Natural Alternatives International and CarnoSyn® Brands Publish Clinical Research Demonstrating TriBsyn™ Delivering Exceptional Bioavailability, Increased Efficiency and Paresthesia Elimination
Natural Alternatives International (NAII) and CarnoSyn® Brands have published positive clinical trial results for TriBsyn™, their new encapsulated low-dose β-alanine complex. The study, published in Food Hydrocolloids for Health, demonstrated that TriBsyn™ achieved 4.5-fold higher plasma β-alanine levels compared to conventional β-alanine supplementation.
The randomized, double-blind study revealed that a 400mg dose of TriBsyn™ outperformed both 400mg and 1200mg doses of conventional beta-alanine. Notably, TriBsyn™ eliminated paresthesia, a common side effect, scoring 0.62 on the Visual Analogue Score compared to 2.02 and 4.01 for conventional doses.
The patent-pending formulation uses proprietary Hydro Oleo technology, enabling absorption through multiple pathways including direct cellular uptake and gastrointestinal routes. The product aims to improve muscle vitality, working capacity, and cognitive performance, targeting active aging populations, GLP-1 users, and those following plant-based diets.
Natural Alternatives International (NAII) e CarnoSyn® Brands hanno pubblicato risultati positivi di studi clinici per TriBsyn™, il loro nuovo complesso di β-alanina a bassa dose incapsulato. Lo studio, pubblicato su Food Hydrocolloids for Health, ha dimostrato che TriBsyn™ ha raggiunto livelli plasmatici di β-alanina 4,5 volte superiori rispetto alla supplementazione convenzionale di β-alanina.
Lo studio randomizzato in doppio cieco ha rivelato che una dose di 400mg di TriBsyn™ ha superato sia le dosi di 400mg che di 1200mg di β-alanina convenzionale. È importante notare che TriBsyn™ ha eliminato la parestesia, un effetto collaterale comune, ottenendo un punteggio di 0,62 sulla Scala Analogica Visiva rispetto a 2,02 e 4,01 per le dosi convenzionali.
La formulazione in attesa di brevetto utilizza una tecnologia proprietaria chiamata Hydro Oleo, che consente l'assorbimento attraverso molteplici vie, inclusi l'assorbimento cellulare diretto e le vie gastrointestinali. Il prodotto mira a migliorare la vitalità muscolare, la capacità di lavoro e le prestazioni cognitive, rivolgendosi a popolazioni attive in fase di invecchiamento, utenti di GLP-1 e coloro che seguono diete a base vegetale.
Natural Alternatives International (NAII) y CarnoSyn® Brands han publicado resultados positivos de ensayos clínicos para TriBsyn™, su nuevo complejo encapsulado de β-alanina en baja dosis. El estudio, publicado en Food Hydrocolloids for Health, demostró que TriBsyn™ alcanzó niveles plasmáticos de β-alanina 4.5 veces más altos en comparación con la suplementación convencional de β-alanina.
El estudio aleatorizado y doble ciego reveló que una dosis de 400mg de TriBsyn™ superó tanto las dosis de 400mg como de 1200mg de β-alanina convencional. Notablemente, TriBsyn™ eliminó la parestesia, un efecto secundario común, obteniendo una puntuación de 0.62 en la Escala Analógica Visual en comparación con 2.02 y 4.01 para las dosis convencionales.
La formulación pendiente de patente utiliza una tecnología propietaria llamada Hydro Oleo, que permite la absorción a través de múltiples vías, incluyendo la captación celular directa y las rutas gastrointestinales. El producto tiene como objetivo mejorar la vitalidad muscular, la capacidad de trabajo y el rendimiento cognitivo, dirigiéndose a poblaciones activas en envejecimiento, usuarios de GLP-1 y aquellos que siguen dietas basadas en plantas.
내추럴 얼터너티브스 인터내셔널 (NAII)와 카르노신® 브랜드는 트리브신™의 긍정적인 임상 시험 결과를 발표했습니다. 이는 그들의 새로운 캡슐화된 저용량 β-알라닌 복합체입니다. Food Hydrocolloids for Health에 발표된 이 연구는 트리브신™이 기존 β-알라닌 보충제에 비해 4.5배 높은 혈장 β-알라닌 수치를 달성했음을 보여주었습니다.
무작위 이중 맹검 연구 결과, 400mg의 트리브신™이 기존 β-알라닌의 400mg 및 1200mg 용량보다 우수한 성능을 보였습니다. 특히, 트리브신™은 일반적인 부작용인 감각이상(paresthesia)을 제거하여 비주얼 아날로그 스코어에서 0.62를 기록했으며, 이는 기존 용량의 2.02 및 4.01과 비교됩니다.
특허 출원 중인 이 제형은 독창적인 Hydro Oleo 기술을 사용하여 직접 세포 흡수 및 위장관 경로를 포함한 여러 경로를 통해 흡수가 가능합니다. 이 제품은 근육 활력, 작업 능력 및 인지 성능을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하며, 활동적인 노화 인구, GLP-1 사용자 및 식물 기반 식단을 따르는 사람들을 대상으로 합니다.
Natural Alternatives International (NAII) et CarnoSyn® Brands ont publié des résultats positifs d'essais cliniques pour TriBsyn™, leur nouveau complexe de β-alanine encapsulé à faible dose. L'étude, publiée dans Food Hydrocolloids for Health, a démontré que TriBsyn™ atteignait des niveaux plasmatiques de β-alanine 4,5 fois plus élevés par rapport à la supplémentation conventionnelle en β-alanine.
L'étude randomisée en double aveugle a révélé qu'une dose de 400mg de TriBsyn™ surpassait à la fois les doses de 400mg et de 1200mg de β-alanine conventionnelle. Il est à noter que TriBsyn™ a éliminé la paresthésie, un effet secondaire courant, avec un score de 0,62 sur l'échelle analogique visuelle, contre 2,02 et 4,01 pour les doses conventionnelles.
La formulation en attente de brevet utilise une technologie propriétaire appelée Hydro Oleo, permettant l'absorption par plusieurs voies, y compris l'absorption cellulaire directe et les voies gastro-intestinales. Le produit vise à améliorer la vitalité musculaire, la capacité de travail et les performances cognitives, en ciblant les populations vieillissantes actives, les utilisateurs de GLP-1 et ceux qui suivent des régimes à base de plantes.
Natural Alternatives International (NAII) und CarnoSyn® Brands haben positive Ergebnisse klinischer Studien für TriBsyn™, ihren neuen verkapselten Niedrigdosis-β-Alanin-Komplex, veröffentlicht. Die Studie, die in Food Hydrocolloids for Health veröffentlicht wurde, zeigte, dass TriBsyn™ 4,5-mal höhere Plasmaspiegel von β-Alanin im Vergleich zur herkömmlichen β-Alanin-Supplementierung erreichte.
Die randomisierte, doppelblinde Studie ergab, dass eine Dosis von 400mg TriBsyn™ sowohl die 400mg- als auch die 1200mg-Dosen von herkömmlichem β-Alanin übertraf. Auffällig ist, dass TriBsyn™ die Paresthesie, eine häufige Nebenwirkung, beseitigte und einen Wert von 0,62 auf der visuellen Analogskala erzielte, verglichen mit 2,02 und 4,01 für herkömmliche Dosen.
Die patentierte Formulierung verwendet eine proprietäre Hydro Oleo-Technologie, die die Absorption über mehrere Wege ermöglicht, einschließlich der direkten Zellaufnahme und der gastrointestinalen Routen. Das Produkt zielt darauf ab, die MuskelVitalität, die Arbeitskapazität und die kognitiven Leistungen zu verbessern und richtet sich an aktive ältere Menschen, GLP-1-Nutzer und Personen, die pflanzenbasierte Diäten einhalten.
- Clinical trial proves superior efficacy of new TriBsyn™ product
- 4.5x higher bioavailability vs conventional beta-alanine
- Patent-pending technology eliminates side effects
- Effective at lower doses (400mg vs 1200mg)
- None.
Natural Alternatives International's announcement of positive clinical trial results for TriBsyn™ represents a significant product advancement that could strengthen the company's market position in the nutritional supplements sector. The clinical validation published in a peer-reviewed journal establishes scientific credibility for NAI's proprietary Hydro Oleo technology, potentially creating a competitive moat through patent protection.
The demonstrated 4.5-fold increase in bioavailability compared to conventional beta-alanine products is particularly noteworthy as it enables effective supplementation at lower doses—a key differentiator that could drive premium pricing and improved margins. More importantly, the elimination of paresthesia (the tingling sensation typically associated with beta-alanine) addresses a major consumer pain point that has historically product adherence and repeat purchases.
NAI appears strategically positioned to target multiple growing market segments with this innovation, including the lucrative active aging demographic, the rapidly expanding GLP-1 user base (which needs nutritional support during weight loss), and the growing plant-based consumer segment. This multi-market approach could drive revenue diversification and reduce segment-specific risks.
The timing of this announcement suggests NAI is reinforcing its innovation pipeline to investors while demonstrating its ability to develop scientifically validated premium ingredients—critical for a smaller player competing against larger supplement manufacturers. Investors should monitor whether this translates to improved sales performance in upcoming quarters or potential licensing opportunities for the proprietary technology.
The clinical validation of TriBsyn™ represents a meaningful scientific advancement in beta-alanine supplementation. Beta-alanine's primary function is increasing muscle carnosine levels, which buffers lactic acid buildup during exercise—but its effectiveness has been consistently by the paresthesia side effect that discourages consistent usage.
What makes these results particularly significant is the dual improvement achieved: substantially higher bioavailability (4.5-fold increase) while simultaneously eliminating the limiting side effect. This is rare in supplement development, where improvements in potency typically exacerbate side effects rather than eliminate them.
The study design follows proper scientific methodology—randomized, double-blind, crossover—with both subjective (Visual Analogue Score) and objective measurements. The VAS score of 0.62 for TriBsyn™ versus 4.01 for high-dose conventional beta-alanine clearly quantifies the user experience improvement. This could dramatically increase consumer compliance and long-term supplementation success.
NAI's targeting of specific demographics is scientifically sound. The active aging population experiences natural carnosine depletion; GLP-1 users often lose muscle mass during rapid weight loss; and plant-based dieters typically consume less beta-alanine from food sources. The encapsulation technology enabling "multiple absorption pathways" suggests improved cellular uptake efficiency, which could make the supplement more effective even at the reduced 400mg dosage.
The publication in Food Hydrocolloids for Health, while not among the highest-impact journals, still provides peer-reviewed validation that exceeds the minimal regulatory requirements for supplement claims, potentially allowing for stronger marketing positions and clinical applications.
CARLSBAD, Calif., March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Natural Alternatives International, Inc. (NAI) and CarnoSyn® Brands today announced the publication of positive clinical trial results in the journal Food Hydrocolloids for Health showing that TriBsyn™ supplementation led to significantly greater bioavailability and efficiency of beta-alanine along with the elimination of paresthesia, a common beta-alanine side effect.
Study Highlights:
- TriBsyn™ is an encapsulated low-dose β-alanine complex.
- TriBsyn™ increased plasma β-alanine 4.5-fold compared to conventional β-alanine.
- TriBsyn™ achieved high plasma concentrations without the sensation of paresthesia.
TriBsyn™ is a carnosine booster derived from CarnoSyn® beta-alanine and formulated using proprietary Hydro Oleo technology. This patent-pending formulation provides higher bioavailability and higher potency, enabling efficacious dosages at lower volumes while effectively eliminating paresthesia. The advanced formulation enables absorption through multiple pathways, including direct cellular uptake and traditional gastrointestinal routes, allowing for superior delivery at both the cellular and systemic levels. Adequate availability of beta-alanine is critical for maintaining muscle and promoting cognitive well-being. Efficacious doses of beta-alanine are often associated with harmless but generally uncomfortable symptoms of paresthesia, discouraging adherence to supplementation.
This study aimed to evaluate the bioavailability, pharmacokinetics, and tolerability of a 400 mg Hydro Oleo encapsulated beta-alanine complex (TriBsyn™) specifically designed to reduce paresthesia. A randomized, double-blind, single-dose, three-treatment, three-way crossover oral bioavailability study was conducted in healthy older adults under fasting conditions. The study compared TriBsyn™ with low (400 mg) and high (1200 mg) doses of conventional beta-alanine. TriBsyn™ (400 mg) achieved a nearly 4.5-fold and 1.3-fold increase in circulating beta-alanine plasma concentrations compared to 400 mg and 1200 mg of conventional beta-alanine, respectively.
Using metrics such as the Visual Analogue Score (VAS) and Qualitative Light Symptoms Inventory (QLSI), sensory side effects were assessed. No paresthesia or adverse effects were reported in the TriBsyn™ group, while the conventional beta-alanine groups exhibited increasing paresthesia with dose. TriBsyn™ (400 mg beta-alanine) recorded a VAS score of 0.62 (indicating almost absent symptoms), whereas conventional β-alanine (400 mg) and conventional β-alanine (1200 mg) scored 2.02 and 4.01 respectively. These results highlight the reduced sensory discomfort in the TriBsyn™ group, despite its higher bioavailability.
“The TriBsyn™ clinical trial results clearly showed the elimination of paresthesia and an increased pharmacokinetic efficiency, confirming enhanced delivery and exceptional bioavailability,” said Ken Wolf, President and COO of Natural Alternatives International. “With its advanced Hydro Oleo technology and carnosine-boosting effects, TriBsyn™ provides scientifically proven claims to improve muscle vitality, muscle working capacity, and cognitive performance. It truly sets a new standard in beta-alanine supplementation and helps fill the gap for healthy aging and wellness solutions—especially for the active aging population, GLP-1 users, and those with plant-based diets.”
About CarnoSyn® Brands:
CarnoSyn® Brands features three clinically studied, patented and patent pending ingredients available exclusively from Natural Alternatives International, Inc.: CarnoSyn® instant release beta-alanine powder, SR CarnoSyn® sustained release beta-alanine tablets, and TriBsyn™ powder. In 2019, CarnoSyn® beta-alanine successfully obtained NDI status from the FDA and received Self-Affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status. SR CarnoSyn®, an advanced delivery form of CarnoSyn®, received GRAS affirmation in 2017. The new “paresthesia-free” TriBsyn™ powder allows NAI to broaden their product offerings within the dietary supplement category, medical food and other fortified food products. To learn more about CarnoSyn® and SR CarnoSyn® in sports nutrition and wellness, visit and For more information about our latest innovation, TriBsyn™, visit
About NAI:
NAI, headquartered in Carlsbad, California, is a leading formulator, manufacturer and marketer of nutritional supplements and provides strategic partnering services to its customers. NAI’s comprehensive partnership approach offers a wide range of innovative nutritional products and services to clients including scientific research, proprietary ingredients, customer-specific nutritional product formulation, product testing and evaluation, marketing management and support, packaging and delivery system design, regulatory review, and international product registration assistance. For more information about NAI, please visit