Fourth Annual National Grid Project C Week of Service Celebrates Company's Commitment to Its Communities

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National Grid's fourth annual Project C Week of Service is set to begin, with over 1,500 employees volunteering across New York communities from Sept. 16 to Sept. 20, 2024. The initiative, funded by shareholders, aims to create lasting change and strengthen community ties. Volunteers will engage in various activities, including:

  • Revitalizing parks and trails
  • Discussing clean energy careers in schools
  • Supporting food insecurity programs
  • Beautifying nonprofit and cultural institutions
  • Assisting small businesses and local families

Project C, launched in September 2021, has already made significant impacts, including supporting 183,000 local businesses, creating 1,100 community partnerships, and training 6,000 workers for the clean energy sector. The company aims to achieve 500,000 volunteer hours by 2030 as part of its Responsible Business Charter.

La quarta edizione annuale della Settimana del Servizio del Progetto C di National Grid è pronta a iniziare, con oltre 1.500 dipendenti che offriranno il loro tempo come volontari nelle comunità di New York dal 16 al 20 settembre 2024. L'iniziativa, finanziata dagli azionisti, mira a creare un cambiamento duraturo e a rafforzare i legami con la comunità. I volontari parteciperanno a diverse attività, tra cui:

  • Riqualificazione di parchi e sentieri
  • Discussioni sulle carriere nell'energia pulita nelle scuole
  • Sostegno ai programmi contro l'insicurezza alimentare
  • Abbellimento di istituzioni no-profit e culturali
  • Assistenza a piccole imprese e famiglie locali

Il Progetto C, lanciato a settembre 2021, ha già avuto impatti significativi, supportando 183.000 piccole imprese, creando 1.100 partenariati comunitari e formando 6.000 lavoratori per il settore dell'energia pulita. L'azienda mira a raggiungere 500.000 ore di volontariato entro il 2030 come parte della sua Carta per un Business Responsabile.

La cuarta edición anual de la Semana de Servicio del Proyecto C de National Grid está a punto de comenzar, con más de 1.500 empleados ofreciendo su tiempo como voluntarios en comunidades de Nueva York del 16 al 20 de septiembre de 2024. La iniciativa, financiada por los accionistas, tiene como objetivo crear un cambio duradero y fortalecer los lazos comunitarios. Los voluntarios participarán en diversas actividades, incluyendo:

  • Revitalización de parques y senderos
  • Charlas sobre carreras de energía limpia en las escuelas
  • Apoyo a programas contra la inseguridad alimentaria
  • Embellecimiento de instituciones sin fines de lucro y culturales
  • Asistencia a pequeñas empresas y familias locales

El Proyecto C, lanzado en septiembre de 2021, ya ha tenido un impacto significativo, apoyando a 183.000 pequeñas empresas, creando 1.100 asociaciones comunitarias y capacitando a 6.000 trabajadores para el sector de energía limpia. La empresa tiene como objetivo alcanzar 500.000 horas de voluntariado para el 2030 como parte de su Carta de Negocios Responsables.

내셔널 그리드의 네 번째 연례 프로젝트 C 자원봉사 주간이 시작될 예정이며, 2024년 9월 16일부터 20일 사이에 1,500명 이상의 직원이 뉴욕 커뮤니티에서 자원봉사 활동에 참여합니다. 주주가 자금을 지원하는 이 이니셔티브는 지속 가능한 변화를 만들어내고 지역 사회의 유대관계를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 자원봉사자들은 다음과 같은 다양한 활동에 참여하게 됩니다:

  • 공원 및 트레일 재활성화
  • 학교에서 청정 에너지 경력에 대해 논의하기
  • 식량 불안 프로그램 지원
  • 비영리 및 문화 기관 미화
  • 소상공인 및 지역 가족 지원

2021년 9월에 시작된 프로젝트 C는 이미 183,000개의 지역 비즈니스를 지원하고, 1,100개의 지역 사회 파트너십을 형성하며, 6,000명의 근로자를 청정 에너지 부문에 교육하는 등 중요한 영향을 미쳤습니다. 회사는 책임 있는 비즈니스 헌장의 일환으로 2030년까지 500,000시간의 자원봉사 활동을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

La quatrième édition annuelle de la Semaine de Service du Projet C de National Grid est sur le point de commencer, avec plus de 1 500 employés bénévoles dans les communautés de New York du 16 au 20 septembre 2024. L'initiative, financée par les actionnaires, vise à créer un changement durable et à renforcer les liens communautaires. Les bénévoles s'engageront dans diverses activités, notamment :

  • Revitalisation des parcs et des sentiers
  • Discussions sur les carrières dans l'énergie propre dans les écoles
  • Soutien aux programmes contre l'insécurité alimentaire
  • Embellissement des institutions sans but lucratif et culturelles
  • Assistance aux petites entreprises et aux familles locales

Le Projet C, lancé en septembre 2021, a déjà eu des impacts significatifs, en soutenant 183 000 entreprises locales, en créant 1 100 partenariats communautaires et en formant 6 000 travailleurs pour le secteur de l'énergie propre. L'entreprise vise à atteindre 500 000 heures de bénévolat d'ici 2030 dans le cadre de sa Charte d'Entreprise Responsable.

Die vierte jährliche Projekt C Woche des Dienstes von National Grid steht vor der Tür, in der über 1.500 Mitarbeiter vom 16. bis 20. September 2024 in den Gemeinschaften von New York ehrenamtlich tätig sind. Die von den Aktionären finanzierte Initiative zielt darauf ab, nachhaltige Veränderungen zu schaffen und die Gemeinschaftsbindungen zu stärken. Die Freiwilligen werden sich an verschiedenen Aktivitäten beteiligen, darunter:

  • Belebung von Parks und Wegen
  • Diskussion über karriere im Bereich der sauberen Energie in Schulen
  • Unterstützung von Programmen gegen Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit
  • Verschönerung von gemeinnützigen und kulturellen Institutionen
  • Unterstützung von kleinen Unternehmen und lokalen Familien

Das 2021 im September gestartete Projekt C hat bereits bedeutende Auswirkungen erzielt, darunter die Unterstützung von 183.000 lokalen Unternehmen, die Schaffung von 1.100 Gemeinschaftspartnerschaften und die Ausbildung von 6.000 Arbeitskräften im Bereich der sauberen Energie. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2030 500.000 ehrenamtliche Stunden im Rahmen seiner Charta für verantwortungsbewusstes Wirtschaften zu erreichen.

  • None.
  • None.

Thousands of employees lend time and talent to local causes

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 1,500 National Grid employees will step away from their desks to volunteer with community organizations and schools as they celebrate the fourth anniversary of the company's Project C initiative. The annual Week of Service commemorates the kickoff of Project C, which aims to create meaningful, permanent change and strengthen relationships in the communities where the company's employees live and work.

"This week, we are reinforcing our commitment to our New York neighbors by working on local parks and trails, joining career and technical education classrooms to discuss clean energy career pathways, and helping organizations that address food insecurity," said Sally Librera, president, National Grid New York. "Project C Week of Service is a highlight week for our team, but serving the community is not a once-per-year activity for National Grid. Our employees are volunteers and leaders with local schools and organizations across our state, sharing their time, talent and passion all year long."

Project C, funded by National Grid's shareholders, supports people and communities in collaboration with local partners by revitalizing neighborhoods, investing in beautification programs for nonprofits, faith-based, arts and cultural institutions; supporting climate justice and social equity programs; and by assisting small businesses and local families. Due to its positive reception in neighborhoods across the state, and overwhelming support from partners and engagement of National Grid employee volunteers, the program expanded to a week of service in 2023. It is in addition to company employees' year-round volunteerism commitments that include service and leadership to nonprofit organizations and local communities.

Dedicated groups of National Grid employees have spent months planning and partnering with nonprofits, schools, community centers, parks and other groups to deliver the activities scheduled for Sept. 16 to Sept. 20.

In New York City: National Grid volunteers will host a Resource Fair in Bedford Stuyvesant with partners at Antioch Baptist Church, providing a Pop-Up Pantry with fresh food and produce, energy efficiency tips. and community resources. Volunteers will visit Brookville Park in Queens to paint structures, tend to gardens and remove debris in support of City Parks Foundation. Other beautification efforts will take place at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Brooklyn's Prospect Park with Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment as part of the Threes for Trees program to plant 100 saplings and remove evasive species and the Downtown Bayview corridor on Staten Island.  Volunteers will build and launch a floating garden bed made with recycled material and build storage shelves at the Reti Center in Red Hook, an education center that seeks to innovate waterfront communities and adapt to climate change. Employees will also prepare and deliver meals to homebound seniors served by Meals on Wheels.

On Long Island: National Grid volunteers will join the New York State Parks to cleanup Jones Beach State Park and prepare its facilities for winter. A team visiting United Veterans Beacon House in Bay Shore will be regrading and repaving the driveway, installing a new flagpole and other upgrades to improve the quality of life for the veteran residents. Colleagues also will participate a home build in Wyandanch with Habitat for Humanity Long Island, and a group will be restocking the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Ronkonkoma. Volunteers will beautify the grounds of the Cornell Cooperative Extension campus in Riverhead, North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center in Manhasset, Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown, and West Brook Pond with the Seatuck Environmental Association in Great River. 

Other employees will distributing fresh groceries and other health resources at our Pop Up Pantry & Resource Day at St. Paul A.M.E. Church in Rockville Centre, working with guide dogs for veterans at Smithtown's American's VetsDogs. The National Grid Ventures team and EAC Network will be spending time with seniors participating in activities and enjoying lunch. Employees will also be washing cars and the funds will be donated to the Safe Center LI.

In Eastern New York:  National Grid's annual career day at its Schenectady service center on Broadway will open its doors to hundreds of students from around the area, including BOCES, Girls Inc., Northern Rivers, Schenectady City School District, and Schenectady SEAT Center. Students will learn more about careers in electric and gas operations, engineering, community engagement and other fields, and get a close-up look at the equipment and expertise that make our work possible. A number of National Grid's municipal and public safety partners will also attend the event, giving students a view into career opportunities from a wide-range of fields.

Employees will assist staff at the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society to help with maintenance projects and sort returnable bottles and cans. Employees will also assist Comfort Food Communities picking vegetables for those having difficulties making ends meet in challenging times. Other groups will renovate the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center and beautify the Sharon Springs Cemetery.

In Central New York: Employees will join career and technical education classrooms at Syracuse City School District high schools to discuss career pathways in electric and gas operations, engineering and other areas. A group of more than 80 volunteers will spread out across the Onondaga Creekwalk to clear pathways, trim trees and make the trail more walkable and safe. National Grid volunteers also will help the Village of Canastota install accessibility equipment at the Spencer Street Pool and Playground to make both areas more inclusive to those with mobility issues.

Mohawk Valley employees will return to areas in the City of Rome that still bear scars from July's tornado. Groups will help clear remaining debris on North James Street and the Mohawk River trail. Teams of volunteers also will paint a pavilion at Lock 20 Canal Park in Marcy. A group of Northern New York employees will assist ReNew Bremen in the Town of New Bremen by cleaning up its sports fields, rail trail and playground, and laying down new mulch.

National Grid will also provide cooks and servers for the United Way of Oswego County's annual Stone Soup luncheon in Pulaski. This annual event collects nonperishable food items and raises funds to support Oswego County's food pantries.

In Western New York: Around 150 National Grid employees got a head start on the Week of Service on Sept. 11 by assisting with restoration of historic ships docked at Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park. National Grid specialists in welding and electrical work contributed their skills, while other volunteers scraped and painted boats moored near the Buffalo River.

On Sept. 17, a team of employees will visit Whispering River Animal Rescue in Gasport to help the charity build new stalls and living areas for abused and neglected farm animals in their care Volunteer groups will also perform cleanups and other beautification tasks at the Buffalo Zoo, Operation Warm Hearts in Olean, and Community Action of Orleans & Genesee.

Project C is National Grid's Community Commitment to: 

  • Build a better future by Connecting our communities to clean and sustainable energy.
  • Care for our neighborhoods and their revitalization.
  • Compassionately address the challenges our customers face, including environmental justice and social equity.
  • Create the workforce that will help build New York's clean energy delivery system.
  • Collaborate with our customers, partners, stakeholders and so many others to deliver the clean, fair, resilient, and affordable energy future.

Since launching Project C in September 2021, National Grid has supported 183,000 local businesses, launched 1,100 community partnerships, planted or donated 2,600 trees, trained 6,000 workers to grow the clean energy workforce, and adopted 60 parks to revitalize gathering spaces.

As part of the company's Responsible Business Charter, National Grid has committed to amassing 500,000 volunteer hours by 2030. In addition, across New York, the company contributes more than $5 million annually to community-based organizations through its Corporate Citizenship efforts, including the National Grid Foundation.

Along with volunteerism, Project C focuses on four key areas: clean energy and sustainability; workforce development; neighborhood investment and community engagement; and environmental justice and social equity. Learn more about National Grid's Project C initiative at

About National Grid

National Grid (NYSE: NGG) is an electricity, natural gas, and clean energy delivery company serving more than 20 million people through our networks in New York and Massachusetts. National Grid is focused on building a smarter, stronger, cleaner energy future — transforming our networks with more reliable and resilient energy solutions to meet state climate goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, please visit our website, follow us on Twitter, watch us on YouTube, like us on Facebook and find us on Instagram.

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When is National Grid's Project C Week of Service in 2024?

National Grid's fourth annual Project C Week of Service is scheduled for September 16 to September 20, 2024.

How many National Grid employees are expected to participate in the 2024 Week of Service?

More than 1,500 National Grid employees are expected to participate in the 2024 Week of Service.

What are the main focus areas of National Grid's Project C initiative?

Project C focuses on four key areas: clean energy and sustainability, workforce development, neighborhood investment and community engagement, and environmental justice and social equity.

How many local businesses has Project C supported since its launch in 2021?

Since launching in September 2021, Project C has supported 183,000 local businesses.

What is National Grid's volunteer hour goal for 2030 as part of their Responsible Business Charter?

National Grid has committed to amassing 500,000 volunteer hours by 2030 as part of their Responsible Business Charter.

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