AI meets empathy: NRC Health launches first AI-enabled solutions to elevate healthcare experience

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NRC Health, a leader in healthcare experience solutions, unveiled a suite of AI-enabled products at its 30th annual conference, HUB24. The new offerings, powered by the company's secure AI engine Huey, aim to enhance human connections in healthcare. Key announcements include:

1. New AI-powered products: nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten, and nAct, designed to improve patient and employee experiences.

2. Acquisition of Nobl, a leader in advanced rounding solutions for healthcare organizations.

3. Partnership with Medallia to address issues impacting consumer and employee healthcare experiences.

These initiatives reinforce NRC Health's commitment to Human Understanding in healthcare, providing insights to improve patient care and organizational efficiency.

NRC Health, un leader nelle soluzioni per l'esperienza sanitaria, ha presentato una suite di prodotti abilitati all'IA in occasione della sua 30ª conferenza annuale, HUB24. Le nuove offerte, alimentate dal motore di IA sicuro dell'azienda Huey, mirano a migliorare le connessioni umane nel settore sanitario. Gli annunci principali includono:

1. Nuovi prodotti alimentati dall'IA: nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten e nAct, progettati per migliorare l'esperienza dei pazienti e dei dipendenti.

2. Acquisizione di Nobl, leader nelle soluzioni avanzate di rounding per organizzazioni sanitarie.

3. Collaborazione con Medallia per affrontare questioni che influenzano l'esperienza sanitaria dei consumatori e dei dipendenti.

Queste iniziative rafforzano l'impegno di NRC Health per la Comprensione Umana nella sanità, fornendo intuizioni per migliorare l'assistenza ai pazienti e l'efficienza organizzativa.

NRC Health, un líder en soluciones de experiencia en atención médica, presentó una gama de productos habilitados por IA en su 30ª conferencia anual, HUB24. Las nuevas ofertas, impulsadas por el motor de IA seguro de la empresa Huey, buscan mejorar las conexiones humanas en la atención médica. Los anuncios clave incluyen:

1. Nuevos productos impulsados por IA: nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten y nAct, diseñados para mejorar las experiencias de pacientes y empleados.

2. Adquisición de Nobl, un líder en soluciones avanzadas para servicios de acompañamiento en organizaciones de atención médica.

3. Alianza con Medallia para abordar problemas que afectan las experiencias de atención médica de los consumidores y empleados.

Estas iniciativas refuerzan el compromiso de NRC Health con la Comprensión Humana en la atención médica, proporcionando información para mejorar la atención al paciente y la eficiencia organizacional.

NRC Health는 의료 경험 솔루션의 선두주자로서 제30회 연례 회의 HUB24에서 AI 기반 제품 모음을 공개했습니다. 이 새로운 제품들은 회사의 안전한 AI 엔진 Huey를 기반으로 하여 의료에서 인간의 연결을 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 발표 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 환자 및 직원 경험을 개선하기 위해 설계된 AI 기반의 새로운 제품: nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten, nAct.

2. 의료 조직을 위한 고급 라운딩 솔루션의 선두주자인 Nobl 인수.

3. 소비자 및 직원의 의료 경험에 영향을 미치는 문제를 해결하기 위해 Medallia와 파트너십을 체결했습니다.

이러한 이니셔티브는 의료에서 인간 이해에 대한 NRC Health의 헌신을 강화하며, 환자 치료 및 조직 효율성을 개선하기 위한 통찰력을 제공합니다.

NRC Health, un leader dans les solutions d'expérience de santé, a dévoilé une suite de produits activés par l'IA lors de sa 30ème conférence annuelle, HUB24. Les nouvelles offres, alimentées par le moteur IA sécurisé de l'entreprise Huey, visent à renforcer les connexions humaines dans le domaine de la santé. Les annonces clés comprennent :

1. Nouveaux produits alimentés par l'IA : nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten et nAct, conçus pour améliorer l'expérience des patients et des employés.

2. Acquisition de Nobl, un leader dans les solutions avancées de rounding pour les organisations de santé.

3. Partenariat avec Medallia pour résoudre les problèmes affectant les expériences de santé des consommateurs et des employés.

Ces initiatives renforcent l'engagement de NRC Health en faveur de la Compréhension Humaine dans le domaine de la santé, en fournissant des informations pour améliorer les soins aux patients et l'efficacité organisationnelle.

NRC Health, ein führendes Unternehmen für Lösungen zur Gesundheits­erfahrung, stellte auf der 30. jährlichen Konferenz HUB24 eine Reihe von KI-gestützten Produkten vor. Die neuen Angebote, die von der sicheren KI-Engine des Unternehmens Huey unterstützt werden, zielen darauf ab, menschliche Verbindungen im Gesundheitswesen zu stärken. Zu den wichtigsten Ankündigungen gehören:

1. Neue KI-gestützte Produkte: nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten und nAct, die darauf ausgelegt sind, die Erfahrungen von Patienten und Mitarbeitern zu verbessern.

2. Übernahme von Nobl, einem führenden Anbieter von fortschrittlichen Rundganglösungen für Gesundheitsorganisationen.

3. Partnerschaft mit Medallia, um Probleme anzugehen, die die Gesundheits­erfahrungen von Verbrauchern und Mitarbeitern beeinflussen.

Diese Initiativen stärken das Engagement von NRC Health für menschliches Verständnis im Gesundheitswesen, indem sie Einblicke zur Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung und der organisatorischen Effizienz bieten.

  • Launch of new AI-enabled products to enhance healthcare experiences
  • Strategic acquisition of Nobl to improve rounding solutions
  • Partnership with Medallia to strengthen consumer and employee experience capabilities
  • Introduction of Huey, a healthcare-specific AI engine and large language model
  • None.

NRC Health's launch of AI-enabled solutions marks a significant shift in healthcare experience management. The introduction of Huey™, an AI engine trained on healthcare-specific data, addresses a important gap in the industry. This move could potentially enhance patient outcomes and operational efficiency for healthcare providers.

The suite of new products, including nGage, nQuire and nAct, leverages AI to improve patient and employee feedback mechanisms. This could lead to better resource allocation and improved service quality. The acquisition of Nobl and partnership with Medallia further strengthen NRC Health's market position, potentially boosting its competitive edge in the healthcare technology sector.

However, the success of these AI solutions will depend on their adoption rate and actual performance in real-world healthcare settings. Investors should monitor for early customer feedback and adoption metrics in the coming quarters to gauge the potential impact on NRC Health's revenue and market share.

The integration of AI in healthcare experience management raises important ethical considerations. NRC Health's emphasis on a moral framework for Huey™ is commendable, addressing concerns about AI's role in sensitive healthcare contexts. This proactive approach to ethical AI could mitigate potential regulatory risks and enhance trust among healthcare providers and patients.

However, the use of AI for analyzing patient feedback and guiding clinical teams requires careful oversight. There's a need to ensure that AI recommendations don't overshadow human judgment in healthcare decisions. The company's focus on 'Human Understanding®' is crucial, but its practical implementation will be key.

Investors should pay attention to any regulatory developments or ethical guidelines that may impact the deployment of AI in healthcare, as these could affect NRC Health's product rollout and market acceptance.

NRC Health's strategic moves position it well in the growing healthcare experience management market. The comprehensive suite of AI-enabled products addresses multiple pain points in healthcare delivery, potentially expanding the company's total addressable market.

The acquisition of Nobl and partnership with Medallia demonstrate a smart inorganic growth strategy, allowing NRC Health to quickly expand its capabilities in rounding solutions and consumer/employee experience management. This could lead to cross-selling opportunities and deeper relationships with existing clients.

However, the healthcare technology market is highly competitive, with both established players and startups vying for market share. NRC Health will need to demonstrate clear ROI for healthcare providers to drive adoption of its new AI-enabled solutions. Investors should watch for key performance indicators such as customer acquisition costs, retention rates and revenue per customer in future financial reports to assess the success of these new initiatives.

Today, at NRC Health’s 30th annual conference, Human Understanding Beyond | HUB24, the organization debuted healthcare’s most comprehensive experience management platform and announced strategic acquisitions and partnerships to enable greater human connection across the healthcare journey.

LINCOLN, Neb.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NRC Health, a recognized leader in delivering innovative solutions and data-driven insights to improve healthcare experiences, announced a new suite of next-gen AI-enabled products, along with an acquisition and new partnership, today at HUB24.

Today, at NRC Health’s 30th annual conference, Human Understanding Beyond | HUB24, the organization debuted healthcare’s most comprehensive experience management platform and announced strategic acquisitions and partnerships to enable greater human connection across the healthcare journey. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Today, at NRC Health’s 30th annual conference, Human Understanding Beyond | HUB24, the organization debuted healthcare’s most comprehensive experience management platform and announced strategic acquisitions and partnerships to enable greater human connection across the healthcare journey. (Graphic: Business Wire)

“Healthcare experiences are human experiences, and the use of technology has often come at the expense of human connections—until now,” said Christophe Louvion, Chief Product and Technology Officer at NRC Health. “All of our next-generation products are powered by NRC Health’s secure, private AI engine Huey, healthcare’s first AI engine and large language model (LLM) trained exclusively on the personalized data that matters most to clinical teams and patients.”

Huey™ is built with a moral framework that ensures that the technology closely aligns with human-centric, societal values to deliver compassionate feedback, relevant coaching, and the next best actions to frontline teams, leaders, and clinicians.

NRC Health’s holistic healthcare experience management framework breaks down the barriers often created by traditional technology and restores Human Understanding® across the healthcare experience. New AI-powered products include:

  • nGage: AI-powered listening that captures unstructured feedback via video, image, and free text, in the natural voice and language of patients, employees, and community members along their journey.
  • nQuire: Smart feedback summaries to make meaning out of mountains of data, delivering aggregated feedback in seconds based on actual comments from a customer database.
  • nVolve: Intelligent, predictive conversation enablement for patient experience (PX) and employee experience (EX) use cases, built with the best of Nobl (acquired by NRC Health).
  • nLighten: Personalized narrative and competency summaries, gamified with actionable coaching for clinical teams on the frontline.
  • nAct: Smart service recovery that instantly drafts recommended responses to empower teams to resolve alerts better and faster without adding to their workload.

At HUB24, NRC Health also announced their acquisition of Nobl—the leader in advanced rounding solutions for healthcare organizations—and a partnership with Medallia to solve issues that directly impact human healthcare experiences for consumers and employees.

“With the complexity and demands associated with healthcare delivery today, it’s critical to take a human-centered approach—and Nobl can help us do just that,” said Jennifer Baron, Chief Experience Officer at NRC Health. “Nobl’s rounding solutions provide patient and employee feedback for leaders to directly act on key issues and improve healthcare experiences in real time.”

NRC Health’s partnership with Medallia strengthens the organization’s capabilities in consumer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX). Medallia’s globally tested technology equips NRC Health with scalable tools that support end-to-end journey listening—illuminating CX blind spots and broad multi-industry EX benchmarks—as well as advanced reporting, embedded action workflows, and sophisticated contact-center offerings.

“We are thrilled to add the advanced technology solutions from Nobl and Medallia to our comprehensive suite of AI-enabled products—all built on Human Understanding,” said Vinitha Ramnathan, Chief Product Officer at NRC Health. “The use of this technology offers insights that allow health systems to illuminate and improve what matters most to patients, employees, and the communities they serve, while delivering unparalleled value to our customers.”

About NRC Health

For more than 40 years, NRC Health has led the charge to humanize healthcare and support organizations in their understanding of each unique individual. NRC Health’s commitment to Human Understanding® helps leading healthcare systems get to know each person they serve not as point-in-time insights, but as an ongoing relationship. Guided by its uniquely empathic heritage, NRC Health’s patient-focused approach, unmatched market research and emphasis on consumer preferences are transforming the healthcare experience, creating strong outcomes for patients and entire healthcare systems. For more information, email, or visit

Claudia Witczak

Source: NRC Health


What new AI-powered products did NRC Health announce at HUB24?

NRC Health announced five new AI-powered products at HUB24: nGage, nQuire, nVolve, nLighten, and nAct. These products are designed to improve patient and employee experiences in healthcare settings.

Who did NRC Health acquire and partner with to enhance their healthcare solutions?

NRC Health acquired Nobl, a leader in advanced rounding solutions for healthcare organizations, and partnered with Medallia to address issues impacting consumer and employee healthcare experiences.

What is Huey in relation to NRC Health's new products?

Huey is NRC Health's secure, private AI engine and large language model (LLM) that powers their new suite of products. It's trained exclusively on personalized healthcare data to deliver compassionate feedback and relevant coaching to clinical teams.

How does NRC Health's new technology aim to improve healthcare experiences?

NRC Health's new AI-enabled products aim to improve healthcare experiences by capturing unstructured feedback, providing smart summaries, enabling intelligent conversations, offering personalized coaching, and facilitating smart service recovery, all while maintaining a focus on human connection.

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