John P. Connors, Jr. Named Chair of the Northfield Bank Foundation

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The Northfield Bank Foundation has announced John P. Connors, Jr. as the new Chair of its Board of Directors. Connors, an attorney practicing in New York, New Jersey, and D.C., has been a board member since 2008. He also serves on various other boards, including Northfield Bank and Notre Dame Academy.

Steven M. Klein, CEO of the Foundation, expressed gratitude for Connors' leadership. The outgoing Chair, Timothy C. Harrison, will continue serving on the board. During Harrison's five-year tenure, the Foundation granted approximately $4 million to 260 organizations across Staten Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey.

The Northfield Bank Foundation, established in 2007, supports non-profits in Northfield Bank's operational areas. Since its inception, it has issued over $11.4 million in grants focusing on education, health and human services, and youth programs.

La Fondazione Northfield Bank ha annunciato John P. Connors, Jr. come nuovo Presidente del suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Connors, un avvocato che esercita a New York, New Jersey e D.C., è membro del consiglio dal 2008. È anche membro di vari altri consigli, tra cui quello della Northfield Bank e dell'Academy Notre Dame.

Steven M. Klein, CEO della Fondazione, ha espresso gratitudine per la leadership di Connors. Il Presidente uscente, Timothy C. Harrison, continuerà a far parte del consiglio. Durante i cinque anni di mandato di Harrison, la Fondazione ha concesso circa 4 milioni di dollari a 260 organizzazioni nella Staten Island, Brooklyn e New Jersey.

La Fondazione Northfield Bank, fondata nel 2007, supporta le organizzazioni no-profit nelle aree operative della Northfield Bank. Dalla sua nascita, ha erogato oltre 11,4 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni concentrandosi su istruzione, salute e servizi umani, e programmi giovanili.

La Fundación Northfield Bank ha anunciado a John P. Connors, Jr. como el nuevo Presidente de su Junta Directiva. Connors, un abogado que ejerce en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y D.C., es miembro de la junta desde 2008. También forma parte de varias otras juntas, incluida la Northfield Bank y la Academia Notre Dame.

Steven M. Klein, CEO de la Fundación, expresó su agradecimiento por el liderazgo de Connors. El Presidente saliente, Timothy C. Harrison, continuará sirviendo en la junta. Durante los cinco años de mandato de Harrison, la Fundación otorgó aproximadamente 4 millones de dólares a 260 organizaciones en Staten Island, Brooklyn y Nueva Jersey.

La Fundación Northfield Bank, establecida en 2007, apoya a organizaciones sin fines de lucro en las áreas operativas de Northfield Bank. Desde su creación, ha otorgado más de 11,4 millones de dólares en subvenciones enfocándose en educación, salud y servicios humanos, y programas para jóvenes.

노스필드 은행 재단이 새로운 이사회의 의장으로 존 P. 코너스 주니어를 발표했습니다. 뉴욕, 뉴저지, D.C.에서 활동하는 변호사인 코너스는 2008년부터 이사로 재직 중입니다. 그는 노스필드 은행 및 노트르담 아카데미를 포함하여 여러 다른 이사회에서도 활동하고 있습니다.

재단의 CEO인 스티븐 M. 클라인은 코너스의 리더십에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다. 퇴임하는 의장인 티모시 C. 해리슨은 이사회에 계속 참여할 예정입니다. 해리슨의 5년 동안의 재임 기간 동안 재단은 스태튼 아일랜드, 브루클린, 뉴저지 전역에 약 400만 달러를 260개 기관에 지원했습니다.

2007년에 설립된 노스필드 은행 재단은 노스필드 은행의 운영 지역 내 비영리 단체를 지원합니다. 설립 이후 교육, 건강 및 인류 서비스, 청소년 프로그램에 중점을 두고 1140만 달러 이상의 보조금을 지급했습니다.

La Fondation Northfield Bank a annoncé John P. Connors, Jr. comme le nouveau Président de son Conseil d'Administration. Connors, un avocat exerçant à New York, New Jersey et D.C., est membre du conseil depuis 2008. Il siège également à d'autres conseils, y compris celui de la Northfield Bank et de l'Académie Notre Dame.

Steven M. Klein, PDG de la Fondation, a exprimé sa gratitude envers le leadership de Connors. Le Président sortant, Timothy C. Harrison, continuera à siéger au conseil. Au cours des cinq années de mandat de Harrison, la Fondation a accordé environ 4 millions de dollars à 260 organisations à Staten Island, Brooklyn et New Jersey.

La Fondation Northfield Bank, créée en 2007, soutient les organisations à but non lucratif dans les zones d'opération de la Northfield Bank. Depuis sa création, elle a distribué plus de 11,4 millions de dollars en subventions, en se concentrant sur l'éducation, la santé et les services sociaux, ainsi que sur les programmes pour les jeunes.

Die Northfield Bank Foundation hat John P. Connors, Jr. als neuen Vorsitzenden ihres Vorstands bekannt gegeben. Connors, ein Anwalt, der in New York, New Jersey und D.C. praktiziert, ist seit 2008 Mitglied des Vorstands. Er ist auch in mehreren anderen Gremien tätig, darunter die Northfield Bank und die Notre Dame Academy.

Steven M. Klein, CEO der Stiftung, äußerte Dank für Connors' Führung. Der scheidende Vorsitzende, Timothy C. Harrison, wird weiterhin im Vorstand tätig sein. Während Harrisons fünfjähriger Amtszeit hat die Stiftung etwa 4 Millionen Dollar an 260 Organisationen in Staten Island, Brooklyn und New Jersey vergeben.

Die Northfield Bank Foundation, die 2007 gegründet wurde, unterstützt gemeinnützige Organisationen in den Betriebsgebieten der Northfield Bank. Seit ihrer Gründung hat sie über 11,4 Millionen Dollar an Zuschüssen in den Bereichen Bildung, Gesundheits- und Sozialdienstleistungen sowie Jugendprogramme vergeben.

  • John P. Connors, Jr., with extensive community involvement, named as new Chair of the Foundation's Board of Directors
  • Foundation granted approximately $4 million to 260 organizations during the previous Chair's five-year tenure
  • Since 2007, the Foundation has issued over $11.4 million in grants to support community projects
  • None.

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Northfield Bank Foundation announced today that John P. Connors, Jr. has been named Chair of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Mr. Connors is an attorney admitted to practice in the State and Federal Courts in the States of New York and New Jersey and the District of Columbia, and has been a member of the Northfield Bank Foundation’s Board of Directors since 2008. Mr. Connors also serves as a director and former Lead Independent Director of Northfield Bank, trustee and board vice chair of Notre Dame Academy, member of the Georgetown University Alumni and Student Federal Credit Union and External Advisory Committee, and director and executive committee member of the Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden.

“John’s longstanding involvement in the community demonstrates his commitment to helping others and we are grateful for the leadership he will bring to the Foundation’s Board,” stated Steven M. Klein, Chief Executive Officer of the Northfield Bank Foundation. “I would also like to express the Board’s gratitude and appreciation to our outgoing Chair, Timothy C. Harrison, for his hard work and dedication to the mission of our Foundation.”

Timothy Harrison served as the Chair of the Northfield Bank Foundation Board of Directors for five years and will continue his service on the Board. During the five years under Mr. Harrison’s leadership, the Foundation issued approximately $4 million in grants to 260 organizations that positively impact communities throughout Staten Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey.

About the Northfield Bank Foundation
The Northfield Bank Foundation was founded in 2007 and supports not-for-profit groups, institutions, schools, and other organizations operating in the communities in which Northfield Bank does business - specifically Staten Island, Brooklyn and Central New Jersey.

Since its inception, the Foundation has issued grants in excess of $11.4 million to support projects focused on education, health and human services, and youth programs.

Diane Senerchia
Executive Director


Who is the new Chair of the Northfield Bank Foundation Board of Directors?

John P. Connors, Jr. has been named the new Chair of the Northfield Bank Foundation Board of Directors.

How much in grants did the Northfield Bank Foundation issue under Timothy C. Harrison's leadership?

During Timothy C. Harrison's five-year tenure as Chair, the Northfield Bank Foundation issued approximately $4 million in grants to 260 organizations.

What areas does the Northfield Bank Foundation support?

The Northfield Bank Foundation supports not-for-profit groups, institutions, schools, and other organizations in Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Central New Jersey, focusing on education, health and human services, and youth programs.

How much has the Northfield Bank Foundation granted since its inception in 2007?

Since its inception in 2007, the Northfield Bank Foundation has issued grants in excess of $11.4 million to support community projects.

Northfield Bancorp, Inc.


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Banks - Regional
Savings Institution, Federally Chartered
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