Harsco Environmental Opens First SteelPhalt™ Plant Outside the UK
Harsco Environmental, a division of Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), announced the opening of its first SteelPhalt™ plant outside the UK in Murga, Basque Country, Spain, with a grand opening scheduled for March 19, 2025.
The state-of-the-art facility will process over 195,000 tons of slag annually to produce more than 200,000 tons of sustainable asphalt products. The plant offers environmental asphalt solutions that can reduce the carbon footprint of road construction materials by up to 50%, supporting the region's environmental goals outlined in the Basque Country Waste Prevention and Management Plan 2030.
The facility represents a circular economy approach by converting steel industry byproducts into high-quality asphalt without using natural aggregates, creating a perpetually recyclable product stream for regional roads.
Harsco Environmental, una divisione di Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), ha annunciato l'apertura del suo primo impianto SteelPhalt™ al di fuori del Regno Unito a Murga, nel Paese Basco, Spagna, con una cerimonia di apertura prevista per il 19 marzo 2025.
Questa struttura all'avanguardia tratterà oltre 195.000 tonnellate di scorie all'anno per produrre più di 200.000 tonnellate di prodotti bituminosi sostenibili. L'impianto offre soluzioni bituminose ecologiche in grado di ridurre fino al 50% l'impronta di carbonio dei materiali per la costruzione stradale, supportando gli obiettivi ambientali della regione delineati nel Piano di Prevenzione e Gestione dei Rifiuti del Paese Basco 2030.
La struttura rappresenta un approccio all'economia circolare, convertendo i sottoprodotti dell'industria dell'acciaio in asfalto di alta qualità senza l'uso di aggregati naturali, creando un flusso di prodotto riciclabile in modo perpetuo per le strade regionali.
Harsco Environmental, una división de Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), anunció la apertura de su primera planta SteelPhalt™ fuera del Reino Unido en Murga, País Vasco, España, con una gran inauguración programada para el 19 de marzo de 2025.
La instalación de última generación procesará más de 195,000 toneladas de escoria anualmente para producir más de 200,000 toneladas de productos de asfalto sostenibles. La planta ofrece soluciones de asfalto ambiental que pueden reducir la huella de carbono de los materiales de construcción de carreteras en hasta un 50%, apoyando los objetivos ambientales de la región establecidos en el Plan de Prevención y Gestión de Residuos del País Vasco 2030.
La instalación representa un enfoque de economía circular al convertir los subproductos de la industria del acero en asfalto de alta calidad sin utilizar agregados naturales, creando un flujo de productos reciclables de manera perpetua para las carreteras regionales.
Harsco Environmental는 Enviri (NYSE: NVRI)의 한 부서로, 스페인 바스크 주 무르가에 있는 첫 번째 SteelPhalt™ 공장 개장을 발표했으며, 개막식은 2025년 3월 19일로 예정되어 있습니다.
이 최첨단 시설은 매년 195,000톤 이상의 슬래그를 처리하여 200,000톤 이상의 지속 가능한 아스팔트 제품을 생산할 것입니다. 이 공장은 도로 건설 자재의 탄소 발자국을 최대 50%까지 줄일 수 있는 환경 친화적인 아스팔트 솔루션을 제공하며, 바스크 주 2030 폐기물 예방 및 관리 계획에 명시된 지역의 환경 목표를 지원합니다.
이 시설은 철강 산업의 부산물을 천연 골재를 사용하지 않고 고품질 아스팔트로 전환하여 순환 경제 접근 방식을 나타내며, 지역 도로를 위한 지속 가능한 재활용 제품 흐름을 생성합니다.
Harsco Environmental, une division d'Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), a annoncé l'ouverture de sa première usine SteelPhalt™ en dehors du Royaume-Uni à Murga, dans le Pays basque, en Espagne, avec une inauguration prévue pour le 19 mars 2025.
Cette installation à la pointe de la technologie traitera plus de 195 000 tonnes de scories par an pour produire plus de 200 000 tonnes de produits d'asphalte durables. L'usine propose des solutions d'asphalte respectueuses de l'environnement qui peuvent réduire de 50 % l'empreinte carbone des matériaux de construction routière, soutenant ainsi les objectifs environnementaux de la région définis dans le Plan de prévention et de gestion des déchets du Pays basque 2030.
Cette installation représente une approche d'économie circulaire en convertissant les sous-produits de l'industrie de l'acier en asphalte de haute qualité sans utiliser d'agrégats naturels, créant ainsi un flux de produits recyclables de manière perpétuelle pour les routes régionales.
Harsco Environmental, eine Division von Enviri (NYSE: NVRI), hat die Eröffnung ihres ersten SteelPhalt™-Werkes außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs in Murga, Baskenland, Spanien, bekannt gegeben, mit einer großen Eröffnungsfeier, die für den 19. März 2025 geplant ist.
Die hochmoderne Anlage wird jährlich über 195.000 Tonnen Schlacke verarbeiten, um mehr als 200.000 Tonnen nachhaltige Asphaltprodukte herzustellen. Das Werk bietet umweltfreundliche Asphaltlösungen, die den CO2-Fußabdruck von Straßenbaumaterialien um bis zu 50 % reduzieren können und unterstützt die Umweltziele der Region, die im Abfallvermeidungs- und -managementplan des Baskenlandes 2030 festgelegt sind.
Die Einrichtung stellt einen Ansatz der Kreislaufwirtschaft dar, indem sie Nebenprodukte der Stahlindustrie in hochwertige Asphaltprodukte umwandelt, ohne natürliche Gesteinskörnungen zu verwenden, und so einen dauerhaft recycelbaren Produktstrom für regionale Straßen schafft.
- First international expansion of SteelPhalt technology beyond UK market
- Large production capacity of 200,000 tons of sustainable asphalt annually
- 50% reduction in carbon footprint for road construction materials
- Alignment with regional environmental goals and regulations
- None.
Enviri 's expansion of its Harsco Environmental division through the new SteelPhalt plant in Spain represents a strategic geographic diversification that could meaningfully impact the company's growth trajectory. This marks their first permanent asphalt plant outside the UK, signaling an international scaling of a proven business model.
The facility's production capacity is substantial - processing
This expansion aligns with two key value drivers: geographic diversification and circular economy positioning. By establishing operations in Spain's Basque region, Enviri gains access to new markets while reducing dependency on UK operations. The circular economy model - converting steel manufacturing byproducts into high-value construction materials - creates a competitive advantage through both cost structure and sustainability positioning.
For NVRI investors, this development represents a tangible execution of the company's growth strategy in the environmental solutions sector, potentially opening recurring revenue streams in continental Europe while strengthening their circular economy portfolio. The timing aligns well with Europe's accelerating sustainability initiatives and construction material regulations that increasingly favor reduced-carbon alternatives.
The new SteelPhalt plant in Spain's Basque region represents a significant advancement in industrial symbiosis and circular economy implementation. By converting steel manufacturing slag - traditionally a challenging waste stream - into high-performance asphalt, Enviri's Harsco Environmental division is addressing two environmental challenges simultaneously: industrial waste management and construction material sustainability.
The facility's ability to reduce the carbon footprint of road construction materials by up to
Strategic alignment with the Basque Country's Waste Prevention and Management Plan 2030 and Circular Economy Strategy 2030 positions this facility favorably within the regional regulatory framework. This alignment reduces regulatory risk while potentially creating preferential market access as procurement policies increasingly favor lower-carbon alternatives.
The scale of operations - processing
- Located in Murga, Basque Country, Spain, the new plant will offer environmental asphalt solutions to the region
- SteelPhalt™ offers a true circular economy route for byproducts of the steel industry, offering high-quality asphalt without the use of natural aggregates
ROTHERHAM, United Kingdom, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Harsco Environmental, a division of Enviri Corporation (NYSE: NVRI) and renowned global market leader in delivering innovative environmental solutions, today announced the opening of a new, state-of-the-art SteelPhalt plant in Murga, Basque Country, Spain. The plant is slated to host a grand opening event on March 19, 2025. This significant development marks SteelPhalt’s first permanent asphalt plant outside of the United Kingdom, reinforcing the business unit’s commitment to expanding its footprint globally and advancing sustainable practices in the asphalt industry.
With the inauguration of its plant in the Basque Country, SteelPhalt is poised to revolutionize the local asphalt market by offering environmentally friendly and superior-quality asphalt solutions. This new plant will contribute to meeting the region’s environmental goals outlined in the Basque Country Waste Prevention and Management Plan 2030 and the Basque Country Circular Economy Strategy 2030.
“This advanced plant underscores our commitment to delivering sustainable solutions while focusing on the evolving needs of our regional customers,” said Director of Harsco Environmental’s ecoproducts™ Europe division, Martin Gray. “This plant symbolizes far more than a mere milestone; it’s a profound testament to our dedication to growth, sustainability, and global impact.”
The plant, situated in a highly industrial area, is designed to process more than 195,000 tons of slag per year, controlling the process from beginning to end. This allows for the production of more than 200,000 tons of sustainable asphalt products per year for regional roads while entering a steel byproduct into a valuable, perpetually recyclable product stream.
“I am honored to contribute to this groundbreaking project, which showcases innovation and addresses critical environmental challenges, providing an outstanding solution for the steel and asphalt industry,” said Operations Director at SteelPhalt, Mikel Barandalla. “We’re thrilled to expand our business by producing high-performance asphalt, effectively reducing the carbon footprint of road construction materials by up to
Harsco Environmental and its parent company, Enviri, remain steadfast in their mission to drive positive environmental change through innovative solutions. The inauguration of SteelPhalt’s new plant is a testament to this commitment. Enviri continues to lead the way in promoting sustainability and advancing environmental stewardship worldwide by leveraging its expertise and cutting-edge technology.
About SteelPhalt
SteelPhalt, a Harsco Environmental company, has been making roads safer by developing and manufacturing high-performance asphalt products for roadmaking in the UK industry since the 1960s. Based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, SteelPhalt is ideally located to source slag cost-effectively from the surrounding steel industry to sustainably create asphalt. With a reputation for first-class products matched by a commitment to innovation and sustainability, SteelPhalt works in partnership with councils, local authorities, and contractors nationwide to deliver durable roads for a sustainable world. Visit steelphalt.com to learn more.
About Harsco Environmental
Enviri’s Harsco Environmental division is the largest and most comprehensive provider of onsite material processing and environmental services to the global metals industry, with operations at over 130 customer sites across more than 32 countries. Harsco Environmental is a technology partner delivering cleaner, more efficient metal production, providing customers with economically and environmentally viable solutions for the treatment and reuse of production co-products. Visit harsco-environmental.com to learn more.
Investor Contact David Martin +1.267.946.1407 dmartin@enviri.com | Media Contact Karen Tognarelli +1.717.480.6145 ktognarelli@enviri.com | ||