Connecticut Jury Delivers $15 Million Asbestos Verdict Against Johnson & Johnson

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A Bridgeport jury has awarded $15 million to Evan Plotkin and his wife Martha Barry-Plotkin in a verdict against Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and several subsidiaries for damage linked to asbestos in the company's talc-based Baby Powder. Mr. Plotkin, diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2021, was exposed to J&J's product through personal use beginning in the 1950s and his children's use through the 2000s.

The jury awarded $15 million in compensatory damages and affirmed that punitive damages were justified, potentially increasing the final verdict amount. J&J subsidiaries Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT, and LTL were also defendants in the lawsuit. J&J withdrew its talc powder from North American sales in 2020.

Mr. Plotkin, an artist and father of three, is recognized for his transformative work in downtown Springfield, Mass., as founder of City Mosaic, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering the area's visual arts community.

Una giuria di Bridgeport ha assegnato 15 milioni di dollari a Evan Plotkin e sua moglie Martha Barry-Plotkin in una sentenza contro Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) e diverse sue filiali per danni legati all'amianto nel Baby Powder a base di talco dell'azienda. Il signor Plotkin, diagnosticato con mesotelioma nel 2021, è stato esposto al prodotto di J&J per uso personale a partire dagli anni '50 e all'uso dei suoi figli fino agli anni 2000.

La giuria ha assegnato 15 milioni di dollari come danni compensativi e ha dichiarato che i danni punitivi erano giustificati, aumentando potenzialmente l'importo finale della sentenza. Le filiali di J&J Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT e LTL erano anche esse convenute in giudizio. J&J ha ritirato il suo talco dalle vendite in Nord America nel 2020.

Il signor Plotkin, artista e padre di tre figli, è riconosciuto per il suo lavoro trasformativo nel centro di Springfield, Mass., come fondatore di City Mosaic, una non-profit dedicata a promuovere la comunità delle arti visive nella zona.

Un jurado de Bridgeport ha otorgado 15 millones de dólares a Evan Plotkin y su esposa Martha Barry-Plotkin en un veredicto contra Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) y varias subsidiarias por daños relacionados con el asbesto en el Baby Powder a base de talco de la compañía. El Sr. Plotkin, diagnosticado con mesotelioma en 2021, estuvo expuesto al producto de J&J a través de su uso personal desde la década de 1950 y el uso de sus hijos hasta la década de 2000.

El jurado otorgó 15 millones de dólares en daños compensatorios y afirmó que eran justificables daños punitivos, lo que podría aumentar la cantidad final del veredicto. Las subsidiarias de J&J Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT y LTL también fueron demandadas en la demanda. J&J retiró su talco de las ventas en América del Norte en 2020.

El Sr. Plotkin, un artista y padre de tres hijos, es reconocido por su trabajo transformador en el centro de Springfield, Mass., como fundador de City Mosaic, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a fomentar la comunidad de artes visuales en la zona.

브리지포트 배심원단은 1,500만 달러를 에반 플롯킨(Evan Plotkin)과 그의 아내 마사 배리-플롯킨(Martha Barry-Plotkin)에게 존슨 & 존슨(NYSE:JNJ) 및 여러 자회사에 대한 판결로 부여했습니다. 이들은 회사의 탈크 기반 베이비 파우더에서 발생한 석면 관련 손해와 관련이 있습니다. 플롯킨 씨는 2021년에 악성중피종 진단을 받았으며, 1950년대부터 개인 사용으로 J&J의 제품에 노출되었고, 2000년대까지 그의 자녀들도 사용했습니다.

배심원단은 1,500만 달러의 보상금을 판결했으며, 징벌적 손해배상이 정당하다고 확인하여 최종 판결 금액을 증가시킬 수 있습니다. J&J의 자회사인 켄뷰(Kenvue), 홀드코(Holdco), 페코스 리버(Pecos River), LLT 및 LTL도 소송의 피고인이었습니다. J&J는 2020년에 북미에서 탈크 파우더 판매를 중단했습니다.

플롯킨 씨는 세 자녀의 아버지이자 예술가로, 스프링필드 매사추세츠 시내에서 비영리 단체인 시티 모자이크(City Mosaic)의 설립자로서 지역 시각 예술 공동체를 육성하는 데 기여한 변혁적인 작업으로 인정받고 있습니다.

Un jury de Bridgeport a accordé 15 millions de dollars à Evan Plotkin et sa femme Martha Barry-Plotkin dans un verdict contre Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) et plusieurs filiales pour des dommages liés à l'amiante présents dans la poudre pour bébé à base de talc de l'entreprise. M. Plotkin, diagnostiqué avec un mésothéliome en 2021, a été exposé au produit de J&J par un usage personnel dès les années 1950 et par l'usage de ses enfants jusqu'aux années 2000.

Le jury a accordé 15 millions de dollars en dommages compensatoires et a affirmé que des dommages punitifs étaient justifiés, ce qui pourrait potentiellement augmenter le montant final du verdict. Les filiales de J&J Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT et LTL étaient également défenderesses dans le procès. J&J a retiré sa poudre de talc des ventes en Amérique du Nord en 2020.

M. Plotkin, un artiste et père de trois enfants, est reconnu pour son travail transformateur dans le centre-ville de Springfield, Massachusetts, en tant que fondateur de City Mosaic, une organisation à but non lucratif dédiée à promouvoir la communauté des arts visuels dans la région.

Eine Jury in Bridgeport hat 15 Millionen Dollar an Evan Plotkin und seine Frau Martha Barry-Plotkin in einem Urteil gegen Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) und mehrere Tochtergesellschaften aufgrund von Schäden, die mit Asbest im babypuderhaltigen Talkum des Unternehmens zusammenhängen, zugesprochen. Herr Plotkin, bei dem 2021 Mesotheliom diagnostiziert wurde, war seit den 1950er Jahren durch persönlichen Gebrauch und die Benutzung durch seine Kinder bis in die 2000er Jahre dem Produkt von J&J ausgesetzt.

Die Jury sprach 15 Millionen Dollar an Schadensersatz zu und bestätigte, dass auch punitive damages gerechtfertigt waren, was den endgültigen Urteilsspruch möglicherweise erhöhen könnte. Die Tochtergesellschaften von J&J, Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT und LTL, wurden ebenfalls als Beklagte genannt. J&J zog 2020 sein Talkum aus dem Verkauf in Nordamerika zurück.

Herr Plotkin, ein Künstler und Vater von drei Kindern, ist bekannt für seine transformative Arbeit in der Innenstadt von Springfield, Massachusetts, als Gründer von City Mosaic, einer Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich der Förderung der visuellen Kunstgemeinschaft in der Region widmet.

  • None.
  • Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) faces a $15 million verdict in an asbestos-related lawsuit
  • The jury affirmed that punitive damages were justified, potentially increasing the final verdict amount
  • J&J and several subsidiaries were found liable for damage linked to asbestos in talc-based Baby Powder
  • The company withdrew its talc powder from North American sales in 2020 due to safety concerns


This $15 million verdict against Johnson & Johnson in an asbestos-related case is a significant legal setback for the company. The jury's decision to award compensatory damages and affirm the justification for punitive damages could have far-reaching implications:

  • It sets a precedent for future talc-related lawsuits against J&J
  • The potential for additional punitive damages could substantially increase the financial impact
  • This verdict, combined with similar outcomes in other states, strengthens the plaintiffs' position in ongoing and future litigation

The case highlights J&J's ongoing legal challenges related to its talc products, which could lead to increased litigation costs and potential settlements. Investors should monitor how this verdict might influence J&J's legal strategy and financial provisions for talc-related liabilities going forward.

The $15 million verdict against Johnson & Johnson, while significant, needs to be contextualized within the company's overall financial position:

  • J&J's market cap of $353 billion suggests it can absorb this specific payout
  • However, the cumulative effect of multiple verdicts and potential punitive damages could become material
  • The company's decision to withdraw talc powder from North American markets in 2020 may mitigate future liabilities

Investors should focus on the potential for escalating legal costs and the impact on J&J's reputation. The company's ability to manage these liabilities while maintaining its financial health will be crucial. Long-term implications may include increased scrutiny of product safety across J&J's portfolio and potential impacts on consumer trust, which could affect sales and market share in various segments.

Dean Omar Branham Shirley attorneys secure verdict on behalf of Connecticut philanthropist and father

BRIDGEPORT, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A Bridgeport jury has awarded Evan Plotkin and his wife Martha Barry-Plotkin $15 million in a verdict against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and several subsidiaries for damage linked to asbestos in the company’s talc-based Baby Powder.

“This trial demonstrated once again that J&J knew its products would cause harm, but they chose to do the wrong thing time and time again,” said Mr. Plotkin’s attorney, Ben Braly of Dean Omar Branham Shirley LLP (DOBS). “We are devastated for the Plotkin family. No amount can ever make up for what Johnson & Johnson did to Evan.”

Mr. Plotkin, an artist and father of three, was diagnosed in 2021 with mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lungs tied to asbestos exposure. He was exposed to J&J’s product through personal use beginning in the 1950s and his children’s use through the 2000s. J&J withdrew its talc powder from North American sales in 2020.

“Johnson & Johnson has already issued a statement blaming the judge and the jury and reiterating its debunked theory that the product they sold to mothers, fathers and babies is safe. But this is now four different juries, in four different states, in front of four different judges making the exact same findings. At some point Johnson & Johnson and its decision makers are going to have to understand that it cannot be that they alone are right and everyone else is wrong,” said DOBS managing partner Trey Branham.

The jury awarded $15 million in compensatory damages and answered in the affirmative that punitive damages were justified, meaning the ultimate verdict amount could go higher. J&J subsidiaries Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT, and LTL also were defendants in the lawsuit.

Mr. Plotkin has been recognized for his transformative work in downtown Springfield, Mass., as founder of City Mosaic, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering and expanding the area’s visual arts community. In 2022, his impactful contributions earned "Citizen of the Year" recognition from the Springfield Regional Chamber.

The Plotkins were represented by Mr. Braly and Ethan Horn of Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP, and Brian Kenney of Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Mesienkothen, LLC.

The case is Evan Plotkin et al. v. Johnson & Johnson et al., case number FBT-CV-21-6109520-S, in the Bridgeport Judicial District of the Connecticut Superior Court.

About Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP
Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP is a nationally recognized trial firm that handles cases across the country for individuals who have suffered catastrophic injuries or have died as a result of the irresponsible conduct of others. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

BeLynn Hollers


Source: Dean Omar Branham Shirley, LLP


What was the verdict amount in the Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) asbestos lawsuit?

The jury awarded $15 million in compensatory damages to Evan Plotkin and his wife Martha Barry-Plotkin in the verdict against Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and several subsidiaries.

Why was Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) sued in this case?

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) was sued for damage linked to asbestos in the company's talc-based Baby Powder, which allegedly caused Evan Plotkin to develop mesothelioma.

When did Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) withdraw its talc powder from North American sales?

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) withdrew its talc powder from North American sales in 2020.

Which Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) subsidiaries were defendants in this lawsuit?

The Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) subsidiaries named as defendants in the lawsuit were Kenvue, Holdco, Pecos River, LLT, and LTL.

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