Employee Well-Being: Fostering a Great Place To Work at Jazz Pharmaceuticals

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Jazz Pharmaceuticals' 2023 Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Report highlights the company's commitment to employee well-being. The report outlines initiatives in financial, physical, mental, and emotional health. Key offerings include:

1. Competitive compensation with bonus plans and equity incentives
2. A global Employee Stock Purchase Plan
3. Comprehensive health benefits, including 25 therapy/coaching sessions annually
4. A Wellbeing Reimbursement Account, utilized by over 81% of eligible employees
5. Flexible work arrangements through 'Jazz Remix'

The company reports a decline in voluntary attrition from 13% to 7% and an 11% increase in job applications. A July 2023 survey showed high employee satisfaction with the Jazz Remix model, with 79% reporting improved overall satisfaction working at Jazz.

Il rapporto sulla sostenibilità aziendale e sull'impatto sociale 2023 di Jazz Pharmaceuticals evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda per il benessere dei dipendenti. Il rapporto delinea iniziative in ambito finanziario, fisico, mentale ed emotivo. Le principali offerte includono:

1. Retribuzione competitiva con piani bonus e incentivi azionari
2. Un piano globale di acquisto di azioni per i dipendenti
3. Vantaggi sanitari completi, che comprendono 25 sessioni di terapia/coach all'anno
4. Un conto di rimborso per il benessere, utilizzato da oltre l'81% dei dipendenti idonei
5. Modalità di lavoro flessibili attraverso 'Jazz Remix'

L'azienda riporta un declino dell'attrito volontario dal 13% al 7% e un aumento del 11% delle domande di lavoro. Un sondaggio di luglio 2023 ha mostrato un'elevata soddisfazione dei dipendenti per il modello Jazz Remix, con il 79% che riporta un miglioramento della soddisfazione generale nel lavorare in Jazz.

El informe de sostenibilidad corporativa e impacto social 2023 de Jazz Pharmaceuticals destaca el compromiso de la empresa con el bienestar de los empleados. El informe describe iniciativas en salud financiera, física, mental y emocional. Las ofertas clave incluyen:

1. Compensación competitiva con planes de bonificación e incentivos de acciones
2. Un Plan Global de Compra de Acciones para Empleados
3. Beneficios de salud integrales, que incluyen 25 sesiones de terapia/coaching al año
4. Una Cuenta de Reembolso para el Bienestar, utilizada por más del 81% de los empleados elegibles
5. Arreglos de trabajo flexibles a través de 'Jazz Remix'

La empresa informa de una reducción de la rotación voluntaria del 13% al 7% y un incremento del 11% en las solicitudes de empleo. Una encuesta de julio de 2023 mostró una alta satisfacción de los empleados con el modelo Jazz Remix, con el 79% informando de una mejora en la satisfacción general al trabajar en Jazz.

재즈 제약의 2023 기업 지속 가능성 및 사회적 영향 보고서는 직원 복지에 대한 회사의 약속을 강조합니다. 이 보고서는 재정적, 신체적, 정신적 및 정서적 건강에 대한 이니셔티브를 간략히 설명합니다. 주요 제공 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 보너스 계획 및 주식 인센티브가 포함된 경쟁력 있는 보상
2. 글로벌 직원 주식 구매 계획
3. 연간 25회의 치료/코칭 세션을 포함한 종합 건강 혜택
4. 81% 이상의 자격을 갖춘 직원이 사용 중인 웰빙 환급 계좌
5. 'Jazz Remix'를 통한 유연한 근무 형태

회사는 자발적인 이탈률이 13%에서 7%로 감소하고 직업 지원이 11% 증가했다고 보고합니다. 2023년 7월 설문 조사에서는 재즈 리믹스 모델에 대한 직원 만족도가 높았으며, 79%가 재즈에서 일하면서 전반적인 만족도가 향상되었다고 보고했습니다.

Le rapport 2023 sur la durabilité d'entreprise et l'impact social de Jazz Pharmaceuticals souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers le bien-être de ses employés. Le rapport décrit des initiatives dans les domaines de santé financière, physique, mentale et émotionnelle. Les principales offres comprennent :

1. Rémunération compétitive avec des plans de bonus et des incitations en actions
2. Un Plan d'Achat d'Actions pour les Employés à l'échelle mondiale
3. Des prestations de santé complètes, y compris 25 séances de thérapie/de coaching par an
4. Un Compte de Remboursement pour le Bien-être, utilisé par plus de 81 % des employés éligibles
5. Des aménagements de travail flexibles via 'Jazz Remix'

L'entreprise signale une baisse du taux de rotation volontaire de 13 % à 7 % et une augmentation de 11 % des demandes d'emploi. Une enquête menée en juillet 2023 a montré un taux élevé de satisfaction des employés avec le modèle Jazz Remix, 79 % signalant une amélioration de la satisfaction générale au travail chez Jazz.

Der Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Report 2023 von Jazz Pharmaceuticals hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter hervor. Der Bericht beschreibt Initiativen im Bereich finanzielle, körperliche, geistige und emotionale Gesundheit. Zu den wichtigsten Angeboten gehören:

1. Wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung mit Bonusplänen und Aktienanreizen
2. Ein globales Mitarbeiter-Aktienkaufprogramm
3. Umfassende Gesundheitsleistungen, einschließlich 25 Therapiesitzungen/Jahrescoachings
4. Ein Wellbeing-Rückerstattungskonto, das von über 81 % der berechtigten Mitarbeiter genutzt wird
5. Flexible Arbeitsmodelle durch 'Jazz Remix'

Das Unternehmen berichtet von einem Rückgang der freiwilligen Fluktuation von 13 % auf 7 % und einem 11 %igen Anstieg der Bewerbungen. Eine Umfrage im Juli 2023 ergab eine hohe Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit mit dem Jazz Remix-Modell, wobei 79 % eine verbesserte allgemeine Zufriedenheit bei der Arbeit bei Jazz angaben.

  • Decline in voluntary employee attrition rate from 13% to 7%
  • 11% increase in talent applying for roles at Jazz
  • Over 81% of eligible employees have claimed reimbursement for well-being expenses
  • 79% of employees reported improved overall satisfaction working at Jazz due to Remix program
  • 85% of full-time employees used the flexibility offered by Jazz Remix to work from home or off-site
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / Jazz Pharmaceuticals:

Caring for the needs of our employees helps foster and secure the talent we need to drive our business.

Originally published in Jazz Pharmaceuticals' 2023 Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Report


We have a strong commitment to provide a culture of care to our employees through a holistic approach focused on our employees' financial, physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. Our benefits and well-being offerings are designed to support our employees across each of these aspects, empowering them to choose the benefits that suit and benefit their personal well-being. We have a company-wide campaign called "Wellness Wednesdays" that is aimed at promoting well-being for all employees and we host both on-site and virtual opportunities for employees, to improve their health and wellbeing, including everything from in-office massage services to mental health related e-learning resources.


In addition to offering competitive base salaries, our compensation programs and practices are designed to support the financial well-being of our employees in multiple ways, including:

  • Cash Bonus Incentive Plans: All regular employees are eligible to participate in an annual global corporate bonus plan or a sales incentive plan, which rewards employees based on the company's achievement of pre-established annual goals (or sales targets in the case of sales incentive plans), as well as performance against their personal objectives.

  • Employee Equity Incentive Plans (EIP): All regular employees are eligible to receive equity incentive awards under the terms of our global EIP program, which fosters an ownership culture and provides employees with the opportunity to share in the long-term success they help create.

  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP): In 2023, Jazz updated its ESPP program to apply globally to eligible employees, providing them with the ability to purchase Jazz stock at a discounted rate.

  • Equity Retirement Program: We provide eligible employees who retire from Jazz with continued vesting of a portion of their unvested equity awards to help support and enhance their financial well-being into retirement.


Our well-being offerings are designed to be inclusive and promote choice for our employees to use these benefits in the way that best suits their lifestyle.

  • We offer access to the Lyra Employee Assistance Program to all employees with a strong emphasis on health and well-being, including up to 25 face-to-face therapy/coaching sessions a year for our employees and their families.

  • In 2023, we introduced a Wellbeing Reimbursement Account, which reimburses employees for a wide array of expenses that support their overall well-being, empowering them to choose what is most important to them. To date, over 81% of our eligible employees have claimed reimbursement for well-being expenses.

Over 81% of our eligible employees have claimed reimbursement for well-being expenses

  • We run a wide variety of individual, team and global corporate wellness challenges, engaging employees to actively participate in global well-being events.

  • Our paid leave and time-off policies assist our employees through varying stages of life, often above and beyond what is mandated by local regulations, including for new parents (irrespective of gender or how their family is created) and family caregivers, as well as for bereavement and employee medical leave.

  • Our flexible approach to work through Jazz Remix provides our employees with the ability to better balance and manage both work and home needs.


We continue to ensure proper workplace design with appropriate control measures implemented, such as personal protective equipment, contractor environmental, health and safety induction and compliance with relevant national and international health and safety standards, which help us create and sustain a safe workplace.

Our manufacturing and operations sites each have specific Environmental, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS) management systems, which apply to all employees and other persons (such as contractors) who may be affected by our activities. We track our health and safety key performance indicators monthly via cloud-based EHSS software.

Our manufacturing operations have Health and Safety Systems that are designed to fully comply with the requirements of the European Union Framework Directive for Health and Safety and to meet the requirements of section 6.4.6 of ISO 26000 (Labour Practices - Health and Safety at Work).

Offering Flexibility and Balance

We believe a flexible approach to balancing work and life benefits our employees and the company. In May 2022, we introduced Jazz Remix, which provides most employees with the flexibility to perform more individually oriented work from home and create their optimum routine to manage home and work commitments. Teams are empowered to meet periodically as needs require for collaboration and connection, and we leverage our office sites for in-person engagement. The power of flexibility builds a mutual trust and respect in all that we do.

Remote working is available for all employees where on-site presence is not essential to their role, which includes local and regional nuances to support flexible working in the way that is most appropriate for the local context. We are committed to a flexible working model that allows people to work from the location that best suits them, but also value the importance of meeting in person. To secure the benefits of remote working while recognizing the importance of in-person engagement, sites periodically hold connection events to offer in-person gathering opportunities. These connection events provide an opportunity for our employees to connect with leaders and their colleagues and engage in business updates and local activities to improve wellbeing. At the end of 2023, 85% of full-time employees used the flexibility offered by Jazz Remix to work from home or off-site. In July 2023, we ran a survey to assess the impacts of Jazz Remix a year from its introduction. The results provided insights into the positive impacts of the Jazz Remix model.

Since introducing Jazz Remix, our employee voluntary attrition rate has declined from 13% to 7% at the end of 2023. Based on feedback gathered from employee surveys and other sources, we believe this improvement is largely a result of the benefits of our flexible work model. We have seen an 11% increase in talent applying for roles at Jazz, with a particular increase in those applying for remote working roles, despite an overall lower number of vacancies, underscoring the role of Jazz Remix in supporting the attraction of high- performance talent.


79% My overall level of satisfaction of working at Jazz has improved as a result of Remix

78% Remix has improved the trust and empowerment to get work done in ways that meet my personal needs and those of the team/business

78% My overall sense of happiness has improved as a result of the way Jazz enables me to work

Results reference the Jazz Remix Employee Survey conducted in July 2023

Learn more about Jazz Pharmaceuticals commitment to progress, responsibility and innovation in its 2023 Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Report

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Jazz Pharmaceuticals on

Contact Info:

Spokesperson: Jazz Pharmaceuticals

SOURCE: Jazz Pharmaceuticals

View the original press release on


What is Jazz Pharmaceuticals' employee attrition rate after implementing Jazz Remix?

After implementing Jazz Remix, Jazz Pharmaceuticals' employee voluntary attrition rate declined from 13% to 7% at the end of 2023.

How many therapy/coaching sessions does Jazz Pharmaceuticals offer employees annually?

Jazz Pharmaceuticals offers up to 25 face-to-face therapy/coaching sessions a year for employees and their families through the Lyra Employee Assistance Program.

What percentage of Jazz Pharmaceuticals employees have used the Wellbeing Reimbursement Account?

Over 81% of eligible Jazz Pharmaceuticals employees have claimed reimbursement for well-being expenses through the Wellbeing Reimbursement Account.

How has the Jazz Remix program affected job applications at Jazz Pharmaceuticals?

Since introducing Jazz Remix, Jazz Pharmaceuticals has seen an 11% increase in talent applying for roles, particularly for remote working positions.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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