Mobiquity Technologies Partners with Context Networks to Transform Slot Machine Advertising in Casinos

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ) has partnered with Context Networks to revolutionize advertising in casinos, starting with slot machines. This collaboration combines Mobiquity's contextual targeting capabilities with Context Networks' blockchain and AI technologies to tap into the vast, underutilized advertising potential of the casino industry.

Key highlights:

  • Adfuel joins as a key demand partner, gaining exclusive access to a Private Marketplace for casinos
  • The partnership aims to deliver personalized, relevant ads to casino players at the point of play
  • Blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent ad transactions
  • AI enhances audience segmentation and targeting
  • Initial focus on slot machines, with plans to expand to other gaming segments

This innovative approach is expected to create new revenue streams for casinos and provide advertisers with a unique channel to reach valuable consumers.

Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ) ha collaborato con Context Networks per rivoluzionare la pubblicità nei casinò, partendo dalle slot machine. Questa collaborazione unisce le capacità di targeting contestuale di Mobiquity con le tecnologie blockchain e AI di Context Networks per sfruttare il vasto potenziale pubblicitario ancora poco utilizzato dell'industria dei casinò.

Principali punti salienti:

  • Adfuel si unisce come partner di domanda chiave, ottenendo accesso esclusivo a un Marketplace Privato per i casinò
  • La partnership mira a fornire annunci personalizzati e pertinenti ai giocatori di casinò nel momento di gioco
  • La tecnologia blockchain garantisce transazioni pubblicitarie sicure e trasparenti
  • L'AI migliora la segmentazione e il targeting del pubblico
  • Focalizzazione iniziale sulle slot machine, con piani di espansione in altri segmenti di gioco

Questo approccio innovativo si prevede creerà nuove fonti di reddito per i casinò e fornirà agli inserzionisti un canale unico per raggiungere consumatori di grande valore.

Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ) se ha asociado con Context Networks para revolucionar la publicidad en los casinos, comenzando por las máquinas tragamonedas. Esta colaboración combina las capacidades de segmentación contextual de Mobiquity con las tecnologías blockchain y de IA de Context Networks para aprovechar el vasto potencial publicitario no utilizado de la industria del casino.

Destacados clave:

  • Adfuel se une como un socio clave de demanda, obteniendo acceso exclusivo a un Marketplace Privado para casinos
  • La asociación tiene como objetivo ofrecer anuncios personalizados y relevantes a los jugadores de casino en el momento de juego
  • La tecnología blockchain asegura transacciones publicitarias seguras y transparentes
  • La IA mejora la segmentación y el targeting de la audiencia
  • Enfoque inicial en las máquinas tragamonedas, con planes de expansión a otros segmentos de juego

Se espera que este enfoque innovador cree nuevas fuentes de ingresos para los casinos y proporcione a los anunciantes un canal único para llegar a consumidores valiosos.

Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ)는 Context Networks와 협력하여 카지노에서의 광고를 혁신하고 있으며, 슬롯 머신을 시작으로 하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 Mobiquity의 컨텍스트 타겟팅 기능과 Context Networks의 블록체인 및 AI 기술을 결합하여 카지노 산업의 방대한 광고 잠재력을 활용하고자 합니다.

주요 내용:

  • Adfuel은 주요 수요 파트너로 참여하여 카지노를 위한 프라이빗 마켓플레이스에 독점 접근 권한을 얻습니다
  • 파트너십의 목표는 게임 중인 카지노 플레이어에게 개인화되고 관련성 높은 광고를 제공하는 것입니다
  • 블록체인 기술은 안전하고 투명한 광고 거래를 보장합니다
  • AI는 청중 세분화 및 타겟팅을 향상시킵니다
  • 초기 초점은 슬롯 머신에 맞춰져 있으며, 다른 게임 세그먼트로의 확장을 계획하고 있습니다

이 혁신적인 접근 방식은 카지노에 새로운 수익원을 창출하고 광고주에게 귀중한 소비자에게 접근할 수 있는 독특한 채널을 제공할 것으로 예상됩니다.

Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ) s'est associé à Context Networks pour révolutionner la publicité dans les casinos, en commençant par les machines à sous. Cette collaboration associe les capacités de ciblage contextuel de Mobiquity aux technologies blockchain et IA de Context Networks pour exploiter le vaste potentiel publicitaire sous-utilisé de l'industrie des casinos.

Points clés :

  • Adfuel rejoint en tant que partenaire clé de demande, obtenant un accès exclusif à un Marché Privé pour les casinos
  • Le partenariat vise à offrir des annonces personnalisées et pertinentes aux joueurs de casino au moment du jeu
  • La technologie blockchain assure des transactions publicitaires sécurisées et transparentes
  • L'IA améliore la segmentation et le ciblage des audiences
  • Focalisation initiale sur les machines à sous, avec des plans d'expansion vers d'autres segments de jeux

Cette approche innovante devrait créer de nouvelles sources de revenus pour les casinos et offrir aux annonceurs un canal unique pour atteindre des consommateurs précieux.

Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ) hat sich mit Context Networks zusammengeschlossen, um die Werbung in Casinos zu revolutionieren, beginnend mit Spielautomaten. Diese Zusammenarbeit kombiniert Mobiquitys kontextuelle Zielgruppentechnologien mit den Blockchain- und KI-Technologien von Context Networks, um das enorme, ungenutzte Werbepotenzial der Casino-Industrie zu erschließen.

Wichtige Highlights:

  • Adfuel tritt als wichtiger Nachfragepartner bei und erhält exklusiven Zugang zu einem privaten Marktplatz für Casinos
  • Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, personalisierte und relevante Anzeigen für Casino-Spieler im Spielmoment bereitzustellen
  • Blockchain-Technologie gewährleistet sichere und transparente Anzeigen-Transaktionen
  • KI verbessert die Zielgruppensegmentierung und das Targeting
  • Erster Fokus auf Spielautomaten, mit Plänen zur Ausweitung auf andere Spielsegmente

Dieser innovative Ansatz wird voraussichtlich neue Einnahmequellen für Casinos schaffen und Werbetreibenden einen einzigartigen Kanal bieten, um wertvolle Verbraucher zu erreichen.

  • Partnership with Context Networks opens up a new advertising channel in the lucrative casino industry
  • Potential for significant non-gaming revenue stream for casinos
  • Exclusive access to a Private Marketplace for Adfuel, enhancing advertising opportunities
  • Integration of blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent ad transactions
  • AI-driven audience segmentation and targeting capabilities
  • None.

This partnership between Mobiquity Technologies and Context Networks represents a significant opportunity in the untapped casino advertising market. The collaboration aims to monetize slot machine screens, potentially creating a new revenue stream for casinos and advertisers. While specific financial projections aren't provided, the scale of the casino industry suggests substantial potential. However, investors should note that Mobiquity Technologies (OTC: MOBQ) is an over-the-counter stock, which often carries higher risk. The partnership's success will depend on casino adoption rates and advertiser interest, which remain uncertain. Key metrics to watch include implementation timelines, initial casino partnerships and early revenue figures from this new advertising channel.

The integration of blockchain and AI technologies in this advertising solution is innovative and addresses critical issues in digital advertising. Blockchain can enhance transparency and security in ad transactions, potentially reducing fraud - a significant problem in digital advertising. AI-driven targeting could improve ad relevance and effectiveness. However, the technical challenges of implementing these technologies in a casino environment shouldn't be underestimated. Factors like network connectivity, hardware compatibility and data privacy regulations could impact rollout speed and effectiveness. The scalability of this solution to other gaming platforms, as mentioned, will be important for long-term success and could open up even larger markets beyond traditional casinos.

This partnership taps into a unique and potentially lucrative market. Casinos offer a captive audience with high disposable income, making them attractive to advertisers. The ability to deliver targeted ads at the point of play could significantly increase engagement rates. However, the success of this venture will largely depend on user acceptance and regulatory compliance. There may be concerns about how advertising affects the gaming experience and regulations around gambling advertising vary widely. The exclusive PMP arrangement with Adfuel is strategically smart, potentially driving demand and setting premium pricing. As this is a novel advertising channel, early performance metrics will be important in determining its long-term viability and attractiveness to major advertisers.

NEW YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mobiquity Technologies, Inc. (OTC: MOBQ), a leading provider of next-generation data intelligence and advertising technology solutions, proudly announces a strategic partnership with Context Networks, Inc., a leading programmatic advertising platform leveraging private blockchain technology for the global gaming industry. This collaboration aims to harness the unrealized potential within the casino gaming sector by introducing innovative advertising solutions for slot machines, combining Mobiquity's advanced contextual targeting capabilities with Context Networks' robust blockchain and AI technologies.

The casino industry is a vast market with significant untapped advertising potential. With billions of dollars in revenue and a diverse, highly engaged audience, casinos present a unique opportunity for advertisers to connect with valuable consumers. Context Networks’ patented solution unlocks this exclusive casino channel, enabling programmatic advertising and campaigns for the first time. Now, casinos can capitalize on a substantial non-gaming revenue stream by leveraging their existing gaming machines.

Through this partnership, Mobiquity Technologies and Context Networks aim to transform how advertising is conducted within casinos. By leveraging Mobiquity's advanced contextual targeting capabilities, advertisers can deliver personalized and relevant ads to casino players at the point of play, enhancing their overall experience. Context Networks' private blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are secure and transparent, fostering trust between advertisers and casino operators.

Dean Julia, CEO of Mobiquity Technologies, stated, "We are thrilled to partner with Context Networks to bring a new dimension of advertising to casinos, starting with slot machines. The scale and reach of this segment present an enormous opportunity for targeted and engaging advertising campaigns. Our technology will enable precise audience targeting, ensuring that ads are relevant and impactful, ultimately driving higher engagement and ROI for our clients."

Adfuel, under the leadership of CEO Dan Pasco, has joined this collaboration as a key demand partner. Through this partnership, Adfuel will gain exclusive access to a Private Marketplace (PMP) designed specifically for casinos, providing Adfuel with first-look and priority access to Context Networks' extensive inventory. This unique arrangement allows Adfuel to optimize premium advertising opportunities, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of their campaigns and elevating overall advertiser satisfaction.

Dan Pasco expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "The priority access to Context Networks' inventory via a dedicated PMP is a significant advantage for us. This exclusive access empowers us to deliver unparalleled value to our advertisers, ensuring their campaigns connect with the right audiences in the most impactful way possible."

Integrating blockchain and AI technologies can revolutionize advertising in the largely untapped casino market. Blockchain ensures secure, transparent ad transactions, eliminating fraud and guaranteeing that advertisers get what they pay for. AI enhances audience segmentation and targeting, helping advertisers deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.

By combining these technologies, Mobiquity Technologies and Context Networks can create powerful digital advertising campaigns that drive greater casino patron engagement, boost brand awareness, and ultimately increase revenue for casino operators.

Matthew Olden, Founder and CEO of Context Networks, added, "This partnership with Mobiquity Technologies is a significant milestone for Context Networks. By integrating Mobiquity's cutting-edge advertising technology with our programmatic platform, we can offer unparalleled advertising solutions to our casino clients. Using blockchain and AI will provide transparency, security, and efficiency, creating a seamless and trustworthy advertising ecosystem for slot machines in casinos."

While this partnership's initial focus is on slot machines in casinos, the plan is to eventually extend to other gaming segments, including digital and online platforms, further broadening the scope and impact of its innovative advertising solutions.

About Mobiquity Technologies, Inc.
Mobiquity Technologies, Inc. (OTC: MOBQ) is a leading provider of next-generation data intelligence and advertising technology solutions. Through its subsidiaries, including Advangelists, Mobiquity Networks, AdHere, and MobiExchange, the company offers innovative programmatic advertising technologies, consumer behavior insights, and automated ad management systems. Mobiquity Technologies serves a diverse range of industries, including retail, political, automotive, gaming, hospitality and entertainment. For more information, visit

About Context Networks, Inc.
Context Networks, Inc. is a premier programmatic advertising platform that leverages private blockchain technology to deliver transparent, secure, and efficient advertising solutions for the global gaming industry. The company's platform focuses on three key gaming segments: casino, lottery operators, and iGaming platforms. Context Networks is committed to driving innovation and creating value for its clients through advanced technology and strategic partnerships. For more information, visit

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and a number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by words or phrases such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "target," "aim," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "potential," "continue," "is/are likely to" or other similar expressions. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertainties, or factors is included in the Company's filings with the SEC. All information provided in this press release is as of the date of this press release, and the Company does not undertake any duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.

Mobiquity Technologies, Inc. Investor Relations:
Columbia Marketing Group
Phone: 646-736-1900

Context Networks Contact:
Investor Relations
Phone: 252-423-6387


What is the partnership between Mobiquity Technologies and Context Networks for?

The partnership aims to transform slot machine advertising in casinos by combining Mobiquity's contextual targeting capabilities with Context Networks' blockchain and AI technologies.

How will the Mobiquity Technologies (MOBQ) and Context Networks partnership benefit casinos?

The partnership will enable casinos to capitalize on a substantial non-gaming revenue stream by leveraging their existing gaming machines for programmatic advertising.

What role does Adfuel play in the Mobiquity Technologies (MOBQ) and Context Networks collaboration?

Adfuel joins as a key demand partner, gaining exclusive access to a Private Marketplace (PMP) designed specifically for casinos, providing first-look and priority access to Context Networks' extensive inventory.

How does blockchain technology enhance advertising in casinos through the Mobiquity Technologies (MOBQ) partnership?

Blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent ad transactions, eliminating fraud and guaranteeing that advertisers get what they pay for in the casino advertising ecosystem.



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