IPSEN: Description of the Regulatory Framework of the Share Repurchase Program Proposed by the Board of Directors to Be Approved at the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 May 2022 (17th Resolution)
On May 24, 2022, IPSEN proposed a share repurchase program to its shareholders, requesting authorization to repurchase up to 10% of its total shares (approx. 8.4M shares). The program aims to enhance market liquidity, retain shares for potential mergers or employee stock plans, and possibly cancel acquired shares. The maximum repurchase price is set at €200 per share, with a theoretical total of €1.68 billion dedicated to this initiative over 18 months. This authorization will replace a prior 2021 approval.
- Proposed repurchase of up to 10% of shares may enhance shareholder value.
- Aims to stimulate liquidity and support future corporate transactions.
- Potential cancellation of shares could increase EPS.
- None.
In accordance with the provisions of Article L.
Date of the Shareholders’ Meeting called to authorize the repurchase of IPSEN’s own shares
The authorization for the Company to repurchase its own shares is proposed to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting today,
Characteristics of the share repurchase program proposed to the approval of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting
The objectives of the share repurchase program to be proposed at the Shareholders’ Meeting today,24 May 2022 , are to:- Stimulate the secondary market or ensure the liquidity of IPSEN shares through the activities of an investment service provider in the form of a liquidity agreement compliant with the practices authorised under the regulations, it being specified that within this context, the number of shares used to calculate the above-mentioned limit corresponds to the number of shares purchased, decreased by the number of shares sold;
- Retain the purchased shares and subsequently deliver them for an exchange in the context of a merger, demerger or contribution or a payment related to possible external growth transactions;
- Ensure the hedging of stock option plans and/or free shares plans (or similar plans) in favor of Group employees and/or corporate officers (including affiliated companies or economic interest groups) as well as all allocations of shares under a Company or Group savings plan (or a similar plan), as part of the sharing of the Company’s profits and/or all other forms of allocation of shares to Group employees and/or corporate officers;
- Ensure the coverage of negotiable securities giving rights to the allocation of Company shares in accordance with the regulations in force;
- Possibly cancel acquired shares, in accordance with the authorization granted or to be granted by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.
- Characteristics:
These share purchases, sales, transfers or exchanges may be carried out by all means, including on the market or off-market, or by multilateral trading facilities or through systematic internalizers, or over-the-counter, including through the acquisition or sale of blocks of securities, and at any times as the Board shall see fit.
The Company would reserve the right to use options or derivative instruments in accordance with applicable regulations. The transactions could not be carried out during a public offer period initiated by a third party for the Company’s shares and until the end of the offer period.
- Maximum amount of share capital that could be acquired, maximum number and characteristics of the corresponding shares, maximum repurchase price:
The maximum percentage of shares that might be repurchased pursuant to the terms of the resolution proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting on
Since the Company is not allowed to hold more than
The maximum purchase price proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting today,
- Duration:
In accordance with the resolution proposed to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting to be held today,
This authorization will cancel and supersede the previous authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting on
The present publication is available on the Company’s website (www.ipsen.com).
Ipsen is a global, mid-sized biopharmaceutical company focused on transformative medicines in Oncology, Rare Disease and Neuroscience. With Specialty Care sales of
Société anonyme with a share capital of
Registered office: 65 quai
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Source: IPSEN