Media Advisory: HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding to Christen Arkansas (SSN 800)
HII's Newport News Shipbuilding division will christen the Virginia-class submarine Arkansas (SSN 800) on December 7. The event will be livestreamed at A media preview day is scheduled for December 6, offering opportunities to speak with NNS and Navy leadership, Arkansas shipbuilders, and the submarine's sponsors. Arkansas represents the 27th Virginia-class submarine, recognized as the world's most advanced attack submarine with enhanced firepower, maneuverability, and stealth capabilities. Newport News Shipbuilding is one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines for the U.S. Navy.
La divisione Newport News Shipbuilding di HII battezzerà il sottomarino della classe Virginia Arkansas (SSN 800) il 7 dicembre. L'evento sarà trasmesso in diretta su Un giorno di anteprima per i media è programmato per il 6 dicembre, offrendo opportunità di dialogo con i leader di NNS e della Marina, i costruttori della Arkansas e i sostenitori del sottomarino. La Arkansas rappresenta il 27º sottomarino della classe Virginia, riconosciuto come il sottomarino d'attacco più avanzato al mondo, dotato di una potenza di fuoco, manovrabilità e capacità stealth migliorate. Newport News Shipbuilding è uno dei soli due cantieri in grado di progettare e costruire sottomarini a propulsione nucleare per la Marina degli Stati Uniti.
La división de Newport News Shipbuilding de HII bautizará el submarino de clase Virginia Arkansas (SSN 800) el 7 de diciembre. El evento se transmitirá en vivo en Se ha programado un día de presentación para los medios para el 6 de diciembre, ofreciendo oportunidades para hablar con los líderes de NNS y la Marina, los constructores del Arkansas y los patrocinadores del submarino. El Arkansas representa el 27º submarino de clase Virginia, reconocido como el submarino de ataque más avanzado del mundo con capacidades mejoradas de potencia de fuego, maniobrabilidad y sigilo. Newport News Shipbuilding es uno de los únicos dos astilleros capaces de diseñar y construir submarinos nucleares para la Marina de los EE. UU.
HII의 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소가 12월 7일 버지니아급 잠수함 아칸소 (SSN 800)의 기념식을 올립니다. 이 이벤트는에서 생중계됩니다. 미디어 미리보기일은 12월 6일로 예정되어 있으며, NNS 및 해군 리더십, 아칸소 조선소 직원 및 잠수함 후원자들과 대화할 기회를 제공합니다. 아칸소는 세계에서 가장 진보된 공격 잠수함으로 인정받는 27번째 버지니아급 잠수함으로, 향상된 화력, 기동성 및 은폐 능력을 갖추고 있습니다. 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소는 미국 해군을 위한 핵잠수함을 설계하고 건조할 수 있는 두 개의 조선소 중 하나입니다.
La division Newport News Shipbuilding de HII baptisera le sous-marin de classe Virginia Arkansas (SSN 800) le 7 décembre. L'événement sera diffusé en direct sur Une journée de présentation pour les médias est prévue le 6 décembre, offrant des opportunités de dialogue avec les dirigeants de NNS et de la Marine, les bâtisseurs de l'Arkansas et les sponsors du sous-marin. Le Arkansas représente le 27e sous-marin de classe Virginia, reconnu comme le sous-marin d'attaque le plus avancé au monde, avec des capacités de puissance de feu, de manœuvrabilité et de furtivité améliorées. Newport News Shipbuilding est l'un des deux seuls chantiers capables de concevoir et de construire des sous-marins nucléaires pour la Marine américaine.
Die Newport News Shipbuilding-Abteilung von HII wird am 7. Dezember die Virginia-Klasse U-Boot Arkansas (SSN 800) taufen. Die Veranstaltung wird live unter übertragen. Ein Medientag ist für den 6. Dezember geplant, der Gelegenheiten bietet, mit der NNS- und Marineführung, den Bauleuten der Arkansas und den Sponsoren des U-Bootes zu sprechen. Die Arkansas ist das 27. U-Boot der Virginia-Klasse und gilt als das fortschrittlichste Angriffs-U-Boot der Welt mit verbesserter Feuerkraft, Manövrierfähigkeit und Stealth-Fähigkeiten. Newport News Shipbuilding ist eines von nur zwei Werften, die in der Lage sind, atomgetriebene U-Boote für die US Navy zu entwerfen und zu bauen.
- Newport News Shipbuilding maintains strategic position as one of only two shipyards capable of building nuclear submarines for U.S. Navy
- Continued execution of Virginia-class submarine program with 27th vessel
- None.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
What: | HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) division will christen the Virginia-class submarine Arkansas (SSN 800) on Saturday, Dec. 7.This event is NOT open to the public but will be livestreamed: Media members are invited to the event and to visit the site Friday, Dec. 6 in advance of the ceremony. |
Who: | The media preview day on Friday, Dec. 6 will provide an opportunity to speak with NNS and Navy leadership regarding their participation in the event, as well as Arkansas shipbuilders and the submarine’s sponsors, members of the Little Rock Nine. |
When: | Media preview day |
Friday, Dec. 6 | |
10:00 a.m. | |
Media check-in: 9:15 a.m. | |
Christening ceremony | |
Saturday, Dec. 7 | |
11 a.m. | |
Media check-in: 10:00 a.m. | |
Where: | Media will park at VASCIC (2401 West Avenue, Newport News, Virginia 23607) both days and be escorted and transported by bus to and from the event site. See directions below. |
RSVP: | Confirmation of media attendance is required. Please RSVP by noon on Wednesday, Dec. 4. You must present a photo ID and be a U.S. citizen to be admitted to the events. Please RSVP to: |
Todd Corillo | | | |
(757) 688-3220 | |
Please note that because this is an industrial setting, long pants and flat, sturdy, closed-toe shoes are required. | |
Details: | Arkansas is the 27th Virginia-class submarine. Virginia-class submarines are the most advanced attack submarines in the world. The advanced capabilities of these ships increase firepower, maneuverability and stealth. NNS is one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines for the U.S. Navy. |
A webcast of the Saturday ceremony will be provided at | |
Directions to media parking: | |
• From West Avenue, turn into the VASCIC complex at the sign. | |
• For media preview day on Dec. 6, follow this road past the main entrance doors of VASCIC (on your right) and into the parking garage. Upon entering the parking garage, marked spaces will be reserved for media on the left. | |
• For ceremony day on Dec. 7, please park in the exterior visitor spaces on both sides immediately in front of the VASCIC building. | |
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.
As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
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When will HII christen the submarine Arkansas (SSN 800)?
What type of submarine is the Arkansas (SSN 800) built by HII?