Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. and Yasheng Group Announce Key Milestone in Nuclear Battery Collaboration with Provisional Patent Filing

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Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTC: KNOS) and Yasheng Group (OTC: HERB) have filed a provisional patent for a revolutionary small nuclear-powered battery. This milestone marks significant progress in their collaboration to develop a battery that could provide reliable power in milliwatts for up to 50 years without recharging. The technology aims to address critical energy needs in industries such as remote sensing, space exploration, medical devices, and military applications.

The global market for small nuclear-powered batteries is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% between 2024 and 2032. The collaboration's patent filing strategy includes Yasheng Group handling the filing in China, while Kronos leads efforts in the United States. Both companies will share royalties, with each receiving 10% from the other's operations in their respective countries.

The nuclear battery utilizes beta decay of radioactive isotopes like Nickel-63, converting it into electrical energy using semiconductor technology. It features advanced energy conversion, safety encapsulation, and is designed for long-term, maintenance-free energy needs in various applications.

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTC: KNOS) e Yasheng Group (OTC: HERB) hanno presentato un brevetto provvisorio per una rivoluzionaria batteria alimentata a nucleare in miniatura. Questo traguardo rappresenta un significativo avanzamento nella loro collaborazione per sviluppare una batteria capace di fornire energia affidabile in milliwatt per un massimo di 50 anni senza necessità di ricarica. La tecnologia mira a rispondere a esigenze energetiche critiche in settori come il telerilevamento, l'esplorazione spaziale, i dispositivi medici e le applicazioni militari.

Si prevede che il mercato globale delle batterie alimentate a nucleare in miniatura crescerà con un CAGR dell'8,7% tra il 2024 e il 2032. La strategia di deposito del brevetto della collaborazione prevede che Yasheng Group gestisca il deposito in Cina, mentre Kronos guida gli sforzi negli Stati Uniti. Entrambe le aziende condivideranno le royalties, ricevendo ciascuna il 10% delle operazioni dell'altra nei rispettivi paesi.

La batteria nucleare utilizza il decadimento beta degli isotopi radioattivi come il Nichel-63, convertendolo in energia elettrica mediante tecnologia a semiconduttore. Presenta un avanzato sistema di conversione energetica, incapsulamento sicuro ed è progettata per esigenze energetiche a lungo termine e senza manutenzione in diverse applicazioni.

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTC: KNOS) y Yasheng Group (OTC: HERB) han presentado una patente provisional para una revolucionaria batería pequeña alimentada por energía nuclear. Este hito marca un avance significativo en su colaboración para desarrollar una batería que podría proporcionar energía confiable en milivatios por hasta 50 años sin necesidad de recarga. La tecnología busca abordar necesidades energéticas críticas en industrias como la teledetección, la exploración espacial, los dispositivos médicos y las aplicaciones militares.

Se proyecta que el mercado global para baterías pequeñas alimentadas por energía nuclear crecerá a un CAGR del 8.7% entre 2024 y 2032. La estrategia de presentación de patentes de la colaboración incluye a Yasheng Group manejando el registro en China, mientras que Kronos lidera los esfuerzos en Estados Unidos. Ambas compañías compartirán regalías, recibiendo cada una el 10% de las operaciones de la otra en sus respectivos países.

La batería nuclear utiliza la descomposición beta de isótopos radiactivos como el Níquel-63, convirtiéndolo en energía eléctrica mediante tecnología de semiconductores. Presenta una avanzada conversión de energía, encapsulación segura y está diseñada para necesidades energéticas a largo plazo y sin mantenimiento en diversas aplicaciones.

크로노스 초과 기술 주식회사 (OTC: KNOS)야셍 그룹 (OTC: HERB)가 혁신적인 소형 원자력 배터리에 대한 임시 특허를 출원했습니다. 이 이정표는 재충전 없이 최대 50년 동안 밀리와트 단위의 안정적인 전력을 제공할 수 있는 배터리 개발을 위한 협력에서 중요한 진전을 의미합니다. 이 기술은 원거리 감지, 우주 탐사, 의료 기기 및 군사 응용 분야와 같은 산업에서의 중대한 에너지 요구 사항을 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

소형 원자력 배터리에 대한 글로벌 시장은 2024년부터 2032년까지 8.7%의 CAGR로 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다. 협력의 특허 출원 전략은 야셍 그룹이 중국에서 출원을 처리하고, 크로노스가 미국에서의 노력을 이끌도록 포함되어 있습니다. 두 회사는 상호 작용에서 각각 10%를 받으며 로열티를 공유합니다.

이 원자력 배터리는 니켈-63과 같은 방사성 동위원소의 베타 붕괴를 이용하여 반도체 기술을 사용해 전기로 변환합니다. 고급 에너지 변환, 안전한 캡슐화 기능이 있으며 다양한 응용 분야에서 장기적으로 유지보수가 필요 없는 에너지 요구를 충족시키도록 설계되었습니다.

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTC: KNOS) et Yasheng Group (OTC: HERB) ont déposé un brevet provisoire pour une batterie révolutionnaire alimentée par nucléaire de petite taille. Ce jalon marque un progrès significatif dans leur collaboration pour développer une batterie pouvant fournir une puissance fiable en milliwatts pendant jusqu'à 50 ans sans recharge. La technologie vise à répondre aux besoins énergétiques critiques dans des secteurs tels que la télédétection, l'exploration spatiale, les dispositifs médicaux et les applications militaires.

Le marché mondial des batteries nucléaires de petite taille devrait croître à un CAGR de 8,7 % entre 2024 et 2032. La stratégie de dépôt de brevet de la collaboration comprend que le Yasheng Group gère le dépôt en Chine, tandis que Kronos dirige les efforts aux États-Unis. Les deux entreprises partageront les redevances, chacune recevant 10 % des opérations de l'autre dans leurs pays respectifs.

La batterie nucléaire utilise le désintégration bêta d'isotopes radioactifs comme le Nickel-63, le convertissant en énergie électrique à l'aide de la technologie des semi-conducteurs. Elle présente une conversion d'énergie avancée, un encapsulation sécurisée et est conçue pour des besoins énergétiques à long terme, sans entretien, dans diverses applications.

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTC: KNOS) und Yasheng Group (OTC: HERB) haben ein vorläufiges Patent für eine revolutionäre kleine nuklearbetriebene Batterie eingereicht. Dieser Meilenstein markiert einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in ihrer Zusammenarbeit zur Entwicklung einer Batterie, die bis zu 50 Jahre lang ohne Aufladen zuverlässig Milliwatt-Leistung bereitstellen könnte. Die Technologie zielt darauf ab, kritische Energiebedürfnisse in Branchen wie Fernmessung, Weltraumexploration, Medizinprodukte und militärischen Anwendungen zu decken.

Der globale Markt für kleine nuklearbetriebene Batterien wird voraussichtlich im Zeitraum von 2024 bis 2032 mit einer CAGR von 8,7% wachsen. Die Patentstrategie der Zusammenarbeit sieht vor, dass die Yasheng Group die Einreichung in China übernimmt, während Kronos die Bemühungen in den USA leitet. Beide Unternehmen werden Lizenzen teilen, wobei jedes 10% aus den Geschäften des anderen in ihren jeweiligen Ländern erhält.

Die nukleare Batterie nutzt den Betazerfall von radioaktiven Isotopen wie Nickel-63 und wandelt ihn mit Halbleitertechnologie in elektrische Energie um. Sie verfügt über fortschrittliche Energieumwandlung, sichere Einkapselung und ist für langfristige, wartungsfreie Energiebedarfe in verschiedenen Anwendungen konzipiert.

  • Filing of provisional patent for revolutionary small nuclear-powered battery
  • Potential for 50-year battery life without recharging
  • Projected market CAGR of 8.7% between 2024 and 2032
  • Royalty sharing agreement between Kronos and Yasheng Group
  • Wide range of potential applications across multiple industries
  • None.

Parkersburg, WV, Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (OTC: KNOS) and Yasheng Group (OTC: HERB) are proud to announce significant progress in their ongoing collaboration to develop a revolutionary small nuclear-powered battery. On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the companies jointly filed a provisional patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), marking a pivotal step toward commercializing this groundbreaking technology.

The nuclear battery, may have potential to provide reliable power in milliwatts for up to 50 years without requiring recharging, is intended to address critical energy needs across multiple industries, including remote sensing, space exploration, medical devices, and military applications. The filing of this provisional patent underscores the technological advancement and innovation achieved through this partnership.

The $ multibillion global market for small nuclear-powered batteries is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. According to market research, the nuclear battery market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% between 2024 and 2032 (Expert Market Research). This growth is driven by advancements in nuclear technology and increasing demand across various sectors such as military, aerospace, healthcare, and infrastructure development.

Regions like North America are leading the market, particularly due to the expansion of space exploration programs and defense applications, which require long-lasting, reliable power sources. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is expected to witness rapid growth, propelled by urbanization and the need for stable energy supplies in sectors like telecommunications and oil and gas.

The nuclear battery market is experiencing a trend towards miniature power sources, isotope technology, and applications in remote devices. Innovations in radioisotope generators, microreactors, and nuclear fuel cell designs are prevalent trends. Nuclear batteries harness nuclear decay to generate electricity for various applications in aerospace, medical implants, and remote sensors. Moreover, developments in compact reactor designs, safety features, and long-lived isotopes are shaping the market.

Nuclear-powered batteries, with their ability to provide steady and long-lasting energy, are gaining traction for applications where conventional batteries may not suffice, especially in extreme environments or remote locations.

This announcement comes at a time when interest in nuclear battery technologies is rapidly increasing, following innovations like those recently unveiled by Infinity Power. The Infinity Power atomic battery was recognized for its industry-leading efficiency, showcasing advancements in long-lasting energy solutions that align with the vision of the Kronos-Yasheng collaboration. Infinity Power’s breakthrough, which focuses on ultra-high-efficiency energy generation from small atomic sources, provides an exciting backdrop for the Kronos-Yasheng nuclear battery’s potential to redefine energy usage in critical sectors.

Key Details of the Collaboration:

Patent Filing Strategy: With this provisional patent now filed in the U.S., the companies are preparing to expand their intellectual property strategy. Yasheng Group is set to handle the filing of the nuclear battery patent in China, while Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. continues to lead efforts in the United States. Both companies will bear the costs of filing in their respective jurisdictions.

Royalties and Revenue Sharing: Under the terms of the partnership, both companies will benefit from the commercial success of the nuclear battery. Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. will receive 10% of the royalties generated by Yasheng Group in China, while Yasheng Group will receive 10% of the royalties from Kronos's U.S. operations.

About the Nuclear Battery:

This small nuclear battery will utilize the energy from the beta decay of a radioactive isotope, such as Nickel-63, and converts it into electrical energy using semiconductor technology. Key features include:

Energy Conversion: Advanced semiconductor materials efficiently capture and convert beta particles into electrical energy.

Safety and Encapsulation: A robust radiation-shielding housing ensures safety and prevents any radiation leakage.

Applications: The nuclear battery is ideally suited for long-term, maintenance-free energy needs in remote sensing devices, space exploration technologies, medical devices, and military equipment.

Next Steps:

Both companies are now working toward filing a full utility patent in the United States and completing the corresponding patent application in China. These efforts will strengthen the protection of their shared intellectual property while accelerating the commercialization of this promising energy solution.

About Yasheng Group

Yasheng Group is a Colorado-based corporation with historical high-tech agriculture operations in China. The company is committed to advancing technological innovations, fostering collaborations, and investing in groundbreaking research across multiple sectors

About Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc.

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. is a Nevada-based company specializing in developing cutting-edge technology solutions. With a focus on innovative products, Kronos seeks to address the evolving needs of various industries, ensuring sustainability and efficiency.

The Company was initially founded in 2002 and funded by the U.S. military to develop electrostatic air movers. Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. filed about 50 patent applications in the past and had total of 25 issued patents. These patents encompass a range of technologies primarily focused on air movement, filtration, and purification systems. The company, known for its innovations in air movement and filtration technologies, has an extensive patent portfolio that reflects its focus on advanced consumer electronics and medical-grade air purification products. Eventually, the Company moved into the consumer air purification business. It began operations as a product development company that invented and significantly changed how air is moved, filtered, and sterilized. Historically, Kronos has focused on developing, marketing, and selling the Company's proprietary air movement and purification technology. Serving the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) market, Kronos technology uses state-of-the-art high-voltage patented processes without the use of traditional porous HEPA filters. Kronos-based products move air silently, filter, sterilize, and purify the air while dramatically reducing energy consumption to half of a 60-watt light bulb.

Kronos devices can be variable in shape or size and, therefore, have the potential to be scaled down for air purification in cars or scaled up in size for industrial and hazardous gas destruction. The technology is currently being implemented in multiple standalone products for businesses, homes, and vehicles of all types -to move, sterilize and filter air, including removing allergens down to 14.6 nanometers, passing through our patented technology -replacing expensive outdated passive HEPA and other filtration type systems. There are broad ranges of additional markets for standalone and embedded Kronos CORE technology-based devices. Examples of immediately addressable markets include schools, universities, healthcare facilities, operating rooms, manufacturing clean rooms, and the cabins of automobiles and commercial aircraft.

Kronos published research about the effectiveness of Kronos Patented technology on air disinfection n (e.g., microorganism destruction) by demonstrating the high efficacy of Kronos® Technology-based air purifiers in capturing and destruction of various types of microorganisms (including Corona Viruses) in different environmental settings back in 2008. Results of this research showed that Electrostatic Air Filtration and Purification systems based on Kronos technology demonstrated high capturing and destruction efficiency for different types of microorganisms, bacteria, and viruses, and can be successfully used for disinfection of air in real word environmental settings, including hospital facilities both with and without the presence of people.

BusinessWeek called Kronos air purifiers "VIRUS KILLER" in 2005.

Kronos is the first publicly traded company that accepts Dogecoin as a form of payment for its products, as well as other cryptocurrencies.

 The Company is planning to file additional patents to improve its existing technology as well as enter into new market segments but will continue to market air purifiers and other consumer products. The Company is an exclusive distributor and licensee of the latest generation of air purifiers based on the Company's CORE technologies. The Company markets its products as Airdog® and KRONOS® brands. All Kronos products come with Kronos Promise ™ -Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Since our inception in 2002, Kronos Advanced Technologies has been at the forefront of innovation, revolutionizing the way air is moved, filtered, and sterilized. Our patented technology has been instrumental in various sectors, including indoor air quality, automotive, and healthcare.

Kronos Advanced Technologies, Inc. (OTC MARKETS: KNOS) announced in 2023 that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had granted 510(k) clearance to the company’s manufacturer, classifying its Model 5 Air Purifier as a Class II Medical Device. This clearance is a significant achievement, validating Kronos' patented High Voltage Field air disinfection technology, proven to eliminate 99.9% of harmful airborne particles, including allergens, bacteria, fungi, and viruses like COVID-19.

With FDA clearance, Kronos can now deploy its medical-grade air purification and air disinfection technology in hospitals, home health-care settings, schools, healthcare facilities, businesses, hotels, and government agencies. This milestone underscores Kronos' commitment to improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and providing healthier and safer air environments.

As we embark on this new chapter with Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc., we remain committed to our mission of enhancing the health and well-being of individuals worldwide. We are proud to be pioneers in accepting cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu coins as a form of payment for our products, reflecting our dedication to embracing emerging technologies.

Our dedication to customer satisfaction remains unwavering, and we invite you to explore our products and offerings through our online shopping portal and social media channels.

The Company is an exclusive distributor and licensee of the latest generation of air purifiers based on the Company's CORE technologies.

The Company markets its products as Airdog® and KRONOS® brands. All Kronos products come with Kronos Promise ™ -Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Company offices are located in Parkersburg, West Virginia.

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Kronos Advanced Technologies investors and others should note that we announce material information to the public about the Company through various means, including our website (, press releases, OTCmarkets filings, public conference calls, via our corporate Social Media accounts, listed above. We encourage our investors and others to monitor and review the information we make public in these locations, as such information could be deemed to be material information. Please note that this list may be updated from time to time. Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions and include any statement that does not directly relate to any historical or current fact. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors as disclosed in our filings with the OTC Markets at In addition to these factors, actual future performance, outcomes, and results may differ materially because of more general factors including (without limitation) general industry and market conditions and growth rates, economic conditions, governmental and public policy changes, the Company's ability to raise capital on acceptable terms, if at all, the Company's successful development of its products and the integration into its existing products and the commercial acceptance of the Company's products. The forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the Company's views as of the date of this press release, and these views could change. However, while the Company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company's views as of any date subsequent to the date of the press release.


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What is the latest development in Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (KNOS) nuclear battery project?

Kronos Advanced Technologies Inc. (KNOS) and Yasheng Group (HERB) have jointly filed a provisional patent for their small nuclear-powered battery with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on September 26, 2024.

How long can the nuclear battery developed by Kronos (KNOS) potentially last?

The nuclear battery being developed by Kronos (KNOS) and Yasheng Group may have the potential to provide reliable power in milliwatts for up to 50 years without requiring recharging.

What is the projected growth rate for the small nuclear-powered battery market relevant to Kronos (KNOS)?

The global market for small nuclear-powered batteries, which is relevant to Kronos (KNOS), is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% between 2024 and 2032.

How will Kronos (KNOS) and Yasheng Group share royalties from the nuclear battery technology?

Kronos (KNOS) will receive 10% of the royalties generated by Yasheng Group in China, while Yasheng Group will receive 10% of the royalties from Kronos's U.S. operations.

What are the potential applications for the nuclear battery being developed by Kronos (KNOS)?

The nuclear battery being developed by Kronos (KNOS) and Yasheng Group is intended for applications in remote sensing, space exploration, medical devices, and military equipment, particularly where long-term, maintenance-free energy is needed.



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