KKR Further Extends Second Tender Offer for FUJI SOFT

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KKR announced an extension of its Second Tender Offer period for FUJI SOFT from January 9, 2025, to January 24, 2025. The tender offer price remains unchanged at 9,451 yen per common share. The extension aims to give shareholders more time to decide, considering recent market dynamics where FUJI SOFT's share price has remained above the tender offer price.

KKR emphasized its commitment to FUJI SOFT's privatization and stated it will not withdraw its offer. The firm questioned the feasibility of Bain Capital's competing tender offer, noting that Bain Capital's proposal changed to a 'hostile partial tender offer' targeting 49.89% ownership. KKR revealed that on December 27, 2024, FUJI SOFT's Founding Family, through Nomura Securities, proposed collaboration between the three parties (Founding Family, KKR, and Bain Capital) for FUJI SOFT's privatization.

KKR ha annunciato un'estensione del periodo della sua Seconda Offerta Pubblica di Acquisto per FUJI SOFT dal 9 gennaio 2025 al 24 gennaio 2025. Il prezzo dell'offerta rimane invariato a 9.451 yen per azione comune. L'estensione ha lo scopo di dare agli azionisti più tempo per decidere, considerando le recenti dinamiche di mercato in cui il prezzo delle azioni di FUJI SOFT è rimasto superiore al prezzo dell'offerta.

KKR ha evidenziato il suo impegno per la privatizzazione di FUJI SOFT e ha dichiarato che non ritirerà la sua offerta. La società ha messo in dubbio la fattibilità dell'offerta pubblica concorrente di Bain Capital, osservando che la proposta di Bain Capital è cambiata in un 'offerta parziale ostile' mirata a ottenere il 49,89% delle azioni. KKR ha rivelato che il 27 dicembre 2024, la Famiglia Fondatrice di FUJI SOFT, tramite Nomura Securities, ha proposto una collaborazione tra le tre parti (Famiglia Fondatrice, KKR e Bain Capital) per la privatizzazione di FUJI SOFT.

KKR anunció una extensión de su período de Segunda Oferta Pública de Adquisición por FUJI SOFT desde el 9 de enero de 2025 hasta el 24 de enero de 2025. El precio de la oferta permanece sin cambios en 9,451 yenes por acción común. La extensión tiene como objetivo dar a los accionistas más tiempo para decidir, considerando las recientes dinámicas del mercado donde el precio de las acciones de FUJI SOFT se ha mantenido por encima del precio de la oferta.

KKR enfatizó su compromiso con la privatización de FUJI SOFT y declaró que no retirará su oferta. La firma cuestionó la viabilidad de la oferta pública competitiva de Bain Capital, señalando que la propuesta de Bain Capital cambió a una 'oferta parcial hostil' con el objetivo de adquirir el 49.89% de las acciones. KKR reveló que el 27 de diciembre de 2024, la Familia Fundadora de FUJI SOFT, a través de Nomura Securities, propuso una colaboración entre las tres partes (Familia Fundadora, KKR y Bain Capital) para la privatización de FUJI SOFT.

KKRFUJI SOFT에 대한 두 번째 공개 매수의 기간을 2025년 1월 9일부터 2025년 1월 24일까지 연장한다고 발표했습니다. 매수 제안 가격은 보통주당 9,451엔으로 변동이 없습니다. 이번 연장은 주주들에게 최근 FUJI SOFT의 주가가 매수 가격 이상으로 유지되고 있는 시장 동향을 고려하여 더 많은 결정을 내릴 시간을 제공하기 위함입니다.

KKR은 FUJI SOFT의 사적화에 대한 의지를 강조하고 제안을 철회하지 않을 것이라고 밝혔습니다. KKR은 Bain Capital의 경쟁 매수 제안의 실행 가능성을 의문시하며, Bain Capital의 제안이 '적대적 부분 공개 매수'로 변경되어 49.89%의 지분을 목표로 하고 있다고 언급했습니다. KKR은 2024년 12월 27일, FUJI SOFT의 창립 가족이 Nomura 증권을 통해 세 당사자(창립 가족, KKR 및 Bain Capital)의 FUJI SOFT 사적화를 위한 협력을 제안했다고 밝혔습니다.

KKR a annoncé une extension de sa période de seconde offre publique d'achat pour FUJI SOFT du 9 janvier 2025 au 24 janvier 2025. Le prix de l'offre reste inchangé à 9.451 yen par action ordinaire. L'extension vise à donner aux actionnaires plus de temps pour décider, en tenant compte des récentes dynamiques de marché où le prix de l'action de FUJI SOFT est resté supérieur au prix de l'offre.

KKR a souligné son engagement envers la privatisation de FUJI SOFT et a déclaré qu'il ne retirerait pas son offre. L'entreprise a mis en doute la faisabilité de l'offre concurrente de Bain Capital, notant que la proposition de Bain Capital a changé en une 'offre partielle hostile' visant à obtenir 49,89 % de propriété. KKR a révélé que le 27 décembre 2024, la Famille Fondatrice de FUJI SOFT, par l'intermédiaire de Nomura Securities, a proposé une collaboration entre les trois parties (Famille Fondatrice, KKR et Bain Capital) pour la privatisation de FUJI SOFT.

KKR hat eine Verlängerung seiner zweiten Übernahmeofferte für FUJI SOFT vom 9. Januar 2025 bis zum 24. Januar 2025 angekündigt. Der Preis der Übernahmeofferte bleibt unverändert bei 9.451 Yen pro Stammaktie. Die Verlängerung zielt darauf ab, den Aktionären mehr Zeit für ihre Entscheidung zu geben, da sich der Aktienkurs von FUJI SOFT zuletzt über dem Angebotspreis gehalten hat.

KKR betonte sein Engagement für die Privatisierung von FUJI SOFT und erklärte, dass man das Angebot nicht zurückziehen werde. Das Unternehmen stellte die Durchführbarkeit des konkurrierenden Angebots von Bain Capital in Frage und wies darauf hin, dass Bain Capitals Vorschlag sich zu einem 'feindlichen Teilangebot' gewandelt hat, das auf 49,89% Eigentum abzielt. KKR enthüllte, dass die Gründungsgfamilie von FUJI SOFT am 27. Dezember 2024 über Nomura Securities eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen den drei Parteien (Gründungsgfamilie, KKR und Bain Capital) für die Privatisierung von FUJI SOFT vorgeschlagen hat.

  • KKR maintains its position as the largest shareholder of FUJI SOFT
  • Commitment to maintain the tender offer price at 9,451 yen per share
  • Strong backing from KKR to support FUJI SOFT's future growth through its global network
  • FUJI SOFT's current market price remains above the tender offer price
  • Competing bid from Bain Capital creating uncertainty
  • Extended tender offer period indicates potential challenges in securing shareholder approval


The extension of KKR's tender offer period for FUJI SOFT represents a complex tactical move in what has evolved into a high-stakes acquisition battle. The key dynamics revolve around three critical elements: KKR's maintained offer price of 9,451 yen per share, Bain Capital's competing interest and the strategic positioning of the founding family.

The market's current pricing above the tender offer suggests investors are anticipating a potential bidding war. However, KKR's position as the largest shareholder gives them significant leverage in blocking any competing privatization attempts. Their stated commitment to launch a new tender offer at the same price if the current one fails demonstrates strong strategic positioning and financial commitment.

The revelation about the founding family's attempt to broker a three-way collaboration through Nomura Securities indicates potential behind-the-scenes negotiations that could reshape the deal structure. This development, combined with Bain Capital's shift to a partial tender offer strategy, suggests the possibility of a negotiated resolution rather than a prolonged bidding war.

This situation exemplifies a sophisticated privatization strategy where KKR maintains control of the process while effectively neutralizing competitive threats. The extension to January 24, 2025, provides several strategic advantages: it allows time for market dynamics to stabilize, gives shareholders a longer evaluation period and potentially forces Bain Capital's hand regarding their true intentions.

KKR's explicit questioning of Bain Capital's ability to execute a competing offer is particularly noteworthy, highlighting potential barriers including confidentiality agreement complications and financing uncertainties. This public scrutiny of Bain's capability to deliver creates additional pressure while reinforcing KKR's position as the credible acquirer.

KKR Continues to Be Committed to FUJI SOFT’s Privatization; Will Not Withdraw its Second Tender Offer

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KKR, a leading global investment firm, announced today that in connection with the Second Tender Offer in its two-stage tender offer scheme (the “Tender Offer”) for the common shares and share options of FUJI SOFT INCORPORATED (“FUJI SOFT” or the “Company”; TSE stock code 9749) through FK Co., Ltd. (the “Offeror” or “FK Co.”), an entity owned by investment funds managed by KKR, the Offeror has submitted an amendment statement to the Tender Offer Registration Statement that was submitted on November 20, 2024 (including the matters amended in the amendment statement to the Tender Offer Registration Statement submitted on December 19, 2024) (the “Amendment Statement”).

Further Extension of Second Tender Offer

The Amendment Statement was submitted due to the Offeror’s decision to extend the end date of the tender offer period for the Second Tender Offer from January 9, 2025 to January 24, 2025. The tender offer price per common share will remain at 9,451 yen, and there is no change to the price that is being considered.

The extension of the tender offer period is intended to allow the Company’s shareholders and share option holders to make a considered decision, in light of the fact that as of January 9, 2025, the market price of the Company’s shares has stayed above the Second Tender Offer price while the market continues to digest the following announcements:

  • Bain Capital’s press releases dated December 11, 2024, December 18, 2024, and January 7, 2025;
  • FUJI SOFT’s press releases dated December 17, 2024, January 7, 2025, and January 8, 2025; and
  • The Offeror’s press release dated December 19, 2024 and January 6, 2025.

Doubts Regarding the Feasibility of Bain Capital's Tender Offer

Bain Capital waived the support of the Board of Directors of the Company as a condition precedent to the commencement of its tender offer and set a maximum number of shares to be purchased at 31,444,443 shares (ownership ratio: 49.89%) in the amendment to the terms of its tender offer on December 18, 2024. As a result, Bain Capital’s tender offer is no longer intended to take the Company private and has changed into a “hostile partial tender offer with the aim of seizing control of the company.” In addition, Bain Capital made it a condition precedent of their tender offer that the Second Tender Offer by the Offeror be unsuccessful or withdrawn, and Bain Capital has expressed its intention to commence its tender offer from late January 2025 or after.

FK Co., however, has no intention to withdraw the Second Tender Offer. Even in the scenario that the Second Tender Offer is not successful, FK Co., as the largest shareholder whose support is required in any privatization through a minority squeeze-out, remains committed to privatizing FUJI SOFT, and will conduct a new tender offer at the same tender offer price as that of the Tender Offer.

Given that the conditions required to fulfil Bain Capital’s tender offer will not occur, and accordingly the very low likelihood of FUJI SOFT changing its “Oppose” opinion for Bain Capital, the Offeror believes there will not be a tender offer by Bain Capital that investors can tender into.

This belief is supported by the fact that while Bain Capital stated on November 1, 2024 that it would commence its tender offer immediately upon obtaining the approval of FUJI SOFT, which was its outstanding condition precedent, it has not launched any tender offer after waiving this requirement on December 18, 2024. The Offeror logically concludes that if Bain Capital, with no outstanding conditions precedent to fulfil, has not launched an unsolicited tender offer as it said it would, it is because Bain Capital either has no actual intention to launch an unsolicited tender offer or that it is unable to do so, for reasons such as completing the appointment of a tender offer agent due to Bain Capital’s breach of its confidentiality agreement with FUJI SOFT or securing the necessary financial commitments including for the minority squeeze-out. Bain Capital has also not provided a reasonable explanation for why it has not commenced its unsolicited tender offer.

Founding Family and Bain Capital Reached Out to KKR to Propose Collaboration

Bain Capital stated in its press release dated January 7, 2025 that “upon consultation and negotiation with the shareholders of the Company, including FK Co., Ltd. and other shareholders of the Company, the Tender Offeror [Bain Capital] plans to commence the Tender Offer in late January 2025 or early February 2025, as soon as the disclosure documents are prepared.”

On December 27, 2024, Nomura Securities, the financial advisor to FUJI SOFT’s Founding Family, reached out to KKR on behalf of the Founding Family to propose that the three parties, specifically the Founding Family, the Offeror, and Bain Capital, could work together to take FUJI SOFT private.

KKR Continues to be Committed to FUJI SOFT’s Privatization

KKR continues to have strong regard for FUJI SOFT’s growth potential and intends to leverage KKR’s global network and resources and work together with FUJI SOFT’s management and employees to provide better services and solutions for customers and achieve further business growth and value creation for FUJI SOFT as well as for its stakeholders including management, employees, and customers after the privatization.

KKR believes that it is desirable for all stakeholders to see FUJI SOFT be taken private as soon as possible and to work on measures to enhance corporate value.

For details on the Amendment Statement, please refer to the release issued by the Offeror today titled “(Amendment) Notice Regarding Amendment to “Notice Regarding the Commencement of Tender Offer for the Shares of FUJI SOFT INCORPORATED (Securities Code: 9749) by FK Co., Ltd.” Following Submission of Amendment Statement to the Tender Offer Registration Statement by FK Co., Ltd.” (the “Amendment Release”).


This press release should be read in conjunction with the Amendment Release.

The purpose of this press release is to publicly announce an extension to the tender offer period for the Second Tender Offer and it has not been prepared for the purpose of soliciting an offer to sell or purchase in the Tender Offer. When making an application to tender, please be sure to read the relevant Tender Offer Explanatory Statement for the Tender Offer and make your own decision as a shareholder or share option holder. This press release does not constitute, either in whole or in part, a solicitation of an offer to sell or purchase any securities, and the existence of this press release (or any part thereof) or its distribution shall not be construed as a basis for any agreement regarding the Tender Offer, nor shall it be relied upon in concluding an agreement regarding the Tender Offer.

The Tender Offer will be conducted in compliance with the procedures and information disclosure standards set forth in Japanese law, and those procedures and standards are not always the same as the procedures and information disclosure standards in the U.S. In particular, neither sections 13(e) or 14(d) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (as amended; the same shall apply hereinafter) or the rules under these sections apply to the Tender Offer; and therefore the Tender Offer will not be conducted in accordance with those procedures and standards.

Unless otherwise specified, all procedures relating to the Tender Offer are to be conducted entirely in Japanese. All or a part of the documentation relating to the Tender Offer will be prepared in English; however, if there is any discrepancy between the English-language documents and the Japanese-language documents, the Japanese-language documents shall prevail.

This press release includes statements that fall under “forward-looking statements” as defined in section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Due to known or unknown risks, uncertainties or other factors, actual results may differ materially from the predictions indicated by the statements that are implicitly or explicitly forward-looking statements. Neither the Offeror nor any of its affiliates guarantee that the predictions indicated by the statements that are implicitly or expressly forward-looking statements will materialize. The forward-looking statements in this press release were prepared based on information held by the Offeror as of today, and the Offeror and its affiliates shall not be obliged to amend or revise such statements to reflect future events or circumstances, except as required by laws and regulations.

The Offeror, its financial advisors and the Tender Offer agent (and their respective affiliates) may purchase the common shares and share options of FUJI SOFT, by means other than the Tender Offer, or conduct an act aimed at such purchases, for their own account or for their client’s accounts, in the scope of their ordinary business and to the extent permitted under financial instrument exchange-related laws and regulations, and any other applicable laws and regulations in Japan, in accordance with the requirements of Rule 14e-5(b) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such purchases may be conducted at the market price through market transactions or at a price determined by negotiations off-market. In the event that information regarding such purchases is disclosed in Japan, such information will also be disclosed on the English website of the person conducting such purchases (or by any other method of public disclosure).

About KKR

KKR is a leading global investment firm that offers alternative asset management as well as capital markets and insurance solutions. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and supporting growth in its portfolio companies and communities. KKR sponsors investment funds that invest in private equity, credit and real assets and has strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR’s insurance subsidiaries offer retirement, life and reinsurance products under the management of Global Atlantic Financial Group. References to KKR’s investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds and insurance subsidiaries. For additional information about KKR & Co. Inc. (NYSE: KKR), please visit KKR’s website at For additional information about Global Atlantic Financial Group, please visit Global Atlantic Financial Group’s website at

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Media Contact

KKR Asia Pacific

Wei Jun Ong

+65 6922 5813

Source: KKR


What is the new deadline for KKR's Second Tender Offer for FUJI SOFT?

KKR has extended the Second Tender Offer deadline from January 9, 2025, to January 24, 2025.

What is the tender offer price per share in KKR's bid for FUJI SOFT?

KKR's tender offer price remains at 9,451 yen per common share.

How many shares is Bain Capital seeking to acquire in FUJI SOFT?

Bain Capital is seeking to acquire 31,444,443 shares, representing a 49.89% ownership ratio.

When did FUJI SOFT's Founding Family propose collaboration with KKR and Bain Capital?

On December 27, 2024, Nomura Securities, representing FUJI SOFT's Founding Family, reached out to KKR to propose collaboration between the three parties.

Will KKR withdraw its tender offer for FUJI SOFT?

No, KKR has explicitly stated it has no intention to withdraw its Second Tender Offer for FUJI SOFT.
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