MetLife 2023 Sustainability Report: Caring for Our Communities

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MetLife's 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the company's commitment to community engagement and outreach. MetLife Foundation reached over $1 billion in all-time giving in 2023, with $37.4 million in total grants globally. The report showcases key initiatives:

1. A $30 million multi-year commitment to Upstate New York
2. $8.3 million contributed to environmental causes since 2020
3. 144,000+ volunteer hours across 38 markets
4. $96.1 million to support low-income communities since 2021

The report also details new initiatives addressing wealth and income inequality in the U.S., including the Accelerating Commitment to Equity Innovation Fund ($10 million over two years) and the Community Impact Grant Program ($491,000 in grants to 38 nonprofits).

Il Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023 di MetLife evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda verso il coinvolgimento e l'assistenza alla comunità. MetLife Foundation ha superato il miliardo di dollari di donazioni totali nel 2023, con 37,4 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni globali. Il rapporto mette in luce le attività chiave:

1. Un impegno di 30 milioni di dollari per più anni per New York settentrionale
2. 8,3 milioni di dollari contribuiti a cause ambientali dal 2020
3. Oltre 144.000 ore di volontariato in 38 mercati
4. 96,1 milioni di dollari a sostegno delle comunità a basso reddito dal 2021

Il rapporto dettaglia anche nuove iniziative per affrontare le disparità di ricchezza e reddito negli Stati Uniti, inclusi il Fondo di Innovazione per l'Equità (10 milioni di dollari in due anni) e il Programma di Sovvenzioni per l'Impatto Comunitario (491.000 dollari in sovvenzioni a 38 organizzazioni no-profit).

El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de MetLife destaca el compromiso de la empresa con la participación y el apoyo a la comunidad. MetLife Foundation superó los mil millones de dólares en donaciones totales en 2023, con 37.4 millones de dólares en subvenciones a nivel global. El informe presenta las iniciativas clave:

1. Un compromiso de 30 millones de dólares a varios años para Upstate Nueva York
2. 8.3 millones de dólares aportados a causas ambientales desde 2020
3. Más de 144,000 horas de voluntariado en 38 mercados
4. 96.1 millones de dólares para apoyar a comunidades de bajos ingresos desde 2021

El informe también detalla nuevas iniciativas para abordar la desigualdad de riqueza e ingresos en los EE.UU., incluidos el Fondo de Innovación para la Equidad Acelerada (10 millones de dólares durante dos años) y el Programa de Subvenciones para Impacto Comunitario (491,000 dólares en subvenciones a 38 organizaciones sin fines de lucro).

메트라이프의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서는 지역 사회 참여와 지원에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조합니다. 메트라이프 재단은 2023년까지 총 10억 달러 이상의 기부를 달성했으며, 전 세계적으로 3740만 달러의 총 보조금을 제공했습니다. 이 보고서는 주요 이니셔티브를 제시합니다:

1. 업스테이트 뉴욕에 대한 3000만 달러의 다년간 약속
2. 2020년 이후 환경 관련 원인에 830만 달러 기부
3. 38개 시장에서 144,000시간 이상의 자원봉사
4. 2021년 이후 저소득 지역 사회 지원을 위한 9610만 달러

보고서는 또한 미국의 부와 소득 불평등을 해결하기 위한 새로운 이니셔티브를 자세히 설명하고 있으며, 여기에는 형평성 혁신 기금 가속화 (2년 동안 1000만 달러)와 커뮤니티 영향 보조금 프로그램 (38개 비영리 단체에 49만 1000달러의 보조금)이 포함됩니다.

Le Rapport de durabilité 2023 de MetLife met en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'engagement communautaire et l'assistance. MetLife Foundation a dépassé le milliard de dollars de dons totaux en 2023, avec 37,4 millions de dollars de subventions mondiales. Le rapport présente les initiatives clés :

1. Un engagement pluriannuel de 30 millions de dollars pour l'État de New York
2. 8,3 millions de dollars contribué à des causes environnementales depuis 2020
3. Plus de 144 000 heures de bénévolat dans 38 marchés
4. 96,1 millions de dollars pour soutenir les communautés à faible revenu depuis 2021

Le rapport détaille également de nouvelles initiatives visant à lutter contre les inégalités de richesse et de revenus aux États-Unis, y compris le Fonds d'innovation pour l'équité accélérée (10 millions de dollars sur deux ans) et le Programme de subventions pour l'impact communautaire (491 000 dollars de subventions pour 38 ONG).

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 von MetLife hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für die Gemeinschaft und Hilfeleistungen hervor. Die MetLife Stiftung erreichte im Jahr 2023 über 1 Milliarde Dollar an Gesamtspenden, mit insgesamt 37,4 Millionen Dollar an globalen Zuschüssen. Der Bericht zeigt die wichtigsten Initiativen:

1. Ein mehrjähriges Engagement von 30 Millionen Dollar für Upstate New York
2. Seit 2020 8,3 Millionen Dollar für Umweltzwecke beigetragen
3. Über 144.000 Freiwilligenstunden in 38 Märkten
4. Seit 2021 96,1 Millionen Dollar zur Unterstützung von einkommensschwachen Gemeinden

Der Bericht beschreibt auch neue Initiativen zur Bekämpfung von Vermögens- und Einkommensungleichheit in den USA, einschließlich des Accelerating Commitment to Equity Innovation Fund (10 Millionen Dollar über zwei Jahre) und des Community Impact Grant Program (491.000 Dollar an Zuschüssen an 38 gemeinnützige Organisationen).

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 26, 2024 / MetLife, Inc.

MetLife China volunteers join a community event with Sesame Workshop to help children and parents learn about planning and saving.

MetLife Sustainability Report

Our Approach

As one of the world's leading financial services companies, MetLife plays an important role in caring for its communities. All MetLife regions, lines of business and colleagues contribute to community engagement and outreach. MetLife Foundation helps connect MetLife colleagues with nonprofits and opportunities to make a difference through volunteerism, pro-bono work and grantmaking. These efforts contributed to MetLife Foundation reaching over $1 billion in all-time giving in 2023.


As a separate legal entity, MetLife Foundation has its own Board of Directors, chaired by MetLife, Inc.'s Head of Corporate Affairs. MetLife Foundation's President and Chief Executive Officer reports directly to the Foundation's Board Chair. As a fully integrated role, MetLife Foundation's President and CEO also serves as MetLife, Inc.'s Head of Corporate Giving and Employee Volunteerism, a function overseen by the Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee of MetLife's Board of Directors.


  • $1B+ in MetLife Foundation giving
since 1976.

  • $30M multi-year commitment to Upstate New York, to build upon existing efforts in the region to help all New Yorkers thrive.

  • $8.3M contributed in grants to environmental causes since 2020.

  • $37.4M1 in total grants globally in 2023.

  • 144,000+ volunteer hours across 38 markets in 2023.

  • $96.1M to support communities with low incomes since 2021.


In 2023, MetLife Foundation launched a new initiative to address the growing income and wealth divide in the U.S. The two-year, $10.5 million pledge supports nonprofit organizations and leaders proximate to the issues who are on the front lines supporting people with low income in communities where MetLife has a presence.

  • Accelerating Commitment to Equity Innovation Fund (ACE Innovation Fund) is a $10 million commitment over two years that aims to democratize access to capital for nonprofits addressing the income and wealth divide in communities that have been historically disadvantaged. The Foundation selected 24 nonprofits across seven cities to receive up to $400,000 each in grants to implement and accelerate programs that will work to dismantle systemic barriers to the income and wealth gap. MetLife Foundation is partnering with Urban Institute and Community Resource Exchange to measure impact and deliver technical assistance to the cohort of grantees.

  • Community Impact Grant Program (CIGP) supports grassroots organizations addressing essential needs of people with low income. MetLife Foundation awarded $491,000 in grants to 38 nonprofit organizations that provide vital services to more than 100,000 people with low income in cities where MetLife has a presence.

The full list of grant recipients for the CIGP and ACE Innovation Fund is available on MetLife Foundation's website.

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Spokesperson: MetLife, Inc.

SOURCE: MetLife, Inc.

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How much did MetLife Foundation give in total grants globally in 2023?

MetLife Foundation contributed $37.4 million in total grants globally in 2023.

What is the Accelerating Commitment to Equity Innovation Fund (ACE Innovation Fund) by MetLife?

The ACE Innovation Fund is a $10 million commitment over two years by MetLife Foundation to support nonprofits addressing income and wealth inequality in historically disadvantaged communities.

How many volunteer hours did MetLife (MET) employees contribute in 2023?

MetLife employees contributed over 144,000 volunteer hours across 38 markets in 2023.

What is MetLife Foundation's total all-time giving as of 2023?

MetLife Foundation reached over $1 billion in all-time giving in 2023.

How much has MetLife (MET) contributed to environmental causes since 2020?

MetLife has contributed $8.3 million in grants to environmental causes since 2020.

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