Terran Orbital’s Tyvak Awarded $254 million Prototype Agreement for Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma for Space Development Agency

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Terran Orbital's subsidiary, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, has been awarded a $254 million contract by the Space Development Agency (SDA) to produce 10 satellites for the Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma. The company will design, build, integrate, test, and deliver these satellites based on its Ambassador platform. The T2TL Gamma satellites will enhance future kill chain capabilities through the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA).

This contract adds to Terran Orbital's existing collaborations with the SDA, including production of 36 space vehicles for T2TL Beta and 18 for the T2 Tracking Layer in partnership with Lockheed Martin. The company has already delivered 10 buses for Tranche 0 and is manufacturing 42 buses for Tranche 1, with launches scheduled for late 2024 and 2025.

La sussidiaria di Terran Orbital, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, ha ottenuto un contratto del valore di $254 milioni dalla Space Development Agency (SDA) per produrre 10 satelliti per il Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma. L'azienda progetterà, costruirà, integrerà, testerà e fornirà questi satelliti basandosi sulla sua piattaforma Ambassador. I satelliti T2TL Gamma miglioreranno le future capacità della catena di attacco attraverso l'Architettura Spaziale Proliferata per i Guerrieri (PWSA).

Questo contratto si aggiunge alle collaborazioni esistenti di Terran Orbital con la SDA, che includono la produzione di 36 veicoli spaziali per il T2TL Beta e 18 per il T2 Tracking Layer in partnership con Lockheed Martin. L'azienda ha già consegnato 10 veicoli per il Tranche 0 ed è attualmente in fase di produzione di 42 veicoli per il Tranche 1, con lanci previsti per la fine del 2024 e il 2025.

La subsidiaria de Terran Orbital, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, ha sido galardonada con un contrato de $254 millones por la Space Development Agency (SDA) para producir 10 satélites para la capa de transporte Tranche 2 (T2TL) Gamma. La empresa diseñará, construirá, integrará, probará y entregará estos satélites basándose en su plataforma Ambassador. Los satélites T2TL Gamma mejorarán las futuras capacidades de la cadena de eliminación a través de la Arquitectura Espacial Proliferada para los Combatientes (PWSA).

Este contrato se suma a las colaboraciones existentes de Terran Orbital con la SDA, que incluyen la producción de 36 vehículos espaciales para el T2TL Beta y 18 para el T2 Tracking Layer en asociación con Lockheed Martin. La empresa ya ha entregado 10 buses para el Tranche 0 y está fabricando 42 buses para el Tranche 1, con lanzamientos programados para finales de 2024 y 2025.

Terran Orbital의 자회사인 Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems가 우주 개발 기관(SDA)으로부터 2억 5천 4백만 달러 규모의 계약을 체결하여 Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma를 위한 10개의 위성을 제작하게 되었습니다. 이 회사는 Ambassador 플랫폼을 기반으로 이 위성들을 설계, 제작, 통합, 테스트 및 납품할 예정입니다. T2TL Gamma 위성은 확산 전투원의 우주 아키텍처(PWSA)를 통해 미래의 킬 체인 능력을 향상시킬 것입니다.

이번 계약은 Terran Orbital이 SDA와 함께 진행 중인 기존 협력 관계에 추가되는 것으로, 여기에는 Lockheed Martin과의 파트너십을 통해 T2TL Beta를 위한 36개의 우주 차량T2 Tracking Layer를 위한 18개의 제작이 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 Tranche 0을 위한 10대의 버스를 이미 인도하였으며, 현재 Tranche 1을 위한 42대의 버스를 제작 중으로, 2024년 말과 2025년에 발사가 예정되어 있습니다.

La filiale de Terran Orbital, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, a obtenu un contrat de 254 millions de dollars de la Space Development Agency (SDA) pour produire 10 satellites pour le Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma. L'entreprise concevra, construira, intégrera, testera et livrera ces satellites sur la base de sa plateforme Ambassador. Les satellites T2TL Gamma amélioreront les futures capacités de la chaîne de destruction grâce à l'Architecture Spatiale Proliférée pour les Combattants (PWSA).

Ce contrat s'ajoute aux collaborations existantes de Terran Orbital avec la SDA, y compris la production de 36 véhicules spatiaux pour le T2TL Beta et 18 pour le T2 Tracking Layer en partenariat avec Lockheed Martin. L'entreprise a déjà livré 10 bus pour le Tranche 0 et fabrique actuellement 42 bus pour le Tranche 1, avec des lancements prévus pour fin 2024 et 2025.

Die Tochtergesellschaft von Terran Orbital, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, hat von der Space Development Agency (SDA) einen Vertrag im Wert von 254 Millionen Dollar erhalten, um 10 Satelliten für die Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma zu produzieren. Das Unternehmen wird diese Satelliten basierend auf seiner Ambassador-Plattform entwerfen, bauen, integrieren, testen und bereitstellen. Die T2TL Gamma-Satelliten werden die zukünftigen Fähigkeiten der Kill-Chain durch die Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) verbessern.

Dieser Vertrag ergänzt die bestehenden Kooperationen von Terran Orbital mit der SDA, zu denen die Produktion von 36 Raumfahrzeugen für T2TL Beta und 18 für die T2 Tracking Layer in Partnerschaft mit Lockheed Martin gehört. Das Unternehmen hat bereits 10 Busse für Tranche 0 geliefert und produziert derzeit 42 Busse für Tranche 1, mit Starts, die für Ende 2024 und 2025 geplant sind.

  • Secured a $254 million contract for 10 T2TL Gamma satellites
  • Expanding collaboration with SDA across multiple Tranche iterations
  • Producing 36 space vehicles for T2TL Beta and 18 for T2 Tracking Layer
  • Successfully delivered 10 buses for Tranche 0 Transport Layer
  • Manufacturing 42 buses for Tranche 1 Transport Layer
  • None.

The $254 million contract awarded to Terran Orbital's subsidiary Tyvak is a significant win, potentially boosting the company's revenue and market position. This contract, along with previous awards, strengthens Terran Orbital's relationship with the Space Development Agency, potentially leading to future opportunities. The company's involvement in multiple tranches of the SDA's satellite constellation project demonstrates its growing importance in the space defense sector.

However, investors should note that large government contracts often come with strict requirements and potential delays. The financial impact will likely be spread over several years and profitability will depend on efficient execution. While this news is positive for Terran Orbital's top line, its effect on bottom-line growth remains to be seen, especially considering the company's recent financial performance and the competitive nature of the aerospace industry.

Terran Orbital's selection for the T2TL Gamma contract highlights the company's technical capabilities in satellite manufacturing. The Ambassador platform's ability to meet the SDA's requirements for advanced communications and data transport is noteworthy. The integration of payloads for enhanced kill chain capabilities demonstrates Terran Orbital's alignment with cutting-edge defense technology needs.

The company's involvement in multiple layers of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA) - including transport and tracking layers - showcases its versatility. This comprehensive participation could lead to valuable synergies and technological advancements. However, the challenge lies in scaling production to meet the demands of these multiple contracts simultaneously, while maintaining quality and meeting tight deadlines. Terran Orbital's ability to deliver on time and within budget will be important for its long-term success in this competitive sector.

This contract solidifies Terran Orbital's position in the rapidly evolving space defense market. The SDA's Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture represents a significant shift towards distributed, low-Earth orbit constellations for military applications. Terran Orbital's involvement in multiple tranches and layers of this architecture positions it well to benefit from this trend.

The company's ability to secure contracts for both transport and tracking layers demonstrates its broad capabilities and could lead to a strong competitive advantage. However, the space defense sector is becoming increasingly crowded, with both established players and new entrants vying for contracts. Terran Orbital will need to continue innovating and delivering on its commitments to maintain its market position. The geopolitical landscape and potential changes in defense spending priorities could also impact future contract opportunities in this sector.

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, Inc., Irvine, California (a Terran Orbital Corporation) (NYSE: LLAP) (“Terran Orbital” or the “Company”), a global leader in satellite-based solutions primarily serving the aerospace and defense industries, is proud to announce it has been chosen by the Space Development Agency (SDA) to produce 10 satellites for the Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma contract.

Image Credit: Terran Orbital

Image Credit: Terran Orbital

Terran Orbital will undertake the comprehensive design, construction, integration, testing, and delivery of 10 T2TL Gamma satellites based on its Ambassador platform. This will also include the integration of the associated ground control system and the execution of Launch and Early Operations (LEOPs). These satellites will be equipped with payloads specifically designed to enhance future kill chain capabilities through the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). The PWSA envisions a constellation of hundreds of satellites in low-Earth orbit, featuring advanced satellite communications, data transport, missile warning, and missile-tracking functionalities.

Gamma will maintain several core characteristics shared with other T2TL variants, including Beta. In addition to Gamma and as previously announced, Terran Orbital is collaborating with Lockheed Martin to produce 36 space vehicles for T2TL Beta and 18 for the T2 Tracking Layer. The Company has already successfully delivered 10 buses for the Tranche 0 Transport Layer and is now manufacturing 42 buses for the Tranche 1 Transport Layer (T1TL), with launches planned for late 2024 and 2025.

“We are honored to have been chosen for this program. Our ongoing collaboration with the SDA across multiple Tranche iterations has been immensely rewarding, and we deeply value their continued trust in our capabilities,” Marc Bell, Chairman, Co-Founder, and Chief Executive Officer at Terran Orbital stated.

Learn more about the spacecraft platforms Terran Orbital is setting new industry standards with here: Terran Orbital Spacecraft Platforms.

About Terran Orbital

Terran Orbital is a leading manufacturer of satellite products primarily serving the aerospace and defense industries. Terran Orbital provides end-to-end satellite solutions by combining satellite design, production, launch planning, mission operations, and on-orbit support to meet the needs of the most demanding military, civil, and commercial customers. Learn more at

Juliana Johnson

Public Relations


Source: Terran Orbital


What is the value of Terran Orbital's (LLAP) new contract with the Space Development Agency?

Terran Orbital (LLAP) has been awarded a $254 million contract by the Space Development Agency for the Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma project.

How many satellites will Terran Orbital (LLAP) produce for the T2TL Gamma contract?

Terran Orbital (LLAP) will produce 10 satellites for the Tranche 2 Transport Layer (T2TL) Gamma contract.

What is the purpose of the T2TL Gamma satellites Terran Orbital (LLAP) is producing?

The T2TL Gamma satellites produced by Terran Orbital (LLAP) will enhance future kill chain capabilities through the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA).

When are the launches planned for Terran Orbital's (LLAP) Tranche 1 Transport Layer satellites?

Launches for Terran Orbital's (LLAP) Tranche 1 Transport Layer satellites are planned for late 2024 and 2025.

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