MetLife 2023 Sustainability Report: Responsible Investments for the Future

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MetLife's 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the company's commitment to responsible investing, focusing on five core areas: infrastructure, green investments, municipal bonds, affordable housing, and impact investments. Key highlights include:

1. A $44 million commitment to Solek Chile for solar projects
2. Installation of a 2.2 megawatt solar array at the Intersect office park
3. Growth of the C-PACE facility with Twain Financial Partners to $76.2 million
4. $27 million investment in Colorado Housing and Finance Authority bonds
5. Over $190 million invested in State Housing Finance Agency bonds
6. Investments in the Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt Fund and Women Livelihood Bond VI

MetLife aims to originate $500 million in new impact investments between 2020 and 2030, focusing on financial health and climate change priorities.

Il Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023 di MetLife evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda per investimenti responsabili, concentrandosi su cinque aree principali: infrastrutture, investimenti verdi, obbligazioni municipali, abitazioni accessibili e investimenti ad impatto. Tra i punti salienti troviamo:

1. Un impegno di 44 milioni di dollari per Solek Chile per progetti solari
2. Installazione di un impianto solare da 2,2 megawatt presso il parco uffici Intersect
3. Crescita della struttura C-PACE con Twain Financial Partners fino a 76,2 milioni di dollari
4. Investimento di 27 milioni di dollari in obbligazioni della Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
5. Oltre 190 milioni di dollari investiti in obbligazioni delle agenzie statali di finanziamento abitativo
6. Investimenti nel Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt Fund e nel Women Livelihood Bond VI

MetLife punta a generare 500 milioni di dollari in nuovi investimenti ad impatto tra il 2020 e il 2030, concentrandosi sulla salute finanziaria e le priorità relative al cambiamento climatico.

El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de MetLife destaca el compromiso de la compañía con inversiones responsables, enfocándose en cinco áreas clave: infraestructura, inversiones verdes, bonos municipales, vivienda asequible e inversiones de impacto. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. Un compromiso de 44 millones de dólares con Solek Chile para proyectos solares
2. Instalación de una planta solar de 2.2 megavatios en el parque de oficinas Intersect
3. Crecimiento de la línea de crédito C-PACE con Twain Financial Partners hasta 76.2 millones de dólares
4. Inversión de 27 millones de dólares en bonos de la Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
5. Más de 190 millones de dólares invertidos en bonos de la Agencia Estatal de Financiación de Vivienda
6. Inversiones en el Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt Fund y el Women Livelihood Bond VI

MetLife tiene como objetivo originar 500 millones de dólares en nuevas inversiones de impacto entre 2020 y 2030, enfocándose en la salud financiera y las prioridades relacionadas con el cambio climático.

메트라이프의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서는 책임 있는 투자에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조하며, 인프라, 녹색 투자, 지방채, 저렴한 주택, 영향 투자의 다섯 가지 핵심 분야에 집중하고 있습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 태양광 프로젝트를 위한 Solek Chile에 4,400만 달러 투자
2. Intersect 오피스파크에 2.2MW 태양광 발전소 설치
3. Twain Financial Partners와의 C-PACE 시설 성장 7,620만 달러
4. Colorado Housing and Finance Authority 채권에 2,700만 달러 투자
5. 주택 금융 기구 채권에 1억 9천만 달러 이상 투자
6. Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt FundWomen Livelihood Bond VI에 대한 투자

메트라이프는 2020년부터 2030년까지 5억 달러의 새로운 영향 투자를 진행할 계획이며, 재정 건강과 기후 변화 우선 과제에 집중합니다.

Le Rapport sur la Durabilité 2023 de MetLife met en lumière l'engagement de l'entreprise en matière de placements responsables, en se concentrant sur cinq domaines clés : infrastructure, investissements verts, obligations municipales, logement abordable et investissements à impact. Les points forts incluent :

1. Un engagement de 44 millions de dollars envers Solek Chile pour des projets solaires
2. Installation d'un parc photovoltaïque de 2,2 mégawatts au parc de bureaux Intersect
3. Croissance de la facilité C-PACE avec Twain Financial Partners à 76,2 millions de dollars
4. Investissement de 27 millions de dollars dans des obligations de la Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
5. Plus de 190 millions de dollars investis dans des obligations des agences de financement du logement
6. Investissements dans le Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt Fund et le Women Livelihood Bond VI

MetLife vise à générer 500 millions de dollars de nouveaux investissements à impact entre 2020 et 2030, en se concentrant sur la santé financière et les priorités liées au changement climatique.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 von MetLife hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für verantwortungsvolles Investieren hervor und konzentriert sich auf fünf Kernbereiche: Infrastruktur, grüne Investitionen, Kommunalanleihen, bezahlbarer Wohnraum und Impact-Investitionen. Zu den wichtigsten Highlights gehören:

1. Eine Verpflichtung von 44 Millionen Dollar gegenüber Solek Chile für Solarprojekte
2. Installation einer 2,2 Megawatt-Photovoltaikanlage im Intersect Büropark
3. Wachstum der C-PACE-Fazilität mit Twain Financial Partners auf 76,2 Millionen Dollar
4. 27 Millionen Dollar Investition in Anleihen der Colorado Housing and Finance Authority
5. Über 190 Millionen Dollar in Anleihen von staatlichen Wohnungsfinanzierungsagenturen investiert
6. Investitionen in den Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt Fund und Women Livelihood Bond VI

MetLife strebt an, zwischen 2020 und 2030 500 Millionen Dollar in neue Impact-Investitionen zu generieren, wobei der Fokus auf finanzieller Gesundheit und Klimaschutzprioritäten liegt.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 5, 2024 / MetLife, Inc.

MetLife Sustainability Report

For more than 150 years, MetLife has been committed to serving our stakeholders as set forth in our Code of Business Ethics. As a responsible investor, MetLife maintains a long-term, value-driven portfolio. MetLife's responsible investments intend to achieve a market financial return while considering social and/or environmental benefits that help create healthier communities and a more sustainable environment. These investments focus on the core areas of infrastructure, green, municipal bonds, affordable housing and impact investments.1

Core Areas of Responsible Investing

Infrastructure Investments

MetLife invests in infrastructure projects that create jobs and economic benefits. These could include building or upgrading airports, ports, roads, pipelines, transmission lines and power generation.

In 2023, MetLife committed $44 million to a private infrastructure deal issued by Solek Chile, a leading developer and sponsor of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects operating within Chile's special portfolio for distributed generation-the "PMGD" regime (from its acronym in Spanish, Pequeños Medios de Generación Distribuida). The Private Placement debt market transaction comprises 26 distributed solar PV plants and one utility-scale PV plant (Leyda, in construction) located close to Santiago. The PMGD regime was created by the Chilean government in 2005 to incentivize the development of greener and more distributed energy generation and reduce Chile's environmental footprint through updated technology.

Learn more about MIM infrastructure strategies:

Green Investments

MetLife invests in companies and projects that are focused on the conservation of natural resources, the production and discovery of alternative energy sources, the implementation of clean air and water projects, and other environmentally conscious business practices.

One such investment is Intersect, a "creative campus-style" office park in California that is a joint venture between MetLife's GA and Dutch Pension Fund PGGM. The venture is installing a 2.2 megawatt rooftop and car canopy solar array and a 573 kilowatt-hour battery energy storage system, which is designed to enable 74% of Intersect's energy needs to be met by on‑site production. The property also features a large urban garden, sports facilities, wellness trails and more.

MetLife also invests in the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) sector, which finances property improvements such as solar panels, water systems and HVAC system upgrades to increase energy and water efficiency or resiliency to climate-related damage. In 2023, MIM's Private Capital team grew its C-PACE facility with Twain Financial Partners, bringing the total facility size to $76.2 million across a portfolio of 13 commercial properties.

Municipal Bonds

MetLife's municipal bond investments support infrastructure, education and community services spanning over 450 communities in 44 states and Washington, D.C. The proceeds of these investments can be used to finance or refinance environmental, water and clean energy projects, as well as projects with anticipated positive social outcomes, such as affordable public housing.

In 2023, MetLife invested $27 million in Single Family Mortgage bonds (social bonds) issued by Colorado Housing and Finance Authority. Bond proceeds were used to finance home loans for low- and moderate-income families and provide downpayment assistance. The bonds also align with the International Capital Market Association's Social Bond Principles of affordable housing, access to essential services and socioeconomic advancement and empowerment.

In 2023, MetLife invested in over $190 million of State Housing Finance Agency bonds that financed below-market-rate mortgage loans and downpayment assistance to low- and moderate-income families and first‑time homebuyers.

Affordable Housing Investments

MetLife invests in high‑quality housing projects that seek to build financial health and bring benefits to communities. These housing investments involve partnering with nonprofit organizations that provide rental homes at below-market rents to low-income earners, including teachers, nurses, council workers and the elderly and infirm.

Impact Investments

MetLife has been in the impact investment market since 1984. As part of MetLife's effort to originate $500 million of new impact investments between 2020 and 2030, MetLife's Impact Investment program invests approximately $50 million annually, primarily in support of financial health and climate change priorities.

MetLife's impact investments are originated with the intent to generate positive societal benefits in the markets where we live and work, creating value for communities and catalyzing inclusion and equity. These investments include projects that aim to mitigate and adapt to climate change, expand racial equity, support women to become financially independent and expand financial health services to the under- and unbanked through credit unions and community-based organizations.

MetLife has made impact investments in the Blackstar Stability Distressed Debt Fund and Impact Investment Exchange's Women Livelihood Bond VI (WLB6). The Blackstar Fund seeks to address housing affordability and in-home security, and offers the potential for people to build wealth through enduring homeownership. WLB6 aims to use its $100 million capital raise to advance SDG #5-Gender Equality and SDG #13-Climate Action by investing in six sectors: agriculture, water and sanitation, clean energy, affordable housing, small- and medium-sized enterprise lending, and microfinance. In doing so, the bond seeks to promote the growth of women‑focused businesses, sustainable livelihoods, peace, prosperity and the planet.

Learn more about how MetLife also makes impact investments through MetLife Foundation.

1 Please see the Glossary and ESG Scorecard for additional information on responsible investments.

2 Represents investments sourced in the year.

Download the full MetLife 2023 Sustainability Report

MetLife GA investment in Single-Family Mortgage bonds issued by Colorado Housing and Finance Authority that seeks to expand access to homeownership.

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Spokesperson: MetLife, Inc.

SOURCE: MetLife, Inc.

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What are the five core areas of MetLife's responsible investments in 2023?

MetLife's responsible investments in 2023 focus on five core areas: infrastructure, green investments, municipal bonds, affordable housing, and impact investments.

How much did MetLife (MET) commit to Solek Chile for solar projects in 2023?

In 2023, MetLife committed $44 million to a private infrastructure deal issued by Solek Chile for solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in Chile.

What is MetLife's target for new impact investments between 2020 and 2030?

MetLife aims to originate $500 million of new impact investments between 2020 and 2030, with an annual investment of approximately $50 million.

How much did MetLife (MET) invest in State Housing Finance Agency bonds in 2023?

In 2023, MetLife invested over $190 million in State Housing Finance Agency bonds to finance below-market-rate mortgage loans and downpayment assistance for low- and moderate-income families and first-time homebuyers.

What is the size of MetLife's C-PACE facility with Twain Financial Partners in 2023?

In 2023, MetLife's Private Capital team grew its Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) facility with Twain Financial Partners to a total size of $76.2 million across a portfolio of 13 commercial properties.

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