National Grid Provides Charitable Donations To Aid Rebuilding in the Mohawk Valley Following Tornadoes
National Grid has donated $125,000 to support regional organizations and municipalities in the Mohawk Valley following devastating tornadoes. The funding, provided through National Grid's Project C Community Investment Program, will support local relief services, cleanup efforts, and community enhancements. The donation will be distributed to:
- Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties: $50,000
- City of Rome: $25,000 for tree restoration
- American Red Cross: $12,500 for disaster relief services
- Food Bank of Central New York: $12,500
- Village of Canastota: $12,500 for park improvements
- City of Oneida and Oneida Improvement Committee: $12,500 for a new pocket park
National Grid deployed over 3,000 power restoration experts to restore service to 72,000 affected customers after the tornadoes.
National Grid ha donato 125.000 dollari per sostenere organizzazioni regionali e comuni nella Mohawk Valley dopo i devastanti tornado. I fondi, forniti attraverso il Programma di Investimento nella Comunità Project C di National Grid, supporteranno i servizi di soccorso locali, gli sforzi di pulizia e il miglioramento della comunità. La donazione sarà distribuita a:
- Fondazione Comunitaria delle Contee di Herkimer e Oneida: 50.000 dollari
- Città di Roma: 25.000 dollari per il ripristino degli alberi
- Croce Rossa Americana: 12.500 dollari per i servizi di soccorso in caso di calamità
- Banco Alimentare di New York Centrale: 12.500 dollari
- Villaggio di Canastota: 12.500 dollari per il miglioramento dei parchi
- Città di Oneida e Comitato di Miglioramento di Oneida: 12.500 dollari per un nuovo parco pubblico
National Grid ha schierato oltre 3.000 esperti per il ripristino dell'energia per ripristinare il servizio a 72.000 clienti colpiti dopo i tornado.
National Grid ha donado 125,000 dólares para apoyar a organizaciones regionales y municipios en el Valle de Mohawk tras los devastadores tornados. La financiación, proporcionada a través del Programa de Inversión Comunitaria Project C de National Grid, apoyará los servicios de ayuda local, los esfuerzos de limpieza y las mejoras comunitarias. La donación se distribuirá a:
- Fundación Comunitaria de las Condados de Herkimer y Oneida: 50,000 dólares
- Ciudad de Roma: 25,000 dólares para la restauración de árboles
- Cruz Roja Americana: 12,500 dólares para servicios de ayuda en desastres
- Banco de Alimentos de Nueva York Central: 12,500 dólares
- Villa de Canastota: 12,500 dólares para mejoras en parques
- Ciudad de Oneida y Comité de Mejora de Oneida: 12,500 dólares para un nuevo parque pequeño
National Grid desplegó a más de 3,000 expertos en restauración de energía para restablecer el servicio a 72,000 clientes afectados después de los tornados.
내셔널 그리드는 125,000 달러를 기부했습니다 기후 재해가 발생한 모호크 밸리의 지역 조직과 지방자치단체를 지원하기 위해, 이후 발생한 파괴적인 토네이도입니다. 이 자금은 내셔널 그리드의 프로젝트 C 공동체 투자 프로그램을 통해 제공되며, 지역 구호 서비스, 정리 작업 및 지역사회 개선을 지원합니다. 기부금은 다음과 같이 분배됩니다:
- 허키머 및 오닐다 카운티 지역 사회 기금: 50,000달러
- 로마시: 나무 복구를 위해 25,000달러
- 미국 적십자사: 재해 구호 서비스에 12,500달러
- 중앙 뉴욕 푸드뱅크: 12,500달러
- 카나스토타 마을: 공원 개선을 위해 12,500달러
- 오닐다 시 및 오닐다 개선 위원회: 새로운 포켓 파크를 위한 12,500달러
내셔널 그리드는 토네이도로 피해를 입은 72,000명의 고객에게 서비스를 복원하기 위해 3,000명 이상의 전력 복원 전문가를 배치했습니다.
National Grid a donné 125 000 dollars pour soutenir les organisations régionales et les municipalités de la vallée de Mohawk à la suite des tornades dévastatrices. Le financement, fourni par le biais du programme d’investissement communautaire Project C de National Grid, soutiendra les services de secours locaux, les efforts de nettoyage et les améliorations communautaires. Le don sera réparti comme suit :
- Fondation communautaire des comtés de Herkimer et Oneida : 50 000 dollars
- Ville de Rome : 25 000 dollars pour la restauration des arbres
- Croix-Rouge américaine : 12 500 dollars pour les services de secours en cas de catastrophe
- Banque alimentaire de New York central : 12 500 dollars
- Village de Canastota : 12 500 dollars pour les améliorations des parcs
- Ville d’Oneida et comité d’amélioration d’Oneida : 12 500 dollars pour un nouveau parc de poche
National Grid a déployé plus de 3 000 experts en restauration d’énergie pour rétablir le service à 72 000 clients touchés après les tornades.
National Grid hat 125.000 Dollar gespendet, um regionale Organisationen und Kommunen im Mohawk Valley nach den verheerenden Tornados zu unterstützen. Die Finanzierung, die im Rahmen des Community-Investment-Programms Project C von National Grid bereitgestellt wurde, wird lokale Hilfsdienste, Aufräumarbeiten und Gemeindeverbesserungen unterstützen. Die Spende wird folgendermassen verteilt:
- Gemeinschaftsstiftung der Landkreise Herkimer und Oneida: 50.000 Dollar
- Stadt Rom: 25.000 Dollar für die Wiederherstellung von Bäumen
- Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz: 12.500 Dollar für Katastrophenhilfe
- Lebensmittelbank Zentral-New-York: 12.500 Dollar
- Dorf Canastota: 12.500 Dollar zur Verbesserung von Parks
- Stadt Oneida und Oneida Improvement Committee: 12.500 Dollar für einen neuen Pocket Park
National Grid setzte über 3.000 Experten für die Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung ein, um den Dienst für 72.000 betroffene Kunden nach den Tornados wiederherzustellen.
- Donated $125,000 to support regional organizations and municipalities affected by tornadoes
- Deployed over 3,000 power restoration experts to restore service to 72,000 affected customers
- Supports various community projects and relief efforts through targeted donations
- None.
Company to Support Response Funds and Community Projects in Canastota, Oneida and Rome
ROME, NY / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / National Grid emergency response teams were among the first on the scene in the Mohawk Valley after tornadoes ripped down trees, tore off roofs, toppled church steeples and claimed the life of one person. In furtherance of our commitment to our customers and the communities where we live and work, and after consultation with local stakeholders to identify ongoing needs in the community, National Grid has donated
The funding, provided by the company's shareholders through National Grid's Project C, our Community Investment Program, will support local relief services, cleanup efforts, and community enhancements.
"National Grid crews went to work immediately to clean up the storm's damage and begin restoring power to our customers as quickly as possible," said Sally Librera, National Grid's New York President. "We were welcomed with open arms by our neighbors, some of whom were dealing with some extraordinarily difficult conditions, and we are thankful for the cooperation with state and local officials that assisted us in our work. That partnership is critical to our operations, and we strive to keep those relationships strong with our communities and customers. Today's donation is our way of saying that we are here long after the lights are back on to support our them."
National Grid worked with local and state partners to gain access to its infrastructure in neighborhoods, along commercial corridors, and in hard-to-reach areas after the tornado outbreak. An EF-2 tornado, with winds up to 135 mph, struck the city of Rome, while an EF-1 tornado with top winds of 100 mph hit Canastota. Additionally, severe thunderstorms with excessive winds caused extensive damage in the city of Oneida and impacted lives across the Mohawk Valley. As part of our emergency response, National Grid deployed more than 3,000 power restoration experts - including line, service, tree, damage assessment and public safety crews - who worked around the clock in dangerous weather conditions to restore service to the 72,000 affected customers in the area.
"The response to the tornado that struck the City of Rome on July 16th, and the relief efforts that have transpired since, have been a total team effort that could not have occurred without the assistance of key partners like National Grid," said Anthony Picente, Oneida County Executive. "Oneida County is grateful for the vital role National Grid played in the process and for the generous donation they have made to our Rome Victim Recovery Fund and to other areas of need."
Caring for local communities, compassionately addressing challenges customers face and collaborating with community partners are guiding principles of National Grid's Project C initiative, which seeks to transform communities and ensure an equitable future for all customers.
National Grid's donation will be distributed to the following organizations:
Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties
In the wake of the storm, Oneida County created The Rome NY Emergency Response Fund through the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties to support recovery efforts by individuals and community organizations. Funds received by the fund are distributed to local nonprofit organizations and municipalities to support recovery efforts and provide Rome residents with financial support to repair their properties, cover insurance deductibles or temporarily relocate. National Grid will provide
"We admire and thank National Grid for stepping up and reminding us that in the aftermath of destruction, our community always comes together," said Alicia Fernandez Dicks, president/CEO of the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties. "A donation of this size will help many individuals who were affected by the tornado in July. Our Foundation launched the Rome, NY Emergency Response Fund immediately after the tragic event as a way for residents and businesses to donate toward recovery efforts. These efforts are ongoing, in partnership with the City of Rome and Oneida County, and expected to continue considering the great need for support in the affected neighborhoods and surrounding areas."
City of Rome
Trees provide an important service to urban areas. In addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, they offer shade from the summer sun and help lower the ambient temperature of neighborhoods. The tornado knocked down hundreds of trees in the city and damaged public parks. A
"On behalf of the City of Rome, I want to sincerely thank National Grid for their tireless efforts to restore power to our residents following the devastating July 16 tornado," said City of Rome Mayor Jeffrey A. Lanigan. "Your generous
National Grid's donation also aligns with the company's 10,000 Trees program, which is designed to promote the placement of low-growing trees to significantly avoid or minimize utility line conflicts in the future. The program is open to all municipalities and county agencies responsible for tree and urban forest management within National Grid's Upstate New York electric service area. Nonprofit tree committees, operating for and approved by a municipality through a supporting resolution, may also apply. For information related to recommended tree species or planting techniques, customers are encouraged to contact their local Cornell Cooperative Extension or NYS Department of Environmental Conservation or visit the Cornell Urban Horticulture Institute.
National Grid employees were in Rome on Sept. 18 as part of the company's annual Project C Week of Service. Teams of employees volunteered to remove debris, cut back trees and deliver other beautification efforts along the Mohawk River Trail and North James Street.
American Red Cross
In the aftermath of the tornadoes, the American Red Cross established a 24-hour shelter at Griffiss Business and Technology Park. This critical service provided aid, comfort and a place to sleep for people forced from their homes due to the storms' damage. Griffiss also provided National Grid with assistance during our dry ice and bottled water distribution, allowing us to co-locate at their space.
"We are so grateful for the partnership with National Grid," said Lisa Smith, Executive Director, American Red Cross Central and Northern New York. Every eight minutes someone needs the Red Cross. National Grid's generous support ensures we can bring hope and healing to our communities where it's needed most."
A donation of
Food Bank of Central New York
Food Bank of Central New York saw increased demand for its services as their partnering food pantries were affected by the storm. The agency was able to increase deliveries to alternative distribution points in the days following the storm to ensure that fresh foods were available to those in need. National Grid's
"When natural disasters affect individuals and families living in our service area, Food Bank of Central New York is prepared to assist alongside many public and private partners, including National Grid," Karen Belcher, Executive Director at Food Bank of Central New York, stated. "We were honored to work alongside our longtime partners, Project Fibonacci Foundation and St. John the Baptist Church, by providing more than 700 households with nonperishable and perishable foods during a large community food distribution in Rome to help those impacted by the tornado. We are thankful for the work of all of our partners, and for National Grid for their generous donation to aid in our food distribution efforts."
The company is a longtime supporter of Food Bank of Central New York, which leads the fight against food insecurity in 11 Upstate New York counties including Herkimer and Oneida. In addition to financial contributions, employees from the company regularly volunteer to help sort and pack food donations that are delivered to the community.
Village of Canastota
Canastota's tornado damage is not to be understated. Several homes along Barlow Road were damaged and one person died as a result of the storm. The nature of the storm caused complicated repairs for National Grid crews, who were welcomed by the community to front-yard barbecues and community food truck gatherings while working in the area.
"On behalf of the residents of the Village of Canastota, I would like to sincerely thank all of the staff and volunteers from National Grid who came to the village and assisted us with numerous projects to help beautify our community," said Rosanne Warner, mayor of the village of Canastota. "Not only was National Grid and their caring staff there for us after the devastating tornado but they came back multiple times to help us complete projects that are making a difference in people's everyday lives. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for the kind donations of not only time and funds, which will be used to purchase a new handicapped pool lift for our municipal pool. Without their assistance, the village never would have been able to replace the aging unit that we can no longer obtain parts for. National Grid's unwavering dedication to the communities has a larger impact on some of most delicate residents and for all of their support, we thank them immensely."
The park was also a beneficiary of company volunteers during the Project C Week of Service. Teams of employees made accessibility upgrades to the park and pool to make the park more inclusive for those with mobility issues.
City of Oneida and the Oneida Improvement Committee
Oneida suffered significant damage from the line of thunderstorms that caused the tornadoes on July 16. Working together with the mayor's office and city police, National Grid will provide
"The pocket park will serve as a valuable gathering place for our community, encouraging outdoor activity, relaxation, and connection with nature," said Rick Rossi, mayor of the city of Oneida. "It's through charitable efforts like this from National Grid that we can continue to make meaningful improvements that benefit everyone, we truly appreciate their support."
About National Grid
National Grid (NYSE: NGG) is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company serving more than 20 million people through our networks in New York and Massachusetts. National Grid is focused on building a smarter, stronger, cleaner energy future - transforming our networks with more reliable and resilient energy solutions to meet state climate goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For more information, please visit our website, follow us on X, watch us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and find our photos on Instagram.
Contact: Jared Paventi | 315.427.1092 |

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How much did National Grid donate for tornado relief in the Mohawk Valley?
What organizations received donations from National Grid (NGG) for tornado relief?
How many customers were affected by the tornadoes in National Grid's service area?