Enviri reimagines how some of the world’s most challenging waste can be remediated, recycled, and reused, and our work leads us towards a better future for our people and planet.”

Key report highlights include:

  • Company divisions recycled or reused 19 million tons of waste
  • Harsco Environmental recycled or reused 93% of processed steel slag (8.7 million tons)
  • Clean Earth recycled or reused 91% of processed waste materials (3.9 million tons)

Additional Report Highlights

Four key focus areas frame Enviri's ESG Report and outline the Company’s vision, strategy, and forward-looking goals for creating value and positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

  1. Innovative Solutions: Help customers solve their most pressing sustainability challenges by deriving over 90% of annual revenue from environmental solutions businesses, aggressively growing Enviri’s portfolio of environmental solutions, and recycling or repurposing more than 75% of the waste and co-product material processed annually.

  2. Thriving Environment: Reduce environmental impacts by demonstrating continuous improvement in Enviri's five-year environmental compliance record, reducing the energy and carbon intensity of its operations by 15% by 2025, and avoiding more than 25 million tons of carbon emissions from its recycling and repurposing solutions from 2019 to 2025.

  3. Safe Workplaces: Ensure Enviri employees return home unharmed every day by achieving a Total Recordable Incident Rate of less than 1.0 in 2023 and demonstrating continuous improvement in its five-year safety record.

  4. Inspired People: Support the growth and development of employees and communities by enhancing diversity and gender representation on the board and senior management team and expanding global Employee Resource Groups to foster an environment of diversity, equity, engagement, and inclusion.

Enviri’s 2023 ESG Report reflects the Enviri brand and is informed by leading sustainability reporting standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. To read the full report, visit

About Enviri
Enviri is transforming the world to green, as a trusted global leader in providing a broad range of environmental services and related innovative solutions. The company serves a diverse customer base by offering critical recycle and reuse solutions for their waste streams, enabling customers to address their most complex environmental challenges and to achieve their sustainability goals. Enviri is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and operates in more than 150 locations in over 30 countries. Additional information can be found at

Investor Contact
David Martin
Media Contact
Maura Pfeiffer


What are the key highlights of Enviri's 2023 ESG Report?

Enviri's 2023 ESG Report highlights include recycling or reusing 19 million tons of waste across company divisions, with Harsco Environmental recycling 93% of processed steel slag (8.7 million tons) and Clean Earth recycling 91% of processed waste materials (3.9 million tons).

How much waste did Enviri (NVRI) recycle or reuse in 2023?

According to Enviri's 2023 ESG Report, the company's divisions recycled or reused a total of 19 million tons of waste in 2023.

What percentage of steel slag did Harsco Environmental recycle in 2023?

Harsco Environmental, a division of Enviri (NVRI), recycled or reused 93% of processed steel slag, amounting to 8.7 million tons, as reported in the company's 2023 ESG Report.

How does Enviri (NVRI) contribute to environmental sustainability?

Enviri contributes to environmental sustainability by developing and delivering solutions to remediate, recycle, and reuse challenging industrial and specialty waste streams, as outlined in their 2023 ESG Report.

What are the four key focus areas in Enviri's 2023 ESG Report?

While the specific focus areas are not detailed in the given information, Enviri's 2023 ESG Report frames its vision, strategy, and progress around four key focus areas that guide their sustainability efforts.

Enviri Corporation


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