SK hynix to Showcase Next-generation Technology At FMS 2024

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SK hynix Inc. announced its participation in FMS 2024, a global semiconductor memory event in Santa Clara, California, from August 6-8. The company will showcase advancements in memory technologies and present its future visions in the AI space. Key highlights include:

1. A keynote speech on "AI Memory & Storage Solution Leadership and Vision for AI Era"
2. Display of next-generation AI memory products, including 12-layer HBM3E and 321-high NAND
3. Demonstration of customer systems featuring SK hynix's flagship products
4. Sponsorship of the FMS Super Women Conference to promote diversity in the industry

SK hynix aims to promote its leadership in AI memory solutions and showcase its technological competitiveness in the global market.

SK hynix Inc. ha annunciato la sua partecipazione all'FMS 2024, un evento globale dedicato alla memoria dei semiconduttori che si terrà a Santa Clara, in California, dal 6 all'8 agosto. L'azienda presenterà i progressi nelle tecnologie di memoria e condividerà le sue visioni future nel settore dell'intelligenza artificiale. I punti salienti includono:

1. Un discorso principale su "Leadership e Visione delle Soluzioni di Memoria e Archiviazione AI per l'Era dell'AI"
2. Esposizione di prodotti di memoria AI di nuova generazione, tra cui HBM3E a 12 strati e NAND ad alta capacità 321
3. Dimostrazione di sistemi per clienti che presentano i prodotti di punta di SK hynix
4. Sponsorizzazione della FMS Super Women Conference per promuovere la diversità nel settore

SK hynix punta a rafforzare la propria leadership nelle soluzioni di memoria AI e a dimostrare la propria competitività tecnologica nel mercato globale.

SK hynix Inc. anunció su participación en FMS 2024, un evento global de memoria de semiconductores que se llevará a cabo en Santa Clara, California, del 6 al 8 de agosto. La empresa mostrará avances en tecnologías de memoria y presentará sus visiones futuras en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

1. Un discurso principal sobre "Liderazgo y Visión de Soluciones de Memoria y Almacenamiento AI para la Era de la AI"
2. Exhibición de productos de memoria AI de próxima generación, incluyendo HBM3E de 12 capas y NAND de 321 alturas
3. Demostración de sistemas para clientes con los productos insignia de SK hynix
4. Patrocinio de la FMS Super Women Conference para promover la diversidad en la industria

SK hynix tiene como objetivo promover su liderazgo en soluciones de memoria AI y mostrar su competitividad tecnológica en el mercado global.

SK hynix Inc.는 8월 6일부터 8일까지 캘리포니아 산타클라라에서 열리는 글로벌 반도체 메모리 행사인 FMS 2024에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 메모리 기술의 발전을 선보이고 인공지능 분야의 미래 비전을 제시할 것입니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. "AI 메모리 및 저장 솔루션 리더십과 AI 시대를 위한 비전"에 대한 기조 연설
2. 12층 HBM3E 및 321층 NAND를 포함한 차세대 AI 메모리 제품 전시
3. SK hynix의 주력 제품을 특징으로 하는 고객 시스템 시연
4. 업계 다양성 증진을 위한 FMS Super Women Conference 후원

SK hynix는 AI 메모리 솔루션에서의 리더십을 홍보하고 글로벌 시장에서의 기술 경쟁력을 보여줄 계획입니다.

SK hynix Inc. a annoncé sa participation à FMS 2024, un événement mondial sur la mémoire des semi-conducteurs qui se tiendra à Santa Clara, en Californie, du 6 au 8 août. L'entreprise mettra en avant les avancées dans les technologies de mémoire et présentera ses visions futures dans le domaine de l'IA. Les points clés incluent :

1. Un discours principal sur "Leadership et Vision des Solutions de Mémoire et de Stockage pour l'Ère de l'IA"
2. Exposition de produits de mémoire IA de nouvelle génération, y compris HBM3E à 12 couches et NAND de 321 hauteurs
3. Démonstration de systèmes clients mettant en vedette les produits phares de SK hynix
4. Parrainage de la FMS Super Women Conference pour promouvoir la diversité dans l'industrie

SK hynix vise à promouvoir son leadership dans les solutions de mémoire IA et à démontrer sa compétitivité technologique sur le marché mondial.

SK hynix Inc. kündigte seine Teilnahme an der FMS 2024 an, einer globalen Veranstaltung für Halbleiterspeicher in Santa Clara, Kalifornien, vom 6. bis 8. August. Das Unternehmen wird Fortschritte in der Speichertechnologie präsentieren und seine zukünftigen Visionen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz vorstellen. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

1. Eine Grundsatzrede zum Thema "Führung und Vision von KI-Speicher- und Speicherlösungen für das KI-Zeitalter"
2. Ausstellung von Speicherprodukten der nächsten Generation mit 12-lagigem HBM3E und 321-lagigem NAND
3. Demonstration von Kundensystemen mit den Spitzenprodukten von SK hynix
4. Sponsoring der FMS Super Women Conference zur Förderung der Vielfalt in der Branche

SK hynix zielt darauf ab, seine Führungsposition bei KI-Speicherlösungen zu stärken und seine technologische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf dem globalen Markt zu demonstrieren.

  • Planned mass production of 12-layer HBM3E in Q3 2024
  • Scheduled shipment of 321-high NAND from H1 2025
  • Strong partnerships with leading technology companies
  • Expanding product portfolio to include integrated AI memory solutions
  • None.
  • To display AI memory product portfolio, introduce vision through keynote speech
  • Key female leader to speak on role of diversity for technological innovation
  • To promote stronger leadership in AI with competitiveness in integrated solutions

SEOUL, South korea, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SK hynix Inc. (or "the company", announced today it will participate in FMS 2024, a global semiconductor memory event taking place in Santa Clara, California, from August 6th through August 8th to showcase advancements in its memory technologies and products and present its future visions in the AI space.

The Future Memory and Storage, formerly known as the Flash Memory Summit for NAND providers mainly, was rebranded this year to invite a wider range of participants including DRAM and storage providers amid growing interest in AI technology.

SK hynix said that it will expand the scope of participation this year through not only display of the products, but also delivering keynote speech to introduce its future visions.

The company plans to take full advantage of the event to promote its competitiveness leading the AI memory solution industry as it did with the announcement of the development of the industry's highest 321-layer NAND at FMS last year.

Opening the event will be a keynote speech by Unoh Kwon, Head of HBM Process Integration and Chunsung Kim, Head of SSD PMO, at SK hynix, on "AI Memory & Storage Solution Leadership and Vision for AI Era." The two executives will introduce the company's DRAM and NAND product portfolios and AI memory solutions optimized for AI implementation, respectively.

At the event, SK hynix will display the samples of the next-generation AI memory products such as the 12-layer HBM3E, expected to be mass produced in the third quarter, and 321-high NAND planned to be shipped from the first half of next year.

The company will also display the systems of customers completed with its flagship products to show its strong partnership with the world's biggest technology companies.

In a bid to show its commitment to diversity, SK hynix has also decided to sponsor the FMS Super Women Conference taking on the sidelines of the event to encourage prominent female leaders in the memory industry. Haesoon Oh, Head of NAND Advanced Process Integration and the company's first female executive-level fellow researcher, will make a presentation on the role of diversity for SK hynix's future technology innovation.

"With the AI era opening in full, the importance of memory solutions, a combination of multiple products to increase performance, instead of single DRAM and NAND products, is growing," said Justin Kim, President and the Head of AI Infra at SK hynix. "At the FMS, we will imprint our competitiveness and technological leadership in the global market."

About SK hynix Inc.

SK hynix Inc., headquartered in Korea, is the world's top tier semiconductor supplier offering Dynamic Random Access Memory chips ("DRAM"), flash memory chips ("NAND flash") and CMOS Image Sensors ("CIS") for a wide range of distinguished customers globally. The Company's shares are traded on the Korea Exchange, and the Global Depository shares are listed on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange. Further information about SK hynix is available at,

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SOURCE SK hynix Inc.


What new products will SK hynix showcase at FMS 2024?

SK hynix will showcase samples of next-generation AI memory products, including the 12-layer HBM3E and 321-high NAND at FMS 2024.

When is SK hynix planning to start mass production of 12-layer HBM3E?

SK hynix is expected to start mass production of 12-layer HBM3E in the third quarter of 2024.

What is the theme of SK hynix's keynote speech at FMS 2024?

The keynote speech by SK hynix executives is titled "AI Memory & Storage Solution Leadership and Vision for AI Era."

How is SK hynix promoting diversity at FMS 2024?

SK hynix is sponsoring the FMS Super Women Conference and featuring a presentation by Haesoon Oh, their first female executive-level fellow researcher, on the role of diversity in technology innovation.



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