Terran Orbital’s Tyvak International Announces Successful Launch of IPERDRONE.0 Developed for the Italian Space Agency

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Tyvak International, a subsidiary of Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP), has successfully launched and deployed IPERDRONE.0 for the Italian Space Agency. The satellite was launched on SpaceX's Transporter 11 mission from Vandenberg Space Force Base on August 16th, 2024. First contact has been established, and the team is working on commissioning the vehicle.

IPERDRONE.0 is part of a larger program aimed at demonstrating new technologies, inspecting space assets, and eventually returning spacecraft to Earth. This first mission focuses on validating proximity operations algorithms, inspection cameras, and propulsion systems. Tyvak International is responsible for hardware and software development, assembly, integration, testing, and launch integration, as well as on-orbit operations from their Mission Operations Center in Turin.

Tyvak International, una sussidiaria di Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP), ha lanciato e dispiegato con successo IPERDRONE.0 per l'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Il satellite è stato lanciato nella missione Transporter 11 di SpaceX dalla Vandenberg Space Force Base il 16 agosto 2024. È stato stabilito il primo contatto e il team sta lavorando alla messa in servizio del veicolo.

IPERDRONE.0 è parte di un programma più ampio volto a dimostrare nuove tecnologie, ispezionare asset spaziali e, eventualmente, riportare le navette spaziali sulla Terra. Questa prima missione si concentra sulla validazione degli algoritmi di operazioni in prossimità, delle telecamere di ispezione e dei sistemi di propulsione. Tyvak International si occupa dello sviluppo di hardware e software, dell'assemblaggio, integrazione, collaudo e integrazione per il lancio, oltre alle operazioni in orbita dal loro Centro Operativo Missioni a Torino.

Tyvak International, una subsidiaria de Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP), ha lanzado y desplegado con éxito IPERDRONE.0 para la Agencia Espacial Italiana. El satélite fue lanzado en la misión Transporter 11 de SpaceX desde la Base Espacial Vandenberg el 16 de agosto de 2024. Se ha establecido el primer contacto y el equipo está trabajando en la puesta en marcha del vehículo.

IPERDRONE.0 es parte de un programa más amplio destinado a demostrar nuevas tecnologías, inspeccionar activos espaciales y, eventualmente, retornar naves espaciales a la Tierra. Esta primera misión se enfoca en validar los algoritmos de operaciones de proximidad, las cámaras de inspección y los sistemas de propulsión. Tyvak International es responsable del desarrollo de hardware y software, ensamblaje, integración, pruebas e integración para el lanzamiento, así como de las operaciones en órbita desde su Centro de Operaciones de Misión en Turín.

타백 인터내셔널(Tyvak International)은 테란 오르비탈(Terran Orbital)(NYSE: LLAP)의 자회사로서 이탈리아 우주국을 위해 IPERDRONE.0을 성공적으로 발사하고 배치했습니다. 이 위성은 2024년 8월 16일 스페이스X의 수송기 11 (Transporter 11) 미션에서 반덴버그 우주군 기지에서 발사되었습니다. 첫 번째 접촉이 이루어졌으며 팀은 차량의 가동을 위해 작업하고 있습니다.

IPERDRONE.0은 새로운 기술을 시연하고, 우주 자산을 점검하며, 궁극적으로 우주선을 지구로 반환하는 것을 목표로 하는 더 큰 프로그램의 일환입니다. 이 첫 번째 임무는 근접 작전 알고리즘, 점검 카메라 및 추진 시스템을 검증하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 타백 인터내셔널은 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 개발, 조립, 통합, 테스트 및 발사 통합은 물론 토리노에 있는 미션 운영 센터에서의 궤도 운영을 담당하고 있습니다.

Tyvak International, une filiale de Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP), a réussi à lancer et déployer IPERDRONE.0 pour l'Agence Spatiale Italienne. Le satellite a été lancé lors de la mission Transporter 11 de SpaceX depuis la Base Spatiale de Vandenberg le 16 août 2024. Le premier contact a été établi et l'équipe travaille à la mise en service du véhicule.

IPERDRONE.0 fait partie d'un programme plus vaste visant à démontrer de nouvelles technologies, inspecter des actifs spatiaux et, éventuellement, ramener des engins spatiaux sur Terre. Cette première mission se concentre sur la validation des algorithmes d'opérations de proximité, des caméras d'inspection et des systèmes de propulsion. Tyvak International est responsable du développement matériel et logiciel, de l'assemblage, de l'intégration, des tests et de l'intégration au lancement, ainsi que des opérations sur orbite depuis leur Centre des Opérations de Mission à Turin.

Tyvak International, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP), hat erfolgreich IPERDRONE.0 für die Italienische Raumfahrtbehörde gestartet und eingesetzt. Der Satellit wurde am 16. August 2024 im Rahmen der Transporter 11-Mission von SpaceX von der Vandenberg Space Force Base gestartet. Der erste Kontakt wurde hergestellt, und das Team arbeitet an der Inbetriebnahme des Fahrzeugs.

IPERDRONE.0 ist Teil eines größeren Programms, das darauf abzielt, neue Technologien zu demonstrieren, Raumfahrtressourcen zu inspizieren und schließlich Raumfahrzeuge zur Erde zurückzubringen. Diese erste Mission konzentriert sich auf die Validierung von Proximitätsoperationsalgorithmen, Inspektionskameras und Antriebssystemen. Tyvak International ist für die Entwicklung von Hard- und Software, Montage, Integration, Tests und die Launch-Integration sowie die orbitalen Operationen von ihrem Missionsbetriebszentrum in Turin verantwortlich.

  • Successful launch and deployment of IPERDRONE.0 satellite
  • First contact established with the satellite
  • Tyvak International responsible for key aspects of the mission, showcasing technical capabilities
  • Part of a larger program with potential for future missions and technological advancements
  • None.

The successful launch of IPERDRONE.0 marks a significant step forward in space technology development. This mission, focusing on proximity operations algorithms, inspection cameras and propulsion systems, lays the groundwork for future advancements in satellite inspection and retrieval capabilities. The incremental approach of the IPERDRONE program, progressing from technology demonstration to potential Earth return missions, showcases a well-structured plan for advancing space exploration capabilities.

The collaboration between Tyvak International, CIRA and Kayser Italia demonstrates the strength of international partnerships in space technology development. This project could potentially lead to breakthroughs in satellite servicing, debris removal and re-entry technologies, addressing critical challenges in the growing space economy.

Terran Orbital's involvement in this project through its subsidiary Tyvak International strengthens its position in the competitive smallsat market. The company's end-to-end capabilities, from satellite development to on-orbit operations, demonstrate its vertical integration strategy. This project for the Italian Space Agency could open doors to more government contracts and international collaborations, potentially boosting Terran Orbital's revenue streams and market share.

Investors should note that while this launch is a positive development, the long-term financial impact will depend on the success of subsequent IPERDRONE missions and the company's ability to leverage this technology for commercial applications. The space industry's growth trajectory and increasing demand for small satellite solutions could provide tailwinds for Terran Orbital's business model.

TURIN, Italy--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Tyvak International SRL (“Tyvak International”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Terran Orbital Corporation (NYSE: LLAP) and a leading European nano and microsatellite manufacturer based in Italy, proudly announces the successful launch and deployment of IPERDRONE.0 following its release from the launcher. First contact has been established, and the Tyvak International team is now diligently working on the commissioning of the vehicle.

Photo Credit: SpaceX

Photo Credit: SpaceX

This advanced space vehicle, developed for the Italian Space Agency, was launched aboard SpaceX's Transporter 11 mission, on August 16th, 2024 from Vandenberg Space Force Base marking a significant milestone in Tyvak International's contributions to space exploration and technology. The program consortium includes Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA) and Kayser Italia. Tyvak International is responsible for the satellite hardware and software development, assembly, integration, testing, and launch integration service. Additionally, all on-orbit operations will be planned and executed from their Mission Operations Center collocated in Turin.

The IPERDRONE Program is structured as a sequence of missions, with incremental objectives, starting with the demonstration of new technologies, moving on to the inspection of space assets, and culminating in the return of the spacecraft to Earth. The first mission named IPERDRONE.0, is focused on validation and demonstration of key technology, specifically the proximity operations algorithms, the inspection cameras, and the propulsion system. These elements create the foundation upon which the entire program can advance.

The next IPERDRONE missions will target collaborative space assets and investigate advanced control mechanisms to steer the space vehicle's downward journey and novel materials designed to shield it from the extreme temperatures encountered during atmospheric re-entry.

About Tyvak International

Tyvak International SRL, a subsidiary of Terran Orbital Corporation, is a leading European nano and microsatellite provider, based in Turin, Italy. A front runner in miniaturization and specialized in execution and delivery, Tyvak International is contract Prime of European Space Agency for the Milani mission, coordinating a team of 12 entities, universities, research centers, and enterprises in Italy and across all Europe. Learn more at

About Terran Orbital

Terran Orbital is a leading manufacturer of satellite products primarily serving the aerospace and defense industries. Terran Orbital provides end-to-end satellite solutions by combining satellite design, production, launch planning, mission operations, and on-orbit support to meet the needs of the most demanding military, civil, and commercial customers. Learn more at

Juliana Johnson

Public Relations


Source: Terran Orbital


When was IPERDRONE.0 launched by Terran Orbital's subsidiary Tyvak International (NYSE: LLAP)?

IPERDRONE.0 was launched on August 16th, 2024, aboard SpaceX's Transporter 11 mission from Vandenberg Space Force Base.

What are the main objectives of the IPERDRONE.0 mission for Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP)?

The main objectives are to validate and demonstrate key technologies, including proximity operations algorithms, inspection cameras, and the propulsion system.

What is Tyvak International's role in the IPERDRONE.0 project for Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP)?

Tyvak International is responsible for satellite hardware and software development, assembly, integration, testing, launch integration, and on-orbit operations from their Mission Operations Center in Turin.

What are the future plans for the IPERDRONE program involving Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP)?

Future IPERDRONE missions will target collaborative space assets, investigate advanced control mechanisms for spacecraft re-entry, and test novel materials for atmospheric re-entry shielding.

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