MicroVision Strengthens Financial Position, Securing $75 Million in Capital Commitments

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MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS) has secured a $75 million senior secured convertible note facility with High Trail Capital, strengthening its financial position. The two-year facility includes an initial $45 million tranche and an optional $30 million future tranche. CEO Sumit Sharma highlighted potential revenue opportunities for 2025 and beyond, focusing on industrial customers and automotive OEMs. CFO Anubhav Verma emphasized the company's improved cash position, with approximately $81 million in cash and cash equivalents expected after the first tranche, and access to an additional $153 million in capital. The convertible notes, issued with an 8% original issue discount, generally convert to common stock at $1.596 per share and mature on October 1, 2026.

MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS) ha ottenuto una linea di finanziamento convertibile garantita senior da 75 milioni di dollari con High Trail Capital, rafforzando la sua posizione finanziaria. La linea di finanziamento di due anni include un primo tranche di 45 milioni di dollari e un tranche futuro opzionale di 30 milioni di dollari. Il CEO Sumit Sharma ha sottolineato le potenziali opportunità di reddito per il 2025 e oltre, concentrandosi su clienti industriali e OEM automobilistici. Il CFO Anubhav Verma ha evidenziato il miglioramento della posizione di cassa dell'azienda, con circa 81 milioni di dollari in contanti e equivalenti di cassa previsti dopo il primo tranche, e l'accesso a ulteriori 153 milioni di dollari di capitale. Le note convertibili, emesse con uno sconto originale del 8%, si convertono generalmente in azioni ordinarie a 1,596 dollari per azione e scadono il 1° ottobre 2026.

MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS) ha asegurado una línea de notas convertibles garantizadas senior de 75 millones de dólares con High Trail Capital, fortaleciendo su posición financiera. La instalación de dos años incluye un tranche inicial de 45 millones de dólares y un tranche futuro opcional de 30 millones de dólares. El CEO Sumit Sharma destacó las oportunidades de ingresos potenciales para 2025 y más allá, enfocándose en clientes industriales y OEM automotrices. El CFO Anubhav Verma enfatizó la mejora en la posición de efectivo de la compañía, con aproximadamente 81 millones de dólares en efectivo y equivalentes de efectivo que se esperan tras el primer tranche, y acceso a 153 millones de dólares adicionales en capital. Las notas convertibles, emitidas con un descuento de emisión original del 8%, generalmente se convierten en acciones comunes a 1,596 dólares por acción y vencen el 1 de octubre de 2026.

MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS)는 High Trail Capital와 7500만 달러의 선순위 확정 전환 사채 시설을 확보했습니다, 재무 상태를 강화하는 효과가 있습니다. 이 2년 만기의 시설은 초기 4500만 달러의 트랜치와 선택적 3000만 달러의 미래 트랜치를 포함합니다. CEO Sumit Sharma는 2025년 이후의 수익 기회를 강조하며 산업 고객과 자동차 OEM에 초점을 맞췄습니다. CFO Anubhav Verma는 회사의 현금 상태가 개선되었음을 강조하며, 첫 번째 트랜치 이후 약 8100만 달러의 현금 및 현금성 자산이 예상되며, 추가로 1억5300만 달러의 자본에 접근할 수 있다고 밝혔습니다. 전환 사채는 8%의 원금 할인으로 발행되며, 일반적으로 주당 1.596달러에 보통주로 전환되며, 2026년 10월 1일에 만료됩니다.

MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS) a sécurisé une ligne de billets convertibles garantis senior de 75 millions de dollars avec High Trail Capital, renforçant sa position financière. Cette facilité d'une durée de deux ans comprend une première tranche de 45 millions de dollars et une tranche future optionnelle de 30 millions de dollars. Le PDG Sumit Sharma a souligné les opportunités de revenus potentielles pour 2025 et au-delà, en se concentrant sur les clients industriels et les OEM automobiles. Le CFO Anubhav Verma a souligné l'amélioration de la position de liquidité de l'entreprise, avec environ 81 millions de dollars en espèces et en équivalents de liquidité prévus après la première tranche, et l'accès à 153 millions de dollars supplémentaires en capital. Les billets convertibles, émis avec une remise d'émission originale de 8%, se convertissent généralement en actions ordinaires à 1,596 dollars par action et arrivant à échéance le 1er octobre 2026.

MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS) hat eine gesicherte senior wandelbare Schuldverschreibungseinrichtung über 75 Millionen US-Dollar mit High Trail Capital gesichert, was ihre finanzielle Position stärkt. Die zweijährige Einrichtung umfasst eine Anfangsrate von 45 Millionen US-Dollar und eine optionale zukünftige Rate von 30 Millionen US-Dollar. CEO Sumit Sharma hob potenzielle Einnahmechancen für 2025 und darüber hinaus hervor und konzentrierte sich auf industrielle Kunden und Automobilhersteller. CFO Anubhav Verma betonte die verbesserte Cash-Position des Unternehmens, mit circa 81 Millionen US-Dollar in bar und baräquivalenten, die nach der ersten Tranche zu erwarten sind, sowie Zugang zu weiteren 153 Millionen US-Dollar an Kapital. Die wandelbaren Anleihen, die mit einem ursprünglichen Emissionsabschlag von 8% ausgegeben wurden, wandeln sich normalerweise zu Stammaktien zu 1,596 US-Dollar pro Aktie und laufen am 1. Oktober 2026 aus.

  • Secured $75 million in capital commitments, strengthening financial position
  • Potential for significant recurring revenues in 2025 from industrial customers
  • Engaged in seven high-volume RFQs with global automotive OEMs
  • Extended cash runway through 2026
  • Improved cash burn sequentially for the first three quarters of 2024
  • Access to approximately $153 million of additional capital
  • No capital raised in Q3 2024 through existing ATM program
  • Convertible notes issued with 8% original issue discount
  • Potential dilution for existing shareholders due to convertible notes


This financing deal significantly bolsters MicroVision's financial position, providing $75 million in capital commitments. The initial $45 million tranche immediately strengthens their balance sheet, extending their cash runway through 2026. This financial cushion is important as they pursue revenue opportunities in the industrial sector and continue engagement with automotive OEMs.

The convertible note structure offers flexibility, with a 8% original issue discount and a $1.596 per share conversion price. The company's ability to force conversion if the stock price reaches 150% of the conversion price for 20 consecutive trading days provides potential upside.

However, investors should note the dilution risk and the repayment terms starting January 2025 if not converted. The 110% repayment of face value adds to the cost of capital. Overall, this deal provides MicroVision with much-needed financial stability to pursue growth opportunities, but comes at the cost of potential future dilution.

MicroVision's strategic pivot towards industrial applications, particularly in heavy equipment, represents a significant shift in their near-term revenue strategy. While they remain engaged in automotive RFQs, the focus on industrial MOVIA L technology for 2025 revenue is a pragmatic approach given the longer timelines in automotive adoption.

The company's claim of being a "frontrunner" in automotive OEM solutions with their MAVIN and MOVIA S products is bold, but the lack of concrete orders or partnerships announced suggests caution. Their multifaceted approach, targeting both industrial and automotive sectors, could provide diversification but also risks spreading resources thin.

The emphasis on integrated lidar hardware and software solutions aligns with industry trends towards comprehensive ADAS packages. However, competition in this space is intense and MicroVision will need to demonstrate clear technological advantages and secure significant partnerships to justify their optimistic outlook.

REDMOND, WA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS), a leader in MEMS-based solid-state automotive lidar and ADAS solutions, today announced that it has strengthened its financial position by closing on a two-year $75 million senior secured convertible note facility with High Trail Capital.

"We are excited to announce this financing, which comes at an ideal time for MicroVision as we work toward securing additional revenue opportunities for 2025 and beyond with our integrated lidar hardware and software solution by advancing potential partnerships with multiple leading industrial customers in the heavy equipment segment," said Sumit Sharma, Chief Executive Officer. "This is a very exciting time as we gear up to start a new chapter at MicroVision and focus on volume ramp of our industrial MOVIA L technology solution. We appreciate this opportunity to secure funding and build a relationship with High Trail as a strong financial partner."

Continued Sharma, "With our MAVIN and MOVIA S products, we remain actively engaged with global automotive OEMs in seven high-volume RFQs and custom development explorations for future passenger vehicle programs. With the size, power, and specifications of our lidar, combined with our integrated perception software, I believe we remain the solution frontrunner with automotive OEMs. Given automotive OEMs' latest start-of-production timelines, the opportunity to ramp up significant recurring revenues in 2025 with our industrial customers puts MicroVision in the best position in the marketplace. We remain the only multifaceted company with potential for significant revenues from industrial starting now with much higher volume automotive revenues in the coming years."

"We are pleased to have secured attractive financing for MicroVision, having engaged in a competitive selection process while remaining attuned to recent dynamics in the automotive industry and lidar sector," said Anubhav Verma, Chief Financial Officer. "The new convertible debt facility provides flexibility and a compelling overall cost of capital to MicroVision. We believe that having a strong balance sheet and a new strategic financing partner helps to competitively position the Company in today's marketplace. With this new financing from a well-regarded institution, we have embarked on a new phase of MicroVision's journey and we believe that the Company is positioned to capitalize on current opportunities in the U.S. and European lidar markets."

Continued Verma, "We continue to remain disciplined with our existing ATM program with no capital raised in the third quarter 2024. Our cash burn has steadily improved sequentially for the first three quarters of 2024. The closing of this financing not only extends our runway through 2026, but also provides more flexibility to opportunistically raise equity capital through the ATM program. We ended the third quarter with $43 million in cash and cash equivalents and, after giving effect to the net proceeds from the first $45 million tranche of the financing transaction, we expect to have approximately $81 million in cash and cash equivalents. Additionally, the Company has access to approximately $153 million of additional capital, including $123 million under our existing ATM and the $30 million remaining commitment pursuant to the convertible debt facility. Now, with a stronger balance sheet and financial partner, we believe we are very well positioned to win customers and build long-term value for our shareholders."

Key Terms of the Convertible Notes
The securities purchase agreement executed on October 14, 2024 provides for, upon closing, the sale from MicroVision to note holders of $45 million in senior secured convertible notes and provides for, at subsequent closings, the future sale, at the Company's option and subject to certain conditions, including that MicroVision has an effective resale registration statement on file for all shares underlying the Notes purchased at the initial closing and a requirement to seek stockholder approval, of up to an additional $30 million of senior secured convertible notes (collectively, the "Notes"). The Notes were issued with an original issue discount of 8%, generally convert to common stock at $1.596 per share, and will mature on October 1, 2026. Subject to certain conditions, the Company has the right to convert the Notes at any time if the closing sale price of the Company's common stock has been equal to at least 150% of the conversion price for the last 20 consecutive trading days. The Company has agreed to customary registration rights with respect to the resale of any shares of common stock issued upon conversion. If not converted, the Notes must be repaid at 110% of the face amount, with partial repayments beginning, at the option of the note holder, on January 1, 2025. The closing of the transaction remains subject to customary closing conditions.

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of any securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction.

Additional information, including the full terms of the financing transaction, is available in the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by MicroVision with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

WestPark Capital, Inc. and EF Hutton LLC acted as co-lead agents for the transaction.

About MicroVision
With offices in the U.S. and Germany, MicroVision is a pioneering company in MEMS-based laser beam scanning technology that integrates MEMS, lasers, optics, hardware, algorithms and machine learning software into its proprietary technology to address existing and emerging markets. The Company's integrated approach uses its proprietary technology to provide automotive lidar sensors and solutions for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and for non-automotive applications including industrial, smart infrastructure and robotics. The Company has been leveraging its experience building augmented reality micro-display engines, interactive display modules, and consumer lidar modules.

For more information, visit the Company's website at, on Facebook at, and LinkedIn at

MicroVision, MAVIN, MOSAIK, and MOVIA are trademarks of MicroVision, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this release, including expected benefits and closing of financing transaction; customer engagement and the likelihood of success; opportunities for revenue and cash; market position; product volumes, performance and capabilities; and expected revenue, expenses and cash usage are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in such forward-looking statements include the risk its ability to operate with limited cash or to raise additional capital when needed; market acceptance of its technologies and products or for products incorporating its technologies; the failure of its commercial partners to perform as expected under its agreements; its financial and technical resources relative to those of its competitors; its ability to keep up with rapid technological change; government regulation of its technologies; its ability to enforce its intellectual property rights and protect its proprietary technologies; the ability to obtain customers and develop partnership opportunities; the timing of commercial product launches and delays in product development; the ability to achieve key technical milestones in key products; dependence on third parties to develop, manufacture, sell and market its products; potential product liability claims; its ability to maintain its listing on The Nasdaq Stock Market, and other risk factors identified from time to time in the Company's SEC reports, including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other reports filed with the SEC. These factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the general or specific factors that may affect the Company. It should be recognized that other factors, including general economic factors and business strategies, may be significant, now or in the future, and the factors set forth in this release may affect the Company to a greater extent than indicated. Except as expressly required by federal securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in circumstances or any other reason.

Investor Relations Contact
Jeff Christensen
Darrow Associates Investor Relations

Media Contact

SOURCE: MicroVision, Inc.

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What is the size of MicroVision's (MVIS) new convertible note facility?

MicroVision (MVIS) has secured a $75 million senior secured convertible note facility with High Trail Capital.

What is the conversion price for MicroVision's (MVIS) new convertible notes?

The convertible notes for MicroVision (MVIS) generally convert to common stock at $1.596 per share.

When do MicroVision's (MVIS) new convertible notes mature?

MicroVision's (MVIS) new convertible notes will mature on October 1, 2026.

How much cash does MicroVision (MVIS) expect to have after the first tranche of financing?

MicroVision (MVIS) expects to have approximately $81 million in cash and cash equivalents after the first $45 million tranche of financing.

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Scientific & Technical Instruments
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